A Phenomenological Study of TH Passers and NonPassers in The Licensure Examination For Teachers
A Phenomenological Study of TH Passers and NonPassers in The Licensure Examination For Teachers
A Phenomenological Study of TH Passers and NonPassers in The Licensure Examination For Teachers
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The delivery of quality education is gauge The Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and
with the performance of the graduates in the licensure Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) has considered
examination. In the field of education, the Licensure the LET as one of the factors that influence the quality of
Examination for Teachers (LET) is a tool which assesses teachers and teaching in the country. The performance in
the preparedness of teacher education graduate to LET has been also identified as one of the output indicators
practice the profession. This study explored the lived in the Normative Financing Scheme in determining the
experiences of the passers and non-passers in the financial allocations given to State Universities and Colleges
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) of the (DBM-CHED, 2004). The LET performance is also a
Bukidnon State University education graduates from significant criterion in the awarding of the Center of
the main campus, external centers, and the Certificate Development (COD) and Center of Excellence (COE) by
of Teaching who took the professional education units the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to Higher
during the years 2016-2018. The experiences of the Education Institutions (HEIs) curricular programs. This is
LET-takers with the internal stakeholders and external the reason the HEIs are compelled and reinforced to strive
stakeholders were disclosed. The qualitative and demonstrate excellence in the licensure examination. In
phenomenological descriptive method of Creswell response to the reports about the deteriorating quality of
(2013) was used in this study. Interviews and focus teacher education graduates, as reflected in PRC-LET
group discussion were conducted to gather the data and results, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has
analyzed using Colaizzi (1978) as cited by Morrow and issued the “Revised Policies and Standards for
King (2015). The total participants of the study were the Undergraduate Teacher Education Curriculum”
36 LET-takers comprised the 18 passers and 18 non- (Memorandum Order No. 30, Series of 2004).
passers with two (2) sampled participants from each
group. There were six (6) emergent themes transpired Statistics retrieved from PRC (2019) showed that the
from the experiences of the passers and non-passers in LET performance of the education graduates of Bukidnon
LET with the internal stakeholders and the external State University (BukSU) for the last three years was below
stakeholders. These were engaging to self-directed the national passing percentage. The highest national
undertakings; demonstrating teaching credibility; passing rate for BEE was 30.18%, which was last
institutional commitment for quality education; September 2016, while the BSE was 48.03% for the
imparting kin-based social support; exhibiting September 2018 result. Further, the LET performance of the
capability and quality; and extending non-kin based BEE and BSE first-time takers averaged to 51% and 49.50%
social support. An intervention plan to address the in March 2018 and in September 2018, respectively. It
areas of concern of the non-passers was designed. showed that 50% of the first-time LET takers passed while
the other 50% were unsuccessful.
Keywords:- Phenomenology, Licensure Examination for
Teachers (LET), Passers, Non-Passers. It is alarming in the case of the repeaters that 84% of
BEE and 83% of BSE LET examinees pulled down the
I. INTRODUCTION national passing percentage of the university. Fortunately,
one of the first-time takers top the examination in the
Licensure examination is an essential requirement to September 2018 national result, which gives the university
practice one's profession. It is a primary standard to become the honor and the integrity to produce quality graduates. The
a recognized professional in her/his field of expertise. The university did not stop trying its best to deliver quality
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) is required for education; in fact, it yields topnotchers from the previous
every graduate of a teacher education course to practice the years 2004, 2010, 2017, 2018, and 2019.
teaching profession. More importantly, passing the LET
indicates a competitive edge over those who are non-LET It is noteworthy that the LET-takers had different
passers. Determinant to teachers' competence and safe job experiences as recipients of the college's initiatives and
performance is the LET performance. The teachers are intervention programs to prepare them for the exam.
regarded job-ready after passing the LET, as it confirms Moreover, they may have experienced other factors that
effectiveness and efficiency on the competencies of were contributory to their passing or failing the exam. Such
pedagogical content knowledge and skills that a teacher factors could be in the cognitive, psycho-emotional, social,
must possess. and physical preparations. Hence, this study explores the
experiences of the passers and non-passers in LET.
Specifically, it aimed to (1) uncover the experiences of Further, the NASEM (2019) indicated that most web
the passers and non-passers in Licensure Examination for navigational software systems include search engines that
Teachers (LET) with the Internal Stakeholders (i.e. LET- allow the user to find information or sites by topic area.
takers, instructors, and administration) and External Surfing for information on the Web needs to be done
Stakeholders (i.e. family, resource persons, and other carefully compared to a literature search for library
stakeholders (2) design an intervention plan to improve the references. The Web holds a massive probability in
performance of the graduates in the Licensure Examination providing access to information. However, much of the
for Teachers (LET). information available may not have been reviewed for
quality or reliability.
Legal Bases of the Licensure Examination for Teachers
(LET) The study of Sahin et al. (2010) states that the Internet
The Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) is a is a significant and indispensable source for students. With
mandatory appraisal of professional teachers. It is mandated this, the issue of whether the referenced source is
by RA 7836 to fortify the directive and supervision of the trustworthy and, or credible has also been raised. There is no
Practice of Teaching in the Philippines. It is also prescribing control over any specific piece of information published
a Licensure Examination for Teachers and Other Purposes. through the Web, in opposition to the scientific and
The LET examination for the elementary level includes the professional journals published by the scientific institutions,
General Education (GE) courses and the Professional business world, and the organizations known to the public.
Education courses, while the examination for the secondary Additionally, other journals and books issued by
levels comprises three (3) components, general education, commercial organizations do not have a control unit,
professional education, and field of specialization. including editors and referees. Accordingly, many of the
sites on the Internet enable anybody to submit any kind of
The examination consists of multiple-choice type of information that does not undergo monitoring. Further,
questions with four (4) alternatives that lasts from five and a many of the sites known as reliable have restricted access
half to nine hours. The elementary and secondary levels for commercial purposes or security requirements (IP
must attain an average rating of 75%, with no rating of 50% restriction, membership). Thus, this limits the accessibility
or below in the component subjects. For the elementary of students and denies them of these sites.
level, 40% of the general rating comes from General
Education, and 60% from the Professional Education. An Prior research ascertains that students could recall the
average rating of 20% from the General Education, 40% main ideas despite the text type, but they could recall key
from Professional Education, and 40% from Field of points connected to the main idea and other relevant
Specialization, for the Secondary level, (retrieved from PRC concepts when reading print better (Singer & Alexander,
website). 2016). Similarly, Jeong (2012) showed that higher quiz
scores indicate better comprehension in print-based texts.
Experiences of the Passers and Non-Passers in the Students also reported that eye fatigue and strain were more
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) significant when reading e-texts. Further, Jabr (2013)
The National Academies of Sciences Engineering asserted that eye fatigue causes decrease in concentration. It
Medicine (NASEM) (2019) cited that the Internet is a high- can also be a barrier to successful e-text-based learning, as
speed electronic communication that links local, regional, screens strain the eyes and cause headaches.
and national networks. It allows individuals to access each
other's computers for speedy communication or information There were various studies conducted on the
retrieval. It means that students are no longer restricted from relationship between academic achievements to the LET
information, which was only supplied by textbooks and performance of the graduates in education. Pachejo and
printed materials in libraries before. Students can "search" Allaga (2013) studied the academic predictors of the
on the World Wide Web for articles on specific topics or education graduates in Rizal Technological University in the
topical compilations of materials for research. LET performance. They established that there is a direct
connection between the general LET scores and the three
academic courses, such as general education, professional
education courses, and specialization.
There were already several studies undertaken by Swanson and Sachse-Lee (2000) conducted a meta-
different TEI’s in the country to improve the performance in analysis on 85 academic intervention studies of students
the board examination. Quiambao et al. (2015) stressed that with learning disabilities. It revealed that the most
the teachers’ educational attainment and length of service, substantial effect was on interventions that included regular
the quality of library and laboratory facilities, the students’ drill, repetition, practice, and review. Also, it has shown that
intelligence quotient (IQ) and grade point average (GPA) when properly conducted, drill and practice is consistently
were a very significant set of predictors for passing the LET. an effective teaching method.
Hence, these factors should be given considerations in
developing policies for a better LET performance. However, Furthermore, a rapidly growing body of work suggests
the findings of Esmeralda and Espinosa (2015) in Carlos that time used in physical activity connects to a healthier
Hidalgo Memorial State College revealed that the BEEd body and mind (Hillman et al., 2008). It means that there is
showed greater confidence in academics, indicating the need a relationship between exercise and mental health. In this
to enhance the level of academic preparations of the BSEd regard, McGraw’s (2006) deemed that regular physical
in general education and significant subjects during pre- activities are effective in decreasing anxiety and stress.
service years. Steptoe Cox (1998), De Geus (1993), Abbot et al. (1990), as
cited by Nasiri (2015), affirmed that exercise and fitness and
Findings revealed that most of the respondents spent health programs are significant in maintaining good mental
three to four months to review for their exam in terms of health.
time management; in terms of memorization, mnemonics
was standard among the respondents. It also disclosed that Narimani (2000), Abolghasemi (2002), and McGraw
the majority took review sessions in private review centers. (2000) proved that female athletes, who performed regular
However, many considered group studies not useful physical activity, were less anxious than female non-
compared to reading books and other references. Also, most athletes. The higher mean of anxiety in the female non-
of the respondents preferred a quiet environment during athletes is evident in the present study, which is also
review and spent six to seven hours in rest and sleep. consistent with the results of the investigation mentioned
Besides, Caviness (2009) described that the brain and The Philippines is the number one country in the world
body function as a data superhighway. The mind and body that believes in God the most. The Filipinos are like the
form a multifaceted system, like any other system, it must Hebrews who have a powerful faith in God. The majority of
be appropriately developed and well maintained with proper Filipinos practice their faith in different ways. In the 16th
nutrition. Hence, nutrition for both mental and physical century, the Spanish missionaries brought the Catholic Faith
health is exceedingly essential. to the Philippines. From then on, Catholicism lingers as a
fundamental part of the Philippine culture (Quintana, 2014).
Consequently, Ross (2010) postulated that nutrition
plays a vital role in proper physical and cognitive According to Clemente et al. (2008), Maka-Diyos is a
functioning. It affects energy levels, physical stamina, significant Filipino value. In 2001, a survey conducted in
mood, memory, mental clarity, and emotional and mental the Philippines by the World Values Survey and SWS
well-being. Furthermore, Wolfe and Burkman (2000) asserted that Filipinos are religious people. The survey
claimed that diet, exercise, and sleep have the potential to revealed that Filipinos believed in God; believe that people
alter brain health and mental function. Therefore, proper possess souls; get comfort and strength from religion; and
nutritional support is essential to allow the brain to function consider God to be very important in their lives (World
at its highest ability and to enhance learning. It shows the Values Survey, 2006).
necessity to take adequate nutrients from food, or the body
hampers learning. Accordingly, Filipinos practice their belief through
many significant events and spiritual devotions
Good nutrition affects the ability of the body to fight (Charentenay, 2020). The devotees’ substantial commitment
off diseases. Proper nutrition is more significant for those to particular holy rites is very significant. They believe that
who have frail immune systems (Chung et al., 2006). Lahey their real commitment is the condition for the answer to the
and Rosen (2010) stressed that nutrition affected learning grace or petition that guarantees a response from God.
and behavior. They further emphasized that diet influence
cognition and behavior in different ways. Significantly, one of the rights of the learners is to
receive relevant quality education primarily through
A positively oriented individual possesses a general competent instruction. Aljo and Tancinco (2016) mentioned
tendency to have a hopeful outlook (Alessandri, Caprara & various literatures to present substance and support on
Tisak, 2012a). Also, positive orientation is a pre- Faculty Performance and Students’ Academic Achievement
dispositional attribute, which consists three components, in the Licensure Examination for Teachers of Naval State
such as self-esteem, optimism, and life satisfaction as stated University. He further indicated that college teaching should
by Alessandri et al. (2012b). be handled by proficient teachers, who use a range of
techniques and promote a positive climate for learning.
Subsequently, self-esteem is an individuals' subjective Moreover, since the teaching skills required are developing,
evaluation of themselves, which can be both negative and continuous professional development of teachers is
positive (Baumeister, Campbell, Krueger & Vohs, 2003). imperative.
Optimism means looking at the future outcomes in life with
a positive view. In contrast, pessimism is having a negative The students’ achievement in the teaching and learning
outlook on future outcomes (Eichner, Kwon & Marcus, process is a result of the effort exerted by the teacher
2014). Conversely, life satisfaction refers to a subjective (Canlas, 2004). Therefore, the role of the teacher is held
evaluation of how satisfied an individual is with life vital to teacher effectiveness that correlates to students’
(Fredriksson & Corméry, 2015). Positive orientation theory achievement. Thus, the quality of teaching performance as
views self-esteem, optimism, and life satisfaction as a equated with teacher competence gauged on student
cognitive triad. It works as an inclination, intensifying well- achievement. However, Giglio (2009) pointed out that the
being in everyday life (Alessandri et al., 2012a). teacher is an important determinant of the student’s
achievement, but there was no direct connection between
Alessandri et al., (2012) specified Beck's negative the traditionally assumed measure of teacher effectiveness
cognitive triad, which refers to a negative view of the self, and student achievement over time. It encouraged them to
the world, and the future. Negative thoughts cause someone develop other ways to improve teaching.
to obtain feelings of depression that leads to dwindle well-
being (Beck & Alford, 2014). Contrarily, positive Wayne and Youngs (2002) revealed that parents,
orientation is beneficial for subjective well-being (Caprara, practitioners, and policymakers agree that the solution to
Steca, Alessandri, Abela & McWhinnie, 2010). improving education is positioning highly skilled and
efficient teachers in the classrooms. It also proves that
Generally, the role of positive orientation is for better teachers need practical sets of standards and assessments to
handling and coping with stressful events (Alessandri et al., warrant that teachers are well prepared and ready to teach,
2012a). Individual differences in test nervousness depend on especially the new ones.
how one handles it. If someone is positively oriented, he
Quiambao (2015), stressed that Mock Examinations or Many educational administrators and planners
Comprehensive Examination conducted by the universities highlighted the significance of school facilities. It is a means
in the Philippines traced the weakness of the examinees and for effective teaching and learning (Saiyida & Sidhu, 2012).
used to analyze their performance. The Bachelor of Science Similarly, Kocheny (2012) asserts that school facilities are
in Basic Education Graduates of the University of the vital factors to the enrolment of students in the school. He
Cordilleras underwent a LET mock examination. The further observes that through ample planning of school
College of Education Faculty established that the mock facilities, they can determine the type of instructional
examination provided a positive impact to the students’ materials teachers would need for effective instructions.
performance. It is therefore, recommended to continually
hold comprehensive or mock examinations for students In the view of Wright, Horn, and Sander (2007),
before taking the Licensure Examination for Teachers to teachers play a crucial role in education, for they influence
increase their probability of passing the board examination. student learning. The teacher is the interface of the
transmission of knowledge, values, and skills in the learning
Also, the administration provided support to the process. Students may have little progress academically if
teaching and learning environment. The school facilities are the teacher is ineffective.
one of the essential factors for quality education. These
include school building, library, laboratory, textbooks, Teacher qualifications also affect the teaching and
software and hardware of educational technology, and learning process as well as the student’s academic
others. Adequate school facilities aid students’ learning performance. Afe (2001) discoursed that whatever the
outcomes and achievement. profession, there is a need for training to create awareness
and advance profession, he further stressed that would
Omotunmise and Fredrick (n.d.) recognized that improve the level of competence.
facilities constitute a strategic factor in any organizational
functioning. He further stated that facilities are a major The Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
contributing factor to academic achievement, efficiency, and prescribes the system of regulation, policies, standards,
high productivity among students. A positive relationship procedures, criteria, and guidelines on the implementation
exists between the availability, adequacy, and relevance of of the reviews to the graduates of the Higher Education
facilities and students’ academic achievement as they can Institutions (HEIs). The standard was under the provisions
enhance the active teaching-learning process. of Republic Act No. 7722 or the Higher Education Act of
1994 and Executive Order 566
According to Building Educational Success Together
(BEST, 2005), it is the responsibility of every administrator Moreover, the CHED should adopt a policy to preserve
to ensure that every child has access to quality education. the right of the enrolees to any review centers that provide
They need to provide an educational setting suitable for quality outcomes and services in the licensure examinations.
teaching and learning. Also, it is necessary to implement It may avoid the deterioration of quality services and
educational policies that result in high quality performance. unethical practices which are detrimental to the enrollees in
Well planned and maintained school facilities can directly or these review centers. The HEIs have academic freedom
indirectly impact the teaching and learning process. where they are allowed to include or integrate into their
Effective facilities management, therefore, contributes to the curriculum review subjects with the corresponding credits as
success of every student in any school. a requirement for graduation.
Onwurah (2004) stressed that the school facilities play One of the significant concerns that the review centers
a critical function in the development of the three domains must consider is the availability and adequacy of highly and
of Bloom‘s Taxonomy of educational objectives, namely; ethically qualified experts. The qualifications of the
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Educational facilities reviewers, mentors, and teaching coaches is a master’s
developed the cognitive area of knowledge, abilities, and degree or at least five (5) years teaching experience or as a
skill, which are qualifications for academic achievement. reviewer. It ensures the review centers’ quality reputation
School facilities comprise of the school land and all the and integrity.
physical structures like the school building, the playgrounds,
the equipment, and other material resources provided in the Social support is one's perceptions of supportive
school for effective teaching and learning operations behaviors from individuals in a social network, specifically
(Onuorah, 2004). Moreover, Afolabi (2002) concurred with parents, teachers, classmates, close friends, and school.
Onwurah (2004) about the definition and importance of Closer relationships tend to create a more expensive types of
school facilities, which contribute to a positive learning support than casual acquaintances and offer more
environment and quality education for all students. Afolabi specialized support. The sources and types of support are
(2002) further stressed that the learning facilities available interconnected. The closer the relationship, the higher the
within an educational institution have a positive relationship correlation among the several types of support (Gottlieb &
Bergen, 2010).
This analysis confirmed the findings of Pachejo and This analysis found evidence in Heward (2003) that
Allaga (2013), in their study regarding academic predictors development of basic knowledge and skills to the necessary
in LET performance of education graduates in Rizal levels of automatic and errorless performance require a great
Technological University. It found the linear relationship deal of drill and practice. In addition, Swanson and Sachse-
between the overall LET ratings and the performance of the Lee (2000) point out that drill and practice is a consistently
LET-takers in academic courses. Rabanal (2016) effective teaching method when properly conducted. A
strengthened these findings by analyzing the performance of similar pattern of result was obtained by Heward (2003) that
BEEd graduates in the University of Northern Philippines. drill-and-practice exercises if properly conducted help
Her study revealed that academic achievements in academic students develop fluency in the knowledge and skills they
courses were significantly related to the different test already understand. Dodeen (2015) identified indicators of
components in the board examination. The findings of developed test taking strategies like managing time
Garcia (2013) deviated slightly from those mentioned above effectively, surveying all questions before responding,
in professional education courses where it noted a weak dealing with difficult questions, dealing with multiple-
positive correlation with LET performance. choice questions, and underlying keyword questions. He
also claims that students who have developed test-taking
For the non-passers, there were some important strategies or skills will positively affect their testing
differences with the passers that were evident. They competency. Sweetnam (2003) supported the findings that
experienced difficulties in understanding the English even students who are familiar with the subject matter may
language and the theories. The inability to comprehend with do poorly in tests because of the lack of test-taking skills.
the English language leads to the lack of ability to grasp the
theories in education. This result ties well with the study of Sub-theme 4: Conditioning the Self
San Miguel (2006), which emphasized that the use of As noted in the passers groups, more were mentioned
English language in the academic work and the ability to for the physical preparations compared to the non-passers
communicate effectively are not only essential to academic groups. Further, there was also the difference in the
success; it translates directly into professional and career consistency of the preparations of the two groups. The
success. Likewise, Zweirs (2004) associated academic passers group showed to have prepared physically more
language as the linguistic glue that holds the tanks, texts, regularly. The results led to similar conclusion of Hillman et
and tests of school together. If students cannot use this glue al. (2008), time spent or engaged in physical activity is
well, their academic work is likely to fall apart. To obtain related not only to a healthier body but also to a healthier
academic proficiency, it is essential to have the knowledge mind. It also stimulates brain function and cognition and
on academic language and knowledge on academic content may decrease anxieties and worries brought about by the
or specialized subject matter (Krashen & Lee Brown, 2006). upcoming LET. This result ties well with previous studies
cited by Nasiri (2015) and McGraw (2006) wherein regular
Moreover, the non-passers also expressed their physical activities are effective in reducing anxiety and
difficulty in the retention of learning and lack of focus in stress. Boni (2004) also believes that good psychological
academic responsibilities, divided focus between academic mood can be achieved by exercise.
and non-academic tasks, and inadequate preparation on his
academic. Quiambao, Baking, Buenviaje, Nuqui, and Cruz, The passers groups were more particular on having
(2015), one of the very significant set of predictors for healthy diet and well-balanced meals. On the contrary, most
passing LET were students’ intelligence quotient (IQ) and of the participants from the non-passers groups indicated no
grade point average (GPA). The findings of Esmeralda and change in their usual diet. Wolfe and Burkman (2000) that
Espinosa (2015) in Carlos Hidalgo Memorial State College diet, exercise, and sleep have the potential to alter brain
indicated the need to enhance the level of academic health and mental function. With proper nutritional support,
preparations in general education and major subjects to it allows the brain to function at its highest ability and to
perform better in LET. enhance learning. Likewise, Caviness (2009) revealed the
effect that nutrition has upon both mental and physical
Likewise, Clemente et al. (2008) on his study on There were also some instructors who were observed
Revisiting the Kapwa Theory: Applying Alternative to have remarkable commitment to teaching. Some
Methodologies and Gaining New Insights described participants had been provided with extra help and time by
Filipinos of having high regards in religion and being maka- their instructors beyond their duty and with additional
Diyos The assertion that Filipinos are religious people was support through mentoring. Further, particularly from the
also supported by the World Values Survey (2006) passers groups, the willingness of some instructors to offer
conducted in the Philippines. The survey revealed that additional support to students provided an avenue for the
Filipinos believed in God, get comfort and strength from learning needs and difficulties of students to be catered.
religion, and consider God to be very important in their
lives. Further, Charentenay (2020) indicated that Filipinos It was pointed out by Yarcia (2001) that the teacher’s
practiced one’s own belief through spiritual devotions, teaching behavior affects the manner by which students
which involves the devotees’ physical commitment. They perceive the classroom climate where the instructors may
believe that their physical commitment is the condition for offer a vital firm base for social experience. Likewise,
Pogue and AhYun (2006) and Teven and Hanson (2004)
Sub-theme 2: Support to Teaching and Learning Experiences of the Passers and Non-Passers in the
Environment Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) with the
The administration was also committed to give support Family
to teaching and learning environment. This was experienced Emergent Theme 5: Imparting Kin-based Social Support
by the participants through the approval of policies relevant The LET-taker passer and non-passer-participants
to LET such as enhancement program, pre-board received support from their family members. The emergent
examination, final coaching, and the additional subjects like theme from the LET-takers' experiences with their family in
Ed 139 and 140 which could contribute to the improved preparation for the LET examination was imparting kin-
performance in LET of the graduates. According to Building based social support. From the emergent theme, providing
Educational Success Together (BEST, 2005), implementing multi-faceted forms of support yielded as sub- theme.
educational policies that resulted in high quality, high
performance, and well designed and maintained school Sub Theme 1: Providing Multi-faceted Forms of Support
facilities had a direct and indirect impact on the teaching The Filipinos are known to have close family ties. The
and learning process. close ties with the family members provide bonding and
intimate expressions of support, may it be tangible or
Also, the participants have expressed that they were intangible. These supports were unconditional wherein only
extended with quality and equipped school facilities by the the members of the family could provide. Both the passers
administration which helped them prepare for the LET. and non-passers were provided with multi-faceted forms of
These were computer laboratories, university library support in preparation for LET. These were emotional
equipped with books and with free internet connections. The supports like comforting words, moral and spiritual support,
findings of the study have similar pattern of result from warmth, and care. Additionally, they were also provided
various studies. The availability, adequacy, and relevance of with esteem support such as motivation, re-assurance, and
the school facilities impact efficiency, high productivity, and encouragement and instrumental support like the provision
academic achievement among students as they can enhance of financial assistance. The participants considered these
effective teaching and learning process (Omotunmise & supports as very important and helpful to them in facing the
Fredrick, 2016; Onuorah, 2004). Furthermore, Onwurah challenges of the LET.
(2004) stated that the school facilities play a crucial role in
the development of the cognitive area of knowledge, Moreover, the varied support coming from the loved
abilities and skill, which are prerequisites for academic ones were found to be an essential factor not just in passing
achievement. the LET, but most of all for the non-passers not to give up.
The support helped them to regain back their confidence,
Sub-theme 3: Support to Pedagogy determination, and motivation to try harder the next time.
In order for the university to provide quality education, Social support is one's perceptions of supportive behaviors
the qualifications for the hiring of teachers are strictly from individuals in a social network like parents.
considered to ensure taking in proficient and competent
instructors. In support for LET, the instructors were also It has been found that the closer the relationship, the
sent to trainings and seminars to be abreast with the latest greater the correlation among the several types of support.
trends in teaching pedagogies, necessary for handling LET People, we feel close to are perceived to be repositories of
reviews. Similarly, the rest of the participants from the all types of support (Gottlieb & Bergen, 2010). In addition,
passers and non-passers groups generally expressed that as stated in Boundless Psychology (2012), social support
they have competent instructors who also attended different provides successful management of stress. It has positive
trainings and seminars for professional growth. The effects on both the mind and body and reduces
commitment of the university in the delivery of quality psychological distress. It was postulated that people with
education through its competent instructors is to be low amounts of social support reported to have higher