People V Arbolante
People V Arbolante
People V Arbolante
October 17, 1991 | Villarama, J. | Arson under PD 1613 3. As to the defense, pure denial and alibi:
o Arbulante was at home when the incident happened.
PETITIONER: People They were neighbors. Only reason why Albino filed the
RESPONDENTS: Orlando Arbolante, Lorenzo, Catabay case was because he refused to protect him from
someone’s threat.
FACTS 4. RTC found them guilty of arson under P.D. 16131. Applied two
1. Accused Lorenzo, Catabay, Arbolante and several John Does aggravating circumstances2:
were charged with the crime of arson under P.D. No. 1613 o Committed by syndicate
(Amending the Law on Arson). o Motivated by spite or hatred.
o Arbolante and Lorenzo pleaded not guilty. Catabay is at
large. ISSUE & RATIO
2. The prosecution alleged that:
o Complainant Albino with his wife, nieces, nephews and • Defense pointed out a lot of inconsistencies in the testimonies
brother were at their house resting when they heard but then SC said such were only minor details which do not
sudden gunfires at the southern portion of the house. affect the credibility of the witnesses.
(Location: Tuao, Cagayan) o The Court gave more weight to the Prosec. Defense
o A group of 70 people (believed to be members of NPA) failed to prove that it was impossible for them to be at
shouted for Miranda to come down and bring out his the scene for their alibi and denial to prosper.
gun, otherwise, they would burn his house.
o Miranda refused, so his granary located 10 meters away • The accused are guilty of arson under section 3 of P.D. No.
was set on fire. 1613.
o Albino saw accused Arbolante climbing the roof and o Elements: 1) Intentional burning 2) What is
later on set the cogon on fire. He also saw co-accused intentionally burned is an inhabited house or
Catabay but he was merely standing. dwelling.
o Eventually, Albino was constrained to go out for the sake § Court said that there was clear and convincing
of the children. quantum of proof sufficient to convict the
o Later, policemen conducted an investigation. A accused.
photographer called by the police took pictures of what • Pictures of the burnt house
remained of the house. • Prosec witnesses positively identifief the
• Damaged properties amount to P153,980 accused
(house, clothing, corn, jewelries, carabao, pig • The policemen who investigated
etc.) described the remains of the property
o Witnesses: and estimated the actual damages.
• Albino himself identified the accused. § Considering that it was committed by a
• Sister in law of Albino whose house was 30 syndicated of more or less 70 people, there is
meters away also saw Arbolante and the other ample basis to infer the presence of conspiracy.
“SEC. 3. Other Cases of Arson.— The penalty of reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua shall penalty in any case shall be imposed in its maximum period:
be imposed if the property burned is any of the following: xxx xxx xxx
3. If the offender is motivated by spite or hatred towards the owner or occupant
xxx xxx xxx
2. Any inhabited house or dwelling.
xxx xxx xxx
of the property burned;
4. If committed by a syndicate
“SEC. 4. Special Aggravating Circumstances in Arson.—The
o As to the aggravating circumstances:
§ SC affirms that the aggravating circumstance of
syndicate armed with guns was duly proven.
§ But prosec failed to substantiate the aggravating
circumstance that the crime was motivated by
spite and hatred.
o As to the damages:
§ Court said that the right total is 153, 300 and not
153, 980/