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Power Electronics: Semester 7 Electronics Engineering Prof.

Asha Durafe

Power Transistors Characteristics

Power transistors are devices that have controlled turn-on and turn-off characteristics. These
devices are used a switching devices and are operated in the saturation region resulting in low
on-state voltage drop. They are turned on when a current signal is given to base or control
terminal. The transistor remains on so long as the control signal is present.

The switching speed of modern transistors is much higher than that of Thyristors and are used
extensively in dc-dc and dc-ac converters. However, their voltage and current ratings are
lower than those of thyristors and are therefore used in low to medium power applications.

Power transistors are classified as follows

Bipolar junction transistors (BJTs)

Metal-oxide semiconductor filed-effect transistors (MOSFETs)

Power BJT The need for a large blocking voltage in the off state and a high current carrying
capability in the on state means that a power BJT must have substantially different structure
than its small signal equivalent. The modified structure leads to significant differences in the
I-V characteristics and switching behaviour between power transistors and its logic level

BJT Structure

To form a three terminal device with the terminals named as Emitter, Base and Collector, thin
p-layer is sandwiched between two n-layers as shown in fig.1. in the power BJT, the
following differences over conventional one are obvious:

A power transistor is a vertically oriented four layer structure of alternating p-type and n type.
This is maximising the cross-section area results in current rating of BJT, minimize the on-
state resistance, and thus reduce the power losses.

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Power Electronics: Semester 7 Electronics Engineering Prof. Asha Durafe

The doping of emitter layer and collector layer is quite large typically 1019 cm-3. A special
layer called the collector drift region (n-) has a light doping level of 1014. The thickness of
the drift region determines the breakdown voltage of the transistor. The base thickness is
made as small as possible in order to have good amplification capabilities, however if the
base thickness is small the breakdown voltage capability of the transistor is compromised.
Steady State Characteristics The power transistor has steady state characteristics almost
similar to signal level transistors except that the V-I characteristics has a region of quasi
saturation as shown by Fig.2

Three regions of operation for a BJT can be recognised:

Cutoff Region: When the base current (IB) is zero, the collector current (IC) is insignificant
and the transistor is driven into the cutoff region. The transistor is now in the OFF state. The
collector–base and base–emitter junctions are reversebiased in the cutoff region or OFF state,
and the transistor behaves as an open switch.

In this region: IC= 0 and the collector–emitter voltage VCE is equal to the supply voltage

Saturation Region: When the base current is sufficient to drive the transistor into saturation.
During saturation, both junctions are forward-biased and the transistor acts like a closed
switch. In the quasi saturation and hard saturation, the base drive is applied and transistor is
said to be on.

In this region: IC = VCC /RC and VCE = zero

Active Region: In the active region, the collector–base junction is reversed-biased and the
base–emitter junction is forward-biased. The active region of the transistor is mainly used for
amplifier applications and should be avoided for switching operation. The power BJT is
never operated in the active region (i.e. as an amplifier) it is always operated between cut-off
and saturation.

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Power Electronics: Semester 7 Electronics Engineering Prof. Asha Durafe

A high value of ODF cannot reduce the CE voltage significantly.  VBE increases due to
increase base current resulting in increased power loss.  Once the transistor is saturated, the
CE voltage is not reduced in relation to increase in base current.  The power is increased at a
high value of ODF, the transistor may be damaged due to thermal runaway.  If the transistor
is under driven IB to IBS it may operate in active region, VCE increases resulting in
increased power loss.

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Power Electronics: Semester 7 Electronics Engineering Prof. Asha Durafe

The Switching Times of BJT is shown in fig.4. from this figure it can be seen that:  Due to
internal capacitances, the transistor does not turn on instantly.  VB rises from zero to V1 and
the base current rises to IB1, the collector current does not respond immediately.  The delay
is due to the time required to charge up the BEJ to the forward bias voltage VBE(0.7V). 
The collector current rises to the steady value of ICS and this time is called rise time tr.


BJT’s have high switching frequencies since their turn-on and turn-off time is low.

The turn-on losses of a BJT are small.

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Power Electronics: Semester 7 Electronics Engineering Prof. Asha Durafe

BJT has controlled turn-on and turn-off characteristics since base drive control is possible.

BJT does not require commutation circuits.


Drive circuit of BJT is complex.

It has the problem of charge storage which sets a limit on switching frequencies.

It cannot be used in parallel operation due to problems of negative temperature coefficient.


Unlike the devices discussed so far, a power MOSFET is a unipolar, majority carrier, “zero
junction,” voltage-controlled device. Figures (a) and (b) below show the symbol of an N type
and P-type MOS

Enhancement Type MOSFET Construction A slab of p-type material is formed and two n-
regions are formed in the substrate. The source and drain terminals are connected through
metallic contacts to n-doped regions, but the absence of a channel between the doped n
regions. The SiO2 layer is still present like in conventional MOSFET to isolate the gate
metallic platform from the region between drain and source, but now it is separated by a
section of p-type material. With the normal forward polarity for VDD on the MOSFET, but
with VGs = 0, the device is like an npn transistor with the drain to gate junction reverse-
biased, and therefore no drain current flow. With VGs applied, making the gate positive with
respect to the source, positive charge accumulates at the gate metallic surface, an electric
field is created in the oxide layer, and negative charge accumulates at the p- structure surface
in contact with the oxide layer.

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Power Electronics: Semester 7 Electronics Engineering Prof. Asha Durafe

This negative charge repels holes in the p-structure and leaves a virtual n-type channel
through which electrons can flow from source to drain, i.e. conventional current low from
drain to source. For the MOSFET to turn on, VGs must exceed the threshold voltage VT. The
linearized transfer characteristic of the MOSFET is shown in Fig. 5a, and the output, or drain-
source, characteristic is shown in Fig. 5b.

The load line can be superimposed on the output characteristic to give the operating point: If
the slope of the characteristic to the left of the intersection of the VGS (working) curve with
the load line, the so-called 'ohmic region', is linearized then a much simpler solution is

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Power Electronics: Semester 7 Electronics Engineering Prof. Asha Durafe


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