fm3-100 4 PDF
fm3-100 4 PDF
fm3-100 4 PDF
MCRP 4-11B
Considerations in
Military Operations
Change 1 Headquarters
Department of the Army
Washington, DC, 11 May 2001
Environmental Considerations in
Military Operations
1. Change FM 3-100.4, 15 June 2000, as follows:
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army
Active Army, Army National Guard, and US Army Reserve: Electronic Means Only.
*FM 3-100.4
MCRP 4-11B
15 June 2000
PREFACE .................................................................................................................................. iv
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... vi
Background.................................................................................................................. 1-1
Context of Environmental Protection ............................................................................ 1-1
The Army and Marine Corps Environmental Strategies ............................................... 1-5
Environmental Responsibilities .................................................................................... 1-9
Summary ................................................................................................................... 1-18
The Military Decision -Making Process.......................................................................... 2-0
Environmental-Specific Planning ............................................................................... 2-10
The Risk Management Process ................................................................................... 2-15
Summary ................................................................................................................... 2-25
Battle Focused Training ............................................................................................... 3-0
Environmental Specific Training and Resources ........................................................... 3-5
Summary ..................................................................................................................... 3-6
Implications for Military Forces.................................................................................... 4-0
Environmental Protection During Military Operations ................................................. 4-2
Environmental Protection Operational Principles......................................................... 4-4
Summary ..................................................................................................................... 4-6
CHAPTER 5 BASE SUPPORT OPERATIONS ....................................................................... 5-0
Environmental Program Areas ..................................................................................... 5-1
Installation and Facility Responsibilities...................................................................... 5-3
* Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Support Planning and Execution ......................................................................................... 5-8
Unit and Installation Environmental Assistance ............................................................. 5-13
Summary ............................................................................................................................. 5-14
CHAPTER 6 ESTABLISHING AND ASSESSING A UNIT PROGRAM..................................... 6-1
Environmental Compliance.................................................................................................. 6-1
Establishing a Unit-Level Program ..................................................................................... 6-3
Program Assessment .......................................................................................................... 6-11
Unit Self-Assessment.......................................................................................................... 6-12
Summary ............................................................................................................................. 6-17
CHAPTER 7 HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT.................................................................... 7-0
Background ........................................................................................................................... 7-0
Environmental and Occupational Health Hazards ............................................................ 7-1
Risk Management ................................................................................................................. 7-3
Summary ............................................................................................................................... 7-5
APPENDIX A Environmental Regulations, Laws, and Treaties ................................................. A-0
Sources of Environmental Laws and Regulations ............................................................. A-0
Army/Marine Corps Regulations, Orders, and Pamphlets................................................ A-1
Federal Laws ....................................................................................................................... A-4
Executive Orders................................................................................................................ A-17
State Laws .......................................................................................................................... A-19
Local Laws .......................................................................................................................... A-19
Host Nation Law/Final Governing Standards ................................................................. A-19
International Laws and Treaties ...................................................................................... A-20
Environmental Compliance Enforcement ........................................................................ A-21
APPENDIX B Environmental Appendix to the Engineer Annex ................................................ B-0
APPENDIX C Unit Environmental Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) ................................ C-0
APPENDIX D Sources of Environmental Assistance.................................................................... D-0
BASOPS/Supporting Installation Staff Assistance............................................................ D-0
Sources of Assistance During Tactical Operations ............................................................ D-2
Other Sources of Assistance ................................................................................................ D-3
APPENDIX E Environmental Planning Guidelines ..................................................................... E-1
Pre-Operations Guidelines .................................................................................................. E-1
Guidelines During Operations ............................................................................................ E-3
Post-Operations Guidelines................................................................................................. E-6
APPENDIX F Risk Management Worksheet .................................................................................F-1
APPENDIX G Practical Application of Assessing Environmental-Related Risk ........................ G-0
Step 1 – Identify (Environmental) Hazards ....................................................................... G-0
Step 2 – Assess (Environmental) Hazards ......................................................................... G-1
Step 3 – Develop Controls and Make a Decision................................................................ G-1
Step 4 – Implement Controls............................................................................................... G-2
Step 5 – Supervise and Evaluate ........................................................................................ G-2
Summary .............................................................................................................................. G-2
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
This field manual (FM) guides the United States (US) Army and the US
Marine Corps (USMC) in applying appropriate environmental protection
procedures during all types of operations. It also provides basic techniques
and procedures for units at the company, battalion, and brigade/regiment
levels. This manual states the purposes of military environmental protection,
a description of legal requirements, and a summary of current military
programs. It also describes the growing strategic significance of
environmental factors in the twenty-first century. As a unit procedures
manual, it describes how to apply risk management methods to identify
actions that may harm the environment and appropriate steps to prevent or
mitigate damage. Appendixes provide references, formats, practical
applications, checklists for self-assessment, and sources of assistance.
This doctrine applies to all Army and Marine Corps commanders and staffs
(and other Department of Defense (DOD) units/staffs operating under their
command authority) responsible for planning and executing operations. It
applies to all soldiers and Marines as well-disciplined stewards of the natural
resources of this country and protects, within mission requirements, the
environment in every area of operations (AOs). For overseas theaters, this
doctrine applies to US unilateral operations and US forces in multinational
operations, subject to applicable host nation (HN) laws and agreements.
Finally, it applies to support provided by the Logistics Civil Augmentation
Program (LOGCAP).
The short synopses of laws and regulations contained herein are meant to
provide only a thumbnail sketch of the laws and regulations described and
are not inclusive of all requirements.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
The military’s primary mission is to win this nation’s wars through the
application of overwhelming combat power. Warfare, by its very nature, is
destructive to humans and their natural environment. Environmental damage is
a consequence of combat. However, the commander in the field is often required
to restrict the application of force. He must conform to the law of land warfare:
those written and unwritten conventions and customs that protect against
unnecessary suffering and facilitate the restoration of peace. He is, with
increasing frequency, constrained by mission requirements that may restrict the
use of much of the combat power inherent in his organization.
The US military has historically exercised restraint, even in general war. For
example, during World War II in Europe, the military was ordered to limit
damage to works of art, churches, monuments, archives and libraries, whenever
possible, without endangering troops or mission. Field commanders incorporated
this information into their standard decision-making process and made
judgments based on military necessity. As the military looks into the next
century, and even today, military units should try to avoid unnecessary
environmental damage, not only in training, but also across the spectrum of
operational missions. A mission’s success may be determined by political or
socio-economic stability, both of which are affected by environmental factors and
resources. The Army and USMC must be able to identify ways to protect the
natural environment while executing the full range of their missions by doing the
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
United States land forces must be versatile and capable of rapid deployment
to perform the full range of missions from humanitarian to total war. Recent
operations have shown that they must also be flexible within the strategic or
operational mission. For example, units may execute combat operations,
limited in time or space, within the context of larger stability operations.
They must also be able to apply environmental protection measures
appropriate to the situation.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
The sequence of chapters in the manual are set up to help you understand
what military environmental protection is and how to apply it by providing:
• General knowledge.
• Planning guidance.
• Training guidance.
• Operations guidance.
Chapter 1
1-2. Conflict caused or aggravated by resource scarcity is not new. What was
once a local or regional problem may now extend globally. Resource scarcity
could reduce the ability of governments to respond to the basic needs of their
people. The resulting instability can threaten regional security and lead to
armed interventions.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
1-3. Strategic resources (i.e., minerals, oil, or coal) have often been catalysts of
conflict. The widespread distribution and product substitution associated with a
global economy tend to mitigate scarcity. Renewable or “sustainable” resources—
such as clean air, water, croplands, or forests—are more difficult to replace and
can be a regional catalyst of instability.
Environmental Threats
1-7. Environmental threats to stability and security might result from acts of
war or terrorism (i.e., the destruction of infrastructure facilities providing water
or fuel). The threats (i.e., polluting the rivers or air that flow into another
country) may also result from the routine activities of an industrial society.
1-9. Security from these environmental threats includes protective measures for
natural resources; safety measures for soldiers/Marines whether at home station
or deployed; and offensive, defensive, and support actions when required to meet
national security goals. Environmental threats will confront theater commanders
in the form of natural resource issues as strategic and operational factors before,
during, and after future conflicts.
Environmental Protection and Military Operations
1-10. Resources such as minerals, oil, and water often possess strategic
significance. Access to sufficient energy supplies is of vital national interest to a
nation when it becomes industrialized. The importance of resources was
certainly demonstrated in the actions that the US and other nations took to form
a coalition and conduct the actions associated with Desert Shield and,
subsequently, Desert Storm.
1-11. Water has been a strategic resource since the beginning of recorded history.
In the Middle East, three or more countries share all of the major river basins.
Each of these countries now faces the possibility of severe water scarcity during
the next decade and beyond.
1-12. In the West Bank, population growth in the Jordan River basin increased
demand for the scarce supply of freshwater. Overpumping the aquifers depleted
the water supply and degraded some aquifers by causing saltwater intrusion
from the Mediterranean. Because 40 percent of Israel’s groundwater originates
in the former occupied territories, Israel sought to protect its water supply by
limiting water use during the occupation of the West Bank. The stringent
restrictions on water use imposed upon Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon became
another point of tension in the conflict during the 1960s to 1970s. Although the
intensity of that issue has been moderated, it continues to be a major concern.
1-14. As outlined in FM 100-1, the nation’s ethos translates into national policy,
national security strategy, and military strategy. The US has often been the first
nation to search for solutions to environmental problems. Americans believe
continued environmental degradation presents a potential short- and long-term
threat to their safety and well-being. They have demanded and supported
national and international environmental protection efforts.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
1-18. Heightened environmental concern has led all federal agencies, including
the DOD, to consider the environmental consequences of proposed actions to
avoid costly litigation and remediation requirements. Compliance with
environmental laws and regulations is now a necessary cost of doing business.
The Army and the Marine Corps comply with all environmental laws and
regulations applying to installations or theaters of operation (TOs).
Environmental Protection and Military Operations
1-23. “The Army will develop and implement cost-effective measures to protect
and sustain the environment in support of military operations, installation
management, and materiel development.”
1-24. “The two most important national functions of the Marine Corps are to
make Marines and win battles. Training is integral to the performance of these
functions. By respecting and maintaining the natural resources entrusted to the
Marine Corps, the training opportunities enjoyed by today’s Marines will be
available to future generations of Marines.”
1-25. “The Army will integrate environmental values into its mission to sustain
readiness, improve the soldier’s quality of life, strengthen community
relationships, and provide sound stewardship of resources.”
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
“The Marine Corps shall actively protect and enhance the quality of the
environment through strict compliance with all applicable regulatory
MCO P5090.2A
1-28. Everyone, from the commander in chief to the newest recruit and every
civilian employee, must apply stewardship to his area of responsibility. However,
implementing service-wide stewardship requires an environmental protection
strategy. The strategy’s goals and objectives focus on four pillars:
Environmental Protection and Military Operations
1-29. The principal duty of soldiers and Marines is not protecting the
environment. However, they accomplish this requirement as part of their other
duties. In those rare instances where real or perceived conflict exists between
environmental protection and mission accomplishment, commanders and
individuals must make informed decisions. Unit commanders, leaders at all
levels, and individual soldiers/Marines must understand the pillars for
environmental protection.
1-30. The essence of compliance is obeying the law. Compliance includes all
activities that ensure operations and activities meet federal, state, local, and
applicable HN environmental requirements. These requirements include laws
and regulations for waste water discharge, noise abatement, air quality
attainment, and solid waste and HW management.
1-31. Eliminating pollution at the source is usually much easier and less costly
than dealing with hazardous materials (HM) or their aftermath. Pollution is a
liability, and clean up is an overhead cost that must be controlled. Avoiding or
reducing pollution saves the military resources that will enhance readiness.
Pollution prevention includes all phases of the material management life cycle
from concept development to final disposition. Prevention is generally achieved
through the following:
• Reducing the amount of waste produced. This may include using smaller
amounts of toxic materials or replacing them with less toxic substitutes.
On a larger scale, it may include changing operating methods by
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Environmental Protection and Military Operations
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
These Marine Corps principles are basic to our nature and critical to our
existence. These realities are not relative or subject to compromise. They
are inalterable and universally applicable.
1-40. The Directorate of Logistics (DOL) (Army) or the G-4 (Marine Corps), the
safety office, and the supporting Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office
(DRMO) may also provide commanders with environmental information.
1-41. When deployed, commanders will often deal with the phenomenon known
as the base camp. Base camps, while not installations, are comparable to small
towns and require many of the considerations applied to installations. A mayor
(often the headquarters, headquarters company [HHC] commander) assists the
base camp commander with control of base operations. A Base Camp
Coordination Agency (BCCA) will provide expertise and support to the
commander, largely through its subordinate Base Camp Assistance/Assessment
Team (BCAT). Environmental expertise is resident or aligned with this team
and available to support the base camp commander and the designated mayor of
the base camp, provide technical recommendations, and maintain appropriate
standards. More information about this phenomenon is provided in the recently
published Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) Newsletter 99-9, Integrating
Military Environmental Protection.
1-42. Army Regulation (AR) 200-1, Marine Corps Order (MCO) P5090.2A, the
Army’s Commander’s Guide to Environmental Management, and the Marine
Corp’s Commander’s Guide to Environmental Compliance and Protection specify
commanders’ environmental responsibilities. To carry out these responsibilities,
commanders do the following:
Environmental Protection and Military Operations
• Ensure that all personnel can perform their duties in compliance with
environmental laws and regulations, and can respond properly to
Unit Staffs
1-44. Unit staffs have inherent responsibilities within their areas of expertise
that require environmental actions. While some of these responsibilities may
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
depend on the command or commander, all staffs undertake many of them. Unit
SOPs at battalion and company levels incorporate specific responsibilities. Of
particular importance at the unit level is the Army ECO, and the Marine Corps
military occupational specialties (MOS) 9631 and 9954, addressed on page 1-16.
1-45. The unit staff also integrates environmental considerations into the
planning and execution processes. These staff officers have specific
environmental protection responsibilities. Common staff duties provide the basis
for some environmental responsibilities, while FM 101-5 provides a basis for
others. Additional staff officer environmental responsibilities are as follow:
1-46. As the commander’s principal staff officer, the Chief of Staff (CofS) directs
staff tasks, conducts staff coordination, and ensures efficient and prompt staff
response. The CofS is responsible for supervising the staff’s integration of risk
management for all planning and the execution of operations. As a supervisor,
the CofS ensures all staff members analyze operational effects on the
environment and assess the environmental status as the G3 integrates
environmental planning and execution into operations in the same manner as
safety is integrated.
Coordinating Staff
1-47. Military services historically integrate planning factors into multiple staff
agencies to ensure operational coordination. With environmental considerations,
as with the protection of noncombatants, the command is best served when the
functional staff includes them in planning and execution. Coordinating staff
officers each have specific environmental protection responsibilities derived from
common staff duties, specific responsibilities of the position as described in FM
101-5, the coordinating responsibility of special staff officers. The following are
the principal environmental responsibilities of coordinating staff officers:
1-48. As the principal staff officer for all matters concerning human resources
and personnel, the G1 ensures that the command has the requisite expertise to
fulfill environmental requirements. Depending on the level of the command,
experts may include both military and civilian personnel. As the coordinating
staff officer for the surgeon, the staff judge advocate (SJA), and the public affairs
officer (PAO), the G1 coordinates environmental issues between them and across
the staff.
1-49. As the staff officer responsible for conducting intelligence preparation of the
battlefield (IPB) and defining and characterizing the area of operation (AO), the
G2 is responsible for incorporating significant environmental factors. These
environmental factors are provided by the engineer coordinator (ENCOORD) and
other staff elements.
Environmental Protection and Military Operations
1-50. The G3 is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning training,
operations, and plans. It the G3’s responsibility to ensure that any significant
collateral environmental damage caused by command directed operations is
understood and approved by the commander in the military decision-making
process (MDMP).
1-51. The G3 establishes and supervises the command training programs. These
programs include environmental skill and awareness training that support the
unit mission. He also ensures that the unit protects and maintains training
areas. As the overall ground manager and planner of troop movements,
bivouacking, and quartering, the G3 understands and considers environmental
vulnerabilities during operations.
1-52. The G3 may assign special missions to tactical units to secure and
safeguard critical environmental resources, such as wastewater treatment plants
in urban areas. When appropriate, the G3 prepares counterterrorism and
security plans to combat possible environmental sabotage. The G3 exercises
coordination staff responsibility over the ENCOORD, the leading special staff
officer for many environmental protection actions.
1-53. As the principal staff officer for coordinating the logistic integration of
supply, maintenance, and services for the command, the G4 oversees many
functions with a potential for generating HW. The G4 establishes procedures for
reducing and controlling HM. He recommends command policies for solid waste
and HW/HM disposal. The G4 also recommends command policies for pollution
prevention and, in coordination with the G3, oversees the preparation of spill
prevention and response plans.
1-54. In the exercise of staff planning and supervision of food, bath, and laundry
services, the G4 ensures that the staff exercises and implements appropriate
controls over wastes and effluents. The G4 is responsible for constructing
facilities and installations and for controlling real property, including EBSs, upon
occupation and redeployment.
1-56. As the principal staff officer for all matters concerning civil affairs, the G5
is familiar with the relationships between the local populace and their
environment. These relationships include elements of the underlying causes of
the conflict, threats to public health, and critical vulnerabilities to disruption of
environmental services such as clean water or useable croplands.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
1-57. In conjunction with the SJA, the G5 advises the commander on his legal
obligations concerning the local populace. In many areas of the world, these
obligations include protecting critical environmental resources. He is responsible
(along with the SJA) for being familiar with local environmental laws, especially
in overseas deployment areas. The G5 may also supervise civil affairs units
assisting local governments with environmental protection services. He also
serves as the focus of coordination for HN support and indigenous labor and
coordinates with the SJA on civilian claims against the US government for
environmental damage.
Special Staff
1-59. The surgeon advises the commander and the staff on regional health
matters within the commander’s area of interest. He advises on the effects of the
health threat, including environmental, endemic, and epidemic diseases. The
surgeon also has direct access to environmental, preventive medicine, and public
health services. He provides health risk assessment guidance to support the
commander’s risk management decision-making process. The surgeon relates the
effects of environmental hazards to the environmental health of soldiers and
Marines. In more demanding situations, he can rely on the capabilities of the
Theater Army Medical Laboratory (TAML) and the US Army Center for Health
Promotion and Preventive Medicine (USACHPPM) to assist him in providing
recommendations to the commander. The commander and the unit staff may call
on the surgeon to assist in determining the public health implications of damage
to critical environmental resources. See Chapter 7 for additional information on
health and the environment.
Chemical Officer
1-60. The chemical officer (CHEMO) is the special staff officer responsible for the
use of and requirement for chemical assets, NBC defense, and smoke operations.
A chemical officer is at every echelon of command. The CHEMO integrates
chemical reconnaissance assets to assist in performing site assessments. In
conjunction with the surgeon, the CHEMO advises the commander on possible
hazards (such as low-level radiation and toxic industrial material) and their
effects on personnel and equipment.
Engineer Coordinator
1-61. The ENCOORD is the special staff officer for coordinating engineer assets
and operations for the command. As the senior engineer officer in the force, the
ENCOORD advises the commander on environmental issues. Working with
other staff officers he determines the impact of operations on the environment
and integrating environmental considerations into the decision-making process.
The ENCOORD works with the G4 in performing site assessments for
installations and facilities. He and the SJA advise the commander on the
Environmental Protection and Military Operations
Transportation Officer
Maintenance Officer
1-63. The maintenance officer plans and supervises maintenance and repair
activities. In many instances, these activities use significant quantities of HM
and generate HW. The maintenance officer ensures safe use, storage, and
disposal of these materials, that often includes operating temporary storage areas
for products such as used oils, contaminated fuels, paint residues, spill cleanup
residues, and solvents. Since maintenance personnel work with hazardous
chemicals, the maintenance officer must ensure that all personnel comply with
hazardous communications (HAZCOM) requirements.
Personal Staff
1-64. Some staffs have personal officers who work under the immediate control of
the commander and therefore have direct access to him. The commander
establishes guidelines or gives specific guidance to the personal staff officer who
informs, or coordinates with, the chief of staff or other members of the staff.
1-65. The SJA advises the commander on compliance with environmental laws,
regulations, treaties, and conventions. He also writes or interprets status of
forces agreements (SOFAs). The SJA helps determine environmental assessment
requirements and manages civilian claims resulting from environmental damage.
He helps other staff officers to understand the legal aspects involved in their
respective specialties.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Additional Duties
1-69. The 9631 MOS is assigned duties at many of the Corps’ major installations
and Major Subordinate Commands (MSCs). As a trained environmental
professional, the 9631 provides linkage between Commanding Generals/ Officers
and the civilian regulatory community. The 9631 can be a valuable asset in
planning operations and exercises by providing an environmental perspective
while maintaining mission awareness.
1-70. The HW/HM Marine is the Marine Corps equivalent of the Army ECO.
Marines holding the MOS 9954 provide unit-level expertise regarding the safe
use of HMs and the environmentally compliant disposal of HW. Unit TOs reflect
the MOS as a “required additional” for designated line numbers. These Marines
have received formal training that meets federal requirements for HW handlers
and have the following general responsibilities:
Environmental Protection and Military Operations
• Ensuring unit compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws
and regulations regarding HW/HM.
1-71. Specific duties for both Marine Corps MOSs are fully outlined in the
current version of MCO P1200.7.
Subordinate Leaders
• Ensure that soldiers and Marines are familiar with the unit SOPs, and
supervise their compliance with laws and regulations.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
1-73. Soldiers and Marines have the inherent professional and personal
responsibility to understand and support their service’s environmental program.
They must do the following:
1-75. The Army environmental vision states, “The Army will develop and
implement cost effective measures to protect and sustain the environment in
support of military operations, installation management, and materiel
development.” The American people expect the Army and Marine Corps to
manage the financial, human, and natural resources entrusted to them in a
responsible manner. Compliance with environmental laws and regulations is
now critical to the future availability of environmental and training resources.
The Army and the Marine Corps comply with all environmental laws, regulations
and policies, and commander’s guidance applying to installations or TOs.
Considering the environmental effects of training, operations, and logistics
activities reduces environmental damage and costs. Commanders, staffs,
Environmental Protection and Military Operations
Chapter 2
2-1. The MDMP (see Figure 2-1, page 2-2) is defined in FM 101-5. It
relies on doctrine, especially the terms and symbols (graphics) found in
Operational Terms and Graphics. The MDMP helps the commander and his
staff examine the battlespace and reach logical decisions. The process helps
them apply thoroughness, focus, sound judgment, logic, and professional
knowledge to reach a decision. From start to finish, the commander’s
personal role is central. His participation in the process provides focus and
guidance to the staff. The commander uses the entire staff during the MDMP
to explore the full range of probable and likely enemy and friendly courses of
action (COAs), and analyze and compare his own organization’s capabilities
Planning: Integrating Environmental Considerations
with the enemy’s. This staff effort has one objective—to integrate
information collectively with sound doctrine and technical competence to
assist the commander in his decisions, ultimately leading to effective plans.
The selected COA and its implementing OPORD are directly linked to how
well both the commander and staff accomplish each phase of the MDMP.
Approve restated mission
✧ cdr’s intent
✧ cdr’s guidance
Approve CCIR Warning
Commander’s Staff’s Estimates
Estimate (continual process)
(continual process) (War game)
✧ Approve COA
✧ Refine commander’s intent
✧ Specify type of rehearsal
✧ Specify type of order Warning
✧ Commander’s
Approve order
NOTE 3: For a discussion of NOTE 4: At any time during
rehearsals, execution, and REHEARSAL execution and assessment,
assessment, see Chapter 6 and situation may require the
Appendix G (FM 101-5). EXECUTION & ASSESSMENT process to start again.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
• Maps of the area to help the commander assess likely areas for
significant environmental consideration.
Planning: Integrating Environmental Considerations
Input Output
l Mission received from ✧ Cdr’s initial guidance
RECEIPT OF MISSION l Warning order 1
higher HQ or deduced by the
l Higher HQ order/plan/IPB l Initial IPB products
l Staff estimates ✧ Restated mission
l Facts and assumptions Cdr’s intent✧
MISSION ANALYSIS ✧ Cdr’s guidance
l Warning order 2
l Staff products
l Battlefield framework
l Preliminary movement
2-5. Mission analysis has 17 subordinate steps. While this process results in
the staff formally briefing the commander, there may be items of such
importance to the commander and the formulation of his commander’s
guidance that they need to be brought to the commander immediately rather
than waiting until the formal briefing. If a staff officer has developed good
tools to facilitate mission analysis, he dramatically increase his ability to be
2-6. The 17 subordinate steps of mission analysis provide the framework for
success in the MDMP. It is essential to perform effective work at this point in
the process. Some steps will prove to be more vital than others in the
application of environmental considerations. The steps in mission analysis are
included in Figure 2-4, page 2-5.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
2-7. The commander and his staff thoroughly analyze the higher
headquarters’ order and identify guidance on environmental consideration.
The level of the CINC is the logical echelon for civil-military interface, and is
the echelon that typically initiates military environmental guidance. If
confused by the higher headquarters’ order or guidance, the staff must
immediately seek clarification. While there is generally a specific annex or
appendix on environmental considerations in the higher headquarters’ order, it
is not the only source of guidance. Coordinating instructions or guidance from
the G4 and others may also contain information critical to environmental
2-8. The IPB is a systematic, continuous process of analyzing the threat and
the effects of the environment on the unit. It identifies facts and assumptions
that determine likely threat COAs. The IPB supports the commander and staff
and is essential to developing estimates and performing decision-making. It is
a dynamic, commander driven, staff process, that continually integrates new
2-9. The IPB is the commander’s and each staff officer’s responsibility; the G2
does not conduct the entire IPB himself. Staff officers must assist the G2 in
developing the situation template (SITTEMP) within their own areas of
expertise. Environmental considerations may make it prudent to focus some of
the IPB support to assist in site selection for units moving into an operational
area. Environmentally sensitive areas are defined in FM 101-5-1 as
environmental areas of interest. Environmental areas of interest include
natural and manmade structures such as waste treatment plants and dams.
Planning: Integrating Environmental Considerations
2-11. The commander and staff examine additions to and deletions from the
current task organization, support relationships, and status (current
capabilities and limitations) of all units. They consider the relationship
between specified and implied tasks and available assets. From this
information, they determine whether they have the assets to perform all
specified and implied tasks. If there are shortages, they identify additional
resources needed for mission success. The staff pays particular attention to
deviations from what the commander considers to be his normal task
organization. Subordinate unit current capabilities and limitations to deal with
environmental considerations may be limited. If environmental considerations
require expertise that is not organic to the commander’s unit or his subordinate
units, it is critical that those issues are raised. As an example, a unit may
require specialized assistance (to include corps real estate support teams
[CREST], environmental law expertise, and engineer command [ENCOM]
support) to perform effective EBSs of support locations or areas within the
deployment location itself.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
2-15. The commander and his staff identify accident risk hazards and make an
initial assessment of the risk level for each hazard. The commander also makes
an initial assessment of where he might take tactical risk. (See the risk section
of this chapter and FM 101-5, Annex J.) While the focus of risk assessment is
on tactical risk, significant issues for accident risk, with respect to the
environment, are also considered.
2-16. The CCIR identify information that the commander needs to support his
battlespace visualization and to make critical decisions, especially to determine
or validate courses of action. They help the commander filter information by
defining what is important to mission accomplishment. They also focus the
efforts of subordinates in the allocation of resources, and assist staff officers in
making recommendations. Environmental considerations that may be part of
the CCIR include protection of cultural/historical sites, water sources,
HW/polluted industrial sites, or other significant safety considerations. The
commander alone decides critical information based on his experience, the
mission, the higher commander’s intent, and input from the staff.
2-17. The CCIR directly effect the success or failure of the mission and are time
sensitive, driving decisions at decision points.
2-18. Based on the IPB and CCIR, the staff, primarily the G2, identifies gaps in
the intelligence and develops an initial reconnaissance and surveillance plan to
acquire information based on available reconnaissance assets. The G3/S3 turns
this reconnaissance plan into an initial reconnaissance annex to launch
reconnaissance assets as soon as possible to begin the collection effort.
2-19. This may include acquiring the support of outside agencies and higher
headquarters. Special requests for environmental information on
environmental considerations critical to the operation are included in the initial
IPB and CCIR. Environmental reconnaissance, as defined in FM 101-5-1,
includes “the systematic observation and recording of site or area data collected
by visual or physical means, dealing specifically with environmental conditions
as they exist, and identifying areas that are environmentally sensitive or of
relative environmental concern, for information and decision-making
purposes.” Reconnaissance of sites that may become base camps, deployment
sites, marshalling areas, logistical sites, or other critical areas with significant
environmental considerations may be included.
Planning: Integrating Environmental Considerations
2-20. The commander and his staff refine their initial plan for the use of
available time. They compare the time needed to accomplish essential tasks to
the higher headquarters’ timeline to ensure mission accomplishment in the
allotted time. Whether or not time is available to conduct an EBS of the area(s)
of deployment or support for an operation is of critical importance during this
2-21. The CofS/XO or G3/S3 prepares a restated mission for the unit based on
the mission analysis. The restated mission includes on-order missions; be-
prepared missions are in the concept of operations. Environmental
considerations may be addressed in the restated mission, especially if the unit
mission is to respond to a forest fire, flood, or some other natural or man-made
2-22. Time permitting, the staff briefs the commander on its mission analysis.
This briefing is often the only time the entire staff is present and the only time
to ensure that all staff members are starting from a common reference point.
The relevant conclusions about environmental considerations, drawn from the
mission analysis, help the commander and staff develop a shared vision of the
requirements for the upcoming operation.
2-23. Immediately after the mission analysis briefing, the commander approves
a restated mission. This mission can be the staff’s recommended restated
mission, a modified version of the staff’s recommendation, or one that the
commander has developed. Once approved, the restated mission becomes the
unit’s mission. If environmental considerations are crucial to the mission, they
may become a part of the restated mission.
2-24. The commander’s intent is a clear, concise statement of what the force
must do to succeed with respect to the enemy and terrain and to achieve the
desired end state. It provides the link between the mission and the concept of
the operation by stating the key tasks that, along with the mission, are the
basis for subordinates to exercise initiative when unanticipated opportunities
arise or when the original concept of operations no longer applies. If the
commander wishes to explain a broader purpose beyond that of the mission
statement, he may do so. The commander’s intent may contain guidance on
environmental considerations especially when mission success hinges on socio-
economic, political, cultural, or similar goals that effect the end state.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
2-25. After the commander approves the restated mission and states his intent,
he provides the staff with enough additional guidance (preliminary decisions)
to focus staff activities while planning the operation. This guidance is essential
for timely COA development and analysis. By stating his intent and the
planning options he wants them to consider, he can save staff members’ time
and effort by allowing them to concentrate on developing COAs that meet his
intent. His guidance may be written or oral and is perhaps the most likely
location for guidance to be given on environmental considerations, especially
when involved in combat operations. In the case of combat operations, most
environmental considerations will take a relative back seat to other
considerations, as greater environmental risk is likely to be taken.
2-26. Immediately after the commander provides his guidance, the staff sends
subordinate and supporting units a WO. The staff ensures that risk guidance
includes pertinent environmental considerations.
2-27. Ideally, initial mission analysis will identify and quantify most of the
likely environmental considerations. During the rest of the decision-making
process, the commander and staff periodically review available facts and
assumptions. New facts may alter requirements and analysis of the mission.
Assumptions may have become facts or may have become invalid. Whenever
the facts or assumptions change, the commander and staff assess the impact of
these changes on the plan and make the necessary adjustments. The discovery
of additional environmental considerations are likely as the planning
progresses and reconnaissance information is forthcoming.
2-28. After receiving guidance, the staff develops COAs for analysis and
comparison. The commander must involve the entire staff in COA
development. His guidance and intent focus the staff’s creativity to produce a
comprehensive, flexible plan within time constraints. During COA
development, the commander and staff continue the risk management process
(see the risk discussion in this chapter and FM 101-5, Appendix J).
Planning: Integrating Environmental Considerations
2-30. The war game helps the commander and his staff to focus on each stage
of the operation in a logical sequence. Every staff member must determine the
force requirements for external support, risks, and each COA’s strengths and
weaknesses. Determining evaluation criteria (step 5) is probably the most
important step of war gaming for environmental considerations. If
environmental considerations are prominent enough, they are included in the
commander’s guidance and intent, as well as the specified criteria for the level
of residual risk for accident hazards in the COA. Step 5 is where criteria are
assigned for the COA comparison. War gaming the battle and assessing the
results (step 8) is also important in the evaluation of environmental
considerations. It is a requirement for staff officers to conduct risk
management for each COA. Every COA must clearly identify the level of risk
that the commander is willing to accept to include those associated with
environmental considerations.
2-32. After completing its analysis and comparison, the staff identifies its
preferred COA and makes a recommendation. If the staff cannot reach a
decision, the CofS (XO) decides which COA to recommend at the commander’s
decision briefing. The staff then briefs the commander. Critical environmental
considerations have become one of the criteria in the decision matrix.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
2-37. Operational or tactical Army or Marine Corps units may operate in the
theater or as part of a joint task force and be required to interface with the
actions of a temporary board that the joint commander or his designated
commander, joint task force (CJTF) may activate. This is called the joint
environmental management board (JEMB). See Appendix D for more
information on the JEMB.
Planning: Integrating Environmental Considerations
2-38. Staffs conduct environmental planning within the context of the mission.
Their efforts produce information that helps units understand the mission’s
environmental requirements. Most often, staffs develop this information in the
form of staff estimates, environmental protection levels, and an EBS.
Staff Estimates
2-39. Each staff officer incorporates environmental considerations into his staff
estimate (Paragraph 2 – Staff Estimate Format). The staff estimate may
include the following:
2-40. Staffs identify environmental weaknesses and critical terrain that may be
a factor to be avoided, actively protected, or exploited temporarily to accomplish
the mission. They identify potential enemy environmental targets and plan
contingency responses. The following environmental factors normally require
consideration during staff estimates:
• Air quality.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Protection Levels
2-41. The staff develops an OPORD, OPLAN, or CONPLAN. The staff may
publish a full environmental annex/appendix only once. To facilitate changes
in environmental requirements, the command may produce an environmental
protection-level matrix similar to the example in Figure 2-6. This matrix ties
directly into risk assessment, discussed later in this chapter and is applied in
the MDMP during mission analysis (step 7).
Planning: Integrating Environmental Considerations
2-43. Staffs may use a matrix to designate protection requirements for specific
missions or areas, to clearly identify and quickly notify units of changes, or to
notify newly arriving units of the rules in the AO.
2-44. Many operations require fixed facilities, structures, or other real property
as logistics, command and control, administration, communications, billeting,
base camp, or other mission purposes. If the tactical situation permits,
commanders conduct or direct an initial EBS before occupying the AO. An EBS
is typically performed by or with support from, installations, corps, divisions, or
higher HQs. However, brigades and even task forces may need to perform an
initial EBS without much assistance from higher HQs. This situation would
typically arise as a result of the initial reconnaissance of a proposed site. See
Appendix B for additional EBS guidance and an example. See Chapter 5 for a
discussion of base operations (BASOPS)-related information.
2-45. The initial EBS serves as a tool to assist in determining whether a parcel
of land is acceptable for military use. The initial question should always be
whether the site is healthy for soldiers and Marines. It documents the
proposed site’s existing environmental conditions and the likelihood of past or
ongoing activities that may have created environmental, safety, or health
problems. These problems include contamination of air, soil, groundwater, and
surface water by toxic substances or POL.
2-46. Units conducting an initial EBS concern themselves with locating and
documenting the presence or likely presence of any HM/HW or petroleum
products on the property. An initial EBS will be focused on conditions
indicating existing or past release, or possible release of toxic substances into
structures, or the air, ground, groundwater, or surface water.
2-47. The person conducting the initial EBS will frequently be the unit’s
environmental officer, but the surveyor could be a member of a service’s real
estate team, preventive medicine personnel, a government or contract
environmental engineer, quartering party personnel, or even a unit’s
reconnaissance element. Regardless, environmental knowledge and training
will be key to the surveyor’s success. He conducts and documents the initial
EBS according to the tactical situation, mission, intended use of the facility,
and time and personnel available.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
2.50. Staffs integrate environmental protection into planning for larger units.
Unit leaders integrate environmental protection into unit planning for
battalion- and company-level units. Unit planning includes:
• SOPs.
Planning: Integrating Environmental Considerations
2-53. Unit leaders address environmental protection in their plans and orders
including: WOs, OPORDs, OPLANs, CONPLANs, and fragmentary orders
(FRAGOs). The higher headquarters’ staff develops an environmental
appendix/annex, to its OPORD/OPLAN/CONPLAN. Subordinate unit leaders
draw environmental information from the environmental appendix (Appendix
B of this manual) to the OPORD/OPLAN/CONPLAN, or from Annex L in a
JOPES document. FM 101-5 directs the inclusion of Appendix 2
(Environmental Considerations) to Annex F (Engineer) of the OPLAN/OPORD/
CONPLAN and specifies that lower-level unit leaders/staffs include
environmental information in the coordinating instructions and service and
support paragraphs.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
with environmental laws and regulations. Unit leaders should conduct risk
assessments before conducting any training, operations, or logistical activities.
2-56. When assessing the risk of hazards in operations, the commander and
staff must look at two types of risk:
• Tactical risk is risk concerned with hazards that exist because of the
presence of either the enemy or an adversary, thus involving the
considerations of force protection. It applies to all levels of war and
across the spectrum of operations. For example, during the Gulf War,
the enemy’s demolition of oil fields created a significant health and
environmental hazard to the surrounding countryside and to those
units maneuvering through the area. (See Chapter 7.)
2-57. Tactical risk and accident risk may be diametrically opposed. The
commander may choose to accept a high level of environmental-related accident
risk to reduce the overall tactical risk. For example, a commander may decide
to destroy an enemy’s petroleum storage area to reduce his overall tactical risk.
2-58. Risk management does not convey authority to deliberately disobey local,
state, national, or HN laws and regulations. It neither justifies ignoring
regulatory restrictions and applicable standards nor bypassing risk controls
required by law. Examples of risk controls include the provisions applicable to
the transportation of HM and HW, life safety and fire protection codes, or the
storage of classified material and physical security.
Planning: Integrating Environmental Considerations
2-62. FM 100-14 describes the five risk management steps. Leaders may use
the document worksheets found in Appendix F to assist them in tracking these
steps. Figure 2-8, page 2-18, shows the relationship of environmental hazards
to the total risk management process.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
1 Identify
METT-T Environmental
hazard hazards
Assess Implement
2 hazard 4 control
Develop Supervise
controls and
3 make 5 and
Planning: Integrating Environmental Considerations
2-67. Probability and severity are estimates that require individual judgment
and a working knowledge of the risk management process and its terminology.
Figure 2-10, page 2-21, defines the four degrees of severity, and Figure 2-11,
pages 2-21 to 2-22, the five degrees of probability for a hazard. Refer to
Chapter 2 of FM 100-14 for a more in-depth discussion of these substeps as
they relate to assessing environmental hazards to determine risk.
2-68. Leaders must assess the probability and the potential severity of
environmental damage. Commanders use common sense, past evaluations,
higher commander guidance, historical data, lessons learned, and any other
useful sources to determine the probability of an event occurring. Severity,
however, attempts to quantify the amount of potential damage created by an
event. For example, the probability of a fuel spill occurring during an exercise
might be remote. However, if the spill occurs in a body of water where the fuel
will spread quickly, the potential severity could be catastrophic. In this
example, the unit commander may choose to limit the potential severity by
locating the fuels away from the body of water. While leaders must assess the
probability of environmental damage, they must also determine how much
damage the event would cause, regardless of the probability.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Planning: Integrating Environmental Considerations
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Planning: Integrating Environmental Considerations
2-70. Using the defined degrees of probability and severity, an individual can
determine the overall environmental-related risk level from the intersection of
the two in the risk assessment matrix shown in Figure 2-12.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Risk Category
High (H)
Significantly degraded mission capabilities in terms of required mission standard or not
accomplishing all parts of the mission, not completing the mission to standard (if hazards
occur during mission). Occasional to seldom probability of catastrophic loss (IC or ID). A
likely to occasional probability of a critical loss occurring (IIB or IIC) with material and
soldier system. Frequent probability of marginal (IIIA) losses.
Moderate (M)
Expected degraded mission capabilities in terms of required mission standard. Will have
reduced mission capability (if hazards occur during mission). Unlikely probability of
catastrophic loss (IE). The probability of a critical loss occurring is seldom (IID).
Marginal losses occur with a probability of no more often than likely (IIIB or IIIC).
Frequent probability of negligible (IVA) losses.
Low (L)
Expected losses have little or no impact on accomplishing the mission. The probability of
critical loss is unlikely (IIE), while that of marginal loss is no more often than seldom (IIIB
through IIIE).
• Educational.
• Physical.
• Avoidance.
Planning: Integrating Environmental Considerations
Environmental-Related Examples
Educational • Conducting unit environmental awareness training
• Conducting an environmental briefing before deployment
• Performing tasks to environmental standards
• Reviewing environmental considerations in AARs
• Reading unit’s environmental SOPs and policies
• Conducting spill prevention training
• Publishing an environmental annex/appendix to the
Physical • Providing spill prevention equipment
• Establishing field trash collection point and procedures
• Establishing field satellite accumulation site and procedures
• Policing field locations
• Practicing good field sanitation
• Filling in fighting positions
• Posting signs and warnings for off-limit areas
Avoidance • Maneuvering around historical/cultural sites
• Establishing refueling and maintenance areas away from wetlands
and drainage areas
• Crossing streams at approved sites
• Preventing pollution
• Limiting noise in endangered and threatened species habitats
• Avoiding refueling over water sources
• Curtailing live vegetation use for camouflage
2-75. Once all feasible risk control measures are in place, some risk will always
remain. This residual risk requires leaders’ attention. Unit leaders inform
their chain of command of the residual risk and its implications on the
operation. Unit leaders also inform their subordinates and focus C2 efforts on
those portions of the operation. The commander alone decides whether or not
to accept the level of risk. He may also direct his staff to consider additional
controls or a change in the COA based on environmental risk.
Implement Controls
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
2-79. Unit leaders use risk assessment to estimate the impact of their unit
activities on the natural environment and to identify environmentally-related
safety issues for their soldiers or Marines. Environmental-related risk is part
of the risk management process as detailed in FM 100-14. Knowledge of
environmental factors is key to planning and decision-making. Risk
management does not convey authority to deliberately disobey local, state,
national, HN laws and regulations, or the environmental laws of war (ELOW).
Risk management assists commanders in complying with environmental
regulatory and legal requirements, and operating within the higher
commanders’ intent. Unit leaders should complete risk assessments before
conducting training, operations, or logistical activities. Risk assessments assist
leaders and their staffs in identifying potential environmental hazards, develop
controls, make risk decisions, implement those controls, and ensure proper
supervision and evaluation. Unit staffs consolidate environmental risks, as
well as all other risk, into the overall unit risk management plan for an
Chapter 3
Training: Integrating Environmental Considerations
3-2. This section focuses on how environmental considerations fit into the
planning cycle as discussed in FM 25-101. The discussion of a particular
environmental program assessment is covered in Chapter 6. The planning
cycle helps identify where specific actions take place. Figure 3-1 below
highlights the parallel environmental protection actions that unit leaders must
integrate into the planning, execution, and evaluation portions of a unit
training cycle.
Evaluate Feedback
Prepare Short-
Range Plan • Brief commander and staff
• Recon site
• Coordinate with EMO
Execution • Plan for HM/HW storage and
Prepare Near- transport
Term Plan • Review spill prevention
• Supervise high-risk operations • Modify plans as necessary
• Conduct periodic environmental
• Correct problems on the spot
• Avoid off-limits areas • Brief unit personnel
• Report damage • Conduct rehearsals
• Prevent spills • Check equipment
• Remove HM/HW • Modify plans as necessary
3-4. At the battalion level, long-range planning starts with unit assessment
and is the basis for the long-range calendar. Resources, such as major training
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
areas, ammunition, and fuel, are allocated, and shortfalls are identified. The
long-range plan synchronizes supporting units and agencies so that effective
training events can be properly executed. This generally translates into annual
training guidance.
3-5. Leaders use risk management, review SOPs, and ensure that personnel
receive the correct tools to avoid/prevent/mitigate environmental damage.
They address environmental considerations and develop methods to overcome
them so that effective training can be accomplished. Items that have an
environmental focus during this phase include the following:
Training: Integrating Environmental Considerations
3-8. Near-term planning defines specific actions required to execute the short-
range-plan. It is the final phase of planning before the execution of training.
Near-term planning covers a six- to eight-week period before the execution of
training for active component (AC) units and a four-month period before
execution of training for reserve component (RC) units.
3-9. Key leaders inspect equipment and ensure that soldiers/Marines perform
maintenance and preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) before
the field exercise. Leaders brief their soldiers/Marines on the environmental
and safety considerations of the exercise. The checklists in Appendix E help
leaders plan and conduct mission activities that minimize adverse impacts on
the environment. During this phase, leaders exercise an environmental focus
• Checking equipment.
• Ensuring unit SOPs are up-to-date and meet the requirements for the
specific training sites where the training will be performed.
Preexecution Checks
3-10. Preexecution checks are developed, and responsibility for them is fixed
during the short-range planning phase. These checks become increasingly
detailed during the near-term phase. Preexecution checks provide the
attention to detail needed to use resources efficiently. The three major
environmental considerations are:
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
3-11. Formal planning for training culminates with the publication of the
training schedule. Informal planning and coordination (preexecution checks)
continue until the training is performed. During rehearsals, leaders ensure all
safety and environmental considerations are met.
3-12. To conduct effective, meaningful training for soldiers, leaders, and units,
thorough preparation is essential. Well prepared trainers, soldiers, and
support personnel are ready to participate, and their facilities, equipment, and
materials are ready to use.
3-13. A unit executes training the same way it executes a combat mission. The
chain of command is present, in charge, and responsible. During operations,
leaders ensure environmental practices and preventive measures are being
employed. Once soldiers/Marines understand what is expected of them, these
practices become merely another measure of unit proficiency and the level of
unit discipline.
Precombat Checks
3-14. Preexecution and precombat checks are key to ensuring that trainers and
soldiers/Marines are adequately prepared to execute training to Army/Marine
Corps standards. Precombat checks are the bridge between preexecution
checks and execution of training. Leaders ensure the execute of precombat
checks by:
Presentation of Training
Training: Integrating Environmental Considerations
• Preventing spills.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
3-23. Read Chapter 6 for a discussion of how to both establish and assess a unit
environmental program. The unit self-assessment in Appendix H provides a
generic checklist for units to assess compliance with environmental laws and
regulations in their daily operations and activities. Unit leaders should
supplement the checklist with applicable state, local, or HN environmental
requirements. Although this checklist serves as a primary tool for unit
environmental self-assessments, the self-assessment is only a guide and does
not provide a final determination of compliance and should be supplemented
based on local requirements. Environmental compliance assessment system
(ECAS) or environmental compliance evaluation (ECE) checklists provide more
comprehensive assessments.
Training: Integrating Environmental Considerations
3-24. The Army and Marine Corps train as they fight. Incorporating the
environmental considerations into training should not change the standard
procedures or considerations that a unit and its leaders apply to an operation.
Chapter 4 shows how including environmental considerations in training
occurs in a nearly seamless fashion.
Chapter 4
“The Army faces a unique set of challenges as it adapts to a world that has
changed more broadly and fundamentally than any time since the end of
WW II. The Army must continue to adapt to ensure success in a rapidly
changing strategic environment. Now more than ever, it serves as a
strategic Army, a land force on which the United States and its allies rely
to meet global challenges.”
FM 100-5, Army Operations
Operations: Integrating Environmental Considerations
4-4. Commanders and staff officers must understand the role of these new
dynamics as strategic factors that underpin the theater situation and the desired
strategic end state of the operation/conflict. The theater commander may require
that a strategic end state reduce environmental threats or minimize the adverse
environmental impact of the military mission. This concern for the
environmental end state may be particularly true for stability operations or
support operations and is always a consideration as a post-hostilities cost.
4-7. Environmental protection skills and procedures are required for all military
operations. As environmental factors become more important during the next
century, the military services and the unified commands will develop additional
intelligence and operational capabilities and specific environmental procedures to
match mission categories and constraints. In addition to practicing routine
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Operations: Integrating Environmental Considerations
4-15. Collateral damage results from military actions used to achieve strategic,
operational, or tactical objectives during armed conflict. Concentration of fire or
maneuver can have serious environmental consequences.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
4-19. The notional curve, Figure 4-1, depicts the significance/priority afforded
environmental protection for given missions.
Percent 60
Humanitarian Peacekeeping Peace Enforcement Theater Combat
4-20. During combat, commanders will generally weigh concerns such as desired
strategic end state and force protection more heavily than environmental
considerations/concerns. For example, the commander measures the military
value of destroying an enemy’s POL distribution facility, against the potential for
polluting his force’s future water supplies.
4-21. However, even in combat, unit actions should not unnecessarily complicate
the post- conflict outcome by creating unnecessary environmental problems. In
keeping with Clausewitz’s dictum that war is a political instrument, the desired
strategic and operational end state should support a lasting victory. Increasingly,
this end state includes environmental components.
Operations: Integrating Environmental Considerations
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Level of
Training Deployment Post-Operation Training
Mobilization Operational Redeployment
4-27. During World War II, General Dwight D. Eisenhower struggled with the
issue of balance as it applied to ancient monuments and priceless historical
Operations: Integrating Environmental Considerations
4-29. The Army and Marine Corps have procedures that enable units to function
effectively while minimizing environmental damage. These generic procedures
are valid for all operations. The environmental protection principles assist the
commander in weighing the importance of various environmental considerations
and ensuring their soldiers and Marines are protected.
Chapter 5
Base Support Operations
5-1. Environmental program areas provide the framework for all of the
programs that are in place on an installation to support military
environmental protection.
5-3. The laws and policies that control hazardous substances protect water,
soil, and air from harmful levels of contamination. The military uses large
quantities of hazardous substances, such as fuels, paints, batteries, and
solvents. Often these compounds contain pesticides, acids, metals, and other
toxins. The military work environment, whether training or combat, is more
conducive to HM/HW spills than the normal workplace. Given these
conditions, US military forces must take extra precautions to ensure they
minimize environmental contamination by hazardous substances.
5-4. The last 50 years of population and industrial growth have caused a
significant loss of natural habitat—forests, croplands, waterways, fisheries—
and a growing list of endangered and threatened species. Consequently, most
nations have laws protecting natural habitat and wildlife and have signed
international wildlife protection treaties. US laws and parallel international
treaties recognize that the loss of a single species can indicate damage to an
entire ecosystem’s health.
Resource Conservation
5-6. Some resources, such as metal ores and petroleum products, are limited
in availability and are nonrenewable. However, many nonrenewable
resources can often be conserved or reused. Conserving these resources
reduces waste generation and associated disposal problems. Otherwise, these
wastes require incineration, treatment, or burial.
5-7. These options are costly and may contribute to pollution. Pollution
prevention efforts are focused on reducing the initial generation of such
wastes to avoid the need for treatment and disposal whenever possible.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
5-9. Many Army and Marine Corps facilities include historic monuments,
buildings, battlefields, archaeological sites, and cemeteries. Likewise, many
operational theaters contain similar resources, some of which have cultural or
religious significance. US military forces respect these resources by avoiding
cultural and religious centers whenever possible. However, when all other
options have been exhausted, US forces will act decisively when the enemy
uses cultural resources to gain a tactical/operational/strategic advantage. The
attacks on Monte Casino during World War II and at Hue in Vietnam are
examples of such uses of cultural resources.
Base Support Operations
Environmental Programs
Program Area Goal Military Impact
Air Control emissions POL storage, energy production, waste
disposal, smoke operations, fugitive
Asbestos Minimize release of and Building acquisition, site demolition,
management exposure to asbestos vehicle repair parts
Cultural Protect historic and Training area restrictions, additional
resource cultural heritage costs for building renovations
Environmental Protect health and reduce Timing and location of training events,
noise community annoyance flight paths, firing points
HM Prevent pollution, comply Procurement, installation storage and
management with HM regulations inventory management, turn-in
programs for HM
HW and solid Minimize generation of Training in segregation, recycling, and
waste wastes substitution to minimize HM and
management medical waste
Natural Protect natural INRMP, ITAM, training area protection
resource environment and maintenance
Pollution Reduce pollution and Turn-in procedures for reusable items,
prevention waste generation energy efficiency programs, recycling
Spill prevention Prevent and respond to Installation and unit spill plans
and response spills
Water Conserve and protect Erosion control, storm water control,
resources water vehicle drip pans, wash racks
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Garrison Commander
Directorate of Plans,
Directorate of Health Directorate of Public Provost Marshal Office
Training, and
Services Works
Public Affairs Office Directorate of Logistics
Base Support Operations
Commanding General
Chief of Staff
Base Safety
Env Inspectors
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
5-18. The range officer is the chief of the range division and has overall
responsibility for developing and managing the installation's training ranges.
The range control officer is in charge of range operations, to include
maintaining and enforcing range regulations, coordinating and scheduling
daily range operations, and providing range data to using units. The range
manager is responsible for range maintenance and construction.
5-19. The DOL is responsible for compliance and quality assurance (QA). The
DOL is also responsible for oversight of the Hazardous Materials Control
Center (HMCC), the used-solvent elimination (USE) program, POL
management, hazardous materials tracking (to include MSDSs), and
oversight for transportation, maintenance and ammunition storage. The
DOL works closely with the Safety Office and the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA).
Base Support Operations
Safety Office
5-21. This office is responsible for the HAZCOM program and training that
includes leaders’ and supervisors’ responsibility of hazards in the workplace,
notification of hazards, and necessary precautions to protect soldiers/Marines.
It interfaces with OSHA on safety-related issues and is responsible for
installation/base-wide OSHA compliance. It provides support for managing
HM, to include worker-protection guidance and inspection assistance.
5-22. The PAO is the official spokesperson for the installation and manages
public involvement activities and responses (particularly in public
controversy situations) in close coordination with key installation leaders.
The PAO advises the commander on methods of conveying information to the
5-24. The PMO personnel are responsible for evacuating and securing
designated hazardous sites. They are often involved in cases where
hazardous spills pose imminent health and safety problems. They may also
oversee the game warden.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
5-29. AR 200-2 (MCO P5090.2A provides similar information) defines the five
categories of action as:
Base Support Operations
5-33. The unit commander is the action proponent for NEPA requirements
and is responsible for completing of the NEPA analysis. If the action falls
within categories four and five, the analysis must also be published for public
review and comment. If significant impact is possible, the commander
prepares an EIS and forwards it for service HQ approval. After approval, the
service HQ distributes the draft EIS to appropriate regulatory agencies. The
draft EIS provides decision makers and the public with a complete and
objective evaluation of the significant environmental impacts—both beneficial
and adverse—resulting from the proposed action and all reasonable
5-34. Preparation is often time consuming and costly. After the commander
distributes the draft EIS for public and agency comment, he prepares the
final EIS and a concise public record of decision (ROD), which explains the
rationale for the decision. In any case, the commander must complete the
analysis before making a final determination as to whether or not to carry out
the action. Installation commanders should ensure that installation/base
facilities engineers, DPW, and the Installation Environmental Coordinator
have systems in place to expedite and simplify this process. These systems
should include baseline data to enable the unit commander to reach a
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
5-35. Federal law requires all installations within the US and its territories
to manage natural and cultural resources entrusted to them. Installations
must provide optimum public benefit and support the military mission.
Installation commanders accomplish this requirement through INRMP and
their Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP). Both INRMP and the
CRMP pertain to those installations located in the US or its overseas
possessions. The OEBGD and the final governing standards (FGS) include
the natural resource management requirements of installations located in
foreign countries.
5-36. The INRMP integrates natural resource planning in three ways. First,
it consolidates all natural resources management requirements into a single
planning document. Second, it integrates natural resources management
with the installation’s military mission. Finally, the INRMP coordinates
natural resources planning for installation ecosystem features consistent with
those of the surrounding area. INRMP addresses forestry, fish and wildlife,
wetlands, outdoor recreation, soil resources management, training and
testing requirements, and agricultural and grazing lease management. It
also incorporates aspects of the CRMP, the Army’s ITAM plan, the integrated
pest management plan (IPMP), storm water management plans, and other
plans that effect or are effected by natural resources management.
5-38. Both of these plans specify how installations meet specific legal
requirements for natural and cultural resources management, including
requirements applicable to military units and soldiers.
Base Support Operations
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Base Support Operations
5-51. Although NEPA does not apply overseas, units stationed in foreign
countries must still consider the environmental impacts of major actions. EO
12114 establishes internal procedures for federal agencies, including the
armed forces, to consider the significant environmental effects of their actions
OCONUS. (DOD guidance associated with EO 12114 is DOD Directive
[DODD] 6050.7, soon to be republished as DOD Instruction [DODI] 4715.xx).
Exemptions to this requirement include armed conflict, specified contingency
operations, intelligence activities, and arms transfers. Overseas theaters
have published regulations to guide units regarding specific procedures in
each of the countries or regions where US installations or forces are located.
5-52. Both the higher unit staff and the installation/garrison/base staff
provide expertise and assistance for environmental assistance. One of the
primary keys to a successful unit environmental program is to ask questions
and know where to go for help. A directory of key environmental topics and
corresponding POCs at both the unit and the installation/base is provided at
Figure 5-4. Environmental information hotlines are also provided in
Appendix G.
Figure 5-4.5-4.
Figure Environmental assistance
Environmental assistance
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
5-54. BASOPS are critical to the success of the unit in its day-to-day
operations and especially in support of training on, or in the proximity of, the
installation. Whenever possible, leaders must actively seek and use this
expertise and assistance. Although the chain-of-command and unit staffs
also provide support in an installation setting, the garrison staff is
specifically designed to provide the required expertise to support units. When
deployed in an operational status, the assistance and assets of installations
may not be available to the unit. In these cases units may draw support from
the organization that supports their base camp or some similar site. The
higher unit staffs will increase their focus on their environmental
consideration roles given the absence of an installation/ garrison/base staff.
Base camps are operational facilities and not installations, although many of
the same environmental requirements will exist. Refer to Appendix D for
additional sources of environmental assistance.
5-55. This chapter provides the basic information, or references leaders will
need to establish and assess a unit environmental program as identified in
Chapter 6.
Chapter 6
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
6-3. The EPA and Federal Facilities Compliance Act (FFCA) set inspection
frequency guidelines. For example, inspections for HW facilities under the
RCRA generally occur annually.
6-5. In the US, regulatory agencies (i.e., state agencies, the EPA, or the US
Fish and Wildlife Service [USFWS]) conclusively determine installation
compliance with environmental laws and regulations. However, many
environmental regulations require self-regulation in which case the
installation monitors its own programs and notifies the regulatory agency
when problems occur.
• Training.
• Resourcing.
• Preventing pollution.
6-7. The Army established the ECAS, and the Marines established the ECE,
as a means of achieving, maintaining, and monitoring compliance with
applicable environmental laws. In addition, the Army and Marine Corps use
compliance assessments as a vehicle to attain environmental program goals.
Establishing and Assessing a Unit Program
6-10. Unit leaders set the tone for environmental compliance within their
units. They bring focus, direction, and commitment to environmental
protection. Their role requires them to demonstrate commitment, organize
for success, train their units, resource the effort, and build the unit's
environmental ethic. The success of the unit-level environmental program
depends on: receiving adequate guidance and support from the chain of
command and installation environmental office, increasing communication at
all levels, and establishing an effective management structure.
Environmental protection must be incorporated into command policy and
guidance and enhanced through the chain of command.
• Meet with key higher unit staff counterparts (battalion S3/S4 for a
company-sized organization) and installation personnel who deal with
environmental issues. Find out what their requirements are
concerning environmental training, qualifications, and certification of
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
unit personnel, ECAS inspections that may effect the unit, and
common environmental problem areas and how to avoid them.
• HM management.
• HW management.
• Recycling program.
Establishing and Assessing a Unit Program
− AR 200-1.
− AR 700-141.
− TM 38-410.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
− AR 200-1.
− AR 420-47.
Establishing and Assessing a Unit Program
− TM 38-410.
On 13 April 1994, 1SG Smith became the First Sergeant of Company C, 3/151st
Infantry, Fort Yukon. One of his first actions was to conduct a walk through the
unit area with the platoon sergeants. While in the 2nd platoon's area, the 1SG
found a locked room, which the platoon sergeant unlocked. Inside was a
collection of cans, bottles, and other containers filled with various solvents and
cleaning products. The 1SG told the platoon sergeant to clean up the room. The
platoon sergeant passed on the order to the squad leader responsible for the
room. The squad leader and his squad quickly removed the room's contents,
placing the various containers in the dumpster behind the dining facility. Shortly
thereafter, mess personnel placed lunch meal waste into the same dumpster.
Almost immediately, the dumpster began to burn and let off large amounts of
strange looking smoke. The Fort Yukon Fire Department was called. Upon
arrival, the fire chief noticed the smoke's strange color and odor, and determined
that it was a chemical fire. Subsequent inquiry determined that the unit's
personnel needed training on identifying, storing, and disposing of hazardous
material and hazardous waste. The unit's leaders learned that precise orders
needed to be given and that those receiving them should seek clarification for
unclear matters.
Would this incident have happened in the first place had this unit had effective
unit-level environmental programs?
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
− AR 40-5.
− AR 385-10.
− AR 700-141.
6-20. Unit leaders should ensure their units conduct inventory control. A
unit should not stockpile HM. If a HM has an expired shelf life, it can cost
much more to dispose of the item than it did to obtain it, since the HM will
have to be handled as an HW.
− AR 200-1.
− EPA/625/7-88/003.
− EO 12856.
Establishing and Assessing a Unit Program
6-23. The Army and Marine Corps are promoting separating products,
substituting materials, and changing procedures to avoid the use of
hazardous substances (source reduction), and recycling to reduce the volume
of solid waste. Most installations have a recycling program. To support that
program, personnel should do the following:
− AR 200-1.
− EO 13101.
6-24. It is Army and Marine Corps policy and a Clean Water Act requirement
to prevent oil and hazardous substance spills and to provide prompt response
to contain and clean up spills. The discharge of oil or hazardous substance
from installations, vehicles, aircraft, and watercraft into the environment
without a discharge permit is prohibited. Exceptions will be made in cases of
extreme emergency, in which where the discharge is:
6-25. Every reasonable precaution should be taken to prevent spills of oil and
hazardous substances. The unit leader should:
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
• Locate all drains, drainage ditches, streams, ponds, and other water
sources/outlets in the area, and plan how to prevent a spill from
reaching them.
• Ensure small spills are properly attended to, cleaned up, and
collected. Contaminated soil needs to be disposed of properly.
Contact the installation EMO for additional information.
• Ensure the treatment of waste oil complies with all applicable federal,
state, and local requirements.
• Ensure wastes produced during the cleaning of fuel storage tanks and
combustion engine components are collected and treated as required
before discharge.
• Report oil, fuel, or other hazardous pollutant spills are reported to the
EMO and higher headquarters. The S4/G4 and the post EMO can
provide information on reportable spill quantities.
Establishing and Assessing a Unit Program
− AR 200-1 (general).
− Title 40, CFR, part 110 (oil), 302 (hazardous substances), 355
(extremely hazardous substance).
6-29. OCONUS commanders determine the scope for the ECAS within their
commands. They often implement procedures to ensure compliance with
applicable host nation, SOFA, and FGS requirements, as well as the
requirements of AR 200-1 and AR 200-2.
6-30. G3/S3 and G4/S4 personnel can help to ensure compliance. Appendix H
has a generic aid that can be used to assess unit environmental compliance
status. The battalion staff or installation environmental office may have
similar aids specific to a unit or location. Key installation and personnel for
compliance assistance are discussed in Chapter 5.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
6-31. Unit leaders use the general checklist in Appendix H to assess unit
environmental compliance status. Higher level staffs within the chain of
command or the installation’s environmental office may have similar aids
specific to a unit or location. Units also use ECAS/ECE checklists as a
supplement to the self-assessment guide in Appendix H. Unit leaders, with
the assistance of the installation’s environmental staff, determine the
frequency of self-assessment checks. The commander ensures that the unit’s
environmental program management system is effective through self-
Good Housekeeping
6-35. Effective management practices require rules that soldiers and Marines
understand and follow. Unit leaders ensure that the unit has a well-written
SOP addressing environmental issues and procedures. (See Appendix C for a
sample of a unit environmental SOP.)
6-36. Commanders, down to the company, troop, and battery levels, must
designate an ECO. AR 200-1 now requires Army unit commanders to appoint
the ECO in writing and provide training for the ECO. The ECO coordinates
with the installation’s environmental staff and ensures the unit complies with
environmental laws and regulations. MCO P1200.7S identifies the specific
duties for the Marine version of the ECO, the HW/HM (MOS 9954) Marine.
This MOS is assigned as a secondary MOS for a Marine.
Establishing and Assessing a Unit Program
Container Labeling
6-40. Finally, each unit must develop and enforce procedures to maintain
complete records of the environmental actions and activities they perform.
For example, DOD has requires each of the component services to record and
archive pesticide use during military applications. This information is
important to document potential risks to human health and the environment
from such practices (and to help establish or eliminate causes of unusual
incidents). An example of this is the continuing investigation to decipher the
causes of many of the ailments associated with Operations Desert
Shield/Desert Storm.
6-42. Army and Marine Corps policy, as well as federal law, requires units to
prevent spills of oil and hazardous substances and to provide prompt
response to contain and clean up such spills. These laws, regulations, and
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
6-43. Installation requirements shape spill prevention and response plans for
units within their jurisdiction/command. During deployments, the
deployment order directs spill prevention and response procedures. During
contingency operations or combat, spill prevention and response procedures
are defined by HN or theater guidance and the unit SOP (see Tabs A and B,
Appendix C). Typical unit-level responsibilities include the following:
• Ensuring that the unit SOP complies with the Installation Spill
Contingency Plan (ISCP).
6-44. Motor pool personnel work with a variety of HM/HW. The unit’s
prescribed load list (PLL) section controls requisitions and receipts for HM
and prepares documentation for turn-in of HW. Mechanics generate HW by
lubricating, servicing, and repairing equipment. Motor pool personnel must:
Establishing and Assessing a Unit Program
6-45. Refueling operations create significant potential for POL spills and fire
hazards. Units must ensure their SOP includes adequate procedures to
prevent and respond to spills. Fuel handlers require spill response training.
Unit leaders provide all fuel points and refueling vehicles with spill response
kits. Since small spills occur often, fuel handlers must remove contaminated
soil, absorbents, and rags from the refueling site and dispose of them
according to installation guidelines.
6-46. Unit supply personnel account for all materials during HM/HW
requisition, transportation, storage, and disposal. Unit leaders ensure their
supply personnel observe stringent HM supply economy measures. Units
order only the very minimum amount of HM needed. When possible, supply
personnel order biodegradable, environmentally safe materials.
6-48. HM are used in NBC defense and training. Unit NBC specialists
exercise caution when storing these materials. As with other HM/HW, unit
NBC personnel dispose of materials according to local regulations. Unit
leaders ensure that the unit’s spill response program addresses NBC
activities. Unit NBC specialists also monitor turn-in procedures for:
• Decontaminants.
• Sampling kits.
• Decontamination solutions.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
disposal, spill protection, water pollution, and cultural and natural resource
protection. Units check with the installation’s training staff concerning
training area restrictions. During training deployments, unit leaders and
ECOs coordinate, in advance, for environmental guidance due to differing
local, state, or HN regulations. Upon completion of the unit training, units
conduct police of training areas in compliance with installation SOPs.
6-53. Since NG and RC units are seldom co-located with their supporting
HQs, their requirements may differ. NG units routinely operate under
environmental regulations and laws of a particular state. NG units
coordinate through their STARC for environmental guidance when deploying
to installations in other states.
6-54. RC units’ where subordinate units may reside in different states and
comply with substantially different environmental laws. The supporting HQ
develops policies that account for differences in state and local laws and
regulations. Units separated from their supporting installation must ensure
that SOPs and contingency plans adequately address local laws and
6-55. Given the distances between NG and RC units and their supporting
HQ, HM/HW turn-in may require alternative methods such as line haul or
contractor removal. The cost of HM/HW turn-in may warrant pollution
prevention initiatives to reduce, reuse, or recycle HM/HW on-site. Solvent
distillation, for example, may provide significant cost savings over
conventional disposal.
Establishing and Assessing a Unit Program
6-57. Since military units stationed in foreign countries must consider local
environmental policies, the FGS for each country incorporates, and thus
takes precedence over, US federal and state regulations. OCONUS
installations develop programs based on the FGS. Units continue to follow
installation guidelines but may find them very different from US
6-58. Unit commanders are responsible for building and implementing a unit
environmental program. They use the assistance that is available to them on
the installation/garrison/base staffs as well as from unit higher headquarters.
Items to assist that program include such tools as the sample SOP in
Appendix C and the unit self-assessment in Appendix H, which provides a
generic checklist for units to assess compliance with environmental laws and
regulations in their daily operations and activities. Unit leaders should
supplement the checklist with applicable state, local, or HN environmental
requirements. Once supplemented, this checklist serves as the primary tool
for unit environmental assessments. However, self-assessment is only a
guide and does not provide a final determination of compliance. ECAS or
ECE checklists provide a more comprehensive assessment.
Chapter 7
7-1. The medical disciplines that are concerned with preventing disease and
injury and maintaining service members health include:
• Veterinary services.
Health and the Environment
7-2. Commanders must ensure that they remain abreast of health hazard
changes in the operational environment. Medical personnel support this
responsibility by recommending medical threat considerations for inclusion
as CCIRs during the IPB process. At the national level, the Armed Forces
Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC) produces medical intelligence regarding
operations in foreign areas.
7-4. Baseline health status is recorded in the individual health record for all
personnel when they enter military service and, at time of deployment, a field
health record is established. Following exposure to hazardous agents or
materials, individuals receive appropriate medical follow-up, and their health
records are updated. Health records are maintained for the term of
service/employment. See DODD 6490.2 and AR 40-66, Medical Record
Administration and Health Care Documentation.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Health and the Environment
7-6. Effective risk management always begins with the collection of baseline
information and threat reports. Using available data, commanders, with the
assistance of the surgeon, review and identify the hazards within the AO and
assess the risks from these hazards in accordance with risk management
guidance. The level of risk is based upon an assessment of the level or
severity of the hazard and the probability of occurrence. The effects of
available countermeasures upon the threat are incorporated into the
assessment. Command policies and directives establish acceptable risk
levels. For risk management guidance, see Chapter 2 of this manual and FM
100-14, Risk Management. For example, during Operation Desert Storm,
commanders had to determine what effect the emissions from the burning oil
wells had on the accomplishment of the mission and the risk posed to the
health of their soldiers. Limited health effect studies were conducted during
the Persian Gulf War with more extensive studies beginning in May 1991.
Dalia M. Spektor
A Review of the Scientific Literature As It Pertains to Gulf War Illnesses,
Volume 6:Oil Well Fires
National Defense Research Institute
RAND 1998
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Health and the Environment
Appendix A
These short synopses of laws and regulations provide only a brief sketch
and are not inclusive of all requirements.
Federal, state, local, and host nation governments have established laws and
regulations to protect human health and natural and cultural resources from
environmental degradation. Heightened environmental awareness by the
public and the federal government has led agencies to develop policies to
support regulatory compliance and stewardship. The four primary sources of
environmental law that influence Army and Marine Corps actions are
federal, state, local, and host nation. The President also directs the federal
government through the use of EOs and the DOD complies with those
Environmental Regulations, Laws, and Treaties
AR 200-1
• Water resources.
• Air pollution.
• Noise.
• Environmental restoration.
• Asbestos.
• Radon reduction.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
• Environmental training.
AR 200-2
AR 200-2 implements NEPA within the Army. This regulation sets forth
Army policies and responsibilities for the early integration of environmental
considerations into Army planning and decision-making. The NEPA process
described in this regulation applies to installations and units. This
regulation establishes criteria for determining if Army actions are covered
under categorical exclusion, or if an EA or EIS is required.
AR 200-3
• Soil.
• Vegetation.
• Fish.
• Wildlife.
• Endangered species.
• Forests.
• Timber production.
• Agricultural leasing.
• Other land use purposes that are in the Army’s or public’s interest.
AR 200-4
AR 200-4 is the Army’s policy for managing cultural resources to meet legal
compliance requirements and support the military mission. It provides
guidance for the treatment of cultural resources, including prehistoric sites,
historic buildings and structures, traditional cultural properties, and Indian
sacred sites on Army-controlled properties.
This regulation replaces AR 420-40 and has been revised to update the
Army’s policy for managing cultural resources to meet legal compliance
requirements and to support the military mission. Cultural resources are:
historic properties as defined in the National Historic Preservation Act
(NHPA), cultural items as defined in the Native American Graves Protection
and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA); archaeological resources as defined in the
Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), sacred sites as defined in
Environmental Regulations, Laws, and Treaties
AR 350-4
This regulation sets forth the objectives, responsibilities, and policies for the
ITAM Program. ITAM establishes procedures to achieve optimum,
sustainable use of training lands by implementing a uniform land
management program that includes inventorying and monitoring land
conditions, integrating training requirements with land carrying capacity,
educating land users to minimize adverse impacts, and providing for training
land rehabilitation and maintenance.
AR 420-49
AR 420-76
This regulation provides policies, standards, and procedures for pest control
activities on Army installations. It requires each installation's DPW to
prepare and annually update an IPMP. The IPMP lists all program
objectives in priority according to the potential or actual impact on health,
morale, structures, or property.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
DA PAM 200-1
DA PAM 200-4
MCO P5090.2A
This regulation (currently dated July 1998) provides guidance and instruction
to Marine Corps forces to meet federal, state, and local environmental
legislative and regulatory requirements. It is focused on environmental
compliance and protection and identifies Marine Corps policy and
responsibilities. MCO P5090.2A addresses the following major areas:
• Program management.
These laws provide states and federal agencies a legal framework within
which to operate. These laws include acts and executive orders. For
example, the Federal Facilities Compliance Act (FFCA) allows regulatory
agencies to impose civil fines on other federal agencies, like the DA, for
violations of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
Environmental Regulations, Laws, and Treaties
The CAA, with amendments, requires the prevention, control, and abatement
of air pollution from stationary sources (power plants) and mobile sources
(vehicles). It controls the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from fuel
storage and dispensing, spray painting, and solvent use. Additional impacts
include open burning, smoke obscurant generation, incineration of waste, and
fugitive emissions.
• Using riot control and smoke agents only in approved training areas.
The CWA also regulates storm water runoff from certain industrial sources
and requires permits for activities that affect wetlands. There is also an
inherent requirement to prevent soil erosion during construction and earth
moving activities. Units must ensure that ground disturbed during tactical
operations and training is preserved from future soil erosion.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
For wetland and coastal water areas unit leader actions include:
Environmental Regulations, Laws, and Treaties
For erosion control and its associated considerations, unit leader actions include:
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
The EPCRA also requires local governments to prepare for the emergency
release of HM by appointing a local emergency planning committee (LEPC).
Facilities with HM operations submit nonclassified inventories to the LEPC
and immediately notify the LEPC when any release of HM occurs in
quantities greater than permissible levels. Installations prepare annual
reports of HM released through accident and normal operations.
The ESA prohibits anyone from “taking”, harassing or harming, a listed fish
and wildlife species unless permitted by the ESA. Additionally, the ESA
makes it unlawful to remove or to maliciously damage or destroy listed plants
in areas under federal jurisdiction.
• Avoiding actions that could harm protected plants and animals and
their habitats on the installation and any off-post training areas.
Environmental Regulations, Laws, and Treaties
The FFCA applies only to HW and solid waste requirements of the RCRA.
This act represents, however, a growing consensus that federal facilities
should comply with environmental laws in the same manner as private,
nongovernmental civilian agencies.
Originally passed in 1992, the FFCA subjects DOD employees at all levels to
personal criminal liability for environmental violations of any federal or state
solid waste or HW law. Criminal sanctions under the federal HW law
(RCRA) include a maximum fine of up to $250,000, a jail sentence of up to 15
years, or both. The FFCA also allows regulatory agencies to issue NOVs, and
impose civil fines and administrative action for solid waste and HW
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
The MMPA provides protection for marine mammals. The MMPA also
prohibits hunting or harvesting these animals except by permit. As defined
by the MMPA, marine mammals include the following:
• Whales.
• Dolphins (porpoises).
• Sea otters.
• Polar bears.
Environmental Regulations, Laws, and Treaties
This rule amends RCRA and identifies when conventional and chemical
munitions become HW under the RCRA. It is a minimum federal standard
for management of waste military munitions and provides new procedures for
the storage, transport, and disposal of such waste. The DOD, other federal
agencies, and government contractors who produce or use military munitions
for the DOD are affected by this rule. States may adopt military munitions
requirements more stringent than the federal rules.
Military munitions are not waste when used for their intended purpose, such
as for training or part of research, development, testing, and evaluation
activities, or during range clearance activities on active and inactive ranges.
This rule excludes unused munitions that are repaired, reused, recycled,
reclaimed, disassembled, reconfigured, or otherwise subject to materials
recovery activities. Assignment of a particular condition code or placement in
one of DOD’s demilitarization accounts is not dispositive of whether an item
is a waste because many of these materials are subjected to recovery, reuse,
and recycling activities. (See the actions associated with the Federal
Hazardous Materials Transportation Law of 1998.)
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
The NHPA requires federal agencies to consider the effects of their actions,
such as construction, leasing, land transactions, and base realignment and
closure (BRAC), on cultural and historic resources. The act seeks to
safeguard against the loss of irreplaceable historic properties, especially those
located on federal land. Many Army and Marine Corps facilities are located
on historic and archaeological sites, to include prehistoric settlements and
19th century cantonments.
The intent of this act is to ensure the protection and rightful disposition of
Native American cultural items, including human remains, from federal
lands. It establishes a consultation process for the intentional excavation or
inadvertent discovery of NAGPRA cultural items. Soldiers and Marines must
immediately report the discovery of Native American remains and artifacts.
Environmental Regulations, Laws, and Treaties
The OPA is far more comprehensive and stringent than any previous US or
international oil pollution liability and prevention law. It is divided into nine
titles focused on oil spills by vessels and facilities. It is principally a response
to events like the grounding of the Exxon Valdez and several subsequent
accidents in 1989/1990. It establishes a standard for measuring natural
resource damage applicable to all actions for such damage.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
The QCA amended the NCA to allow local communities to develop ordinances
controlling unnecessarily loud noises. To minimize contention between
installations and surrounding communities, the DOD established the
installation compatible use zone (ICUZ) program. Following are the
program’s objectives:
The RCRA (originally the Solid Waste Disposal Act), with amendments,
establishes guidelines and standards for HW generation, transportation,
treatment, storage, and disposal. All states require RCRA operating permits
for HW treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDF). The RCRA also
covers the laws surrounding the disposal of solid waste to include solid waste
management, landfill regulation, recycling, and affirmative procurement.
Environmental Regulations, Laws, and Treaties
• Ensuring the unit ECO is properly trained and that the training is
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
• Avoiding actions that could harm protected animals and their habitat
on the installation and any off-post training areas.
Environmental Regulations, Laws, and Treaties
EO 11987
Dated 24 May 1977, this order directs all federal agencies to prevent the
introduction of exotic species (all plants and animals not occurring, either
presently or historically, in any ecosystem of the US) into the natural
ecosystems of the US. (“US” means all of the fifty states, the District of
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the Virgin
Islands, Guam, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.) This order is
of special importance when addressing redeployments to the US from areas
outside the US.
EO 11988
EO 11990
Dated 24 May 1977, this order (Protection of Wetlands) addresses the actions
federal agencies must take to identify and protect wetlands. Additionally, it
directs agencies to take into consideration the effects of actions in wetlands.
The intent is to preserve and enhance the natural values of wetlands and to
minimize the risk of wetland destruction.
EO 12088
This order also established the A-106 (1383) reporting process, now referred
to as environmental program requirements. In November 1988, the EPA
issued the Federal Facilities Compliance Strategy, also known as the EPA
Yellow Book, which establishes a comprehensive and proactive approach by
which federal facilities may comply with federal regulations.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
EO 12114
EO 12580
EO 12856
EO 12898
EO 13007
Dated 24 May 1996, this order (Indian Sacred Sites), provides direction to
federal agencies on managing Native American sacred sites. It requires that
federal agencies allow Native Americans reasonable access to lands that
contain sacred sites. Further, federal agencies must avoid adversely effecting
Environmental Regulations, Laws, and Treaties
EO 13101
Each state has its own regulatory organization charged with developing and
implementing environmental regulations. Many of the state regulations
parallel federal environmental regulations and are often more stringent.
Local laws and ordinances address the concerns of the local communities.
Generally, they are based on federal and state laws. However, each
municipality or community may place more stringent restrictions on certain
activities (noise restrictions during certain hours of the day).
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Another body of laws that effect US military forces are international treaties
that govern armed conflict, known collectively as Environmental Laws of War
(ELOW). One such treaty is the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or
any Other Hostile Use of ENMOD. This treaty prohibits any military use of
ENMOD, any technique for changing, through the deliberate manipulation of
natural processes, the dynamics, composition, or structure of the
environment. The terms in the ENMOD Convention are broadly defined and
subject to interpretation by each nation.
The 1977 Protocol I addition to the 1949 Geneva Convention also places
restrictions on environmental warfare—using terms similar to those in the
ENMOD Convention. This convention requires combatants to “...protect the
natural environment against widespread, long-term, and severe damage”
during war. This protection includes a prohibition of the use of methods or
means of warfare that could cause extensive damage to the natural
environment and endanger the health or survival of the population. This
convention also prohibits attacks against the natural environment as a means
of reprisal. Although the United States has not ratified all of the provisions
of Protocol I, the provisions, as applied by other nations, may still affect
Environmental Regulations, Laws, and Treaties
Under the FFCA, federal and state environmental regulatory agencies can
impose civil fines on federal agencies, including the Army and Marine Corps,
for RCRA violations. For the Army and Marine Corps, penalties can be fines,
damage awards, and intervention from the EPA and other federal, state, and
regional agencies. An additional consequence is an increase in monitoring by
these agencies.
Unit leaders and their subordinates are required to comply with all federal,
state, and local laws designed to protect the environment. Violators can be
held personally liable for clean up costs and civil or criminal penalties.
Violators include the actual person who causes contamination and the
commanders, supervisors, and leaders who allowed the contamination to
occur and did not take immediate action to prevent or correct the occurrence.
The penalty can be up to $50,000 for each day of violation and/or up to two
years in jail.
Appendix B
The considerations and level of detail in this format are appropriate for
corps, divisions, and, on some occasions, regiments/brigades. Unit
planning at the regiment or brigade level and below will normally include
only those elements required by the higher HQ order or plan and not
included in a unit SOP.
All operations comply with federal law to the extent possible. This
example assumes an overseas deployment in which the vast majority of
federal environmental law is not applicable. Plans for training or
operations in the US must conform to federal and state laws.
Environmental Appendix to the Engineer Annex
i. Unit SOPs.
a. Enemy forces. Refer to an OPORD or to an environmental annex/appendix to an
OPORD. State any environmental factors or conditions which could adversely affect the
successful completion of the mission, and/or the health or welfare of friendly forces and the
indigenous population. Environmental threats can be natural, collateral, accidental, or caused by
actions of the population or enemy forces. (This operation depends upon our ability to provide
water for both our forces and the indigenous population through desalinization plants drawing
water from the Gulf…the enemy has large amounts of chemical munitions. Special care must be
taken when destroying enemy munition dumps to ensure chemical munitions are not being
detonated…due to the extremely high water table in the area, special care and considerations
must be taken in the siting of landfills and the collection of all waste products…)
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
(1) Terrain. List all critical terrain aspects that impact functional areas operations.
(2) Weather. List all critical weather aspects that impact functional areas operations.
(c) State the expected employment of enemy functional area assets based on
the most probable course of action. (Enemy will not be effected by international opinion…they will
use all means at their disposal to include releasing oil directly into the gulf and setting oil wells
afire in an orgy of destruction…)
(4) Limiting factors. Outline limitations that are due to lack of foreign access, time,
operations security (OPSEC), HN rules or sensitivities, public affairs (foreign and domestic), legal
considerations, and resources. (Operations by 54 MECH DIV will inherently have an
environmental impact. Environmental considerations require early integration in the planning
process and will be accomplished in conjunction with other planning and the risk management
process. The environmental protection level will vary as levels of risk are anticipated to be lower
and the correspondingly environmental efforts more comprehensive in proportion to the distance
from the combat zone [CZ]. This appendix does not address munitions storage/disposal,
chemical, biological, and radiological [CBR] activities, or activities on naval ships at sea.)
2. MISSION. State the commander’s concept for environmental actions. This concept answers
the who, what, when where, how, and why of the relationship between environmental
considerations and the supported OPORD, OPLAN, CONPLAN, or functional plan. Normally, the
mission will be to protect, as much as practicable, the health and welfare of US personnel and the
indigenous population from environmental threats during the conduct of the operation; to reduce
long-term, adverse impact on the economy and public health; and to reduce US costs and
liabilities at the completion of the operation.
Environmental Appendix to the Engineer Annex
(1) Operational effect on the environment. List critical resources that should be protected
during the operation such as forests, croplands, or water- and sewage-treatment facilities. Describe
factors to be considered by subordinate unit commanders when making collateral damage decisions.
(2) Environmental resource effect on the operation. List any environmental conditions or
factors that could impede successful completion of the operational mission or jeopardize the desired
endstate. Identify possible targets of environmental sabotage or terrorism.
(3) Compliance requirements. State regulatory, legal, and HN compliance requirements that
will apply and under what conditions they may be applicable (combat versus nonhostile, stability
operation or support operation; geographical differences; or event-triggered changes).
(4) Phased compliance. Describe in general terms the major environmental concerns and
requirements during different phases of the operation. Specify transition tasks and measures and the
appropriate initiating control measures.
b. Tasks to subordinate units. It will be unusual to have an entry here. If it is important enough
to task a given maneuver element to accomplish an environmental task, this tasking must be
identified in paragraph 3b of the base order. An example is the tasking of specific units (in
conjunction with the surgeon or chemical officer) to perform environmental reconnaissance missions.
If only placed here it is likely to be overlooked by the tasked unit. If including tasks to subordinate
(1) List functional area tasks that specific maneuver elements must accomplish and that the
base OPORD does not contain.
(2) List functional area tasks the functional area units supporting maneuver elements must
accomplish only as necessary to ensure unity of effort.
c. Coordinating Instructions. Outline key coordination that must be accomplished by two our
more units and not routinely covered in unit SOPs. Pay particular attention to coordination
requirements with higher HQs, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), and other federal agencies.
Unit responsibilities and requirements may vary according to location, activity, or phase of the
operation; attach a matrix that specifies various levels of environmental protection. Environmental
responsibilities of the surgeon and the logistics officer may be included here if not incorporated in
their respective annexes.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
(1) Environmental reconnaissance. Identify general responsibilities here.
(4) Occupation of base camps and rear assembly areas. (Occupation of base camps or rear
assembly areas, and subsequent operations, will be accomplished incorporating environmental
considerations whenever feasible and commensurate with the operational situation.)
(a) An initial EBS (see Tab A) will be conducted to determine the preexisting condition of
the site and its ecological resources. Direct the conduct of ECRs based on the duration of stay at a
given site (to give interim snapshot condition reports) and in response to environmental incidents.
(b) Before departure or abandonment, units will perform a final EBS (see Tab A) to
document the condition of the site to include water sources, soil, flora, archaeological/historical
facilities, air quality, and other environmental conditions. Document the location of latrines,
hazardous waste sites, landfills, hospitals, maintenance activities, POL storage, and any other
environmentally-sensitive activities.
(5) Facilities.
(c) Closure. Specify closure activities such as documentation of the location of latrines,
HW sites, landfills, hospitals, maintenance activities, POL storage, and other environmentally-
sensitive activities. Publication of these procedures may be delayed until a more appropriate phase
of the operation.
(6) Construction. When planning and conducting general engineering operations, military
designers should consider the project’s effect on the environment as well as the applicable US and
HN agreements, and applicable environmental laws and regulations. (Soil erosion/runoff control
procedures and other common sense procedures will be applied to the maximum extent possible in
any case.)
(7) Claims. (Under the provisions of Article XXIII of the United States – Republic of Korea
[US-ROK] SOFA, claims by local national individuals or organizations for damages arising from spills
will be handled through established claims procedures.)
Environmental Appendix to the Engineer Annex
a. Identify those environmental planning factors which, although not mandated as law or
regulation, will support successful execution of the OPLAN, OPORD, CONPLAN, or functional plan
in all phases and protect the health and safety of US, allied forces, and noncombatants. As a
minimum, address certification of local water sources by medical field units, solid and liquid waste
management, HM management, flora and fauna protection, archaeological and historical
preservation, and spill response. Disposal of solid and liquid waste will depend upon the location
and surrounding environment of the disposal area. The intent is to minimize the environmental
impact and to limit potential contamination to the holding site.
(1) Development, use, and protection of potable water sources. Certification of water
sources includes: special considerations for the protection of surface water, groundwater, and
water in distribution systems; location and special protection requirements for water and
wastewater (gray water, see below) treatment facilities; disposal of effluents from showers and
laundry facilities; disposal of brine water (or wastewater) from reverse osmosis water purification
unit (ROWPU) operations. In CONUS, training exercises require a permit to discharge ROWPU
brine into a water source. Returning brine (or wastewater) directly to the source, untreated, also
violates the OEBGD. (Water will be obtained or processed from approved sources. Water quality
certifications will be accomplished according with procedures outlined in the 54 MECH DIV field
standing operating procedures (FSOP). Operational and support elements will not contaminate
potable water resources.)
(2) Solid and liquid waste management. (Disposal of solid and liquid wastes will be
dependent on location and surrounding environment of the disposal area. The intent is to
minimize the environmental impact and to limit potential contamination to the holding site.)
(a) Solid waste. Requirements include: Disposal of solid waste (includes sludge);
approval process for the use of landfills or incinerators; and protection of solid waste
transportation, transfer, and disposal facilities. (Solid waste will be removed and disposed of at
ministry of environment approved facilities via wartime HN support agreements. In the absence of
HN support, solid waste should be incinerated as the preferred method of disposal. Alternatively,
burial of waste is acceptable and will employ the characteristics of landfill operations. Trenches
will be perpendicular to the prevailing winds, deep enough to contain the long-term waste stream
expected and to execute a daily cover of not less than 6 inches of earth, with a final cover of not
less than 30 inches. Any trench will be properly marked when closed.)
(b) Human waste. Handle storage and disposal of human waste in a way that best
supports the mission and is most protective of human health. This factor is a particularly
significant in densely populated areas where basic public health services may be disrupted, and
standard field sanitation procedures are inadequate. (Existing sanitary latrines, sewers, and
treatment plants should be used to the maximum extent possible. If such facilities have exceeded
their capacity or do not exist, human waste will be disposed of according to the operation and the
situation encountered. The preferred methods of disposal in order of precedence are sanitary
wastewater disposal systems, portable latrines, and slit trenches. Expeditionary sewage collection
and disposal will be sited and operated to minimize environmental impact according to unit field
sanitation procedures. If possible, do not conduct open burning upwind of populated areas. As a
minimum, all slit trenches will be covered with not less than 24 inches of earth fill [12 inches of
compacted fill level to the ground surface, and 12 inches of mound fill] before departure from the
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
site. A sign showing the date of closure and the words “Closed Latrine” will be posted at each closed
(c) Gray water. (At locations that lack sewage treatment facilities, the preferred method of
handling gray water will be by collection and proper disposal via wartime HN support. In the event these
preferred options are not achievable during contingency operations or wartime, effluents from showers/
bathing facilities will be located downstream of water sources, both civilian and military. Most rivers in the
Republic of Korea supply water to Korean populations, and gray water discharges into central waters are
prohibited. Construction of temporary drainage facilities must ensure proper drainage of gray water runoff
that precludes pooling. Measures will be taken to prevent creation of pest breeding sites.)
(3) Medical waste. This section includes procedures and locations for storage and disposal of
medical waste under normal and emergency conditions, as well as the responsibilities and procedures for
approval of disposal methods. (Disposal of medical waste will be according to guidelines established by
the XX [US] Corps Surgeon. Should facilities be unavailable for permanent disposal, suitable temporary
disposal should be accomplished through the use of a suitably labeled, segregated containment area.
Wastes will be held in sealed containers or another appropriate manner that minimizes the release of
biological contamination into the environment. A record will be made of the type, quantity, and location of
the containment area. A copy of the report will be forwarded to the XX (US) Corps Staff Engineer Section
and the Surgeon.)
(a) HW management. This section includes procedures and locations for the storage and
disposal of HW under normal and emergency conditions, operations of the DRMO or approved contractor
facilities, and the recording of abandoned HW sites. (HW will be collected, packaged, and transferred to
the DLA/DRMO when feasible according to guidelines established by the XX [US] Corps G4.) (If the
operational situation dictates abandonment of HM/HW, consolidate, contain, and record the location of the
items, type of items, and any other information that will facilitate future recovery operations. Forward a
copy of the report to both the XX [US] Corps Staff Engineer Section and G4.)
(b) HM management. (HMs will be stored, transported, and used according to established
procedures and in a manner that precludes improper human or ecological exposure. To the extent
practical, consolidation and reutilization will be applied to reduce the amount of HM expended and waste
(c) Abandonment. (If the operational situation dictates abandonment of hazardous
material/waste; consolidate, contain, and record the location of the items, type of items, and any other
information that will assist future recovery operations. Forward a copy of the report to both the XX [US]
Corps Staff Engineer Section and G4.)
Environmental Appendix to the Engineer Annex
(5) Ecosystem protection. Protect special flora and fauna, wetlands, forests, and
croplands, and seek approval for the clearing of large areas and approved methods and
chemicals, if any, for clearing. (The requirement to clear fields of fire [as well as limited clearance
for health, safety, and troop welfare] may cause the destruction of ecosystems. Destruction and
clearing of areas in excess of 100 acres requires the approval of Commander, XX [US] Corps.)
(6) Air and noise emissions. Give special consideration to preventing air and noise
emissions—normally confined to theater rear areas or to security, support, or humanitarian
missions. (Generators will be operated only in the reduced sound signature mode as defined in
54 MECH DIV FSOP…Movement of tracked vehicles outside of designated assembly areas,
from 0001-2400 on Sundays during this exercise, is prohibited without permission of Commander,
XX [US] Corps.)
b. Logistics. Address any necessary guidance for administering the environmental effort by
the commander. Provide guidance for logistic support to environmental support and compliance.
(2) Environmental considerations and services locations. Provide, when appropriate, the
location of landfills, incinerators, HW collection facilities, water and wastewater treatment plants,
watershed protection areas, ecologically-sensitive areas, contaminated areas, potentially
dangerous industrial facilities, and other points of environmental sensitivity or interest to the
command. Include cultural resources if not noted elsewhere.
a. Command. Identify the executive agent for environmental functions in the command and
CP location. Specify responsibilities and levels for issuing guidance and waivers.
b. Signal. List environmental reporting instructions not specified in unit SOPs; identify the
required reports, formats, times and distribution lists.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
A. Environmental Assessments
Environmental Appendix to the Engineer Annex
c. JCS Pub 4-04, “Joint Doctrine for Civil Engineering Support,” 26 September 1995.
1. Purpose. State the regulatory, legal, troop protection, financial, or other reason for conducting an
environmental assessment in conjunction with the supported operation.
2. Background. State the purpose and concept of the operation and a brief explanation of the
relationship of environmental assessments to the successful completion of the operational mission.
3. Description of the Actions. State the types of assessments and the conditions under which actions
are required. When “major actions” (defined in Reference A) are included in the operation, indicate
whether an exemption applies (Tab B of this appendix). If no exemption is being invoked, state the
type of assessment(s) to be prepared: environmental impact statement (EIS), environmental statement
(ES), or environmental report (ER) (see Reference A). Indicate requirements for a facility EBS.
4. Exemption or Exclusion. Describe the basis for exemption (Tab B of this appendix). Finally,
determine and document the applicability to the operation. Seek approval from a higher authority
according to Reference A if applicability is not clearly stated.
5. Analysis of Options or Alternatives. If an ER, ES, or EIS is required, document the actions and
alternatives that were considered in planning the supported operation to minimize environmental
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
6. Environmental Setting of the Operation. (This and the following paragraphs are useful for
scoping/tiering analyses.) Describe or provide references for the description of the general
environmental conditions of the operational area, including (a) vegetation, (b) climate, (c) wildlife, (d)
archeological and historic sites, (e) water quality, and (f) air quality.
7. Environmental Impact of the Operation. Describe the impact on the (a) topography, (b) vegetation,
(c) water quality, (d) air quality, (e) ecosystem functioning, (f) archeological and historical sites, (g)
wildlife, (h) socio-economic and political end state, (i) land use, (j) safety and public and occupational
health, and (k) HM and HW use and disposal.
(a) Requirements. Describe actions and assign responsibilities for mitigation and monitoring of
environmental impacts of the supported operation (see Reference C, Chapter II, paragraph 4).
(b) Compliance Responsibilities. State applicability and responsibility for implementation of the
OEBGD or FGS during the post-hostilities phase. (See Reference D for assistance.)
Environmental Appendix to the Engineer Annex
b. Joint staff instruction (JSI) 3820.01, “Environmental Engineering Effects of DOD Actions,” 28
September 1993.
1. Purpose. State the basis for invoking or requesting an exclusion or exemption from environmental
assessment, according to Reference A, for the supported operation.
2. Background. State facts identified in the planning process which support an exemption from the
requirement of environmental analysis and documentation.
3. Discussion. Provide factual rationale for invoking an exemption. Assign responsibility for making
exemption determination.
4. Determination. Identify and document the authority making the exemption determination.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
a. DODD 6050.7, “Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Department of Defense Actions,” 31 March
1. Purpose. The primary purpose of an EBS is to identify environmental, health, and safety conditions that
pose a potential health threat to military personnel and civilians that occupy properties used by the US military
in the TO. The secondary purpose is to document environmental conditions at the initial occupancy of
property to prevent the US from receiving unfounded claims for past environmental damages.
2. EBS Requirement. State the requirement for performing an EBS, the time by which the initial EBS is to be
completed, and responsibilities for conducting and reporting.
3. Applicability. Describe conditions under which the EBS is required or may be waived.
4. Description. EBSs are divided into initial and closure investigations. The initial investigation is designed to
provide an initial overview of the property using real-time field sampling. The initial investigation is updated
when there are indications of the potential for significant environmental or health hazard and involves a more
comprehensive analysis designed to quantify an identified hazard. Comprehensive analysis requires more
time when it uses more specialized equipment that may not be available to all survey teams. The closure
EBS is a part of base-camp closure standards but is not limited to base camps (logistics areas,
communications sites, airfields, staging areas). To effectively complete the closure report it is essential to
reference the initial EBS (and update if applicable) and the log of periodic environmental conditions report(s)
(ECRs) that have been completed on the particular site/area. The ECR is completed on a periodic basis to
document conditions at the site/area as well as any time a potentially significant environmental event occurs.
See Enclosure 2 of this tab for an example. This description identifies the protocol to be used in conducting
both the initial and closure EBSs. This may include a checklist from a theater regulation or environmental
compliance assessment or some other means of guidance. Also address the frequency of ECRs and what
constitutes a “significant environmental event.”
5. Support. List military or contractual support for conducting an EBS. This list may include training for unit
officers, preventive medicine personnel, chemical reconnaissance platoons, Logistics Civil Augmentation
Program (LOGCAP), and Corps of Engineers support.
1. Environmental Baseline Survey
2. Environmental Conditions Report
3. Maps, Photographs, and Digital Data
Environmental Appendix to the Engineer Annex
a. DODD 6050.7, 31 March 1979, “Environmental Effects Abroad of Major DOD Actions.”
c. DODD 6050.16, 20 September 1991, “Policy for Establishing and Implementing Environmental
Standards at Overseas Installations.”
f. For a closure EBS, the initial EBS (and any applicable update) and any ECRs are also reference
1. Site/Property Location. List the legal address and 6-digit military grid location or latitude and
2. General Site Setting. Note whether the site was visually observed or identified from interviews or
record reviews. For an updated initial EBS or a closure EBS, the site should always be visually
a. The methodology used and limitations encountered during the initial (or updated) site
reconnaissance or the closure inspection. Describe the method used to reconnoiter the property; for
example, the use of grid patterns or other systematic approach. List and describe any limitations
encountered during the reconnaissance such as physical obstructions, bodies of water, pavement,
weather, or uncooperative occupants.
c. The past uses of the property. List all known past property uses. If a past use is likely to have
involved the use, treatment, storage, disposal, or generation of HMs or petroleum products, include a
detailed description or indicators of this use. A closure EBS includes information obtained from ECRs as
e. Past uses of adjoining properties. If a past use is likely to have indicated recognized adverse
environmental conditions, include a detailed description.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
f. Current or past uses of the surrounding areas: list general types of past uses; for example, residential,
agricultural, or industrial. Limit surroundings to that which can be seen or would clearly affect the area, such
as upstream on a waterway.
g. Geologic, hydrogeologic, hydrologic, or topographic conditions. List the conditions and give a general
description of the topography in the area. If indicated, analyze the likelihood of contaminant migration on or to
the property through the soil or groundwater from the adjacent properties or the surrounding areas.
h. General description of structures. List the buildings, and their locations, size, basic construction type,
stories, and approximate age.
i. Roads. List all public thoroughfares adjoining the property and describe all roads, streets, parking
areas, and walkways.
j. Water supply. List and differentiate all sources of potable and nonpotable water.
k. Sewage disposal system. Describe sewage disposal systems on the property and their general
condition, and approximate age.
3. Interior and Exterior Observations. To the extent visually/physically observed or identified from interviews
or record reviews (list actual source).
a. HM and petroleum products. Describe uses and types of products used on the property, and the
approximate amount and storage conditions. Indicate if treatment, storage, disposal, or generation occurred
on the property.
b. Storage tanks. Describe size, location, condition, and approximate age of all above and below-ground
storage tanks.
d. Pools of liquid. Note all surface water and describe all pools or sumps that contain water or other
liquids that may contain HM.
e. Drums. Describe all drums and their conditions. If they are known to contain no HM, list contents only.
f. Hazardous substances and petroleum products. Describe all products to include type, amount, and
manner/condition of storage.
g. Unidentified substance containers. Describe any open or damaged containers suspected of containing
HM or petroleum products.
Figure B-5. Enclosure 1 (Environmental Baseline Survey) to Tab C (Environmental Baseline Surveys)
to Appendix 2 (Environmental Considerations) to Annex F (Engineer) (continued)
Environmental Appendix to the Engineer Annex
i. Interior observations of the following:
(1) Heating and cooling systems. Describe, to include the fuel source and amount on hand.
(2) Stains and corrosion. Describe stains on floors, walls, and ceilings.
(1) Pits, ponds, and lagoons. Describe the pit, pond, or lagoon, especially if it may have been used
for HW disposal or waste treatment. Include a discussion and description of any on adjacent or adjoining
properties as well.
(3) Stressed vegetation. Describe any stressed vegetation and probable cause.
(4) Solid waste. Describe any filled, graded, or mounded areas that would suggest the disposal of
trash or solid waste.
(5) Wastewater. Describe every discharge of a liquid into a stream or ditch that is adjacent to the
(6) Wells. Locate and describe all wells (monitoring, potable, dry, irrigation, injection, abandoned,
etc.) on the property.
(7) Septic systems. List indications or the existence of on-site septic systems or cesspools.
(8) Ambient air quality. Smog, smoke, and odors from industrial facilities and many HW products can
be detected easily. Terrain can also affect air quality. Mountains and canyons can cause temperature
inversions, which impact air quality. Setting up base camps with heating units and vehicles in an area prone
to temperature inversions can cause poor air quality. Prevailing winds should also be considered.
4. Deletions and Deviations. Describe all deviations or deletions from the protocol (checklist) used or the
environmental standards currently in use by the command. Discuss each one individually and in detail.
5. Findings and Conclusions Statement. List the protocol used for the survey, exceptions to the protocol, and
any evidence of recognized adverse environmental conditions.
6. Qualification Statement. List the qualifications and duty position(s) of the individual(s) preparing the EBS.
Figure B-5. Enclosure 1 (Environmental Baseline Survey) to Tab C (Environmental Baseline Surveys)
to Appendix 2 (Environmental Considerations) to Annex F (Engineer) (continued)
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
a. DODD 6050.7, “Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Department of Defense Actions,” 31 March
c. DODD 6050.16, “Policy for Establishing and Implementing Environmental Standards at Overseas
Installations,” 20 September 1991.
d. Other applicable environmental laws and regulations, OPORD, and unit SOP.
1. Site/Incident Location. List the legal address and 6-digit military grid location or latitude and longitude
of the incident location or reference the applicable EBS to link the ECR to a given site. Refer to the
electronic environmental message formats at Tab E. (The ECR functions as a situation report (SITREP),
or interim report, for a given site. The frequency of ECR reports is a higher headquarters’ decision but
supports the need to document the condition of a given site over time [interim snapshots], as well as
helping to ensure that an appropriate environmental focus is being maintained at a given site. The basic
format of the ECR may also be used when reporting an incident, such as a POL spill, not related to a
given EBS or site location.)
2. Site/Incident Description and Background. Give a brief description of the site (installation), including
its related EBS/historical use(s) or the circumstances surrounding the incident. For an incident at a
location not covered by an EBS, it is critical to provide the same sort of information contained in a
standard accident report.
3. Map/Description of the Incident Location. If the ECR is related to a site covered by an EBS, this entry
is able to relate to the information already provided in the EBS (a baseline document). If the ECR
defines a location where an incident has occurred that is not covered by an EBS, the description needs
to be adequate to direct a follow-on element to the site. In this respect, it is similar to the graves-
registration report if the incident occurs during a tactical operation where time precludes remaining at the
4. Summary of Environmental Conditions. List the environmental event(s) at the site/location. All spills
should be inventoried. If the ECR is a periodic report for a given site, significant events, such as major
spills, should have been reported using the basic ECR format. In this case, simply reference any
significant incident report ECRs that may have occurred at the given site over the time frame that the
periodic ECR covers. Also provide a “snapshot” report of the types of HW/HM that are stored at the site.
Describe minor spills and other events that have occurred over the time frame in question in basic terms,
including quantities and the method(s) used to clean the site.
Environmental Appendix to the Engineer Annex
Example: Four gallons of waste oil spilled at the hazardous waste accumulation site (HWAS) located
northwest of the maintenance building (shown on map) at 1600 hours on 16 December 2000. The
22nd Military Police Battalion (MP Bn), contained the spill with assistance by White & Jones, by 1725
hours. About 3 cubic yards of contaminated soil was taken to the White & Jones HW disposal area in
Example: Raw sewage ran from a pump house behind the main warehouse (shown on map) for an
estimated 3 days during the initial stages of occupying the camp in early June 2000. The problem was
identified on 13 June and corrected when the pump was repaired on 14 June.
Example: A fuel tanker overturned at the road intersection vicinity NV 123456 (see map) at 092000
November 2000 during the road march to Bigtown. Immediate mitigation included spill containment by
the employment of all available spill kits with the unit. Higher HQ was immediately notified. An
estimated 4000 gallons of jet petroleum (JP)-8 spilled at that site. The vehicle has been righted, and
excavation of the site will begin at first light, 10 November.
5. Interior and Exterior Observations. These entries should be viewed as an abbreviated version of the
information that would be found in an EBS. Items should only be addressed if they differ from the last
ECR or vary from the initial EBS.
6. Findings and Determinations with Qualification Statement. A statement similar to the following
should appear in this paragraph of the ECR:
According to _________ Reg _______, I have considered whether or not significant environmental
impacts will occur as a result of turnover/return of this site (base camp, logistics area) and have
determined that (include one of the following statements):
a. Turnover of this base camp area will not result in environmental impacts significant
enough to warrant additional environmental analysis.
b. Turnover of this base camp area will result in environmental impacts significant enough
to warrant additional environmental analysis. Environmental actions or projects must continue after
transfer of the base camp area because of substantial (imminent) threat to human health or safety. The
impacts of concern are (list impacts):
(If the report is due to an incident not connected to a specific site/installation, this paragraph
is an assessment by the commander/individual on the scene.)
John Q. Jones
Mayor, Camp Swampy
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
99-7 (U)
References: FM 101-5-2, “US Army Reports and Message Formats,” 29 June 1999.
1. ( ) ECR Format.
Environmental Appendix to the Engineer Annex
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Used to send timely information or status of an oil, hazardous material, or
hazardous waste spill that could have immediate environmental and/or health effects. Sent in
accordance with SOP and commander’s direction. NOTE: Spill reporting and reportable quantities are
mandated by federal and local law.
Appendix C
Unit Environmental SOP
Unit Designation
Mailing Address
1. References.
2. Purpose.
a. This appendix standardizes procedures for environmental compliance with federal, state,
local, and HN laws and regulations. Failure to comply may result in the following:
b. This appendix is applicable to all assigned or attached personnel and governs the
environmental aspects of all unit activities.
3. Responsibilities.
a. Commander.
(2) Ensures that personnel comply with the provisions of referenced SOPs, regulations,
and public law.
(3) Ensures that the ECO, the HM/HW coordinator, and senior personnel have received
the proper training, and that they, in turn, train their subordinates.
(4) Ensures that all personnel who are exposed to HM in the course of their work receive
initial training within 90 days of assignment concerning the hazards to which they are
exposed and the precautions required to protect themselves in the work environment.
These personnel must also receive annual refresher training.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
(5) Ensures that all unit personnel receive initial environmental awareness training
within 90 days of assignment and refresher training annually thereafter.
(6) Ensures all unit personnel have received hazard communication training (OSHA
(7) Ensures that all environmental training is properly documented, and records are
filed in the unit operations/training office.
b. Executive Officer.
(1) Serves as the commander’s eyes and ears for environmental matters.
(2) Serves as a link between the unit commander and higher/installation headquarters’
environmental staff.
d. Maintenance Officer.
(5) Ensures that HM and HW spills are immediately contained and reported to the fire
department and the installation’s environmental office.
e. Motor Sergeant.
(1) Establishes and maintains an HW accumulation (HW less than 55 gallons) area
with proper separation of incompatible products.
Unit Environmental SOP
(3) Ensures that leaking containers are overpacked and/or the uncontaminated contents
containerized in functional containers.
(4) Ensures that only waste oil is placed in the waste oil tank or drums.
(5) Ensures that the waste oil tank or drums are pumped out when full or 90 days after
previous pumping, whichever occurs first (check with installation EC).
(6) Ensures that the washrack oil/water separator is clean and serviceable.
(7) Maintains an inventory log of all stored waste products, to include exact location of each
(8) Labels all HW containers properly as they are put in service and ensures turn-in and
delivery to the DRMO or contractor and pick up within 90 days of accumulation start date
(coordinate with the EMO).
(1) Initiates and processes turn-in documents (TIDs) for the turn-in of HM and HW.
(2) Maintains a suspense file and validates receipt copies of TIDs for all scrap, HM, and HW
shipped to the DRMO.
g. PLL Clerk. Requisitions mercury and lithium batteries with recoverability code "A" only upon turn-in
of a like item and quantity.
(1) Inspects all possible decontaminant solution 2 (DS2) and super tropical bleach (STB)
accumulation sites (connexes, wall lockers, POL accumulation area, and so forth) to ensure
that these products have been properly turned over to DOL/supply for consolidated storage.
(a) Ensures that DS2 and STB are stored in separate locations.
(b) Inspects containers monthly for leakage, and records results. Arranges for leakers
to be overpacked and turned in to the DRMO.
(3) Properly disposes of nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) related training material
that is classified as hazardous according to installation directives and DRMO policies.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
i. Mechanics.
(3) Promptly report leaks/spills to the motor sergeant and/or maintenance officer. Report
spills directly to the fire department and installation’s environmental office, if necessary, to
ensure prompt response.
(5) Keep HM and HW accumulation containers closed except to add or remove product.
j. Medics.
(1) Segregate medical waste from non-medical waste at the point of generation.
k. Individual Soldiers.
(1) Comply with the unit’s environmental requirements and the installation’s SOP.
(4) Identify the environmental risks associated with individual and team tasks.
(6) Report HM and HW spills immediately to (phone number for spill reporting).
Unit Environmental SOP
4. Safety.
a. Material Safety Data Sheet. MSDSs provide critical information for safeguarding human health and
protecting the environment. This information includes the hazardous characteristics of the substance,
the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), spill-response procedures, signs and symptoms
of overexposure, and first aid procedures. MSDSs can be obtained through unit supply channels and
should be maintained at each location where HM is being used. It is important to note that MSDSs are
material- and manufacturer- specific, which means that each brand name of a chemical has a different
b. Personal Protective Equipment. PPE is the primary means of safeguarding human health when
handling HM/HW. The most important aspect when choosing the appropriate PPE for a given
operation is the hazardous characteristics of the substance. Always refer to the manufacturer’s MSDS
before choosing the appropriate PPE. If the prescribed PPE cannot be obtained during a field or
contingency operation, field-expedient PPE should be used to help protect soldiers when handling
HM/HW or in the event of a spill. Leaders ensure that their soldiers and Marines have the appropriate
PPE when exposed to HM/HW during handling. Recommended field-expedient PPE is listed below:
NOTE: Field-expedient PPE should only be used when the required PPE is not available since it
does not provide the level of protection recommended by the manufacturer. Additionally, field-
expedient PPE that is used to handle HM/HW should not be used for normal operations after being
used as PPE.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
1. General.
a. Select maintenance activity sites so that POL-contaminated water will not enter a storm drain.
(1) Check the level of used oil in storage tanks. Schedule for tanks to be picked up when
3/4 full.
(2) Clean all foreign material from drip pans and above-ground oil tank screens.
c. Procure, store, and use only those chemical products specifically authorized by the
appropriate technical manual (TM) or lubrication order (LO) for the level of maintenance
d. Keep MSDSs for all chemicals/solvents/materials used in work areas in a file that is readily
accessible to personnel who work there. Brief personnel on chemical hazards, protective clothing
requirements, first aid, and spill response before they use hazardous chemicals.
f. Comply with the Army’s oil analysis program (AOAP) as a method of reducing the amount of
waste oil produced.
2. Maintenance Bays.
b. Do not wash heavily soiled and/or oily maintenance bay floors with solvent or other
unauthorized material. Clean up oil and fuel with dry sweep or rags only. Collect dry sweep and
dirt in nonleaking containers as HW for disposal through the DRMO.
c. Confine solvent use to solvent washing machines that meet the National Fire Prevention
Association’s safety regulation standards. Obtain approval for use of solvents, other than mineral
spirits, from the installation’s environmental office before use.
d. Ensure that all solvent washing machines have lids, which remain closed when not in use.
Unit Environmental SOP
e. Do not sweep or dump trash, garbage, nuts, bolts, and other solid waste into floor drains or
mix with used dry sweep. Put such items into covered, leak-proof containers. Empty containers
into dumpsters, as needed, to prevent spillover.
f. Place drip pans under points of leakage on vehicles with known seeps and leaks to preclude
discharges into wastewater collection systems. Drain all water from drip pans daily and dispose
into a sanitary sewer drain protected by an oil separator.
g. Use the exhaust ventilation system whenever a stationary vehicle is running inside the
maintenance bay.
h. Keep catch buckets in all floor drains that are designed for them. Inspect and empty dry
sweep and trash daily. In bays not equipped with oil-water separators should keep floor drains
permanently closed if HM/HW are handled or stored there.
3. Grease Racks/Pits.
a. Use approved used oil tanks to collect and subsequently recycle used oil. (Grease racks and
maintenance or inspection pits are designed for oil change and vehicle lubrication only.)
b. Introduce only uncontaminated used motor oil into the used oil tanks. Use separate
containers for hydraulic, transmission and brake fluids. Do not place solvent, fuel, water,
antifreeze, dirt, dry sweep, hardware, or trash in used oil tanks.
c. Dispose of used oil, transmission, and fuel filters in normal trash containers after draining for
24 hours and double bagging in plastic. (Units/installations should purchase equipment for
pressing oil from filters and then recycling the metal.)
d. Mark and position containers for new and used dry sweep at the grease rack to clean up
spills or leaks.
e. Keep floor of the grease rack and the immediate surrounding area free of POL buildup.
4. Washracks.
a. Use washracks for light exterior washing only. Wash extremely soiled vehicles at the
installation’s central vehicle wash facilities.
b. Obtain authorization from the installation’s environmental office for cleaners used in washing
activities, since cleaners will drain into the sanitary sewer. Post readable signs to indicate
specific, authorized cleaners, solvents, or soaps.
c. Do not use portable steam cleaners or clean engines at washracks. These activities cause
the oil to suspend in the water and the separator to function improperly. Only use steam
cleaners in designated areas.
d. Do not pour POL products, solvents, antifreeze, or other regulated substances into washrack
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
e. Position trash containers at washracks for disposal of refuse generated during the washing
f. Do not sweep dirt and trash resulting from washing vehicles into the washrack or pile trash along
the perimeter. Place trash in proper containers for disposal at the landfill. Report quantities of dirt in
excess of what can reasonably be placed in a trash container to the installation for disposal.
g. To prevent pooling and possible discharge into storm drains, immediately discontinue washing if
a washrack drain becomes clogged. Notify a supervisor to call in a work-order request immediately.
Maintain washrack as “out-of-service” until all necessary repairs are made.
(1) Check for leaking water hydrants and report leaks to the DPW or facility engineer work
order desk.
(2) Check for proper policing of the washrack, and ensure that the area is free of trash, oil-
soaked rags, and soil/sand.
(3) Inspect drains and sand traps to ensure proper operation of the washrack drainage
system. Call the DPW work-order section if plugged.
c. Keep a copy of the applicable MSDS for each HM on-hand in a binder in the parts storage area.
e. Make special indications for any materials that have shelf life considerations.
f. Consider alternative, nonhazardous substitutes whenever processing a request for HM. Check
with the installation’s environmental office for suggestions.
a. Store all POL products with secondary containment. Construct berms 1 1/2 times the volume of
the largest container (“must contain the contents of the single largest tank plus sufficient freeboard for
precipitation”) stored in the storage area to preclude spillage outside the immediate area. Obtain
exceptions to this policy from the installation’s environmental office.
Unit Environmental SOP
b. Store all HM in a location protected from the elements to maintain container integrity (to
prevent rusting, protect labels from fading, and so forth).
c. Inspect containers and labels weekly for leaks and incomplete/unreadable or out-of-date
labels. Stop leaks in containers (overpack the container or place the contents in a nonleaking
container.) Maintain legible labels to reflect actual container contents.
d. Maintain an inventory of POL products. Keep MSDSs on hand for any HM present.
f. Do not tip a drum on its side to issue POL products outside the POL storage area. Use
transfer pumps (preferred method) for dispensing POL products.
g. Place a drip box or pan under the supply valve when drum is tipped on its side. Line boxes
and pans with absorbent pads and maintain on a regular basis. Clean up spillage immediately
using dry sweep in areas with concrete floors.
h. Immediately report to the unit’s ECO and the appropriate installation officials spills of any
quantity that enter the environment (soil, water, or drain). (See Tab A.)
i. Keep used oil free of contamination (water, dry sweep, hardware, trash, solvent, antifreeze),
and store only in approved used oil above-ground storage tanks.
j. Use separate containers to store used brake fluid, solvents, hydraulic, and transmission oils.
(Should mixing of waste streams occur, the product becomes “waste contaminated with an
unknown substance” and will require analysis by the DRMO before disposal.)
k. Contact DRMO for pumping or turn-in, whichever applies, when used oil tanks/barrels are
3/4 full. (Units may be required to go through the installation’s EMO which will, in turn, contact
the DRMO.)
m. Obtain approved containers from the DRMO for proper disposal of contaminated dry sweep
and other accumulated HW. Clearly mark containers for proper waste disposal.
n. Dispose of used filters for oil, transmission, and fuel as normal trash after draining for 24
hours and double bagging in plastic. (Units/installations should investigate equipment for
pressing oil from filters and then recycling the metal.)
o. Permanently close all floor drains in maintenance areas where HM/HW are handled or
stored and provide for secondary containment single wall containers. Do not store HM near
sanitary or storm sewer drains. Immediately report any amount of POL spillage entering a floor
or storm drain to the unit’s ECO and the installation’s EMO.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
p. Place each HM container of five gallons or more accumulation capacity in a POL shed or portable
secondary containment device. (If these storage means are not available, the storage area will be
bermed to contain 1 1/2 times the largest container volume in the event of a spill.)
a. Two personnel perform the operation when filling any size container with fuel—one will run the
pump, and the other will dispense the fuel. This procedure provides adequate manpower, to monitor
the pump for leaks and shut off the pump in case of an emergency. It also prevents overfilling the
b. Handle fuel contaminated with dirt and water as HW, and dispose through the DRMO.
c. Dispose of oil-contaminated fuel as a result of fuel cell leaks or other mechanical system failure,
as HW through DRMO.
d. Contact the direct support unit for assistance and guidance if tankers or fuel pods must be
Provide accumulation sites for used petroleum products and HW. Place sites above ground on a
nonpermeable, bermed hard stand, label them; and locate them 50 feet or more from any building.
Leaking, corroded, or otherwise deteriorated containers must be overpacked in DOT approved drums.
Coordinate with the installation EMO for assistance in determining the appropriate overpack containers,
labeling/marking requirements, arranging for pick up of used oil, and other HW/HM collection issues.
a. Keep an accumulation log for each used oil or HW container in use. Specify as follows:
(1) Contents.
(2) Label and locate the stand 50 feet or more from any building.
(3) Protect the accumulated HW from the elements, including heat and cold.
Unit Environmental SOP
(4) Provide an enclosure to keep containers free from obscuring snow cover to allow for
routine visual inspections in areas prone to heavy snowfall.
(5) Store used greases, solvents, brake fluids, hydraulic fluid, motor oil, and antifreeze in
separate containers.
(6) Keep containers (drums, cans, or tanks) closed, except when depositing waste, as a
safeguard against spills and to prevent water from entering the containers.
(7) Obtain a replacement through the prescribed load list (PLL) section or the troop support
office if 2 ½- or 2 ¾-inch threaded caps on 55-gallon drums are missing.
(8) Ensure that secondary containment is provided which is capable of containing 1½ times
the volume of the largest container stored in the storage area.
(1) Label the storage tank(s) USED OIL ONLY (by type such as motor oil, transmission oil, or
hydraulic oil), and make certain personnel are trained to place only used oil in the tanks. If a
55-gallon drum is needed, use national stock number (NSN) 8110-00-823-8121.
(2) Ensure that waste-oil tanks are pumped on a regular schedule. Notify the motor sergeant
or the unit’s HM/HW coordinator if the tank fills up before the scheduled pick up date or the
tank is not pumped on schedule.
e. Use vermiculite (NSN 7930-00-269-1272) or absorbent pads to soak up puddles, and Safestep
(NSN 7930-01-145-5797) or sawdust (NSN 7930-00-633-9849) to clean up hard stands if HM or HW
is spilled. Place all contaminated soil and absorbent material in removable head drum(s) (NSN
8110-00-082-2626 or 8110-00-292-8121) and turn in to the DRMO. Notify the installation’s
environmental office (see Tab A).
f. Overpack chemical products and POL contained in leaking, corroded, or otherwise deteriorated
containers in approved drums, and dispose of them as HW through the DRMO. Contact the
installation’s environmental office for assistance in determining the appropriate overpack containers.
(1) To be accepted for turn-in, waste material must be in a safe, nonleaking, durable
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
(a) Overpack leaking containers in steel or plastic removable head overpack drums,
available through the supply system.
(2) Contact the installation’s environmental office for a loaner if drums are not available for
overpacking an emergency spill. Requisition a replacement drum for the installation’s
environmental office. Used drums are frequently available at the DRMO. Removable head 55-
gallon drums (NSN 8110-00-082-2626) should be stocked by installation supply. Ensure that
spill kits are procured for handling future spills.
(3) Request assistance from the installation’s environmental office on compatibility of waste,
packing, and labeling of containers. Maintain this information in the waste-stream file for each
g. Inspect HW weekly. Document results of the inspection on a log and make accessible to state
and federal inspectors. Identify description of waste, location, quantity, date accumulation started, end
of 90-day period, date removed to the DRMO or by contractor, remarks (condition of storage area and
containers), inspector's printed name, signature, and date of inspection. Coordinate this action with
the installation’s environmental office.
b. Do not discharge any POL product or contaminated soil into or near a storm drain. This is
forbidden. Vehicle parking areas drain into storm sewers; storm sewers drain into streams, which lead
into the nearest surface-water body.
c. Place drip boxes/pans under all drip points of vehicles with potential for leaking POL.
d. Use dry sweep to clean up POL spills where vehicles are parked, and dispose as HW through the
e. Do not wash vehicles on the vehicle parking line. Wash according to paragraph 4 of this SOP.
Unit Environmental SOP
f. Ensure that no vehicle leaves the motor pool if it leaves a visible, continuous, or intermittent trail of
POL on the ground (Class 3 leak).
10. Disposal of Empty Containers and Hazardous Items. Include information on turn-in of mufflers and
exhaust pipes, brake shoes and clutch plates, fuel tanks, aerosol cans, PCB capacitor and transformers,
hydraulic rams and gas cylinders, shock absorbers, oil- saturated wood and pallets, paint and paint
containers, solvents and thinners, oils and greases, antifreeze, oily rags, sweeping compound, oil and fuel
filters, washrack soil/sand residue, spill clean up debris and residue, and products with expiration dates.
a. Turn-in procedures. The procedures for turning in HM varies widely due to differing state and local
requirements. Seek the assistance of the supporting installation and DRMO, and should information on
filling out and processing the turn-in document.
b. Transport. Transportation of HW is strictly controlled. Check with the supporting installation and
DRMO to determine if transport by the unit is allowed.
a. General.
(1) Conduct tactical refueling operations at a designated logistics resupply point (LRP).
(2) Avoid conducting refueling operations in a unit’s AO due to the safety hazards associated with
maneuvering a fuel tanker or heavy expanded mobile tactical truck (HEMTT) and conducting
grounding operations at each vehicle.
(3) Ensure that POL section personnel conduct the actual refueling whenever possible.
b. Secondary containment.
(1) Place secondary containment (large drip pans) under the vehicle and under the fuel hoses
during refueling operations.
(2) Place 5-gallon fuel cans inside drip pan when refueling, for secondary containment,
preventing small volume fuel spills from accumulating and contaminating the soil.
(3) Transfer spilled fuel to a labeled 5-gallon waste-fuel container, and dispose as HW.
c. Emergency equipment.
(1) Fire fighting. Supply each refueling vehicle with a minimum of two fire extinguishers. Set up
fire extinguishers on each side of the tanker or HEMTT during refuel operations to expedite
emergency response measures. Ensure vehicles have their basic issue inventory (BII) items.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
(2) Emergency eyewash. Ensure that potable water is readily available for emergency eye
washing to provide first aid measures on-site in the event a spill or leak occurs during refueling
(3) Personal Protective Equipment. Ensure that each refueling vehicle has two sets of PPE.
Reference the MSDS for required PPE, or reference paragraph 4 at the beginning of this SOP
for field-expedient PPE. Wear gloves and goggles when conducting refueling operations. Use
aprons or wet weather gear to respond to a spill or repair a leak. Ensure that this equipment is
(4) Spill response. Ensure that a copy of the spill response plan is readily available during all
refueling operations.
12. Spills. (See Tab A for spill response plan. You should also refer to Graphic Training Aid [GTA] 5-8-3.)
a. Protect yourself and other personnel, stop the flow, and then contain the spill. Immediately contain
and report all spills that have entered or threaten to enter floor or storm drains.
b. Report all spills according to the ISCP. Reporting procedures and reportable quantities may vary
from installation to installation. The unit’s spill response team conducts clean up. Allow light fuel to
evaporate into the atmosphere; absorb oil with dry sweep or equivalent. (See Tab A.)
c. Report POL spills larger than one gallon of heavy oil or five gallons of fuel to the installation’s fire
department. (Check the ISCP for any differing local requirements.)
d. Conduct spill clean up per the spill response plan at Tab A. Additional cleanup guidance will be
provided when the spill is reported.
e. Maintain (on-hand) supplies and equipment (absorbent materials) appropriate for initial
containment of the types of spills possible in the unit. Refer to the MSDS associated with each
product, or call the HW material section of the DRMO for guidance on the necessary spill response
supplies to have on hand. Spill equipment and material will be similar to that contained in Tab B.
1. Requisitioning. Check with the installation’s environmental office for an up-to-date list of HM and
guidance on the Army’s HSMS. The HSMS, with its centralized management and strict inventory control, will
reduce the use and disposal of hazardous substances.
b. When processing a request for an HM, consider alternative, nonhazardous substitutes. Check with
the installation’s environmental office for suggestions.
d. Special indications will be made for any materials that have shelf life considerations.
Unit Environmental SOP
2. Storage.
b. Keep a copy of the applicable MSDS for each HM on hand in a binder in the HM supply storage
3. Turn-In/Disposal. Check with the supporting installation and DRMO for local requirements for turn-in of
HW and unused HM.
a. Keep an accumulation log for each HW that is awaiting turn-in to DRMO. Identify the date each
container was opened, date and quantity of each addition to the container, name of the person adding
to the container, date container is filled or closed, and date of turn-in to DRMO.
b. Keep turn-in documents for HM and HW on file for two years. Keep HW manifests on file for fifty
4. Paint.
a. Do not open more than one can of each color of paint at any time.
b. Store paints indoors in a non-flammable material locker or in a POL shed. Store paints by
d. Maintain an MSDS in the paint locker for each type of paint stored.
e. Turn in any unopened, reusable, excess, or no longer needed paint products to the appropriate
material management support activity, for redistribution or sale.
f. Store all waste paint and thinners/solvents separate from unused or good paint products.
g. Consult the installation EMO and chain of command for proper disposal of all paint.
h. Store and dispose of paint thinners (HM) as directed by the environmental office and the DRMO.
5. Batteries.
b. Store used batteries separately by type while awaiting turn-in; accompany with an accumulation
log. Coordinate with your local installation EMO to confirm proper labeling requirements.
c. Ensure that there are no leaking batteries; handle carefully, and place leaking batteries in
appropriate containers.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
b. Keep a copy of the applicable MSDS for each HM on hand in a binder in the storage area.
c. Store DS2 and STB containers in dry and well-ventilated separate locations.
e. Overpack and turn in to DRMO any DS2 or STB container found to be leaking.
2. Batteries.
b. Immediately turn in used batteries to unit supply for storage while awaiting turn-in to DRMO.
Field-mess personnel use M-2 burners that operate on motor gasoline (MOGAS) during field and
contingency operations. The major safety and environmental issues are fuel storage, filling, and lighting
1. Fuel Storage.
b. Do not attach open funnels or tubes to the containers. Maintain containers in good condition.
c. Do not use rusty or residue-covered containers. They are unsafe and unacceptable.
2. Filling operations.
a. Conduct filling operations on a tarp or plastic liner with a soil berm or sandbag perimeter for
secondary containment in the event of a spill.
Unit Environmental SOP
3. Lighting operations.
a. Conduct lighting operations at least 50 feet away from fuel storage and M-2 burner filling
b. Conduct lighting operations on open soil so that any residual fuel will freely burn during the
1. Training.
a. Provide initial environmental-awareness training to all personnel within 90 days of assignment
and annually thereafter.
b. Train all personnel to accomplish their tasks according to laws and regulations and to respond
properly in emergencies.
c. Train all personnel that have contact with HM or HW within 90 days of assignment and annually
thereafter. Ensure that personnel who have not yet received initial environmental training are
properly supervised when they work with materials potentially hazardous to themselves or the
d. Document all environmental training and keep on file in the operations/training office.
e. Identify quarterly requirements for ECO training. Request training allocations from the
installation’s EMO for two personnel (primary and alternate) in the installation’s ECO course.
Request an additional training allocation when either ECO is within 90 days of departure.
2. Risk Assessment.
a. Complete an environmental-related risk assessment for all field training of platoon size or
larger. (See Chapter 2 and Appendixes F and G.)
b. Use checklists, found in Appendix E, for long-range, short-range and near-term planning,
training execution, and training evaluation as an aid in minimizing negative environmental impacts
for those areas found to have high risk.
3. Maneuver Damage.
a. Designate a maneuver damage control officer for each field training exercise (FTX).
b. Incorporate maneuver damage considerations into the OPORD for each FTX.
c. Brief unit personnel on maneuver damage considerations and minimization measures before
each exercise.
d. Include maneuver damage as a discussion topic at all AARs.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
A. Spill Response Plan.
B. Spill Equipment and Materials.
C. Electronic Message Report Formats.
D. Field Procedures.
E. POCs for Assistance.
Unit Environmental SOP
1. Immediate Action. A spill is defined as any quantity of petroleum product over five gallons (or according
to local laws since some states are more stringent than five gallons) or any quantity of any other HW. Should
a spill occur, the immediate actions are as follows:
(2) Take personal precautions as detailed on the MSDS for the material spilled.
(1) Shut off valves, turn drums upright, and other procedures that will stop the flow, if possible.
(2) Do not take unnecessary chances, but stop the flow if it is possible without injury or
(1) Contain the spill by throwing absorbent, floor sweep, or dirt on it.
(2) Make dams to keep the spill from spreading further, and do not let it enter storm or sewer
drains, or other water ways.
(3) Divert the flow to prevent the spill from entering any water source, including drains, if
containment is not possible.
(3) Have another person call the installation’s fire department while you continuing to assess
the size and severity of the spill.
(4) Immediately report to the unit ECO or the installation’s environmental office spills of any HM
other than a petroleum product, regardless of quantity.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
(5) The senior person in charge makes a copy of the pertinent MSDS for emergency response
personnel in the event of a reportable spill.
(1) Scoop up contaminated material and put it in a container. Mark the container with
“Hazardous Waste, Contaminated Absorbent (Dirt)” if the spill occurred on concrete or asphalt
and the spill was cleaned up with absorbent or dirt.
(2) Check with unit supply sergeant or the DRMO for proper disposal.
(1) Immediately after a spill is cleaned up, the spill response team’s noncommissioned officer in
charge (NCOIC) will account for all tools and supplies. The NCOIC will order replacement
consumables (sweeping compound and rags) from unit supply. He will also identify missing
property and initiate appropriate action (statement of charges or report of survey) to maintain
(2) The spill response team’s NCOIC will ensure that spill kit inventories are complete before
resealing the drums.
g. Maintain POC list for assistance (listed by office, name, telephone number, and building).
c. Transfer the fluid to a serviceable container if the container is still leaking fluid.
d. Absorb the remaining spilled liquid with absorbent material. Use only the amount necessary to
absorb the spill. Take remedial action if the spill is too large while waiting for the fire department.
e. Clean up the material with a nonsparking shovel or broom and place the residue in a serviceable
container with a secure lid.
(1) Label the container—“POL SPILL RESIDUE”—for fuel, oil, or hydraulic fluid spills.
Unit Environmental SOP
(3) Label the container—“(Name of Acid) SPILL RESIDUE - ACID”—for acid spills.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Each unit/activity should maintain a spill kit to respond to accidental releases and spills of HM. Below
is a list of recommended equipment that should be maintained in the unit/activity spill kit. This list is
not all-inclusive and should be expanded depending on the mission of the unit/activity. It is the
responsibility of the unit/activity to purchase replacement or additional items to keep the contents of
the kit stocked with necessary equipment. Additional kits must be purchased by the unit/activity that
needs them, and additional quantities will be based on the likely size or frequency of potential spills.
8105-00-848-9631 Bag, polyolefin, 5 millimeters, 36 x 54 inch
8125-00-174-0852 Bottle, plastic, 1 gallon (polyethylene)
8125-00-731-6016 13 gallon
8125-00-888-7069 5 gallon
8110-00-254-5719 Drum, steel, 1 gallon*
8100-00-128-6819 1-gallon steel drum (17C)*
8110-00-254-5722 4-gallon steel drum*
8110-00-282-2520 5-gallon steel drum (17C)*
8110-00-254-5713 Drum, steel, 6 gallon (w/ring)*
8110-01-204-8967 Pail, shipping, steel, 5 gallon (DOT 17C)*
8110-00-519-5618 Drum, steel, 10 gallon (DOT 17C)*
8110-00-753-4643 19-gallon steel drum (17C)*
8110-00-366-6809 30-gallon steel drum (17C)*
8110-00-030-7779 30-gallon steel drum*
8110-00-030-7780 50-gallon steel drum (17C)*
8110-00-823-8121 55-gallon steel drum (17M)*
8110-00-030-9783 Drum, steel 55 gallon (bung & vent) (DOT 17E)*
8110-01-282-7615 Drum, polyethylene, 55 gallon*
8110-01-101-4055 85-gallon steel disposal drum (no lining)*
8110-01-101-4056 85-gallon steel recovery drum (epoxy phenolic lining)*
8110-01-101-4055 Drum, hazardous material*
Figure C-3. Tab B – Spill equipment and materials to unit environmental SOP
Unit Environmental SOP
7930-00-269-1272 Clay, ground unit of issue (UI-bag)
1939-01-154-7001 Nonskid absorbent (UI-40 bag skid)
5640-00-801-4176 Insulation, thermal, vermiculite (UI-bag) (packing material)
4235-01-423-1466 4 each 1 cubic foot bag
4235-01-423-0711 1 each 1 cubic foot bag
4235-01-423-1463 30 each 18 x 18 inch pillows
4235-01-423-1467 20 each 2 inch x 10 foot sock
4235-01-423-1465 10 each 4 inch x 8 foot booms
4235-01-423-2787 10 inch x 10 foot booms
Spill Prevention
8135-00-579-6491 Plastic sheet, clear
8135-00-579-6492 Plastic sheet, black
4235-01-423-7214 Spill kit
4235-01-423-7221 Spill kit
Figure C-3. Tab B – Spill equipment and materials to unit environmental SOP (continued)
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
References: FM 101-5-2, “US Army Reports and Message Formats,” 29 June 1999.
1. ( ) ECR Format.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Used to send periodic information (interim snapshots) of the environmental
status of specific sites (assembly areas, base camps, logistical support areas, and medical facilities) where
hazards are likely to occur and can result in significant, immediate and/or long-term effects on the natural
environment and/or health of friendly forces and noncombatants. Sent in accordance with unit SOP and
commander’s direction.
Figure C-4. Tab C – Electronic message report formats to unit environmental SOP
Unit Environmental SOP
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Used to send timely information or status of an oil, hazardous material, or
hazardous waste spill that could have immediate environmental and/or health effects. Sent in accordance
with SOP and commander’s direction. NOTE: Spill reporting and reportable quantities are mandated by
federal and local law.
Figure C-4. Tab C – Electronic message report formats to unit environmental SOP (continued)
Appendix D
The EMO is staffed with scientists and engineers responsible for developing
and implementing the installation’s environmental programs. This office is
usually a division within the installation DPW for the Army, the Directorate
of Engineering for the USMC, or the Facilities Management Office (FMO) of
the STARC for the NG. The installation’s environmental program includes
the following five general components, and many EMOs are organized
Sources of Environmental Assistance
The SJA provides legal advice and assistance in the interpretation and
application of environmental laws and rules to installation activities. This
process/serviceis particularly important when assessing the environmental
impact of a new initiative (such as construction).
The PAO is the official spokesperson for the installation/unit and manages
public involvement activities and responses (particularly during public
controversy) in close coordination with other key installation/unit members.
This is particularly important when assessing the environmental impact of a
new initiative (such as construction).
The preventive medicine office is the POC for the medical monitoring
program and work-related health problems. This office, often co-located with
medical units or hospitals, can provide critical information concerning public
health issues, such as the use of pesticides.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
The fire department provides fire fighting and spill response support to the
installation. In many instances, the fire department will have highly trained
spill response personnel who provide expert advice on spill reaction
The DRMO works closely with DPW and DOL to store and provide for
disposal of solid waste, including HW generated at the installation.
The unit staff takes on a much larger role in environmental assistance when
a unit is deployed or in an operational status. The load will tend to rest on
these staffs (see Chapter 1 for a discussion of unit staff responsibilities) in the
cases of deployment to relatively remote, OCONUS locations. As time goes
on and the duration of stay increases, it is very likely that the command will
establish organizations like the BCCA and its subordinate BCAT. These
organizations will provide tactical/operational commanders with the military
environmental protection support they need.
Sources of Environmental Assistance
The database at the CALL is beginning to add data that supports the needs of
the commander in the area of military environmental protection. A host of
lessons learned and examples of other units’ actions/experiences are
becoming available for use.
Regardless of your location there are a series of sources of assistance that are
available to you if you have the ability to phone or contact them by e-mail, or
other electronic means. Others can be easily identified through the use of the
Defense Environmental Network and Information Exchange (DENIX)
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Appendix E
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
• Ensure personnel designated for the spill response team(s) are properly
trained and aware of their assignment.
• Obtain land use permits, range clearances, and any other unique
• Brief the plan to the next higher commander and the operations officer.
Environmental Planning Guidelines
• Verify units dig (fighting positions, tank ditches) only in approved areas.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
• Ensure sensitive and “off-limits” areas are designated, well marked, and
• Ensure units are observe prohibition against filling any wetlands areas.
Environmental Planning Guidelines
• Verify units are disposing of liquid waste from kitchens, showers, and
baths correctly.
• Comply with the installation EMO procedures for the turn-in and
disposal of HW.
• Do not dump POL and vehicle maintenance waste products into sewers,
ditches, or streams.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
• Properly police and remove all wastes and recyclables (litter, ammo
Appendix F
K. Determine overall mission/task risk level after controls are implemented (circle
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Worksheet Instructions
A-E Self-explanatory.
F Identify Hazards - identify hazards by reviewing METT-TC factors for the
mission or task. Additional factors include historical lessons learned,
experience, judgment, equipment characteristics and warnings, and
environmental considerations.
G Assess Hazards - assessment includes historical lessons learned, intuitive
analyses, experience, judgment, equipment characteristics and warnings,
and environmental considerations. Determine initial risk for each hazard by
applying the risk assessment matrix Figure 2-12, page 2-25. Enter the risk
level for each hazard.
H Develop Controls - develop one or more controls for each hazard to either
eliminate the hazard or reduce the risk (probability and/or severity) of a
hazardous incident. Specify who, what, where, when, and how for each
control. Enter controls.
I Determine Residual Risk - determine the residual risk for each hazard by
applying the risk assessment matrix Figure 2-12, page 2-25. Enter the
residual risk level for each hazard.
J Implement Controls - decide how each control will be put into effect or
communicated to the personnel who will make it happen (written or verbal
instruction: tactical, safety, garrison SOPs, rehearsals). Enter controls.
K Determine Overall Mission/Task Risk - select the highest residual risk level
and circle it. This level becomes the overall mission or task risk level. The
commander decides whether the controls are sufficient to accept the residual
risk. If the risk is too great to continue the mission or task, the commander
directs development of additional controls or modifies, changes, or rejects
the COA.
Supervise and Evaluate - this last step is not on the worksheet. Plan how
each control will be monitored for implementation (continuous supervision,
spot checks), and reassess hazards as the situation changes. Determine if
the controls worked and if they can be improved. Communicate lessons
A. Mission or Task: B. Date/Time Group C. Date Prepared:
D. Prepared By: (Rank, Last Name, Duty Position)
The 586th Assault Float Bridge (AFB) Company will conduct a five-day FTX in Anatuvak
training area of Camp Yukon. The unit will depart Fort Chilly and convoy 120 miles on limited
access highways. The commander has designated rest areas and tactical refueling points
along the route. The trip is expected to take 8 hours. Upon arrival at Camp Yukon, the unit
will move into the Anatuvak training area and set up a bivouac site, preceeded by their
quartering party. During the FTX, the company will conduct tactical bridging operations on
the Yukon River. The FTX will involve normal operations (12 to 16 hours a day), with some
night and limited visibility operations. The operations will include the use of pyrotechnics
and blank ammunition, but no live fire will be conducted. The area has hills, wetlands,
several winding streams, and one large river. The wetlands are identified and marked. The
forecasted weather will not adversely affect operations. The soldiers are somewhat familiar
with the terrain, which contains some identified and marked off archaeological sites. The
training area contains the habitat for two endangered species, which are marked and
posted. The unit will conduct unit maintenance, refueling, messing, shower, and field
sanitation operations within the bivouac site.
Leaders developed the hazard list using their experience, lessons learned,
unit SOPs, applicable references, and guidance from the chain of command.
The unit consulted Fort Chilly’s and Camp Yukon’s installation and
operational staffs to obtain more information on the environmental
considerations for the area of operations. They identified applicable
environmental standards, laws, and ROE that effected the mission.
Practical Application of Assessing Environmental-Related Risk
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
A. Mission or Task: B. Date/Time Group C. Date Prepared:
Begin: 010600RJunXX
586th Engineer Company FTX End: 061200RJunXX 22 May XX
Moderate (M) 1. Brief all drivers to stay on primary Low (L) TACSOP, para 9(a), OPORD - provide
Maneuver damage from
and secondary roads. all drivers with strip map marking
off-road movement
2. Identify all sensitive areas and route and sensitive areas; leaders
habitat along the route. account for all vehicles at halts.
3. Conduct prior route recon. (ARTEP 5-145-32, MTP 05-2-1030).
K. Determine overall mission/task risk level after controls are implemented (circle one):
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
A. Mission or Task: B. Date/Time Group C. Date Prepared:
Begin: 010600RJunXX
586th Engineer Company FTX End: 061200RJunXX 22 May XX
HM spills from Moderate (M) 1. Brief all personnel on proper waste- Low (L) TACSOP, para 12(a), OPORD - TM
vehicle-maintenance accumulation site and field PMCS 38-410, Camp Yukon Environmental and
procedures. Range regulations. (FM 43-5, ARTEP
2. Provide spill equipment. 5-145-32, MTP 05-2-1131, ARTEP
3. Provide secondary containment for 5-145-32, MTP 05-2-1005).
all drums and containers.
K. Determine overall mission/task risk level after controls are implemented (circle one):
Starting range and training area Moderate (M) 1. Inform soldiers that no open Low (L) TACSOP, para 7(a), OPORD – FM 7-
fires fires are allowed. 10, Camp Yukon Environmental and
2. Provide fire-prevention Range Regulations (ARTEP 5-145-32,
equipment at refueling, MTP 05-2-0917).
messing, maintenance, and
other specified locations in
3. Brief soldiers on the proper
use of pytotechnics, smoke
pots, and grenades.
Polluting water sources form field Moderate (M) 1. Coordinate for “port-a-potty” Low (L) TACSOP, para 7(a), OPORD – FM 7-
latrines and mess operations units from range control. 10, Camp Yukon Environmental and
2. Recover all mess operations Range Regulations (FM 21-10, FM
waste (grease, trash). 10-23, ARTEP 5-145-32, MTP 05-
3. Inform soldiers of proper field 2-1031, ARTEP 5-145-32, MTP 05-
sanitation techniques. 2-1009).
4. Train field sanitation teams.
5. Establish trash collection
K. Determine overall mission/task risk level after controls are implemented (circle one):
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
A. Mission or Task: B. Date/Time Group C. Date Prepared:
Begin: 010600RJunXX
586th Engineer Company FTX End: 061200RJunXX 22 May XX
K. Determine overall mission/task risk level after controls are implemented (circle one):
Spill into river from High (H) TACSOP, para 13(a), OPORD - FM
1. Train all fuel handlers on proper Moderate (M)
over-the-water boat refueling procedures. 90-13, Camp Yukon Environmental and
refueling and fueling 2. Provide spill equipment. Range Regulations (FM 10-71, TM 5-
of tactical vehicles 3. Ensure that only fuel handlers will 5420-209-12, TM 5-1940-277-10,
near river dispense fuel. ARTEP 5-145-32, MTP 05-2-0605).
4. Locate refueling site away from
bodies of water and wetland areas.
5. Ensure that there will be no over-
the-water refueling.
Oil and greasy water High (H) 1. Brief all boat operators concerning Moderate (M)
bilged from bridge- proper bilging procedures. TACSOP, para 13(a), OPORD - FM
erection boats into 2. Provide spill equipment for each 90-13, Camp Yukon Environmental and
river boat. Range Regulations (TM 5-5420-209-
3. Steam clean each engine 12).
compartment before FTX.
K. Determine overall mission/task risk level after controls are implemented (circle one):
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
A. Mission or Task: B. Date/Time Group C. Date Prepared:
Begin: 010600RJunXX
586th Engineer Company FTX End: 061200RJunXX 22 May XX
Use of smoke pots and High (H) 1. Brief all leaders on proper use and Moderate (M) TACSOP, para 13(a), OPORD - Camp
grenades in sensitive deployment of smoke pots and
habitat areas and grenades. Yukon Environmental and Range
civilian population 2. Use smoke only in approved areas. Regulations. (FM 3-50, ARTEP 5-145-
areas 3. Coordinate with range control before 32, MTP 05-2-0917).
smoke operations.
4. Observe and calculate atmospheric
effects on the dispersion and direction
of the smoke areas.
5. Stop smoke operations immediately if
atmospheric conditions change, or when
notified by range control.
Washing vehicles and Moderate (M) 1. Inform all leaders to conduct vehicle Low (L)
equipment in or around and equipment cleaning only at approved TACSOP, para 14(a), OPORD - Camp
water sources washracks before departure from Camp Yukon Environmental and Range
Yukon. Regulations.
2. Ensure that leaders will inform and
supervise soldiers.
K. Determine overall mission/task risk level after controls are implemented (circle one):
YES NO I. Management
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
10. Does the unit have appropriate references (ARs, FMs, TMs,
installation regulations, command policies, SOPs) on hand?
Unit Environmental Self-Assessment
12. Are used oil accumulation tanks only used for collection of
used oil?
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Unit Environmental Self-Assessment
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
6. Are washrack areas free of oil and/or fuel spills? Are the
washrack areas free of oily rags and trash?
Unit Environmental Self-Assessment
10. Are paint sprays and battery and radiation repair operations
conducted properly and coordinated with the EMO, safety,
and preventive medicine offices?
11. Are collection points established with proper containers and
servicing for all maintenance-generated wastes?
12. Does the unit fill in fighting positions and all other excavations
upon exercise completion and redeployment?
13. Does the unit have a maneuver damage control element for
each operation? Are all damages properly reported and
corrected according to command guidance?
14. Are refueling sites located away from sensitive areas such as
wetlands, water sources, drainage areas, and endangered
species habitats?
15. Does the unit have appropriate spill prevention equipment at
high risk locations (refueling, maintenance, messing) and is it
available to spill prevention personnel?
16. Does the unit use track turning pads where appropriate?
17. Does the unit confirm and mark sensitive areas to prevent
damage to endangered species habitat and
archaeological/cultural areas?
18. Does the unit conduct soldier/Marine environmental
awareness briefings before an operation?
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
19. Does the unit conduct smoke operations and the proper use
of pyrotechnics according to local regulations and policies?
1SG first sergeant
AC active component
accident risk All operational risk considerations other than tactical risks. Includes risk to
friendly forces, risk posed to civilians by an operation, as well as the impact of operations on
the environment.
AE Army Europe
AO area of operations
AR Army regulation
asbestos A group of natural minerals that tend to separate into strong, heat-resistant fibers.
Used as an insulator, it is a suspected carcinogen.
attn attention
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
bn battalion
boiling point The temperature at which a compound will go from the liquid state to the vapor
CAS (chemical abstract service number) A unique number given to a chemical compound when
it has been thoroughly identified. Information can be tracked by that number even when a
different trade name or synonym is given for the chemical.
CD compact disc
cdr’s commander’s
ceiling The maximum concentration that is allowed for any exposure. Area must be vacated at
once if this level is reached.
3. Reactivity: the ability to enter into a violent chemical reaction, which may
involve explosions or fumes.
4. Toxicity: the ability to release certain toxic constituents when leaded with mild
civil action A lawsuit filed in court against a person who has either failed to comply with
statutory or regulatory requirements or an administrative order, or has contributed to a
release of hazardous wastes or constituents. There are four types of civil actions:
compliance, corrective, monitoring and analysis, and imminent hazard.
CO commanding officer
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
compliance The Army’s expectation that soldiers obey local, state, federal and HN
environmental requirements.
conservation The act of conserving and preserving natural and cultural resources so they will
be available for present and future generations.
CONUS continental United States; from an environmental standpoint, CONUS refers to any
land over which the EPA has jurisdiction. Included are Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam
and the Virgin Islands.
convoy A group of vehicles organized for the purpose of control and orderly movement with or
without escort protection.
criminal action A prosecutorial action taken by the US Government or a state towards any
person(s) who has knowingly and willfully not complied with the law. Such an action can
result in the imposition of fines or imprisonment.
critical habitat A designated area declared essential for the survival of a protected species
under authority of the ESA.
crossing site(s) The location along a water obstacle where the crossing can be made using
amphibious vehicles, assault boats, rafts, bridges, or fording vehicles.
CZ combat zone
DC District of Columbia
DEQ Directorate of Environmental Quality. This is another name for the EMO when it is not
under the DPW.
detergents Synthetic water soluble cleaning agents that act like soap.
discharge Includes, but is not limited to, the accidental or intentional spilling, leaking,
pumping, emitting, emptying, or dumping of a substance on any land or into water.
disposal The discharge, deposit, dumping, spilling, leaking, or placing of any solid waste or HW
into or on any land or water.
div division
DIV division
DS2 Decontaminant solution 2; incompatible with most metals, DS2 is procured exclusively by
DOD to decontaminate machinery after a chemical weapons attack. DS2 is not authorized
for training due to the hazards it presents to humans who are exposed to it. It can cause
severe burns, stricture of the esophagus, and damage to the central nervous system, liver,
and reproductive system.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
EC environmental coordinator
ECAS Environmental Compliance Assessment System; this system involves the use of the
environmental compliance assessment. Also referred to as an environmental audit or
environmental program review, it involves an examination of an installation's environmental
program to identify possible compliance deficiencies. It also includes designing corrective
action plans and implementing fixes for identified deficiencies.
ecology The science concerned with the relationship between organisms and their environment
and the interrelationships and interdependence of these organisms; that is, the study of
living things in relation to the environment and to each other.
EIS Environmental impact statement; a document prepared by EPA or under EPA guidance,
which identifies and analyzes in detail the environmental impacts of a proposed action.
endangered species Those species designated by the Secretary of the Interior which are in
danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of their range.
evaporation rate How rapidly compound evaporates based on a reference compound. The
higher the number the faster the material will evaporate.
environmental ethic Taking care of the environment because it is the right thing to do. This
ethic is the operating principle and value that governs individual soldiers, units, and the
environmental noise The outdoor noise environment consisting of all noise (including ambient
noise) from all sources that extend beyond, but do not include, the workplace.
environmental planning Efforts that consider the impact of operation, training, exercises, or
weapon system introduction on the environment, and where necessary, allow decision
makers to take early action to eliminate or mitigate those impacts. Additionally,
environmental planning may require consultation or submission of documentation to
demonstrate that environmental considerations have been taken.
environmental pollution The condition resulting from the presence of chemical, mineral,
radioactive, or biological substances that alter the natural environment or that adversely
affect human health or the quality of life, biosystems, the environment, structures and
equipment, recreational opportunities, aesthetics, or natural beauty.
environmental reconnaissance The systematic observation and recording of site or area data
collected by visual or physical means, dealing specifically with environmental conditions as
they exist, and identifying areas that are environmentally sensitive or of relative
environmental concern, for information and decision-making purposes.
environmental stewardship The care and management of the property of another, the
environment. Army objective is to plan, initiate, and carry out its actions and programs in a
manner that minimizes adverse effects on the environment without impairing the mission.
EO executive order
EPA Environmental Protection Agency; established in 1970, the EPA is charged with protecting
and enhancing the environment today and for future generations to the fullest extent
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
ER environmental report
ES environmental statement
FIFO first-in-first-out
flash point Temperature at which there is enough vapor of a chemical to ignite if a spark is
FM field manual
force health protection All services performed, provided, or arranged by the Services to
promote, improve, conserve, or restore the mental or physical well being of personnel. These
services include, but are not limited to, the management of health services resources such as
manpower, monies, and facilities; preventive and curative health measure; evacuation of the
wounded, injured, or sick; selection of the medically fit and disposition of the medically unfit;
blood management; medical supply, equipment, and maintenance thereof; combat stress
control; and medical, dental, veterinary, laboratory, optometry, medical food, and medical
intelligence services.
force protection Actions taken to prevent or mitigate hostile actions against Department of
Defense personnel (to include family members), resources, facilities, and critical information.
These actions conserve the force’s fighting potential so it can be applied at the decisive time
and place. It coordinates and synchronizes offensive and defensive measures to enable the
effective employment of the force while degrading opportunities for the enemy. Force
protection does not include actions to defeat the enemy or protect against accidents, weather,
or disease.
freezing point The temperature at which a compound will change from a liquid to a solid.
FY fiscal year
gray water Any nontoilet water (nonsewage) that is nonpotable because it was used in some
way (for example, water from sinks, bathtubs, showers, or laundry operation).
groundwater A body of water, generally within the boundaries of a watershed, that exists in
the internal passageways of porous geological formations (aquifers) and which flows in
response to gravitational forces. Nearly half of the US population uses groundwater as its
primary water source.
halons A family of fully halogenated hydrocarbons containing bromines. These substances are
environmentally harmful because they deplete the earth’s stratospheric ozone layer.
hazard A condition that can be expected to cause damages including injury or death to exposed
health hazards Those hazards that can cause injury or illness when a person is exposed to
hazardous chemicals by inhalation, ingestion, swallowing, skin contact, or eye contact.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
historic artifacts Something created by humans usually for a practical purpose especially an
object remaining from a particular period (prehistoric caves, burial sites).
HM Hazardous material; any material, including waste, that may pose an unreasonable risk to
health, safety, property, or the environment, when they exist in specific quantities and forms.
Chemicals that have been determined by the Secretary of Transportation to present risks to
safety, health, and property during transportation.
HN Host nation; a nation which receives the forces and/or supplies of Allied nations and/or
North Atlantic Treaty Organization organizations to be located on, or to operate in or to
transit through its territory.
HQ headquarters
HW Hazardous waste; waste which, if improperly managed, can create a risk to the safety or
health of people or to the environment. EPA considers hazardous waste a subset of both solid
waste and hazardous materials. Technically, those wastes that are regulated under RCRA
40 CFR, part 261 either because they are "listed" or because they are ignitable, corrosive,
reactive, or toxic.
ICUZ Installation compatibility use zone; a land use planning procedure employed to control
environmental noise.
ID identification
IPMP Integrated Pest Management Plan; the management of actual and potential pest
problems using a combination of available preventive and corrective control measures. The
biological effectiveness, environmental acceptability, and cost effectiveness of pest control
measures must be considered before such measures can be approved for use on Army-
controlled property.
IRT installation response team. Those collective persons designated to act in an emergency to
perform functions directed by the installation on-scene coordinator.
ISCP Installation Spill Contingency Plan; document detailing resources and procedures for
cleanup of oil and hazardous substances spills.
JP joint publication
JP jet petroleum
landfill An in-ground disposal site for wastes that were designed to reduce air pollution and
unsightly trash that resulted from open dumping and burning. Older landfills leak
contaminants into the soil and groundwater, although many new ones are built with
elaborate leak prevention systems.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
LO lubrication order
lubricants Substances (such as grease) capable of reducing friction, heat, and wear when
introduced as a film between solid surfaces.
MAJ major
MECH mechanized
medical waste Any waste that is generated in the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of
human beings or animals.
melting point The temperature at which a compound will change from a solid to a liquid.
military environmental protection The application and integration of all aspects of natural
environmental considerations, as they apply to the conduct of military operations.
MO Missouri
monitoring The assessment of emissions and ambient air quality conditions. Monitoring
techniques used are emission estimates, visible emission readings, diffusion or dispersion
estimates, and sampling or measurement with analytical instruments.
MP military police
NG National Guard
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act or Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PAM pamphlet
penalties The legal punishment (fines, jail) for having violated a law.
pesticides A chemical or other substance used to destroy plants and animal pests.
physical hazards Those hazards that can cause explosions, fires, violent chemical reactions, or
other hazardous situations.
PPM Parts per million; molecules of chemical per one million molecules of air.
primacy A legal situation which allows the states to have environmental and worker protection
standards more stringent than the federal standards.
Pub publication
QA quality assurance
QM quartermaster
radon A colorless, odorless, radioactive by-product from the natural degradation of uranium.
RC Reserve component
recovered materials Waste materials and by-products that have been recovered or diverted
from solid waste, but this term does not include those materials and by-products generated
from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing process.
recycling The process by which recovered materials are transformed into new or usable
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
risk The probability of exposure, coupled with the severity of the consequences. Risk is often
used in a more general way than danger, in that risk is used to describe potential financial
loss or property damage in addition to environmental damage or personal injury.
SA Sikes Act
SF standard form
SOFA Status of Forces Agreement. An agreement on the stationing of forces to which the US is
a party, such as a multilateral or bilateral stationing or base rights agreement, or an
arrangement or understanding concluded thereunder.
solid waste Any material or substance (solid or liquid) which is inherently waste-like by being
no longer suitable for its originally intended purpose.
solubility The quality or state of being able to dissolve in water. The amount of substance that
will dissolve in a given amount of another substance.
solvents Volatile organic compounds (trichloroethylene and so forth) used as powerful cleaners,
degreasers, and paint strippers. At one time solvents were widely used in the military's
industrial production and maintenance operations and routinely dumped untreated into the
source reduction The DOD has set the goal of reducing HW generation at its sources. This
reduction is to be achieved through product substitution, recycling, and inventory control,
and by developing new industrial processes that use less hazardous materials, such as bead
blasting rather than solvents to remove paint.
sovereign immunity A legal situation in which the sovereign (for example, federal
government) cannot be held legally liable for what it does or does not do.
spill A generic term that encompasses the accidental and the deliberate but unpermitted
discharge or release of a pollutant.
tactical risk The risk concerned with hazards that exist because of the presence of either the
enemy or an adversary.
TBP to be published
TC training circular
TEL telephone
TG trainer's guide
threatened species Those species that are likely to become endangered within the foreseeable
future throughout all or a significant portion of their range.
threshold limit value (time weighted average) The recommended limit for worker exposure
over an 8-hour work day.
TM technical manual
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
TO table of organization
TO theater of operation
toxic Capable of producing injury, illness, or damage to humans, domestic livestock, wildlife, or
other organisms through ingestion, inhalation, or absorption through any body surface.
UI unit of issue
US United States
USACHPPM United States Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
(formerly USAEHA)
USAEC United States Army Environmental Center; provides oversight, coordination, and
execution support for Army environmental programs and projects, and technical and related
support. Formerly the US Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency.
UST Underground storage tank. Below- or in-ground tank, storing oil or hazardous substances,
regulated under RCRA.
VA Virginia
vapor density How heavy vapor is relative to air. Air is assigned a vapor density of 1. If the
number is less than 1, the vapor from the compound will rise. If the number is greater than
1, the vapor will tend to sink to the ground.
vapor pressure Pressure of a compound in the vapor state. The higher the number the more
readily the compound will evaporate. Compounds with high vapor pressures are often
flammable and if contained in a sealed container may burst.
wetlands Generally includes marshes, swaps, bogs, and similar areas. Areas that are
inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to
support a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for saturated soil conditions.
WO warning order
XO executive officer
CD. Joint Service Pollution Technical Library (version 1.3). 1 August 1997.
DODI 4715.8. Environmental Remediation Policy for DOD Activities Overseas. 22 April
DODI 6055.1. DOD Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Program. 19 August 1998.
EO 13101. Greening the Government Through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal
Acquisition. 18 September 1998.
Title 29, CFR, part 1910. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
December 1970.
Title 40, CFR, parts 259-355 and 761. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
1976 Amended 1984.
Title 49, CFR, parts 106-178. Hazardous Material Transportation and Uniform Safety
Act (HMTUSA). 1990.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Army Environmental Policy Institute. US Army Environmental Strategy into the 21st
Century. 1992.
AR 40-6. Medical Record Administration and Health Care Documentation. 3 May 1999.
AR-40-66. Medical Record Administration and Health Care Documentation. 3 May 1999.
ARTEP 5-145-32-MTP. Mission Training Plan for the Headquarters and Headquarters
Company, Engineer Battalion, Heavy Division/Corps. 19 July 1991.
FM 10-23. Basic Doctrine for Army Field Feeding and Class I Operations Management.
18 April 1996.
FM 21-11. First Aid for the Soldier (with changes). 4 December 1991.
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
TM 5-1940-277-10. Operator’s Manual for Boat, Bridge Erection, Twin Set, Aluminum
Hull, Model USC 80MK-1 and USC 80MK-2. December 1981.
Army Environmental Policy Institute. US Army Environmental Strategy into the 21st
Century. 1992.
acceptability, 2-9 camouflage, 2-13, 2-25, A-10, E-4
accident risk, 2-7, 2-17, 2-22 catastrophic, 2-20, 2-21, 2-22, 2-23, 2-24
accumulation site, H-2 chemical agent resistant coding (CARC), 2-
acquisition services, 5-12 20, 7-2
aerial points of departure (APODs), 5-12 chief of staff (CofS), 1-12, 1-13
after-action review (AAR), 1-11, 1-18, 2-3, 2- Clean Air Act (CAA), A-6
25, 2-26, 3-6 Clean Water Act (CWA), A-6
air quality, 1-7, collateral damage, 1-13, 2-1, 2-22, 4-4, 4-6,
AR 200-1, 1-6, 1-10, 1-16, 6-5, 6-6, 6-8, 6-9, B-2, B-4
6-11, 6-12, 5-9, A-2, A-4, A-20, C-2 combat service support,
AR 200-2, 5-9, 5-10, 6-11 A-3, A-5, A-12 commander, joint task force (CJTF), 2-11
AR 200-3, A-3 commander’s guidance, 1-5, 1-18, 2-4, 2-9, 2-
AR 200-4, A-3, A-5 10, 4-2, 4-7
AR 200-5, A-4 commander’s intent, 2-7, 2-8, 2-18
AR 420-49, A-4 compliance, ii, 1-3 through 1-11, 1-15
AR 420-76, A-4 through 1-18, 2-16, 3-7, 5-5 through 5-9, 5-
Archaeological Resources Protection Act 14, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-5, 6-6, 6-11, 6-12, 6-15, 6-
(ARPA), A-3 16, 6-17, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, A-10, A-14, A-18,
area of operation,1-12, 4-4,7-1,G-1, A-19, A-22, B-4, C-2, C-3, C-5, D-1, D-5,E-6,
Army correspondence course program H-1
(ACCP), Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Army environmental response line, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA),
Army medical laboratory (AML), 1-14 A-8, A-19
Army regulation(s), ii, A-2 comprehensive environmental training and
asbestos, 2-15, 5-4,5-8, A-2, A-6, A-17, A-18, education (CETEP), 1-17
H-3 conservation, 1-3, 1-7, 1-8, 2-13, 5-2, 5-3, A-
asbestos management, 5-4 15, A-16, A-17, D-1
assistant chief of staff, G1 (S1), personnel, 1- continental US (CONUS), 1-15, 5-9, 5-12
12 contingency operations, 1-8, 2-11, 5-13, 5-14,
assistant chief of staff, G2 (S2), intelligence, 6-14
1-12 conventions, 1-15, 6-16
assistant chief of staff, G3 (S3), operations, coordinating staff, 1-12
1-13 corps real estate support teams (CREST), 2-
assistant chief of staff, G4 (S4), logistics, 1- 6
13 courses of action (COA), 2-2, 2-5, 2-9, 2-10,
assistant chief of staff, G5 (S5), civil-military 2-18, 2-25, 7-1, 7-2, F-2
operations, 1-13, 1-14 critical, 1-1, 1-10, 1-13, 1-14, 1-16, 1-18, 2-1,
2-2, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 2-10, 2-11, 2-12, 2-21,
base camp assistance/assessment team 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 4-1, 4-2, 4-6, 5-1, 5-8, 5-11,
(BCAT), 1-10, D-2 5-15, 6-10, 6-16, 7-2, A-9, B-4, D-2, D-3
base camp coordination agency (BCCA) , 1- cultural resources management plan
10, D-2 (CRMP), 5-4, 5-9, 5-11
Basel Convention, A-21 cultural resources(s), 1-1, 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 2-1,
batteries, 5-2, 6-5, 6-15, 6-16, C-4, C-6, C-16, 2-18, 2-19, 4-6, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-11, 6-2
C-17, H-3 cultural resource protection, 5-2, 5-3
battle focused training, i, 3-1, 3-7 customer assistance office,
battlespace, 2-1,2-7
DA PAM 200-1, A-5
C2, 2-2, 2-25 DA PAM 200-4, A-5
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Index 1
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
environmental regulation(s), 5-13, 6-2, 6-16, force protection, 1-14, 1-11, 1-18, 1-19, 2-1,
A-1, A-9, A-17, A-18, A-20, H-1 2-17, 3-1, 4-1, 4-5, 4-6, G-3
environmental resource(s), vi,1-2, 1-6, 1-13, fragmentary orders (FRAGOs), 2-16
1-14, 2-1, 5-8
environmental responsibilities, i, 1-9, 1-10, G1, 1-12, 5-14
1-12, 1-14, 5-4, 5-5 G2, 1-12, 1-15, 2-5, 2-7, 2-10
environmental stewardship, 1-4, 1-6, 1-9, 1- G3, 1-12, 1-13, 2-7, 2-8, 2-10, 5-14, 6-11, D-2
11, 1-17, 3-6, 5-5, 6-3 G4, 1-13, 1-14, 2-5, 2-10, 5-8, 5-14, 6-10, 6-
environmental threats, vii, 1-2, 1-15, 1-18, 4- 11, A-11, B-7, D-1, D-2
2 G5, 1-13, 1-14
environmental management, vi, 1-9, 2-11, 3- gray water, 1-11
3, 3-7, 5-6, 6-10, D-4
environmental protection, iv, vi, vii, viii, 1-1, hazardous material (HM), 1-7, 1-13, 1-15
1-3, 1-4, 1-6, 1-7, 1-9, 1-11 through 1-14, 1- through 1-18, 2-11 through 2-14, 2-17, 2-20,
17, 1-19, 2-11 through 2-16, 3-2, 3-3, 4-2, 4-3, 2-21, 3-4 through 3-7, 5-2, 5-4, 5-7, 5-8, 5-12,
4-5, 4-6, 4-7, 4-8, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-6, 5-12, 5- 6-2 through 6-8, 6-10 through 6-17, 7-1, 7-2,
13, 6-1, 6-17, A-1, D-3, D-4, E-1 7-3, A-2, A-6, A-8 through A-11, A-14, A-16,
environmental-related risk, ii, 2-1, 2-2, 2-16, A-19, B-6, B-7, B-8, B-11, B-15, B-17, C-2, C-
2-23, 2-24, 2-26, 5-9, C-18, F-1, G-1, G-3 4 through C-12, C-15, C-18, C-20, C-23, D-2,
EO 11987, A-18 D-3, E-2, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-7
EO 11988, A-18 Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
EO 11990, A-18 (HMTA), A-12
EO 12088, A-18 hazardous substance management system
EO 12114, A-19 (HSMS), 6-12
EO 12580, A-19 hazardous waste (HW), 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 1-11, 1-
EO 12856, A-19 13, 1-15 through 1-18, 2-7, 2-11, 2-12, 2-14,
EO 12873, A-19 2-15, 2-17, 2-22, 2-21, 3-4, 3-6, 3-7, 5-2, 5-4,
EO 12898, A-19 5-6, 5-7, 5-12, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7, 6-8,
EO 13007, A-19 6-10 through 6-17, A-2, A-4, A-8, A-10, A-11,
ethical implications, 1-4, 4-2 A-12, A-15, A-16, A-19, A-21, B-5, B-7, B-8,
evaluation, 2-10, 2-20, 2-26, 3-2, 3-5, 3-6, 3- B-16, B-17, B-18, D-1, D-3, E-2, E-5, H-2, H-
7, 5-10, 6-1, 6-2, A-12, C-18, G-3 3, H-7
executive agent(s), 5-13, A-20, B-8 hazardous substance control, 5-2
executive officer (XO), 1-12, 2-8, 2-10 HAZCOM, 1-15, 5-8, 5-14, 6-4, 6-7, 6-8
executive orders, ii, A-5, A-18 host nation (HN), 1-4, 1-6, 1-7, 1-14, 2-3, 2-
explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), 5-3 13, 2-17, 2-26, 3-7, 5-13, 6-16, 6-17, 6-14, A-
1, A-20, B-5, D-4, E-1, H-1, H-8
Federal Facilities Compliance Act (FFCA), human waste, 1-11, E-5
6-2, A-5, A-10, A-21 HW/HM (MOS 9954) Marine, 6-12
federal laws, ii, 5-12, A-5 HW coordinator, 1-11, 5-7, 6-2, 6-11, D-1
field sanitation, 2-21, 2-25, 5-8, 7-3, A-10, B-
6, G-1 industrial operations, 5-12, 7-3
final governing standards (FGS), 1-10. 5-11, inspection(s), 1-16, 5-6, 5-8, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4,
5-13, 6-3, 6-11, 6-17, A-20, B-2, B-10, B-11 6-11, H-1
finding of no significant impact (FONSI), 5- installation restoration program (IRP), 5-12,
10 A-8
fire department, 5-14, 6-7, 6-10, A-9, A-16, installations and logistics department,
C-3, C-5, C-15, C-20, C-21, D-3 headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC), iii
five-step process, G-1 integrated natural resource management
force health protection, vi, 1-4, 1-11, 1-18,1- plan (INRMP), 5-4, 5-11
19, 1-19, 4-3, G-3 integrated training area management
force projection, 5-12 (ITAM), 5-1, 5-4, 5-7, 5-11, 5-12, A-4, D-2
2 Index
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Index 3
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
4 Index
FM 3-100.4/MCRP 4-11B
Index 5
FM 3-100.4
MCRP 4-11B
15 JUNE 2000
General, United States Army
Official: Chief of Staff
Active Army, Army National Guard, and U.S. Army Reserve: Electronic Means
Lieutenant General, US Marine Corps
Commanding General
Marine corps Combat Development Command
PIN: 078352-000