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Section 900 Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen

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Section 900

Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen

Table of Contents

Physical Properties Of Liquid And Gaseous Carbon Dioxide ................................................................ 374

Conversion Factors For Co2 0°F And 305 Psia ..................................................................................... 374

Physical Properties Of Liquid And Gaseous Nitrogen ........................................................................... 378

SCF* Of Nitrogen Per Barrel Of Space ................................................................................................. 379

M3* Of Gaseous Nitrogen Per M3 Of Space .......................................................................................... 383

Fluid Flowback Table................................................................................................................................. 387

SCF Of N2 Per Bbl Of Fluid Sg = 0.85................................................................................................... 387

M3 Of N2 Per M3 Of Fluid Sg = 0.85 ..................................................................................................... 387

SCF Of N2 Per Bbl Of Fluid Sg = 1.00................................................................................................... 388

M3 Of N2 Per M3 Of Fluid Sg = 1.00 ..................................................................................................... 388

SCF Of N2 Per Bbl Of Fluid Sg = 1.15................................................................................................... 389

M3 Of N2 Per M3 Of Fluid Sg = 1.15 ..................................................................................................... 389

SCF Of N2 Per Bbl Of Fluid Sg = 1.30................................................................................................... 390

M3 Of N2 Per M3 Of Fluid Sg = 1.15 ..................................................................................................... 390

Flow Back Rate For Energized Fluids (Liquid: S.G. = 0.85 To 1.3)*..................................................... 391

Useful Physical Constants..................................................................................................................... 391

Choke Nipple Information...................................................................................................................... 392

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Field Data Handbook
Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen

Physical Properties of Liquid and Gaseous Carbon Dioxide

Chemical Symbol.............................................................. C02

Molecular Weight .............................................................. 44.01

Triple Point........................................................................ –69.9°F& 60.43 psig

(–56.6°C & 416.6 kPa)

Critical Temperature ......................................................... 87.8°F (31.0°C)

Critical Pressure ............................................................... 1070.16 psig (7378.75 kPa)

Vapor Pressure of Saturated Liquid, 0°F.......................... 305.8 psia (2108.5 kPa)

Density of Saturated Liquid, 0°F....................................... 63.65 lb/cu. ft. (1024.76 kg/m )
One Ton Liquid CO2 @ 0°F .............................................. 17,200 SCF (484.6 m )
One Gal. Liquid CO2 @ 0°F.............................................. 8 51 Ib /gal. (1019. 5 kg/m )

Gradient of CO2 column. ..................................... 0.441 psi/ft. (9.98 kPa/m)

Conversion Factors for CO2

0°F and 305 PSIA

Liquid Measures

One Ton............................................................................ 235 gallons

One Gallon........................................................................ 8.51 pounds

One Cubic Foot................................................................. 63.6 pounds

One Cubic Meter............................................................... 1019.5 kg

One Cubic Meter............................................................... 1.020 Tonnes

Gas Measures

One Ton............................................................................ 17,200 SCF

One Pound........................................................................ 8.6 SCF

One Gallon........................................................................ 73 SCF

One Barrel ........................................................................ 3060 SCF

One Cubic Meter (Liquid) ................................................. 494 m
One Tonne........................................................................ 534.17 m

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Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen

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Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen

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Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen

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Field Data Handbook
Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen

Physical Properties of Liquid and Gaseous Nitrogen

Chemical Symbol..................................................................N
Molecular Weight ..................................................................28.016
Normal Boiling Point .............................................................–320.45°F (–195.8°C)
Critical Temperature .............................................................–232.87°F (–147.15°C)
Critical Pressure ...................................................................492.3 psig
Density of Saturated Vapor at 14.7 psia...............................0.30635 lb./cu. ft.
Specific Gravity of Saturated Vapor
at 14.7 psia (air = 1.0)..............................................0.967
Density of Liquid Nitrogen at
Normal Boiling Point = .............................................50.443 lb./cu. ft.
1 lb. Liquid Nitrogen..............................................................0.1483 Gal.
1 lb. Liquid Nitrogen..............................................................13.81 SCF
1 Gal. Liquid Nitrogen ...........................................................6.743 lb.
1 Gal. Liquid Nitrogen ...........................................................93.12 SCF
100 SCF Nitrogen .................................................................7.247 lb. at –320.4°F
1 m gas................................................................................1.173 kg gas
1 m liquid .............................................................................814.8 kg liquid
3 3
1 m .......................................................................................694.4 m gas
1 lb. N ...................................................................................39 m
1 Gal. N2 ...............................................................................2.63 m

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Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen


Pressure Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
100. 40. 38. 37. 35. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. 28. 27. 26.
200. 79. 76. 74. 71. 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. 57. 55. 54. 52.
300. 119. 115. 110. 106. 103. 99. 96. 93. 90. 88. 85. 83. 81. 78.
400. 159. 153. 147. 142. 137. 132. 128. 124. 120. 117. 114. 110. 107. 105.
500. 199. 191. 184. 177. 171. 166. 160. 155. 151. 146. 142. 138. 134. 131.
600. 241. 231. 221. 213. 205. 198. 191. 185. 179. 173. 168. 163. 159. 155.
700. 281. 269. 258. 248. 239. 230. 222. 215. 208. 202. 196. 190. 185. 180.
800. 321. 307. 295. 283. 273. 263. 254. 245. 237. 230. 223. 217. 211. 205.
900. 361. 346. 332. 319. 306. 295. 285. 275. 266. 258. 250. 243. 236. 230.
1000. 401. 384. 368. 353. 340. 328. 316. 305. 295. 286. 277. 269. 262. 255.
1100. 441. 422. 404. 388. 373. 360. 347. 335. 324. 314. 304. 295. 287. 279.
1200. 480. 460. 441. 423. 407. 392. 378. 365. 353. 341. 331. 321. 312. 304.
1300. 520. 497. 477. 457. 440. 423. 408. 394. 381. 369. 358. 347. 337. 328.
1400. 559. 535. 512. 492. 473. 455. 438. 423. 409. 396. 384. 373. 362. 352.
1500. 598. 572. 548. 526. 505. 486. 469. 452. 437. 423. 410. 398. 387. 376.
1600. 637. 609. 583. 559. 537. 517. 498. 481. 465. 450. 436. 423. 411. 400.
1700. 675. 645. 618. 593. 570. 548. 528. 510. 492. 477. 462. 448. 436. 424.
1800. 713. 682. 653. 626. 601. 579. 558. 538. 520. 503. 487. 473. 460. 447.
1900. 751 718. 687. 659. 633. 609. 587. 566. 547. 529. 513. 498. 483. 470.
2000. 788. 753. 721. 692. 664. 639. 616. 594. 574. 555. 538. 522. 507. 494.
2100. 824. 788. 755. 724. 695. 669. 644. 622. 600. 581. 563. 546. 531. 516.
2200. 861. 823. 788. 756. 726. 698. 673. 649. 627. 606. 587. 570. 554. 539.
2300. 896. 857. 821. 788. 756. 728. 701. 676. 653. 632. 612. 594. 577. 562.
2400. 932. 891. 854. 819. 787. 756. 729. 703. 679. 657. 636. 617. 600. 584.
2500. 966. 925. 886. 850. 816. 785. 756. 729. 704. 681. 660. 641. 623. 606.
2600. 1001. 957. 917. 880. 846. 813. 783. 756. 730. 706. 684. 664. 645. 628.
2700. 1034. 990. 949. 910. 875. 841. 810. 782. 755. 730. 707. 686. 667. 650.
2800. 1067. 1022. 979. 940. 903. 869. 837. 807. 780. 754. 731. 709. 689. 671.
2900. 1100. 1053. 1010. 969. 931. 896. 863. 833. 804. 778. 754. 731. 711. 692.
3000. 1131. 1084. 1040. 998. 959. 923. 889. 858. 829. 802. 777. 754. 733. 713.
3100. 1163. 1114. 1069. 1026. 987. 950. 915. 883. 853. 825. 799. 775. 754. 734.
3200. 1193. 1144. 1098. 1054. 1014. 976. 940. 907. 876. 848. 821. 797. 775. 755.
3300. 1223. 1173. 1126. 1082. 1040. 1002. 965. 931. 900. 870. 843. 819. 796. 775.
3400. 1252. 1202. 1154. 1109. 1067. 1027. 990. 955. 923. 893. 865. 840. 816. 795.
3500. 1281. 1229. 1181. 1135. 1092. 1052. 1014. 979. 946. 915. 887. 861. 837. 815.
3600. 1308. 1257. 1208. 1162. 1118. 1077. 1038. 1002. 968. 937. 908. 881. 857. 835.
3700. 1336. 1284. 1234. 1187. 1143. 1101. 1062. 1025. 990. 958. 929. 902. 877. 855.
3800. 1362. 1310. 1260. 1212. 1167. 1125. 1085. 1047. 1012. 980. 950. 922. 897. 874.
3900. 1388. 1335. 1285. 1237. 1191. 1148. 1108. 1069. 1034. 1001. 970. 942. 916. 893.
4000. 1413. 1360. 1309. 1261. 1215. 1171. 1130. 1091. 1055. 1021. 990. 962. 936. 912.

Reference conditions for the SCF of gas are 60°F and 14.7 psi

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Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen


Pressure Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
4100. 1459. 1396. 1339. 1286. 1237. 1192. 1150. 1112. 1076. 1043. 1012. 983. 956. 931.
4200. 1484. 1420. 1362. 1309. 1259. 1214. 1172. 1133. 1097. 1063. 1032. 1002. 975. 949.
4300. 1508. 1444. 1385. 1331. 1282. 1236. 1193. 1154. 1117. 1083. 1051. 1021. 994. 968.
4400. 1532. 1467. 1408. 1354. 1303. 1257. 1214. 1174. 1137. 1103. 1070. 1040. 1012. 986.
4500. 1555. 1490. 1431. 1376. 1325. 1278. 1235. 1194. 1157. 1122. 1089. 1059. 1030. 1004.
4600. 1579. 1513. 1453. 1398. 1347. 1299. 1255. 1215. 1177. 1141. 1108. 1077. 1049. 1022.
4700. 1601. 1536. 1475. 1419. 1368. 1320. 1276. 1234. 1196. 1160. 1127. 1096. 1067. 1039.
4800. 1624. 1558. 1497. 1440. 1388. 1340. 1296. 1254. 1215. 1179. 1146. 1114. 1084. 1057.
4900. 1646. 1580. 1518. 1462. 1409. 1361. 1315. 1274. 1234. 1198. 1164. 1132. 1102. 1074.
5000. 1668. 1601. 1539. 1482. 1430. 1381. 1335. 1293. 1253. 1217. 1182. 1150. 1120. 1091.
5100. 1690. 1622. 1560. 1503. 1450. 1400. 1355. 1312. 1272. 1235. 1200. 1167. 1137. 1108.
5200. 1711. 1643. 1581. 1523. 1470. 1420. 1374. 1331. 1291. 1253. 1218. 1185. 1154. 1125.
5300. 1732. 1664. 1601. 1543. 1489. 1439. 1393. 1349. 1309. 1271. 1236. 1202. 1171. 1142.
5400. 1753. 1685. 1621. 1563. 1509. 1458. 1412. 1368. 1327. 1289. 1253. 1220. 1188. 1158.
5500. 1774. 1705. 1641. 1592. 1528. 1477. 1430. 1386. 1345. 1307. 1270. 1237. 1205. 1175.
5600. 1794. 1725. 1661. 1602. 1547. 1496. 1449. 1404. 1363. 1324. 1288. 1253. 1221. 1191.
5700. 1814. 1744. 1680. 1621. 1566. 1515. 1467. 1422. 1381. 1341. 1305. 1270. 1238. 1207.
5800. 1834. 1764. 1699. 1640. 1584. 1533. 1485. 1440. 1398. 1359. 1322. 1287. 1254. 1223.
5900. 1853. 1783. 1718. 1658. 1603. 1551. 1503. 1458. 1415. 1376. 1338. 1303. 1270. 1239.
6000. 1872. 1802. 1737. 1677. 1621. 1569. 1520. 1475. 1432. 1392. 1355. 1320. 1286. 1255.
6100. 1891. 1821. 1756. 1695. 1639. 1587. 1538. 1492. 1449. 1409. 1371. 1336. 1302. 1270.
6200. 1910. 1839. 1774. 1713. 1657. 1604. 1555. 1509. 1466. 1426. 1388. 1352. 1318. 1286.
6300. 1929. 1858. 1792. 1731. 1674. 1622. 1572. 1526. 1483. 1442. 1404. 1368. 1334. 1301.
6400. 1947. 1876. 1810. 1749. 1692. 1639. 1589. 1543. 1499. 1458. 1420. 1383. 1349. 1317.
6500. 1965. 1894. 1827. 1766. 1709. 1656. 1606. 1560. 1516. 1475. 1436. 1399. 1364. 1332.
6600. 1983. 1911. 1845. 1783. 1726. 1673. 1623. 1576. 1532. 1491. 1451. 1415. 1380. 1347.
6700. 2000. 1929. 1862. 1800. 1743. 1689. 1639. 1592. 1548. 1506. 1467. 1430. 1395. 1362.
6800. 2018. 1946. 1879. 1817. 1760. 1706. 1656. 1608. 1564. 1522. 1483. 1445. 1410. 1376.
6900. 2035. 1963. 1896. 1834. 1776. 1722. 1672. 1624. 1580. 1538. 1498. 1460. 1425. 1391.
7000. 2052. 1980. 1913. 1951. 1793. 1738. 1688. 1640. 1595. 1553. 1513. 1475. 1439. 1405.
7100. 2068. 1996. 1929. 1867. 1809. 1754. 1704. 1656. 1611. 1568. 1528. 1490. 1454. 1420.
7200. 2085. 2013. 1945. 1883. 1825. 1770. 1719. 1671. 1626. 1583. 1543. 1505. 1469. 1434.
7300. 2101. 2029. 1962. 1899. 1841. 1786. 1735. 1687. 1641. 1598. 1558. 1519. 1483. 1448.
7400. 2117. 2045. 1978. 1915. 1856. 1802. 1750. 1702. 1656. 1613. 1573. 1534. 1497. 1462.
7500. 2133. 2061. 1993. 1930. 1872. 1817. 1765. 1717. 1671. 1628. 1587. 1548. 1511. 1476
7600. 2149. 2076. 2009. 1946. 1887. 1832. 1781. 1732. 1686. 1643. 1602. 1563. 1526. 1490.
7700. 2165. 2092. 2024. 1961. 1902. 1847. 1795. 1747. 1701. 1657. 1616. 1577. 1539. 1504.
7800. 2180. 2107. 2040. 1976. 1917. 1862. 1810. 1761. 1715. 1671. 1630. 1591. 1553. 1518.
7900. 2195. 2122. 2055. 1991. 1932. 1877. 1825. 1776. 1730. 1686. 1644. 1605. 1567. 1531.
8000. 2210. 2137. 2070. 2006. 1947. 1892. 1840. 1790. 1744. 1700. 1658. 1618. 1581. 1545.

Reference conditions for the SCF of gas are 60°F and 14.7 psi

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Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen


Pressure Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
8100. 2234. 2158. 2088. 2023. 1962. 1905. 1852. 1803. 1756. 1712. 1671. 1632. 1595. 1560.
8200. 2247. 2172. 2101. 2036. 1975. 1919. 1866. 1816. 1769. 1725. 1684. 1644. 1607. 1572.
8300. 2261. 2185. 2115. 2049. 1989. 1932. 1879. 1829. 1782. 1738. 1696. 1657. 1620. 1585.
8400. 2274. 2198. 2128. 2062. 2002. 1945. 1892. 1842. 1795. 1751. 1709. 1670. 1632. 1597.
8500. 2287. 2211. 2141. 2075. 2015. 1958. 1904. 1855. 1808. 1763. 1722. 1682. 1645. 1609.
8600. 2300. 2224. 2154. 2088. 2027. 1970. 1917. 1867. 1820. 1776. 1734. 1694. 1657. 1621.
8700. 2313. 2237. 2166. 2101. 2040. 1983. 1930. 1880. 1833. 1788. 1746. 1707. 1669. 1633.
8800. 2325. 2249. 2179. 2114. 2053. 1996. 1942. 1892. 1845. 1800. 1758. 1719. 1681. 1645.
8900. 2338. 2262. 2191. 2126. 2065. 2008. 1955. 1904. 1857. 1813. 1771. 1731. 1693. 1657.
9000. 2350. 2274. 2204. 2139. 2077. 2020. 1967. 1917. 1869. 1825. 1783. 1743. 1705. 1669.
9100. 2362. 2286. 2216. 2150. 2089. 2032. 1979. 1929. 1881. 1837. 1794. 1754. 1716. 1680.
9200. 2374. 2298. 2228. 2162. 2101. 2044. 1991. 1941. 1893. 1848. 1806. 1766. 1728. 1692.
9300. 2386. 2310. 2240. 2174. 2113. 2056. 2003. 1952. 1905. 1860. 1818. 1778. 1739. 1703.
9400. 2398. 2322. 2252. 2186. 2125. 2068. 2014. 1964. 1917. 1872. 1829. 1789. 1751. 1714.
9500. 2409. 2333. 2263. 2198. 2137. 2080. 2026. 1976. 1928. 1883. 1841. 1801. 1762. 1726.
9600. 2421. 2345. 2275. 2209. 2148. 2091. 2038. 1987. 1940. 1895. 1852. 1812. 1773. 1737.
9700. 2432. 2356. 2286. 2221. 2160. 2103. 2049. 1999. 1951. 1906. 1863. 1823. 1785. 1748.
9800. 2443. 2368. 2297. 2232. 2171. 2114. 2060. 2010. 1962. 1917. 1875. 1834. 1796. 1759.
9900. 2454. 2379. 2309. 2243. 2182. 2125. 2072. 2021. 1973. 1928. 1886. 1845. 1807. 1770.
10000. 2465. 2390. 2320. 2254. 2193. 2136. 2083. 2032. 1985. 1939. 1897. 1856. 1817. 1781.
10100. 2476. 2400. 2330. 2265. 2204. 2147. 2094. 2043. 1996. 1950. 1908. 1867. 1828. 1791.
10200. 2487. 2411. 2341. 2276. 2215. 2158. 2105. 2054. 2006. 1961. 1918. 1878. 1839. 1802.
10300. 2497. 2422. 2352. 2287. 2226. 2169. 2115. 2065. 2017. 1972. 1929. 1888. 1850. 1812.
10400. 2508. 2432. 2363. 2297. 2237. 2180. 2126. 2076. 2028. 1983. 1940. 1899. 1860. 1823.
10500. 2518. 2443. 2373. 2308. 2247. 2190. 2137. 2086. 2038. 1993. 1950. 1909. 1871. 1833.
10600. 2528. 2453. 2383. 2318. 2258. 2201. 2147. 2097. 2049. 2004. 1961. 1920. 1881. 1844.
10100. 2538. 2563. 2394. 2329. 2268. 2211. 2157. 2107. 2059. 2014. 1971. 1930. 1891. 1854.
10800. 2548. 2473. 2404. 2339. 2278. 2221. 2168. 2117. 2070. 2024. 1981. 1940. 1901. 1864.
10900. 2558. 2483. 2414. 2349. 2288. 2231. 2178. 2128. 2080. 2035. 1992. 1951. 1911. 1874.
11000. 2568. 2493. 2424. 2359. 2298. 2242. 2188. 2138. 2090. 2045. 2002. 1961. 1922. 1984.
11100. 2578. 2503. 2434. 2369. 2308. 2252. 2198. 2148. 2100. 2055. 2012. 1971. 1931. 1894.
11200. 2587. 2513. 2443. 2379. 2318. 2261. 2208. 2158. 2110. 2065. 2022. 1981. 1941. 1904.
11300. 2597. 2522. 2453. 2388. 2328. 2271. 2218. 2168. 2120. 2075. 2032. 1990. 1951. 1914.
11400. 2606. 2532. 2463. 2398. 2338. 2281. 2228. 2177. 2130. 2084. 2041. 2000. 1961. 1923.
11500. 2616. 2541. 2472. 2408. 2347. 2291. 2237. 2187. 2139. 2094. 2051. 2010. 1971. 1933.
11600. 2625. 2551. 2481. 2417. 2357. 2300. 2247. 2197. 2149. 2104. 2061. 2020. 1980. 1942.
11100. 2634. 2560. 2491. 2426. 2366. 2310. 2256. 2206. 2159. 2113. 2070. 2029. 1990. 1952.
11800. 2643. 2569. 2500. 2436. 2376. 2319. 2266. 2216. 2168. 2123. 2080. 2039. 1999. 1961.
11900. 2652. 2578. 2509. 2445. 2385. 2328. 2275. 2225. 2177. 2132. 2089. 2048. 2008. 1971.
12000. 2661. 2587. 2518. 2454. 2394. 2338. 2285. 2234. 2187. 2142. 2098. 2057. 2018. 1980.

Reference conditions for the SCF of gas are 60°F and 14.7 psi

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Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen


Pressure Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
12100. 2669. 2596. 2527. 2463. 2403. 2347. 2294. 2244. 2196. 2151. 2108. 2067. 2027. 1989.
12200. 2678. 2604. 2536. 2472. 2412. 2356. 2303. 2253. 2205. 2160. 2117. 2076. 2036. 1998.
12300. 2687. 2613. 2545. 2481. 2421: 2365. 2312. 2262. 2214. 2169. 2126. 2085. 2045. 2007.
12400. 2695. 2622. 2553. 2490. 2430. 2314. 2321. 2271. 2223. 2178. 2135. 2094. 2054. 2016.
12500. 2704. 2630. 2562. 2498. 2439. 2383. 2330. 2280. 2232. 2187. 2144. 2103. 2063. 2025.
12600. 2712. 2639. 2571. 2507. 2447. 2391. 2338. 2289. 2241. 2196. 2153. 2112. 2072. 2034.
12700. 2720. 2647. 2579. 2515. 2456. 2400. 2347. 2297. 2250. 2205. 2162. 2121. 2081. 2043.
12800. 2728. 2655. 2587. 2524. 2464. 2409. 2356. 2306. 2259. 2214. 2171. 2129. 2090. 2052.
12900. 2737. 2664. 2596. 2532. 2473. 2417. 2364. 2315. 2267. 2222. 2179. 2138. 2098. 2060.
13000. 2745. 2672. 2604. 2541. 2481. 2426. 2373. 2323. 2276. 2231. 2188. 2147. 2107. 2069.
13100. 2752. 2680. 2612. 2549. 2490. 2434. 2381. 2332. 2285. 2240. 2197. 2155. 2116. 2078.
13200. 2760. 2688. 2620. 2557. 2498. 2442. 2390. 2340. 2293. 2248. 2205. 2164. 2124. 2086.
13300. 2768. 2696. 2628. 2565. 2506. 2451. 2398. 2349. 2301. 2256. 2214. 2172. 2133. 2094.
13400. 2776. 2703. 2636. 2573. 2514. 2459. 2406. 2357. 2310. 2265. 2222. 2181. 2141. 2103.
13500. 2783. 2711. 2644. 2581. 2522. 2467. 2415. 2365. 2318. 2273. 2230. 2189. 2149. 2111.
13600. 2791. 2719. 2652. 2589. 2530. 2415. 2423. 2373. 2326. 2281. 2238. 2197. 2158. 2119.
13700. 2799. 2726. 2659. 2597. 2538. 2483. 2431. 2381. 2334. 2290. 2247. 2206. 2166. 2128.
13800. 2806. 2734. 2667. 2604. 2546. 2491. 2439. 2389. 2342. 2298. 2255. 2214. 2174. 2136.
13900. 2813. 2741. 2615. 2612. 2554. 2499. 2477. 2397. 2350. 2306. 2263. 2222. 2182. 2144.
14000. 2821. 2749. 2682. 2620. 2561. 2506. 2454. 2405. 2358. 2314. 2271. 2230. 2190. 2152.
14100. 2828. 2756. 2690. 2627. 2569. 2514. 2462. 2413. 2366. 2322. 2279. 2238. 2198. 2160.
14200. 2835. 2764. 2697. 2635. 2577. 2522. 2470. 2421. 2374. 2330. 2287. 2246. 2206. 2168.
14300. 2842. 2771. 2704. 2642. 2584. 2529. 2478. 2429. 2382. 2337. 2295. 2254. 2214. 2176.
14400. 2849. 2778. 2712. 2650. 2592. 2537. 2485. 2436. 2390. 2345. 2303. 2261. 2222. 2184.
14500. 2856. 2785. 2719. 2657. 2599. 2544. 2493. 2444. 2397. 2353. 2310. 2269. 2230. 2191.
14600. 2863. 2792. 2726. 2664. 2606. 2552. 2500. 2451. 2405. 2361. 2318. 2277. 2237. 2199.
14700. 2870. 2799. 2733. 2671. 2614. 2559. 2508. 2459. 2413. 2368. 2326. 2285. 2245. 2207.
14800. 2877. 2806. 2740. 2678. 2621. 2566. 2515. 2466. 2420. 2376. 2333. 2292. 2253. 2214.
14900. 2883. 2813. 2747. 2686. 2628. 2574. 2522. 2474. 2427. 2383. 2341. 2300. 2260. 2222.
15000. 2890. 2820. 2754. 2693. 2635. 2581. 2530. 2481. 2435. 2391. 2348. 2307. 2268. 2229.
15100. 2897. 2826. 2761. 2699. 2642. 2588. 2537. 2488. 2442. 2398. 2356. 2315. 2275. 2237.
15200. 2903. 2833. 2768. 2706. 2649. 2595. 2544. 2496. 2450. 2405. 2363. 2322. 2283. 2244.
15300. 2910. 2840. 2774. 2713. 2656. 2602. 2551. 2503. 2457. 2413. 2370. 2329. 2290. 2252.
15400. 2916. 2846. 2781. 2720. 2663. 2609. 2558. 2510. 2464. 2420. 2378. 2337. 2297. 2259.
15500. 2923. 2853. 2788. 2727. 2670. 2616. 2565. 2517. 2471. 2427. 2385. 2344. 2305. 2266.
15600. 2929. 2859. 2794. 2733. 2677. 2623. 2572. 2524. 2478. 2434. 2392. 2351. 2312. 2274.
15700. 2935. 2865. 2801. 2740. 2683. 2630. 2579. 2531. 2485. 2441. 2399. 2358. 2319. 2281.
15800. 2941. 2872. 2807. 2747. 2690. 2636. 2586. 2538. 2492. 2448. 2406. 2366. 2326. 2288.
15900. 2948. 2878. 2814. 2753. 2697. 2643. 2593. 2545. 2499. 2455. 2413. 2373. 2333. 2295.
16000. 2954. 2884. 2820. 2760. 2703. 2650. 2599. 2552. 2506. 2462. 2420. 2380. 2340. 2302.

Reference conditions for the SCF of gas are 60°F and 14.7 psi

Page 382
Field Data Handbook
Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen


Pressure Temperature Degrees Celsius
kPa PSI 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 120 140 160

500. 73. 5.22 5.03 4.86 4.70 4.55 4.41 4.23 4.15 4.04 3.82 3.63 3.45 3.29
1000. 145. 10.43 10.07 9.72 9.40 9.10 8.82 8.56 8.81 8.07 7.64 7.25 6.90 6.58
1500. 218. 15.65 15.10 14.58 14.10 13.65 13.23 12.88 12.46 12.11 11.46 10.33 10.35 9.37
2000. 290. 20.37 20.13 19.45 18.80 18.20 17.64 17.11 16.61 16.14 15.28 14.50 13.80 13.16
2500. 363. 26.09 25.17 24.31 23.51 22.76 22.05 21.39 20.77 20.13 19.10 18.13 17.25 16.45
3000. 435. 31.30 30.20 29.17 28.21 27.31 26.46 25.67 24.92 24.21 22.92 21.75 20.70 19.74
3500. 508. 36.85 35.46 34.17 32.97 31.35 30.31 29.83 28.92 28.06 26.49 25.10 23.86 22.75
4000. 580. 42.14 40.54 39.06 37.68 36.39 35.19 34.07 33.01 32.03 30.23 28.63 27.21 25.95
4500. 653. 47.44 45.62 43.94 42.33 40.92 39.56 38.29 37.10 35.98 33.95 32.16 30.56 29.13
5000. 725. 52.73 50.70 48.82 47.07 45.44 43.92 42.50 41.17 39.93 37.67 35.66 33.89 32.31
5500. 798. 58.01 55.77 53.69 51.75 49.95 48.27 46.70 45.24 43.86 41.36 39.16 37.20 35.47
6000. 870. 63.29 60.33 58.55 56.42 54.45 52.61 50.89 49.28 47.78 45.05 42.64 40.50 33.61
6500. 943. 68.56 65.38 63.39 61.08 58.94 56.93 55.06 53.32 51.68 48.71 46.10 43.79 41.75
7000. 1015. 73.82 70.92 68.23 65.73 63.41 61.24 59.22 57.34 55.57 52.37 49.55 47.06 44.86
7500. 1088. 79.07 75.95 73.05 70.37 67.37 65.54 63.37 61.34 59.44 56.00 52.98 50.32 47.97
8000. 1160. 84.30 80.95 77.86 74.98 72.31 69.82 67.50 65.33 63.30 59.62 56.39 53.55 51.06
8500. 1233. 89.51 85.95 82.65 79.58 76.73 74.08 71.61 69.30 67.14 63.22 59.79 56.73 54.13
9000. 1305. 94.69 90.92 87.42 84.16 81.14 78.32 75.70 73.25 70.96 66.81 63.13 59.99 57.19
9500. 1378. 99.86 95.37 92.16 88.73 85.53 82.55 79.77 77.18 74.76 70.33 66.54 63.18 60.23
10000. 1450. 105.00 100.79 96.39 93.27 89.89 86.75 83.88 81.09 78.54 73.92 69.89 66.35 63.26
10500. 1523. 110.11 105.69 101.59 97.78 94.24 90.94 87.86 84.99 82.80 77.45 73.21 69.51 66.27
11000. 1595. 115.19 110.56 106.27 102.27 98.56 95.10 91.87 88.36 86.05 80.96 76.52 72.65 69.27
11500. 1668. 120.24 115.41 110.92 106.74 102.86 99.24 95.86 92.71 89.77 84.46 79.82 75.77 72.25
12000. 1740. 125.26 120.22 115.54 111.18 107.13 103.35 99.33 96.54 93.47 87.93 83.09 78.87 75.21
12500. 1813. 130.24 125.00 120.12 115.59 111.37 107.44 103.77 100.35 97.15 91.38 86.34 81.96 78.16
13000. 1886. 135.18 129.74 124.68 119.98 115.59 111.51 107.69 104.13 100.81 94.31 89.58 85.03 81.09
13500. 1958. 140.08 134.45 129.21 124.33 119.78 115.54 111.59 107.89 104.44 98.21 92.79 88.08 84.01
14000. 2031. 144.94 139.12 133.70 128.65 123.95 119.55 115.46 111.63 103.05 101.60 95.98 91.11 86.90
14500. 2103 149.76 143.75 133.15 132.94 128.08 123.54 119.30 115.34 111.64 104.97 99.16 94.12 89.79
15000. 2176. 154.53 148.34 142.57 137.20 132.18 127.49 123.11 119.02 115.21 108.31 102.31 97.12 92.65
15500. 2248. 159.25 152.89 146.95 141.42 136.24 131.41 126.90 122.68 118.74 111.63 105.44 100.09 95.50
16000. 2321. 163.93 157.39 151.29 145.60 140.28 135.31 130.66 126.32 122.26 114.93 108.56 103.05 98.32
16500. 2393. 168.55 161.35 155.59 149.75 144.28 139.17 134.39 129.92 125.74 118.20 111.65 105.98 101.14
17000. 2466. 173.12 166.26 159.85 153.86 148.25 143.00 138.09 133.50 129.21 121.45 114.71 108.90 103.93
17500. 2538. 177.64 170.63 164.07 157.93 152.18 146.30 141.76 137.05 132.64 124.68 117.76 111.79 106.71
18000. 2611. 132.10 174.94 168.24 161.96 156.08 150.56 145.40 140.57 136.05 127.38 120.79 114.67 109.46
18500. 2683. 186.50 179.21 172.37 165.95 159.94 154.30 149.01 144.06 139.43 131.06 123.79 117.53 112.20
19000. 2756. 190.85 188.42 176.45 169.90 163.76 157.99 152.59 147.52 142.78 134.21 126.77 120.36 114.93
19500. 2828. 195.14 187.58 180.48 173.81 167.54 161.66 156.13 150.96 146.11 137.34 129.73 123.13 117.63
20000. 2901. 199.37 191.69 184.47 177.67 171.29 165.28 159.65 154.36 149.41 140.44 132.66 125.97 120.32

*Reference conditions for the m3 of gas are 15°C and 1 atm.

Page 383
Field Data Handbook
Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen


Pressure Temperature Degrees Celsius
kPa PSI 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 120 140 160

20500. 2973. 203.53 195.74 188.41 181.49 174.99 168.37 163.13 157.73 152.68 143.52 135.58 128.75 122.98
21000. 3046. 207.64 199.74 192.29 185.27 173.66 172.43 166.57 161.07 155.92 146.58 138.47 131.50 125.63
21500. 3118. 211.68 203.68 196.13 189.00 182.28 175.95 169.99 164.38 159.13 149.60 141.33 134.23 128.26
22000. 3191. 215.66 207.57 199.92 192.69 186.86 179.43 173.36 167.66 162.31 152.60 144.13 136.95 130.87
22500. 3263. 219.57 211.40 203.66 196.33 189.41 182.87 176.71 170.91 165.46 155.58 147.00 139.64 133.46
23000. 3336. 223.42 215.17 207.37 199.92 192.91 186.27 180.01 174.12 168.58 158.53 149.79 142.31 136.04
23500. 3408. 227.20 218.88 210.97 203.47 196.36 189.64 183.29 177.30 171.67 161.45 152.56 144.96 138.59
24000. 3481. 230.91 222.53 214.55 206.97 199.78 192.97 186.53 180.45 174.73 164.34 155.31 147.53 141.13
24500. 3553. 234.55 226.12 218.08 210.42 203.15 196.25 189.73 183.57 177.76 167.21 158.04 150.19 143.64
25000. 3626. 233.13 229.65 221.55 213.82 206.48 199.50 192.89 186.65 180.76 170.05 160.74 152.77 146.14
25500. 3698. 241.64 233.12 224.96 217.13 209.76 202.71 196.02 189.70 188.73 172.37 163.42 155.34 148.62
26000. 3771. 245.08 236.52 228.32 220.48 213.00 205.88 199.11 192.71 186.67 175.66 166.07 157.38 151.08
26500. 3844. 248.45 239.37 231.63 223.74 216.19 209.00 202.17 195.69 189.57 178.42 168.70 160.40 153.52
27000. 3916. 251.75 243.15 234.38 226.94 219.34 212.09 205.19 198.64 192.45 181.15 171.30 162.90 155.94
27500. 3989. 254.99 246.38 238.08 230.10 222.45 215.13 203.17 201.55 195.29 183.86 173.38 165.37 158.34
28000. 4061. 262.86 252.43 242.79 233.38 225.61 217.93 210.79 204.13 197.91 186.67 176.80 168.09 160.40
28500. 4134. 266.10 255.59 245.89 236.91 228.58 220.34 213.64 206.92 200.65 189.29 179.32 170.53 162.74
29000. 4206. 269.30 258.73 248.96 239.92 231.53 223.73 216.46 209.69 203.36 191.90 181.83 172.94 165.07
29500. 4279. 272.47 261.33 252.00 242.89 234.44 226.59 219.27 212.44 206.06 194.49 184.33 175.34 167.33
30000. 4351. 276.61 264.90 255.01 245.84 237.33 229.42 222.04 215.16 208.73 197.06 186.80 177.72 169.67
30500. 4424. 278.71 267.94 257.99 248.77 240.20 232.23 224.80 217.36 211.38 199.62 189.26 180.09 171.95
31000. 4496. 281.78 270.95 260.94 251.66 243.04 235.01 227.53 220.54 214.01 202.15 191.70 182.44 174.22
31500. 4569. 284.81 273.93 263.86 254.53 245.85 237.77 230.24 223.20 216.62 204.66 194.12 184.78 176.47
32000. 4641. 287.82 276.38 266.76 257.37 248.64 240.51 232.93 225.84 219.21 207.16 196.53 187.10 178.71
32500. 4714. 290.79 279.80 269.62 260.18 251.40 243.23 235.59 228.46 221.78 209.64 198.92 189.41 180.94
33000. 4786. 293.73 282.69 272.46 262.97 254.14 245.92 238.24 231.06 224.33 212.10 201.30 191.70 183.15
33500. 4859. 296.64 285.55 275.27 265.73 256.86 248.53 240.86 233.63 226.86 214.54 203.66 193.98 185.35
34000. 4931. 299.52 288.38 278.06 168.47 259.55 251.23 243.46 236.19 229.37 216.97 206.00 196.24 187.53
34500. 5004. 302.33 291.19 280.32 271.18 262.22 253.35 246.04 238.72 231.37 219.38 208.33 193.49 189.70
35000. 5076. 305.20 293.97 283.55 273.37 264.86 256.45 248.59 241.24 234.34 221.77 210.64 200.72 191.86
35500. 5149. 308.00 296.72 286.26 276.54 267.48 259.03 251.13 243.73 236.80 224.15 212.93 202.94 194.00
36000. 5221. 310.76 299.44 288.94 279.18 270.08 261.59 253.65 246.21 239.23 226.50 215.21 205.14 196.13
36500. 5294. 313.50 302.14 291.60 281.79 272.66 264.13 256.15 248.67 241.65 228.85 217.48 207.34 198.25
37000. 5366. 316.21 304.31 294.23 284.39 275.21 266.64 258.62 251.11 244.05 231.17 219.73 209.51 200.35
37500. 5439. 318.90 307.46 296.84 286.96 277.75 269.14 261.08 253.53 246.43 233.48 221.97 211.68 202.44
38000. 5511. 321.56 310.03 299.43 289.51 280.26 271.61 263.52 255.93 248.80 235.77 224.19 213.83 204.52
38500. 5584. 324.19 312.68 301.99 292.03 282.75 274.07 265.94 258.31 251.15 238.05 226.40 215.96 206.59
39000. 5657. 326.80 315.25 304.53 294.54 285.22 276.50 268.34 260.68 253.48 240.31 228.59 218.09 208.64
39500. 5729. 329.33 317.30 307.04 297.02 287.67 273.92 270.72 263.03 255.79 242.56 230.77 220.20 210.69
40000. 5802. 331.93 320.32 309.53 299.48 290.10 281.31 273.08 265.36 258.09 244.79 232.93 222.29 212.72

*Reference conditions for the m3 of gas are 15°C and 1 atm.

Page 384
Field Data Handbook
Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen


Pressure Temperature Degrees Celsius
kPa PSI 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 120 140 160

40500. 5874. 334.46 322.33 312.00 301.92 292.50 283.69 275.43 267.67 260.37 247.01 235.08 224.33 214.73
41000. 5947. 336.97 325.30 314.45 304.34 294.39 286.05 277.76 269.97 262.64 249.21 237.22 226.45 216.74
41500. 6019. 339.46 327.76 316.88 306.74 297.26 288.39 280.07 272.24 264.88 251.39 239.34 228.51 218.73
42000. 6092. 341.92 330.19 319.29 309.12 299.61 290.71 282.36 274.51 267.11 253.56 241.45 230.55 220.71
42500. 6164. 344.35 332.60 321.67 311.47 301.94 293.01 284.63 276.75 269.33 255.72 243.54 232.59 222.68
43000. 6237. 346.77 334.99 324.03 313.81 304.25 295.30 286.89 278.98 271.53 257.86 245.63 234.61 224.64
43500. 6309. 349.16 337.36 326.38 316.13 306.54 297.56 289.13 281.19 273.72 259.99 247.70 236.62 226.59
44000. 6382. 351.53 339.71 328.70 318.43 308.32 299.81 291.35 283.39 275.38 262.10 249.75 233.61 228.53
44500. 6454. 353.87 342.03 331.00 320.71 311.07 302.04 293.56 285.57 278.04 264.20 251.79 240.60 230.45
45000. 6527. 356.20 344.34 333.29 322.97 313.31 304.26 295.75 287.73 280.18 266.29 253.32 242.57 232.36
45500. 6599. 358.50 346.62 335.55 325.21 315.53 306.45 297.92 289.38 282.30 268.36 255.84 244.53 234.27
46000. 6672. 360.79 348.89 337.80 327.44 317.73 308.63 300.08 292.02 284.41 270.42 257.85 246.48 236.16
46500. 6744. 363.05 351.13 340.02 329.64 319.92 310.80 302.22 294.13 286.50 272.46 259.84 248.42 238.04
47000. 6817. 365.29 353.35 342.23 331.33 322.09 312.94 304.34 296.24 288.58 274.49 261.32 250.34 239.91
47500. 6889. 367.51 355.56 344.00 334.42 324.24 315.07 306.45 298.32 290.65 276.51 263.79 252.26 241.77
48000. 6962. 369.71 357.75 346.59 336.15 326.37 317.19 308.55 300.40 292.70 278.52 265.74 254.16 243.62
48500. 7034. 371.89 359.91 348.74 338.29 328.49 319.29 310.63 302.46 294.74 280.51 267.69 256.06 245.45
49000. 7107. 374.06 362.06 350.87 340.40 330.59 321.37 312.69 304.50 296.76 282.49 269.62 257.94 247.28
49500. 7179. 376.20 364.19 352.99 342.51 332.68 323.44 314.74 306.53 298.77 284.45 271.54 259.81 249.10
50000. 7252. 378.32 366.31 355.09 344.59 334.74 325.49 316.77 308.55 300.77 286.41 273.45 261.67 250.90
50500. 7324. 380.43 368.40 357.17 346.66 336.80 327.53 318.79 310.55 302.75 288.35 275.34 263.51 252.70
51000. 7397. 382.52 370.48 359.23 348.71 338.83 329.55 320.80 312.54 304.72 290.28 277.23 265.35 254.49
52000. 7542. 336.64 374.58 363.31 352.76 342.86 333.55 324.77 316.47 308.62 294.10 280.97 269.00 258.03
53000. 7687. 390.69 378.61 367.33 356.76 346.33 337.49 328.68 320.35 312.47 297.87 284.66 272.60 261.54
54000. 7832. 394.67 382.58 371.28 360.69 350.74 341.37 332.54 324.18 316.26 301.60 288.31 276.16 265.00
55000. 7977. 398.53 386.48 375.16 364.56 354.59 345.20 336.34 327.96 320.01 305.28 291.91 279.68 268.43
56000. 8122. 404.14 391.54 379.80 368.83 358.57 348.94 339.89 331.36 323.32 308.54 295.26 283.26 272.37
57000. 8267. 407.62 395.01 383.26 372.29 362.02 352.37 343.31 334.77 326.71 311.89 298.56 286.51 275.56
58000. 8412. 411.03 398.42 386.67 375.69 365.41 355.76 346.68 338.13 330.06 315.19 301.82 289.72 278.71
59000. 8557. 414.38 401.78 390.02 379.04 368.75 359.09 350.00 341.44 333.35 318.45 305.04 292.89 281.32
60000. 8702. 417.68 405.07 393.32 382.33 372.04 362.37 353.27 344.70 336.60 321.66 303.22 296.02 284.90
61000. 8847. 420.91 408.31 396.56 385.57 375.27 365.60 356.50 347.91 339.80 324.84 311.35 299.11 287.94
62000. 8992. 424.09 411.50 399.75 388.76 378.46 368.78 359.67 351.03 342.95 327.97 314.45 302.16 290.94
63000. 9137. 427.22 414.63 402.88 391.90 381.60 371.92 362.80 354.20 346.07 331.05 317.50 305.18 293.91
64000. 9282. 430.29 417.71 405.97 394.98 384.68 375.00 365.88 357.28 349.14 334.10 320.52 303.16 296.84
65000. 9428. 433.31 420.74 409.00 398.02 387.73 378.04 368.92 360.31 352.16 337.11 323.50 311.10 299.75
66000. 9573. 436.28 423.72 411.99 401.02 390.72 381.04 371.92 363.30 355.15 340.08 326.44 314.01 302.61
67000. 9718. 439.20 426.65 414.93 403.96 393.67 383.99 374.37 366.25 358.10 343.01 329.35 316.89 305.45
68000. 9863. 442.07 429.53 417.82 406.36 396.58 386.90 377.73 369.16 361.00 345.90 332.22 319.73 308.25
69000. 10008. 444.89 432.37 420.62 409.72 399.44 389.77 380.65 372.03 363.37 348.76 335.06 322.54 311.02

*Reference conditions for the m3 of gas are 15°C and 1 atm.

Page 385
Field Data Handbook
Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen


Pressure Temperature Degrees Celsius
kPa PSI 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 120 140 160

70000. 10153. 447.67 435.16 423.48 412.54 402.27 392.60 383.48 374.86 366.70 351.58 337.36 325.31 313.6
71000. 10298. 450.40 437.91 426.24 415.31 405.05 395.39 386.27 377.66 369.49 354.37 340.63 328.06 316.4
72000. 10443. 453.09 440.61 428.96 418.04 407.79 398.14 389.03 380.41 372.25 357.12 343.37 330.77 319.15
73000. 10588. 455.74 443.28 431.64 420.73 410.49 400.84 391.74 383.13 374.97 359.83 346.07 333.45 321.80
74000. 10733. 458.34 445.90 434.28 423.38 413.15 403.52 394.42 385.32 377.65 362.51 348.74 336.10 324.42
75000. 10878. 460.91 448.48 436.87 426.00 415.78 406.15 397.06 383.46 380.31 365.16 351.38 338.72 327.02
76000. 11023. 463.43 451.03 439.44 428.57 418.37 408.75 399.67 391.08 382.92 367.78 353.99 341.31 329.58
77000. 11168. 465.92 453.53 441.96 431.11 420.92 411.32 402.24 393.66 385.51 370.37 356.57 343.87 332.12
78000. 11313. 468.37 456.00 444.45 433.62 423.44 413.84 404.78 396.20 388.06 372.92 359.12 346.41 334.63
79000. 11458. 470.78 458.43 446.90 436.08 425.92 416.34 407.29 398.72 390.58 375.45 361.64 348.91 337.11
80000. 11603. 473.15 460.33 449.31 438.52 428.37 418.80 409.76 401.20 393.07 377.94 364.13 351.39 339.57
81000. 11748. 475.49 463.19 451.70 440.92 430.78 421.23 412.20 403.65 395.52 380.41 366.59 353.34 342.00
82000. 11893. 417.79 465.52 454.04 443.28 433.17 423.63 414.61 406.07 397.95 382.84 369.03 356.27 344.40
83000. 12038. 480.06 467.31 456.36 445.62 435.52 426.00 416.99 408.46 400.35 385.25 371.44 358.67 346.78
84000. 12183. 482.30 470.07 453.64 447.92 437.84 428.33 419.34 410.32 402.72 387.63 373.82 361.04 349.14
85000. 12328. 484.51 472.30 460.89 450.19 440.13 430.64 421.66 413.15 405.06 389.98 376.17 363.39 351.47
86000. 12473. 486.68 474.50 463.11 452.43 442.39 432.91 423.95 415.45 407.37 392.31 378.50 365.71 353.77
87000. 12618. 488.82 476.67 465.30 454.64 444.62 435.16 426.21 417.73 409.66 394.61 380.80 368.01 356.06
88000. 12763. 490.93 478.80 467.46 456.83 446.32 437.38 428.45 419.97 411.91 396.88 383.08 370.28 358.32
89000. 12908. 493.02 480.91 469.60 458.98 448.99 439.57 430.65 422.19 414.14 399.13 385.34 372.54 360.56
90000 13054. 495.07 482.99 471.70 461.10 451.14 441.73 432.83 424.39 416.35 401.35 387.56 374.76 362.77
91000. 13199. 497.09 485.04 473.77 463.20 453.26 443.87 434.98 426.55 418.53 403.55 389.77 376.97 364.96
92000. 13344 499.09 487.06 475.82 465.27 455.35 445.98 437.11 428.69 420.68 405.72 391.95 379.15 367.13
93000. 13489. 501.06 489.06 477.84 467.32 457.41 448.06 439.21 430.81 422.31 407.87 394.11 381.31 369.23
94000. 13634. 503.00 491.03 479.84 469.33 459.45 450.12 441.29 432.90 424.92 409.99 396.25 383.44 371.41
95000. 13779. 504.92 492.97 481.80 471.33 461.47 452.16 443.34 434.97 427.00 412.09 398.36 385.56 373.52
96000. 13924. 506.31 494.39 483.75 473.29 463.45 454.17 445.37 437.01 429.06 414.17 400.45 387.65 375.60
97000. 14069. 508.67 496.78 485.67 475.24 465.42 456.15 447.37 439.03 431.09 416.23 402.52 389.73 377.67
98000. 14214. 510.51 498.65 487.56 477.16 467.36 458.11 449.35 441.03 433.10 418.26 404.57 391.78 379.72
99000. 14359. 512.33 500.50 489.43 479.05 469.28 460.05 451.31 443.01 435.09 420.28 406.60 393.81 381.74
100000. 14504. 514.12 502.32 491.28 480.92 471.17 461.97 453.25 444.96 437.06 422.27 408.60 395.82 383.75
101000. 14649. 515.39 504.11 493.10 482.77 473.05 463.86 455.16 446.89 439.01 424.24 410.59 397.81 385.74
102000. 14794 517.64 505.89 494.90 484.60 474.90 465.73 457.05 448.80 440.93 426.19 412.56 399.79 387.70
103000. 14939 519.36 507.64 496.68 486.40 476.72 467.53 458.92 450.69 442.83 428.12 414.50 401.74 389.65
104000. 15084. 521.06 409.37 498.44 488.18 478.53 469.41 460.77 452.55 444.72 430.03 416.43 403.67 391.59
105000. 15229. 522.74 511.08 500.18 489.95 480.32 471.22 462.60 454.40 446.53 431.92 418.34 405.59 393.50
106000. 15374 524.40 512.77 501.89 491.69 482.08 473.01 464.40 456.23 448.42 433.79 420.22 407.49 395.40
107000. 15519. 526.04 514.43 503.59 493.41 483.82 474.77 466.19 453.03 450.25 435.64 422.09 409.37 397.27
108000. 15664. 527.66 516.08 505.26 495.11 485.55 476.52 467.96 459.82 452.05 437.47 423.95 411.23 399.14
109000. 15809. 529.26 517.71 506.91 496.79 487.25 478.25 469.71 461.59 453.34 439.29 425.78 413.07 400.98

*Reference conditions for the m3 of gas are 15°C and 1 atm.

Page 386
Field Data Handbook
Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen

Fluid Flowback Table

SG = 0.85
Bottom–Hole Producing Pressure PSI
Depth Feet 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000
1000 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2000 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3000 500 150 0 0 0 0 0 0
4000 700 300 150 0 0 0 0 0
5000 1000 450 250 100 0 0 0 0
6000 0 600 350 200 0 0 0 0
7000 0 800 500 300 150 0 0 0
8000 0 1000 700 400 250 100 0 0
9000 0 1300 900 550 350 150 0 0
10000 0 1700 1100 700 450 250 0 0
11000 0 0 1300 850 600 350 150 0
12000 0 0 1550 1000 750 500 250 0
13000 0 0 1850 1150 850 600 350 100
14000 0 0 0 1300 1000 750 450 200
15000 0 0 0 1500 1150 950 550 300

SG = 0.85
Bottom–Hole Producing Pressure, PSI
Depth 725 1450 2175 2900 3625 4350 5075
Bottom–Hole Producing Pressure, mPa
Meters Feet 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
300 984 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
600 1968 25 0 0 0 0 0 0
900 2952 50 10 0 0 0 0 0
1200 3936 85 25 0 0 0 0 0
1500 4920 115 45 10 0 0 0 0
1800 5904 160 65 25 0 0 0 0
2100 6888 210 95 40 10 0 0 0
2400 7872 0 125 60 20 0 0 0
2700 8856 3 155 80 30 10 0 0
3000 9840 0 195 105 45 20 0 0
3300 10824 0 235 125 65 35 10 0
3600 11808 0 280 150 85 55 25 0
3900 12792 0 325 175 105 75 40 10
4200 13776 0 0 205 130 95 55 25
4500 14760 0 0 235 155 105 75 40
The ratio of N2 required to flow back a well with a back pressure of 100 psi, a friction pressure loss of maximum 30 psi/1000 ft, a wellhead temp
of 70°F and a geothermal gradient of 1.1°F/100 ft can be read from the flowback ratio tables. Effective bottom hole pressure is approximately
80% of static BHP for gas wells and 5090 of static BHP for oil wells.

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Field Data Handbook
Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen


SG = 1.00
Bottom–Hole Producing Pressure PSI
Depth Feet 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000
1000 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2000 350 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
3000 600 200 0 0 0 0 0 0
4000 850 350 150 0 0 0 0 0
5000 1150 500 300 150 0 0 0 0
6000 0 750 450 300 150 0 0 0
7000 0 950 600 400 250 100 0 0
8000 0 1200 750 550 400 200 0 0
9000 0 1450 950 700 550 350 100 0
10000 0 1750 1150 850 700 500 200 0
11000 0 0 1400 1100 850 650 350 100
12000 0 0 1650 1300 1050 800 450 200
13000 0 0 1850 1500 1250 1000 550 300
14000 0 0 0 1750 1450 1150 700 400
15000 0 0 0 0 1600 1300 800 500

SG = 1.00
Bottom–Hole Producing Pressure PSI
DEPTH 725 1450 2175 2900 3625 4350 5075
Bottom–Hole Producing Pressure mPa
Meters Feet 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
300 984 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
600 1968 35 0 0 0 0 0 0
900 2952 65 10 0 0 0 0 0
1200 3936 95 35 10 0 0 0 0
1500 4920 135 55 20 0 0 0 0
1800 5904 180 85 40 10 0 0 0
2100 6888 0 110 65 20 0 0 0
2400 7872 0 140 85 40 10 0 0
2700 8856 0 175 65 65 30 10 0
3000 9840 0 210 140 90 50 20 0
3300 10824 0 0 175 115 75 40 10
3600 11808 0 0 210 145 95 60 30
3900 12792 0 0 0 170 115 75 45
4200 13776 0 0 0 205 140 95 65
4500 14760 0 0 0 235 155 115 85
The ratio of N2 required to flow back a well with a back pressure of 100 psi, a friction pressure loss of maximum 30 psi/1000 ft, a wellhead temp
of 70°F and a geothermal gradient of 1.1°F/100 ft can be read from the flowback ratio tables. Effective bottom hole pressure is approximately
80% of static BHP for gas wells and 50% of static BHP for oil wells.

Page 388
Field Data Handbook
Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen


SG = 1.15
Depth Bottom–Hole Producing Pressure PSI
Feet 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000
1000 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2000 350 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
3000 650 250 100 0 0 0 0 0
4000 950 400 250 100 0 0 0 0
5000 1300 600 400 200 100 0 0 0
6000 0 800 550 350 200 100 0 0
7000 0 1100 750 500 350 200 0 0
8000 0 1400 950 650 500 350 100 0
9000 0 1800 1150 800 650 500 200 0
10000 0 0 1350 1050 850 650 350 100
11000 0 0 1600 1300 1000 800 500 250
12000 0 0 1800 1550 1200 950 600 350
13000 0' 0 0 1800 1400 1100 750 500
14000 0 0 0 0 1600 1250 900 600
15000 0 0 0 0 1800 1400 1000 700

SG = 1.15
Bottom–Hole Producing Pressure, PSI
Depth 725 1450 2175 2900 3625 4350 5075
Bottom–Hole Producing Pressure, MPa
Meters Feet 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
300 984 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
600 1968 35 15 0 0 0 0 0
900 2952 70 20 0 0 0 0 0
1200 3936 110 50 15 0 0 0 0
1500 4920 155 75 35 10 0 0 0
1800 5904 215 105 60 20 0 0 0
2100 6888 0 135 80 40 10 0 0
2400 7872 0 175 110 65 30 10 0
2700 8856 0 215 140 90 50 25 0
3000 9840 0 255 175 115 75 45 15
3300 10824 0 0 205 140 100 65 35
3600 11808 0 0 240 175 125 90 55
3900 12792 0 0 0 205 150 110 75
4200 13776 0 0 0 235 175 135 95
4500 14760 0 0 0 265 200 155 115
The ratio of N2 required to flow back a well with a back pressure of 100 psi, a friction pressure loss of maximum 30 psi/1000 ft, a wellhead temp
of 70°F and a geothermal gradient of 1.1°F/100 ft can be read from the flowback ratio tables. Effective bottom hole pressure is approximately
80% of static BHP for gas wells and 50% of static BHP for oil wells.

Page 389
Field Data Handbook
Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen


SG = 1.30
Bottom–Hole Producing Pressure Psi
Depth Feet 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000
1000 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2000 350 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
3000 650 300 100 0 0 0 0 0
4000 1000 500 250 150 0 0 0 0
5000 0 750 400 300 150 0 0 0
6000 0 1000 600 450 250 150 0 0
7000 0 1300 800 600 400 250 100 0
8000 0 1600 1000 800 600 400 200 0
9000 0 1900 1250 1000 750 600 350 150
10000 0 0 1550 1200 950 750 500 250
11000 0 0 1800 1500 1150 950 600 400
12000 0 0 2000 1750 1350 1150 750 500
13000 0 0 0 2000 1600 1350 900 650
14000 0 0 0 0 1800 1550 1050 800
15000 0 0 0 0 2000 1750 1200 950

SG = 1.15
Bottom–Hole Producing Pressure Psi
Depth 725 1450 2175 2900 3625 4350 5075
Bottom–Hole Producing Pressure, Mpa.
Meters Feet 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
300 984 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
600 1968 40 10 0 0 0 0 0
900 2952 80 20 0 0 0 0 0
1200 3936 130 45 10 0 0 0 0
1500 4920 180 75 30 10 0 0 0
1800 5904 245 110 55 30 10 0 0
2100 6888 0 145 85 50 25 10 0
2400 7872 0 185 115 75 45 25 10
2700 8856 0 230 145 105 70 45 20
3000 9840 0 280 180 135 95 70 40
3300 10824 0 0 215 165 120 90 60
3600 11808 0 0 260 200 145 115 85
3900 12792 0 0 0 235 175 135 105
4200 13776 0 0 0 280 200 165 135
4500 14760 0 0 0 310 230 185 155
The ratio of N2 required to flow back a well with a back pressure of 100 psi, a friction pressure loss of maximum 30 psi/1000 ft, a wellhead temp
of 70°F and a geothermal gradient of 1.10F/100 ft can be read from the flowback ratio tables. Effective bottom hole pressure is approximately
80% of static BHP for gas wells and 50% of static BHP for oil wells.

Page 390
Field Data Handbook
Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen


(LIQUID: S.G. = 0.85 TO 1.3)*
Pipe O.D. Pipe I.D.** Flow Beck Pipe O.D. Pipe I.D.** Flow Back
(inch) (inch) Rye (bbl/hr.) mm mm Rate (m3/hr.)
1.660 1.356 12.5 42 34.4 1.988
1.900 1.587 15.0 48 40.3 2.385
2.062 1.751 17.5 52 44.4 2.783
2⅜ 1.906 20.0 60 48.4 3.180
2⅞ 2.263 25.0 73 57.4 3.975
3½ 2.778 30.0 89 70.6 4.770
4½ 3.893 40.0 114 98.9 6.360
5½ 4.864 50.0 140 123.5 7.950
7 6.227 65.0 178 158.2 10.335

*With a Liquid S.G. of 1.00 or greater, less flowback rates may be possible.
**Averaged I.D.s of Tubing, Casing, or Equivalent l.D. of Annulus I.D. Equiv = √Di2 – do2
Di = Casing I.D.
do = Tubing O.D.

Useful Physical Constants


R = 0.0821 (atm.) (liter)/(g.-mole) (°K)

R = 1.987 g.-cal./(g.-mole) (°K)

R = 1.987 B.t.u./(lb.-mole) (°R)

R = 1.987 c.h.u./(Ib.-mole) (°K)

R = 8.314 joules/(gm-mole) (°K)

R = 1,546. (ft.) (lb. force)/(Ib.-mole) (°R)

R = 10.73 (lb.-force/sq. in.) (cu.ft.)/(lb.-mole) (°R)

R = 18510 (lb.-force/sq.in.) (cu.in.)/(lb.-mole) (°R)

R = 0.7302 (atm.) (cu.ft.)/(lb.-mole) (°R)

R = 8.48 x 105 (Kg./m2) (cu.cm-)/(lb.-mole) (°K)

Page 391
Field Data Handbook
Section 900 – Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen

Choke Nipple Information

Gas volume is sometimes determined by flowing through a choke nipple. The formula used is:
Q =

Q = Flow rate, Mcf per day at 14.4 psia and 60°F.

C = Coefficient

P = Upstream pressure, psia (gauge reading plus 14.7)

G = Specific Gravity of Gas (Air = 1.00)

T = Upstream Temperature of Gas, °R (°F plus 460)

If specific gravity and temperature are unknown, an approximation can be obtained for field estimates
by using a specific gravity of 0.60 and a temperature of 540°R (80°F + 460). Under these conditions,
the formula becomes:
Q = Or Q = 0.0555 CP


Choke Size Coef. Choke Size Coef.
Inches Inches
⅛ 6.25 7/16 85.13
3/16 14.44 ½ 112.72
¼ 26.51 ⅝ 179.74
5/16 43.64 ¾ 260.99
⅜ 61.21

Page 392

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