Barangay Nutrition Scholar Roles and Responsibilities: 1. Planning
Barangay Nutrition Scholar Roles and Responsibilities: 1. Planning
Barangay Nutrition Scholar Roles and Responsibilities: 1. Planning
2. Coordination
Coordinates meeting of the BNS and submits minutes of the meeting
Coordinates implementation of nutrition activities in the Barangay
3. Implementation
Monitors weight and height of all children 0-59 months old together with
the barangay Health Worker under the supervision of midwife.
Provide basic nutrition and health information and acts as focal person in
the referral of clients to services and in the promotion and advocacy of
optimal nutrition and young child infant feeding practices
Refers sick and undernourished children to health centers, clinics or
hospitals through the midwife.
Refers eligible target to feeding programs
Distributes available vitamins and mineral supplements.
Conducts and assists in systematic nutrition and health education classes
to mothers, especially the pregnant and lactating women during Expanded
Program for Immunization (EPI).