Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (Ipcrf) For Teacher I-Iii
Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (Ipcrf) For Teacher I-Iii
Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (Ipcrf) For Teacher I-Iii
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 lessons Submitted 2 lessons Submitted any 1 of No acceptable
lessons using MOV 1 using MOV 1 and using MOV 1 and the given MOV evidence was
and supported by any supported by any 1 of supported by any 1 of shown
1 of the other given the other given MOV the other given MOV
Basic Education 2. Used a range of Quality Facilitated using Facilitated using Facilitated using Facilitated using No acceptable
Services teaching strategies different teaching different teaching different teaching different teaching evidence was
that enhance learner strategies that strategies that strategies that strategies that shown
schievement in literacy promote reading promote reading promote reading promote reading
and numeracy skills writing and/or writing and/or writing and/or writing and/or
numeracy skills as numeracy skills as numeracy skills as numeracy skills as
shown in MOV 1 with shown in MOV 1 with shown in MOV 1 with shown in MOV 1 with
a rating of 7 a rating of 6 a rating of 5 a rating of 4
7.5% Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 learner- Submitted 2 learner- Submitted 1 learner- No acceptable
learner-centered centered lessons as centered lessons as centered lessons as evidence was
lessons as evidently evidently shown in evidently shown in evidently shown in shown
shown in MOV 1 and MOV 1 and supported MOV 1 and supported any of the other given
supported by any 1 of by any 1 of the other by any 1 of the other MOV
the other MOV given MOV given MOV given
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1)
Basic Education 1. Content 3. Applied a range of Quality Used different Used different Used different Used different No acceptable
Services Knowledge and teaching strategies to teaching strategies teaching strategies teaching strategies teaching strategies evidence was
Pedagogy develop critical and that develop critical that develop critical that develop critical that develop critical shown
creative thinking, as and creative thinking and creative thinking and creative thinking and creative thinking
well as other higher skills and/or other skills and/or other skills and/or other skills and/or other
order thinking skills. HOTS as shown in HOTS as shown in HOTS as shown in HOTS as shown in
MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating
of 7 of 6 of 5 of 4
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 lessons Submitted 2 lessons Submitted 1 lesson as No acceptable
lessons as evidenced as evidenced by MOV as evidenced by MOV evidenced by any of evidence was
by MOV 1 and 1 and supported by 1 and supported by the other given MOV shown
supported by any 1 of any 1 of the other any 1 of the other
the other given MOV given MOV given MOV
Basic Education 2. Learning 4. Managed classroom Quality Used classroom Used classroom Used classroom Used classroom No acceptable
Services Environment structure to engage management management management management evidence was
and Diversity of learners, individually or strategies that strategies that strategies that strategies that shown
Learners in groups, in meanigful engage learners in engage learners in engage learners in engage learners in
exploration, discovery activities/tasks as activities/tasks as activities/tasks as activities/tasks as
and hands-on activities shown in MOV 1 with shown in MOV 1 with shown in MOV 1 with shown in MOV 1 with
within a range of a rating of 7 a rating of 6 a rating of 5 a rating of 4
physical learning 7.5%
environments. Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 lessons Submitted 2 lessons Submitted 1 lesson No acceptable
lessons supported by supported by MOV 1 supported by MOV 1 supported by any of evidence was
MOV 1 and any 1 of and any 1 of the other and any 1 of the other the acceptable MOV shown
the other acceptable acceptable MOV acceptable MOV
Basic Education 5. Managed learner Quality Applied teacher Applied teacher Applied teacher Applied teacher No acceptable
Services behavior constructively management management management management evidence was
by applying positive strategies of learner strategies of learner strategies of learner strategies of learner shown
and non-violent behavior that promote behavior that promote behavior that promote behavior that promote
discipline to ensure positive and non- positive and non- positive and non- positive and non-
learning-focused violent discipline as violent discipline as violent discipline as violent discipline as
environment shown in MOV shown in MOV shown in MOV shown in MOV
submitted with a submitted with a submitted with a submitted with a
7.5% rating of 7 rating of 6 rating of 5 rating of 4
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted at least 4 Submitted at least 4 Submitted any 1 of No acceptable
of the given strategies of the given strategies of the given strategies the given strategies evidence was
as observed in at as observed in 3 as observed in 2 as observed in only 1 shown
least 4 lessons lessons lessons lesson
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1)
Basic Education 2. Learning 6. Used differentiated, Quality Applied differentiated Applied differentiated Applied differentiated Applied differentiated No acceptable
Services Environment developmentally teaching strategies to teaching strategies to teaching strategies to teaching strategies to evidence was
and Diversity of appropriate learning address learner address learner address learner address learner shown
Learners experiences to diversity as shown in diversity as shown in diversity as shown in diversity as shown in
address learners’ MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating
gender, needs, of 7 of 6 of 5 of 4
strengths, interests
and experiences.
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 Submitted any 1 No acceptable
7.5% differentiated teaching differentiated teaching differentiated teaching differentiated teaching evidence was
strategies in at least strategies in at least 2 strategies in 2 strategy in only 1 shown
2 lessons as lessons as evidenced lessons as evidenced lesson as evidently
evidenced by MOV 1 by MOV 1 and by MOV 1 and shown in any 1 of the
and supported by any supported by any 1 of supported by any 1 of acceptable MOV
1 of the other the other acceptable the other acceptable
acceptable MOV MOV MOV
Basic Education 3. Curriculum 7. Planned, managed Quality Planned and Planned and Planned and Planned and No acceptable
Services and Planning and implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented evidence was
developmentally developmentally developmentally developmentally developmentally shown
sequenced teaching sequenced teaching sequenced teaching sequenced teaching sequenced teaching
and learning and learning process and learning process and learning process and learning process
processes to meet as shown in MOV 1 as shown in MOV 1 as shown in MOV 1 as shown in MOV 1
curriculum with a rating of 7 with a rating of 6 with a rating of 5 with a rating of 4
requirements and
varied teaching
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 Submitted 1 No acceptable
7.5% developmentally developmentally developmentally developmentally evidence was
sequenced teaching sequenced teaching sequenced teaching sequenced teaching shown
and learning process and learning process and learning process and learning process
as evidently shown in as evidently shown in as evidently shown in as evidently shown in
MOV 1 and supported MOV 1 and supported MOV 1 and supported any 1 of the given
by any 1 of the other by any 1 of the other by any 1 of the other MOV
given MOV given MOV given MOV
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1)
Basic Education 3. Curriculum 8. Participated in Quality Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely participated in No acceptable
Services and Planning collegial discussions participated in participated in participated in LAC/FGD/ meeting to evidence was
that use teacher and LACs/FGDs/meetings LACs/FGDs/meetings LACs/FGDs/ discuss shown
learner feedback to to discuss to discuss meetings to discuss teacher/learner
enrich teaching teacher/learner teacher/learner teacher/learner feedback to enrich
practice. feedback to enrich feedback to enrich feedback to enrich instruction as shown
instruction as shown instruction as shown instruction as shown in the MOV submitted
in the MOV submitted in the MOV submitted in the MOV submitted
Efficiency Participated in at least Participated in 3 Participated in 2 Participated in 1 No acceptable
4 LACs/FGDs/meetings LACs/FGDs/meetings LAC/FGD/meeting as evidence was
LACs/FGDs/meetings as evidently shown in as evidently shown in evidently shown in shown
as evidently shown in any 1 of the given any 1 of the given any 1 of the given
any 1 of the given MOV MOV MOV
Basic Education 9. Selected, Quality Developed and used Developed and used Developed and used Developed and used No acceptable
Services developed, organized varied teaching and varied teaching and varied teaching and varied teaching and evidence was
and used appropriate learning resources, learning resources, learning resources, learning resources, shown
teaching and learning including ICT, to including ICT, to including ICT, to including ICT, to
resources, including address learning address learning address learning address learning
ICT, to address goals as shown in goals as shown in goals as shown in goals as shown in
learning goals. MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating
of 7 of 6 of 5 of 4
7.5% Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 varied Submitted 2 varied Submitted any No acceptable
varied teaching and teaching and learning teaching and learning teaching and learning evidence was
learning resources, resources, including resources, including resource, including shown
including ICT, as ICT, as evidently ICT, as evidently ICT, as evidently
evidently shown in shown in MOV 1 and shown in MOV 1 and shown in any of the
MOV 1 and supported supported by any 1 of supported by any 1 of acceptable MOV
by any 1 of the the acceptable MOV the acceptable MOV
acceptable MOV
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1)
Basic Education 4. Assessment 10. Designed, Quality Designed, selected, Designed, selected, Designed, selected, Designed, selected, No acceptable
Services and Reporting selected, organized organized and used organized and used organized and used organized and used evidence was
and used diagnostic, diagnostic, formative diagnostic, formative diagnostic, formative diagnostic, formative shown
formative and and summative and summative and summative and summative
summative assessment assessment assessment assessment
assessment strategies strategies consistent strategies consistent strategies consistent strategies consistent
consistent with with curriculum with curriculum with curriculum with curriculum
curriculum requirements as requirements as requirements as requirements as
requirements. shown in MOV 1 with shown in MOV 1 with shown in MOV 1 with shown in MOV 1 with
7.5% a rating of 7 a rating of 6 a rating of 5 a rating of 4
Basic Education 11. Monitored and Quality Consistently Frequently monitored Occasionally Rarely monitored and No acceptable
Services evaluated learner monitored and and evaluated learner monitored and evaluated learner evidence was
progress and evaluated learner progress and evaluated learner progress and shown
achievement using progress and achievement using progress and achievement using
learner attainment achievement using learner attainment achievement using learner attainment
data. learner attainment data as shown in the learner attainment data as shown in the
data as shown in the MOV submitted data as shown in the MOV submitted
MOV submitted MOV submitted
Efficiency Submitted a Submitted a Submitted a Submitted 1 No acceptable
combination of at combination of 3 of combination of 2 of acceptable MOV evidence was
least 4 of the the acceptable MOV the acceptable MOV shown
acceptable MOV
Timeliness Submitted MOV were Submitted MOV were Submitted MOV were Submitted MOV was No acceptable
distributed across 4 distributed across 3 distributed across 2 completed in only 1 evidence was
quarters quarters quarters quarter shown
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1)
Basic Education 4. Assessment 12.Communica ted Quality Consistently showed Frequently showed Occasionally showed Rarely showed No acceptable
Services and Reporting promptly and clearly prompt and clear prompt and clear prompt and clear prompt and clear evidence was
the learners’ needs, communication of the communication of the communication of the communication of the shown
progress and learners’ needs, learners’ needs, learners’ needs, learners’ needs,
achievement to key progress and progress and progress and progress and
stakeholders, including achievement to key achievement to key achievement to key achievement to key
parents/ guardians. stakeholders, stakeholders, stakeholders, stakeholders,
including parents/ including parents/ including parents/ including parents/
guardians as shown guardians as shown guardians as shown guardians as shown
in the MOV submitted in the MOV submitted in the MOV submitted in the MOV submitted
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 different Submitted 2 different Submitted any 1 of No acceptable
different kinds of kinds of acceptable kinds of acceptable the acceptable MOV evidence was
acceptable MOV MOV MOV shown
Actual Results Ave Score
Showed knowledge 2 2 2.000 0.150
of content and its
integration within and
across subject areas
as shown in MOV 1
with a rating of 4
Participated INSET
Submitted any
teaching and learning
resource, including
ICT, as evidently
shown in any of the
acceptable MOV
Actual Results Ave Score
Designed, selected, 5 5 5 0.375
organized and used
diagnostic, formative
and summative
strategies consistent
with curriculum
requirements as
shown in MOV 1 with
a rating of 5
Submitted 1
assessment tool as
evidently shown in
any of the acceptable
Submitted a
combination of 2 of
the acceptable MOV
Submitted a
combination of 3 of
the acceptable MOV
Submitted 3 different
kinds of acceptable
Numerical Ratings
Weight per Weight per
KRA Objectives Score
KRA Objective
Q E T Ave
Objective 1 7.5% 3 2 2.000 0.150
KRA 1 22.5% Objective 2 7.5% 3 2 2.500 0.187
Objective 3 7.5% 4 2 2.500 0.187
Objective 4 7.5% 3 2 2.500 0.187
KRA 2 22.5% Objective 5 7.5% 4 2 2.500 0.187
Objective 6 7.5% 4 2 2.500 0.187
Objective 7 7.5% 4 2 3.000 0.225
KRA 3 22.5% Objective 8 7.5% 5 3 2.500 0.187
Objective 9 7.5% 3 2 2.667 0.200
Objective 10 7.5% 4 5 5.000 0.375
KRA 4 22.5% Objective 11 7.5% 5 5 2.667 0.200
Objective 12 7.5% 5 5 5.000 0.375
Plus Factor 10% Objective 13 10% 5 5 5.000 0.500
Final Rating Satisfactory
Adjectival Rating 3.147
1. Examines the root cause of problems and suggests effective solutions. Fosters
1. Achieve results with optimal use of time and resources most of the time. 4 new ideas, processes and suggests better ways to do things (cost and/or operational 3
2. Avoids rework, mistakes and wastage through effective work methods by placing 2. Demonstrates an ability to think "beyond the box". Continuously focuses on
4 4
organizational needs before personal needs. improving personal productivity to create higher value and results.
3. Delivers error-free outputs most of the time by conforming to standard operating
3. Promotes a creative climate and inspires co-workers to develop original ideas or
procedures correctly and consistently. Able to produce very satisfactory quality of work 3 4
in terms of usefulness/ acceptability and completeness with no supervision required.
4. Expresses a desire to do better and may express frustration at waste or inefficiency. 4. Translates creative thinking into tangible changes and solutions that improve the
4 4
5. focusspecific
Makes on newchanges
or moreinprecise ways or
the system of in
meeting goalsmethods
own work set. to improve work unit and organization.
performance. Examples may include doing something better, faster, at a lower cost, 5. Uses ingenious methods to accomplish responsibilities. Demonstrates
3 3
more efficiently; or improving quality, customer satisfaction, morale, without setting resourcefulness and the ability to succeed with minimal resources.
any specific goal.