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Internal Fields in Solids: (Lorentz Method)

Let a dielectric be placed between the plates of a parallel

plate capacitor and let there be an imaginary spherical
cavity around the atom A inside the dielectric. It is also
assumed that the radius of the cavity is large compared to
the radius of the atom.
The internal field at the atom site A can be considered to be
made up of the following four components namely E1, E2,
E3, and E4.

Field E1
E1 is the filed intensity at A due to the charge density on the
plates. From the field theory


Field E2
E2 is the field intensity at A due to the charge density
induced on the two sides of the dielectric.
Field E3
E3 is the field intensity at A due to other atoms contained in the cavity. We
are assuming a cubic structure, so E3 = 0 because of symmetry.
E3 = 0 (3)
Field E4
E4 is the field intensity due to polarization charges on the surface of the
cavity and was calculated by Lorentz as given below.

+ + θ is the polar angle to the polarization direction,

+ + The surface charge density on the surface of
+ + the cavity is –P Cos θ.
+ A + If dA is the area of the thin section, charge on
r the surface element is
- θ dθ
R dq= -P cos θ dA (4)
- - If test charge q placed at centre, the Couloumb’s
- P Q
- - -
If dA is the surface area of the sphere of radius r lying
between θ and θ + dθ is the direction with reference to the
direction of the applied force,

then dA = 2π(PQ)(QR)
but sinθ = PQ/r, PQ = r sinθ
and dθ=QR/r, QR=r dθ
Hence dA = 2π r sinθ rdθ = 2π r2 sinθ dθ (6)

The charge dq on the surface dA is equal to the normal

component of the polarization multiplied by the surface area.

Therefore dq = -P cosθ dA = P(2πr2 sinθ cosθ dθ) (7)

The field due to this charge at A, denoted by dE4 in the

direction θ = 0

Thus the total field E4 due to the charges on the surface of the entire cavity
is obtained by integrating

The total internal field may be expressed as
Eq.(1) + (2) + (3) + (9)


Eqn. (10); Ei is the internal field or also called Lorentz field.

Clausius – Mosotti relation
Let us consider the elemental dielectric material, in which there
are no ions and permanent dipoles. The ionic polarizability aI
and Orientational polarizability α0 are zero.

Hence polarization P = N αe Ei
From the internal field Ei


The equation (5) is known as Clausius – Mosotti equation. Where N is
the number of molecules per unit volume, one can determine the value
of polarizability knowing the value of relative permittivity.
A striking property of the ferromagnetic materials is the
relation between magnetization and the strength of the
magnetizing field. This property is called hysteresis.

The literal meaning of the word hysteresis is the

“retardation or lagging of an effect behind the cause is the
magnetizing field ‘H’ and the effect that is being produced
in the ferromagnetic material.

A plot of M Vs H gives an interesting curve are also drawn

relating magnetic induction ‘B’ and the magnetizing field H
because B can be measured directly.
B or M
Hc P


Hysterisis curve M or B Vs. H

Significant features of the hysteresis curve are:

(i) If we start with a demagnetized specimen, M = 0, with the increasing

values of the magnetizing field H, the magnetization of the specimen
increases from zero to higher values. The increase is non-linear. By
the time P is reached the maximum magnetization is attained.
Beyond this point even if H is increased M remains unchanged.

This value of M = MS is termed as saturation of magnetization. At this

state all the molecular dipoles get aligned along the H direction.
Hence, the magnitude of M stops increasing any further.

Next coming to the curve 2 of the loop, M does not decrease in phase
with the decreasing H. The lagging of M behind H is significant as H
attains zero value. We notice that enough amount of M = Mr is left
behind instead of tending to zero along with H at H = 0. This value of M
which persists at H=0 is called the residual magnetization.
As we proceed with the negative H, values, M comes back to its initial
value of zero only at certain magnitude of the reversed field Hc. Hc is
known as the coercivity of the specimen. Going further the saturation
of magnetization is reached in the opposite direction.

The remaining part of the loop follows. In one cycle of operation the
complete loop can be obtained. This loop does include some area.
The area indicates the amount of energy wasted in one cycle of
Hard Magnetic Materials:-
Ferromagnetic materials are classified as soft or hard. The classification
is mainly based on the hysteresis characteristics. Magnetically soft
materials have low coercivity (HC) while those with high values of HC are
called hard magnetic materials.

B or M
Hc P
Mr 1


Characteristics of Hard Magnetic materials:

Large hysteresis loop area-indicating high energy loss.

High remanent magnetization

High coercivity

High saturation flux density

Low initial permeability

Low permeability

Low susceptibility
Hard magnetic materials are used to manufacture permanent

Magnets materials:- For permanent magnet applications, movement of

domains walls is to be suppressed such that one magnetized, they remains
in that state. This is achieved by using very fine single domain particles.
Amongst the common magnet materials in use are carbon and alloy steel,
Alnico alloys and hard ferrites. Special alloys like Pl-CO, manganese
bisumthide and cobolt-rare earths are used in special cases where size and
performance are importance.

Magnetic steels:- Caron and other slightly soluble atoms in iron precipitate
out as an ordered phrase. In these materials domain walls are anchored.
This leads to high values of HC. They are used in hysteresis motors
Fine particle alloys:- Elongated single domain particles of ion alloys have
been with high HC which are used in battery powdered unit watch, hearing
aids, space applications.
Soft Magnetic materials:-
These materials are characterized by:
B or M

1. Low permanent magnetization

2. Low coercivity
3. Low hysteresis energy loss
4. High permeability and
5. High susceptibility

In these materials domain wall motion occurs very easily.

Consequently, coercive force is small. The area of the
hysteresis loop is small indicating low-energy loss. These
materials can be easily magnetized and demagnetized.

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