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Dr. Mohannad K. Sabir Biomedical Engineering Department Fifth Class

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Dr. Mohannad K.

Biomedical Engineering Department
Fifth Class
3- Histogram Processing
• let rk, for k=0, 1, 2, …., L-1, denote the
intensities of an L- level digital image, f(x, y).
• The unnormalized histogram of f is defined as:
h(rk)= nk for k=0, 1, 2, .., L-1 ---- 1
where nk the number of pixels in f with intensity
rk and the subdivisions of the intensity scale
are called histogram bins.
• Similarly, the normalized histogram of f is defined
p(rk)=h(rk)/MN = nk /MN ----- 2
where, as usual, M and N are the number of image
rows and columns, respectively.
• Mostly, we work with normalized histograms,
which we refer to simply as histograms or image
• The sum of p(rk) for all values of k is always 1.
• The components of p(rk) are estimates of the
probabilities of intensity levels occurring in an
We note in the dark
image that the most
populated histogram

• Histograms are bins are concentrated

on the lower (dark)
end of the intensity
simple to compute scale.
the most
and are also suitable populated bins of
the light image are
for fast hardware biased toward the
higher end of the
implementations, scale.

thus making An image with low

contrast has a
histogram-based narrow histogram
located typically
techniques a toward the middle
of the intensity
popular tool for scale,
the components of the

real-time image histogram of the high-

contrast image cover a
wide range of the
processing. intensity scale, and the
distribution of pixels is
not too far from uniform,
with few bins being much
higher than the others
3-1 Histogram Equalization
• let the variable r denote the intensities of an
image to be processed.
• We assume that r is in the range [0,L-1], with r=0
representing black and r=L-1, representing white.
• For r satisfying these conditions, we focus
attention on transformations (intensity
mappings) of the form
s=T(r) 0 <= r<= L-1 ------- (3)
• that produce an output intensity value, s, for a
given intensity value r in the input image.
• We assume that:
a- T(r) is a monotonic increasing function (A
function T(r) is a monotonic increasing
function if T(r2)≥ T(r1) for r2 >r1. T(r) is a strictly
monotonic increasing function if T(r2)>T(r1) for
r2>r1. Similar definitions apply to a monotonic
decreasing function) in the interval 0≤ r ≤ L-1;
b- 0 ≤ T(r) ≤ L − 1 for 0 ≤ r ≤ L − 1.
• In some formulations to be discussed shortly, we use the
inverse transformation:
r = T-1(s) 0 ≤ s ≤ L-1 ------ (4)
In which case we change condition (a) to:
(a’) T(r) is a strictly monotonic increasing function in the
interval 0 ≤ r ≤ L-1.
• The condition in (a) that T(r). be monotonically increasing
guarantees that output intensity values will never be less
than corresponding input values, thus preventing artifacts
created by reversals of intensity.
• Condition (b) guarantees that the range of output
intensities is the same as the input.
• Finally, condition (a’) guarantees that the mappings from s
back to r will be one-to-one, thus preventing ambiguities.
• That is, a monotonic •This would be possible for
transformation function the inverse mapping of sk,
performs a one-to-one or but the inverse mapping of
many-to-one mapping. This sq is a range of values,
is perfectly fine when
mapping from r to s. which, of course, prevents
us in general from
• However, presents a
problem if we wanted to recovering the original
recover the values of r value of r that resulted in
uniquely from the mapped sq .
•Requiring that T(r) be strictly •This often results in
monotonic guarantees that the strict monotonicity
inverse mappings will be single not being satisfied,
valued. which implies inverse
•Because images are stored using transformations that
integer intensity values, we are may not be unique.
forced to round all results to their •Fortunately, this
nearest integer values. problem is not
difficult to handle in
the discrete case.
• For discrete values, we work with probabilities and summations
instead of probability density functions and integrals, Recall that the
probability of occurrence of intensity level rk in a digital image is
• approximated by:

Pr(rk)=nk/MN ----- 5
• where MN is the total number of pixels in the image, and nk denotes
the number of pixels that have intensity rk. As noted in the
beginning of this section, Pr(rk), with rk ϵ [0, L-1] is commonly
referred to as a normalized image histogram.
• The discrete transformation function of particular importance in
image processing is
sk=T(rk) =(L-1) ∑ pr(rj) k=0, 1, 2, … L-1 ----- 6
where, as before, L is the number of possible
intensity levels in the image (e.g., 256 for an 8-bit
• Thus, a processed (output) image is obtained by
using Eq. 6 to map each pixel in the input image
with intensity rk into a corresponding pixel with
level sk in the output image.
• This is called a histogram equalization or
histogram linearization transformation.
• It is not difficult to show that this transformation
satisfies conditions (a) and (b) stated previously.
Example1: Illustration of the
mechanics of histogram
• Suppose that a 3-bit image
(L=8) of size 64x64 pixels
(MN=4096) has the intensity
distribution in Table where
the intensity levels are
integers in the range [0,L-
1]=[0,7]. The histogram of this
image is sketched in Fig.
Values of the histogram
equalization transformation
function are obtained using
Eq.6, For instance
s0=T(r0)=7 ∑ pr(rj)= 7pr(r0)=1.33

s1=3.08, s2=4.55, s3=5.67, s4=6.23,

s5=6.65, s6=6.86, and s7=7.00.
• At this point, the s values are fractional
because they were generated by summing
probability values, so we round them to their
nearest integer values in the range [0, 7]:

Original histogram
• These are the values of the equalized
histogram. Observe that the transformation
yielded only five distinct intensity levels.
Because r0=0, was mapped to s0=1, there are
790 pixels in the histogram equalized image
with this value. Also, there are 1023 pixels
with a value of s1=3 and 850 pixels with a
value of s2=5. However, both r3 and r4 were Transformation function
mapped to the same value, 6, so there are
(656+329)=985 pixels in the equalized image
with this value. Similarly, there are
(245+122+81)=448 pixels with a value of 7 in
the histogram equalized image. Dividing
these numbers by MN=4096 yielded the
equalized histogram Equalized histogram.
• The method just derived produces intensities that
have this tendency, and also has the advantage
that it is fully automatic. In other words, the
process of histogram equalization consists
entirely of implementing Eq. 6, which is based on
information that can be extracted directly from a
given image, without the need for any parameter
specifications. This automatic, “hands-off”
characteristic is important.
• The inverse transformation from s back to r is
denoted by
rk = T−1(sk) ------ 7
• It can be shown that this inverse
transformation satisfies conditions (a′) and (b)
defined earlier only if all are present in the
input image. This implies that none of the
bins of the image histogram are empty.
Although the inverse transformation is not
used in histogram equalization, it plays a
central role in the histogram-matching scheme
developed after the following example.
Example 2 Histogram
• The left column in Fig.
shows the four previous
images the center column
shows the result of
performing histogram
equalization on each of
these images. The first
three results from top to
bottom show significant
improvement. As expected,
histogram equalization did
not have much effect on
the fourth image because
its intensities span almost
the full scale already.
Figure below shows the
transformation functions
used to generate the
equalized images in Fig. .
These functions were
generated using Eq. 6.
Observe that
transformation (4) is nearly
linear, indicating that the
inputs were mapped to
nearly equal outputs.
3-2 Histogram Matching (Specification)
• As explained in the last section, histogram equalization produces a
transformation function that seeks to generate an output image
with a uniform histogram.
• When automatic enhancement is desired, this is a good approach
to consider because the results from this technique are predictable
and the method is simple to implement.
• However, there are applications in which histogram equalization is
not suitable. In particular, it is useful sometimes to be able to
specify the shape of the histogram that we wish the processed
image to have.
• The method used to generate images that have a specified
histogram is called histogram matching or histogram specification.
• The discrete formulation is the histogram
equalization transformation, which we repeat
here for convenience:

sk=T(rk) =(L-1) ∑ pr(rj) k=0, 1, 2, … L-1 ---- 8


• where the components of this equation are as

• Define a discrete function G on variable z with
the property q

G(zq)=(L-1) ∑ pz(zi) ---- 9

For a value of q so that
G(zq)=sk ----- 10
• where pz(zi) is the ith value of the specified
histogram. Finally, we obtain the desired value
zq from the inverse transformation:
zq= G-1 (sk ) ----- 11
• When performed over all pixels, this is a
mapping from the s values in the histogram-
equalized image to the corresponding z values
in the output image.
• Given an input image, a specified histogram, pz(zi), i=0, 1, 2, …, L-1, and
recalling that the sk’s are the values resulting from Eq. 8, we may
summarize the procedure for discrete histogram specification as follows:
1- Compute the histogram, pr(r) of the input image, and use it in Eq. 8, to map
the intensities in the input image to the intensities in the histogram-
equalized image. Round the resulting values, sk to the integer range [0,L-
2- Compute all values of function G(zq) using the Eq. 9, for q=0, 1, 2, .., L-1.
where pr(zq)are the values of the specified histogram. Round the values of
G to integers in the range [0,L-1]. Store the rounded values of G in a
lookup table.
3- For every value of sk , k=0, 1, 2, …, L-1, use the stored values of G from
Step 2 to find the corresponding value of zq, so that G(zq) is closest to sk.
Store these mappings from s to z. When more than one value of zq gives
the same match (i.e., the mapping is not unique), choose the value by
4- Form the histogram-specified image by mapping every equalized pixel with
value sk to the corresponding pixel with value zq in the histogram-
specified image, using the mappings found in Step 3.
• Example 2: Illustration
of the mechanics of
histogram specification.
• Consider the 64x64
hypothetical image from
example 1, whose
histogram is repeated in
Fig. It is desired to
transform this histogram Histogram of a 3-bit image Specified histogram.
so that it will have the
values specified in the
second column of
• The first step is to obtain
the histogram-equalized
values, which we did in
Example 1,
s0= 1; s1 = 3; s2 = 5; s3 = 6; s4
= 6; s5 = 7; s6 = 7; s7 = 7. Transformation function Result of histogram
obtained from the specification
specified histogram
• In the next step, we
compute the values
of using the values of
from table 2 in eq. 9:

• As in Example 1 ,
these fractional
Specified and actual histograms
values are rounded to
integers in the range
[0, 7]:
• These results are summarized in Table TABLE 4
• The transformation function, G(zq)is
sketched in Fig
• Because its first three values are
equal, G is not strictly monotonic, so
condition (a′) is violated.
• Therefore, we use the approach
outlined in Step 3 of the algorithm to
handle this situation.
• According to this step, we find the
smallest value of zq so that the value
G(zq) is the closest to sq.
• We do this for every value of sq to
create the required mappings from s
to z.
• For example, s0 =1, and we see that
G(z3) =1, which is a perfect match in
this case, so we have the
correspondence s0 z3
• Every pixel whose value is 1 in the Mapping of values sk into corresponding values zq
histogram equalized image would map
to a pixel valued 3 in the histogram-
specified image.
• Continuing in this manner, we arrive
at the mappings in Table 4.
• In the final step of the
procedure, we use the
mappings in Table 4, to
map every pixel in the
histogram equalized image
into a corresponding pixel
in the newly created
histogram-specified image.
• The values of the resulting
histogram are listed in the
third column of Table 2,
and the histogram is
shown in Fig.
• For instance, we see in obtaining the histogram equalized
Table 4, that maps to and image as an intermediate step is
there are 790 pixels in the useful for explaining the
• histogram-equalized image procedure, but this is not
with a value of 1. necessary. Instead, we could list
• Therefore, pz(z3) = the mappings from the r’s to the
790/4096=0.19. s’s and from the s’s to the z’s in a
three-column table.
An image,
• Then, we would use
those mappings to map
the original pixels its histogram
directly into the pixels of
the histogram-specified
• Example 3 Comparison
between histogram
equalization and
histogram specification
Histogram of equalized image

Histogram equalization Histogram equalized image

Transformation G(zq) labeled (1),
and G-1(zq ) labeled (2).

• histogram
• The most Specified histogram
feature of this
histogram is
how its low
end has
histogram specification.

shifted right Histogram of

toward the
Result of

specification image
lighter region
of the gray
4- Local Histogram Processing
• The histogram processing methods discussed thus far
are global, in the sense that pixels are modified by a
transformation function based on the intensity
distribution of an entire image.
• This global approach is suitable for overall
enhancement, but generally fails when the objective is
to enhance details over small areas in an image.
• This is because the number of pixels in small areas
have negligible influence on the computation of global
transformations. The solution is to devise
transformation functions based on the intensity
distribution of pixel neighborhoods.
• The histogram processing techniques previously described can be adapted
to local enhancement.
• The procedure is to define a neighborhood and move its center from pixel
to pixel in a horizontal or vertical direction.
• At each location, the histogram of the points in the neighborhood is
computed, and either a histogram equalization or histogram specification
transformation function is obtained. This function is used to map the
intensity of the pixel centered in the neighborhood.
• The center of the neighborhood is then moved to an adjacent pixel
location and the procedure is repeated. Because only one row or column
of the neighborhood changes in a one-pixel translation of the
neighborhood, updating the histogram obtained in the previous location
with the new data introduced at each motion step is possible.
• Another approach used sometimes to reduce computation is to utilize non
overlapping regions, but this method usually produces an undesirable
“blocky” effect.
Example 4: Local histogram equalization.
• Figure (a) is an 8-bit, 512x512 image
consisting of five black squares on a light gray
background. The image is slightly noisy, but the
noise is imperceptible.
• There are objects embedded in the dark
squares, but they are invisible for all practical
purposes. Original image
• Figure (b) is the result of global
histogram equalization

Result of global
• As is often the case with histogram equalization

of smooth, noisy regions, this image shows
significant enhancement of the noise.
• Figure (c) was obtained using local
histogram equalization of Fig. (a) with a
neighborhood of size 3x3.
• Here, we see significant detail within all the

Result of local
dark squares. The intensity values of these

objects are too close to the intensity of the dark
squares, and their sizes are too small, to
influence global histogram equalization
significantly enough to show this level of
intensity detail.
4-1 Using Histogram Statistics for Image
• Statistics obtained directly from an image
histogram can be used for image enhancement.
• Let r denote a discrete random variable
representing intensity values in the range [0,L-1],
and let p(ri) denote the normalized histogram
component corresponding to intensity value ri.
• we may view as an estimate of the probability
that intensity ri occurs in the image from which
the histogram was obtained.
• The nth moment of r about its mean, m, which
we write here using image intensity values in
the range [0,L-1]:
μn=∑ (ri-m)n p(ri) ------ (10)

• where m is given by
m= ∑ ri p(ri) ------- (11)
• The mean is a measure of average intensity and the
σ2= μ2 = ∑ (ri-m)2 p(ri) ------ (12)
i =0
• Standard deviation, σ is a measure of image
• Let (x, y) denote the coordinates of any pixel in a
given image, and let Sxy denote a neighborhood of
specified size, centered on (x, y). The mean value of
the pixels in this neighborhood is given by the
expression L-1
m Sxy = ∑ p Sxy( ri) ----- (13)
i =0
• Where p Sxy is the histogram of the pixels in region Sxy .
• This histogram has L bins, corresponding to the L
possible intensity values in the input image. However,
many of the bins will have 0 counts, depending on the
size of Sxy .
• For example, if the neighborhood is of size 3x3 and
L=256, only between 1 and 9 of the 256 bins of the
histogram of the neighborhood will be nonzero (the
maximum number of possible different intensities in a
3x3 region is 9, and the minimum is 1). These non-zero
values will correspond to the number of different
intensities in Sxy .
• The variance of the pixels in the neighborhood
is similarly given by:
σ2 Sxy = ∑ (ri - m Sxy)2 p Sxy( ri) ----- (14)
• As before, the local mean is a measure of
average intensity in neighborhood Sxy , and
the local variance (or standard deviation) is a
measure of intensity contrast in that
Example 4: Local enhancement using histogram
• The previous image which we enhanced
using local histogram equalization. As noted
before, the dark squares contain embedded
symbols that are almost invisible. As before,
we want to enhance the image to bring out
these hidden features.
• A method used to determine whether an
area is relatively light or dark at a point (x, y)
is to compare the average local intensity
mSxy, to the average image intensity (the
global mean), denoted by mG.
• We obtain mG with the histogram of the
entire image.
• Thus, we have the first element of our
enhancement scheme: We will consider the
pixel at (x, y) as a candidate for processing if
k0 mG ≤ m Sxy ≤ k1 mG , where k0 and k1 are
nonnegative constants and k0 < k1.
• For example, if our focus is on areas that are
darker than one-quarter of the mean
intensity, we would choose k0 =0 and k1
• We summarize the preceding approach as follows. Let
f(x, y) denote the value of an image at any image
coordinates (x, y), and let g(x, y) be the corresponding
value in the enhanced image at those coordinates. Then,
C f(x,y) if k0 mG ≤ m Sxy ≤ k1 mG AND k0 σG ≤ σ Sxy ≤ k1 σG
f(x,y) otherwise ------- ( 15)
• for x=0, 1, 2, …., M-1 and y=0, 1, 2, …, N-1, where, as
indicated above, C, k0, k1, k2, and k3 are specified
constants, σG is the global mean of the input image, and
is its standard deviation.
• Parameters m Sxy and σ Sxy are the local mean and
standard deviation, respectively, which change for every
location (x, y). As usual, M and N are the number of rows
and columns in the input image.
• Factors such as the values of the global mean
and variance relative to values in the areas to
be enhanced play a key role in selecting the
parameters in Eq. (15), as does the range of
differences between the intensities of the
areas to be enhanced and their background. In
the case of Fig. ( before ), mG = 161, σG =103
the maximum intensity values of the image
and areas to be enhanced are 228 and 10,
respectively, and the minimum values are 0 in
both cases.

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