Emotional Regulation and Psychological Well-Being in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus
Emotional Regulation and Psychological Well-Being in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus
Emotional Regulation and Psychological Well-Being in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This study aims to determine the relationship effects with several levels of age such as children, adults,
between emotional regulation and the psychological and the elderly. The psychological effects experienced
well-being of diabetes mellitus patients in Yogyakarta, include symptoms of depression, anxiety disorders, eating
Indonesia. A total of 53 patients with diabetes mellitus disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge
participated in this study. This research uses the eating disorders, there also severe mental illness like
quantitative method. Psychological Well-being Scale obesity and cardiovascular disease. This consists of
and Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) is used to research conducted by Hacket and Stepto (2017) which
measure the variables. Statistical analysis showed that states that physical or biological changes will affect stress
emotion regulation had a positive significant correlation levels, which are exacerbated by unhealthy behaviors such
with psychological well-being. Coefficient correlation as poor diet, little physical activity, and non-compliance in
between emotion regulation and psychological well- taking medication.
being of r = 0.771 with p = 0.000 (p< 0.01). The
relationship between the two variables showed that the As revealed by Ross (2008), individuals who suffer
higher the emotion regulation score, the higher the from severe illness usually go through several stages to
psychological well-being level. successfully accept and make peace with the circumstances
experienced. These stages include denial reaction, in this
Keywords:- Emotional Regulation, Psychological Well- case, individuals tend to reject themselves experiencing
being, Diabetes Mellitus chronic diseases. After that, the stage of anger, where the
individual often wondering about why he had a serious
I. INTRODUCTION illness and was busy looking who is to blame. The third
stage is the stage of bargaining, in this stage, the individual
Referred to as a silent killer disease (Todkar, 2016), usually offers something as compensation to God so that
diabetes mellitus is a disease that sometimes doesn’t individuals can survive and live longer with the disease.
consider as a big problem. As a result, people with diabetes Stage the next is the stage of depression, where at this stage
mellitus didn’t notice that self-management and self- individuals sometimes refuse support from the environment
treatment are important things to do. This causes the effects regarding the disease. The four stages will be directing the
of the disease is getting worse. Diabetics in Indonesia individual towards the last stage, namely acceptance. At the
continue to increase every year. According to data from the stage acceptance, the individual is aware of his illness so
International Diabetes Federation states that in 2015 the that he is slowly able to deal with the situation.
number of diabetes patients in Indonesia reached 10 million
(Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2016). In The stages that appear in patients with chronic
Yogyakarta, data is obtained from Ngaglik 1 Community diseases cause emotional and psychological problems in
Health Centre located in Sleman district, it shows that the individuals. This is consists of research by Jimenez, Niles,
number of patients with diabetes mellitus in 2017 is 1005, Park (2010) that the level of acceptance associated with the
of which this number increased from the previous year level of emotion and mood regulation. Tiwari (2015) states
which amounted to 833 people. This data will continue that individuals survive against chronic diseases usually
increasing and the estimated number of diabetics in experience emotional disorders as an effect of pain, feeling
Indonesia will reach 21.3 million in 2030. hopeless, and lack of concern for people around them. After
that, he also appears feeling anxious, scared, and depressed
Diabetes Mellitus is a degenerative disease, in which due to the need to regulate daily behavior day. This
patients will decrease conditions over time. This makes the phenomenon is called diabetes distress (Fisher, Hessler,
patient diabetes mellitus tends to experience negative Polonsky, Strycker, Guzman, Bowyer, Blumer, and
emotions before being able to deal with the conditions. In Masharani, 2018). In that research similarly, the results
research conducted by de Groot, Golden, and Wagner obtained in the form of high diabetes distress are often
(2016), there were several psychological issues experienced influenced by poor emotional regulation so that it
by people with diabetes mellitus with several levels of age influences self-control and control metabolism that can
such as children, adults, and the elderly. The psychological affect blood sugar levels.
Category Norm Formula Total % Emotional regulation is the ability or strategy that an
Very low x < 51 7 13,21 individual has for maintaining and strengthen positive
Low 51 ≤ x < 54 13 24,53 emotions and reduce negative emotions (Gross, 2003).
Medium 54 ≤ x < 55 13 24,53 Individuals who have good emotional regimes are better
High 55 ≤ x < 57,20 10 18,87 able to keep feeling calm down and have a more positive
Very high X ≥ 57,20 10 18,87 life. The research conducted by Nelis, Weytens, and Dupuis
Total 53 100% (2011) shows that developing emotional competence can
Table 1:- The Psychological Well-Being Scale Samples bring more positive changes to psychological well-being,
subjective health, quality of social relations and
Category Norm Formula Total % workability. Therefore, individuals with good regulations
Very low x < 35,6 10 18,87 will have good psychological well-being.
Low 35,6 ≤ x < 39 5 9,43
The results of the research conducted by Liliana and
Medium 39 ≤ x <41,4 17 32,07
Nicoleta (2014) also prove that emotional stability can
High 41,4 ≤ x < 42 0 0
affect well-being in four dimensions, namely positive
Very high X ≥ 42 21 39,62 affects, negative affects, emotional distress, and life
Total 53 100% satisfaction. Emotional regulation refers to the ability of
Table 2:- The Emotional Regulation Scale Samples someone to understand and accept his emotional
experience, everyone must have a healthy strategy in
According to the research result, there is a level of managing emotions that are not good in order to be able to
categorization of emotional regulation and psychological engage inappropriate behavior. While well-being includes
well-being. The categorization of emotional regulation mental health (mind) and physical health (body) which can
measures is divided into five. In table 2 shows that 18.87% be used as disease prevention and health promotion
of the subjects belong to the very low category, 9.43% of (Verma, Totuka, & Gaur, 2014).
the subjects classified as low, 32.07% of the subjects
classified as moderate, and 39.62% of the subjects Patients with diabetes mellitus will experience many
classified as very high. In table 1 which shows the changes in life. Existence these changes make the patient
categorization of psychological well-being, as many as must be able to adapt in order to accept the situation.
13.21% of the subjects belong to the low category, 24.53% However, the stage of acceptance in patients with chronic
of the subjects belong to the low and medium categories, disease is not easy. That matter according to Ross (2008)
18.87% of the subjects belong to the high and very high statement which states that individuals suffer severe illness
categories. usually through several stages to successfully accept and
make peace with the circumstances experienced. Moreover,
PWB patients with diabetes mellitus are prone to experience
Spearman's Emotional Correlation ,771** negative emotions that will affect the patient's
rho Regulation Coefficient psychological well-being.
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 53 In this study, it was found that cognitive reappraisal
Table 3:- The Test of Correlation between Emotional had a relationship stronger with psychological well-being
Regulation and Psychological Well-Being compared to expressive suppression. A cognitive
reappraisal is a cognitive form that has the potential to
The results of data processing with the Spearman change emotions in accordance with the thoughts of
correlation test on 53 diabetes mellitus patients using SPSS, individuals. Changes in conditions experienced by patients
showed that emotional regulation and psychological well- with diabetes mellitus will make patients more often feel
being were significantly positively correlated (p <0.05) negative emotions for the events experienced. Therefore, a
with a value of p = 0,000. The level of relationship or positive cognitive reaction can change diabetic patients'
correlation between emotional regulation variables and thoughts about negative emotions are felt to be emotions
psychological health is forceful within a value of r = 0.771. more positive in interpreting problems or changes
The relationship between the two variables is emotional experienced. Positive reappraisal also will make patients
and psychological regulation, also has a unidirectional with diabetes mellitus focus more on positive aspects of
relationship. That means that the higher the emotional changes due to pain experience.
regulation of diabetes mellitus patients, the higher the
psychological well-being of these patients.