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Organizational Commitment As Predictor of Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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European Journal of Business and Management www.iiste.

ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 3, No.4, 2011

Organizational Commitment as predictor of Organizational

Citizenship Behavior
Arti Bakhshi
P.G. Department of Psychology, University of Jammu
Jammu 180001, India
Tel: 91-9419-133-266 E-mail: artibakhshi@gmail.com

Atul Dutt Sharma (corresponding author)

P.G. Department of Psychology, University of Jammu
Jammu 180001, India
Tel: 91-9419-647-736 E-mail: tell2atul@gmail.com

Kuldeep Kumar
Directorate of School Education
Jammu 180001, India
Tel: 91-9469-212-552 E-mail: kkmalhotra1@yahoo.co.in

The present study aimed at exploring the linkages between Allen and Meyer’s (1991) three component
model of organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior as defined by Organ (1988),
using a field survey on a randomly selected sample of 77 employees working in National Hydroelectric
Power Corporation Ltd., a public sector organization in India. Organizational Commitment was measured
using revised version of Organizational Commitment Scale by Allen and Meyer (1997) and organizational
citizenship behavior scale (OCBS) developed by Bakhshi and Kumar (2009) was used as an aggregate
measure of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The results of partial correlation analysis showed
that all the three components of organizational commitment-Affective commitment, Continuance
commitment and Normative commitment were positively correlated with aggregate measure of OCB.
Hierarchical Regression analyses showed no significant impact of demographic variables (age, gender, job
tenure, marital status and qualification) on aggregate measure of OCB. Among the three components of
organizational commitment, only normative commitment has a significant positive impact on aggregate
measure of OCB. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.
Keywords: Commitment, Affective, Continuance, Normative, Organizational citizenship behavior.
1. Intoduction
Individual’s attitudes affect their behaviors to a great extent. Positive attitudes are expected to result in
positive behaviors which ultimately benefits the organization in achieving its goals. One of the work
attitude viz. organizational commitment, has played an indispensible role in organizational behavior
research. Organizational commitment is of interest to both behavioral scientists and practicing managers.
Committed people are thought to be more likely to remain with the organization and to work toward
organizational goal attainment (Mowday, Porter, & Steers, 1982, Ostroff, 1992). Porter and Lawler (1968)
viewed commitment as the willingness of an employee to exert high levels of effort on behalf of the
organization, a strong desire to stay with the organization, and an acceptance of its major goals and values.
Commitment reflects a psychological bond between people and organizations. Another variable which has
been widely studied in corporate sector is Organizational Citizenship behavior (OCB). Organ (1997) has
defined OCB as the behaviors that extend beyond the employee’s normal duties. These include helping
others, avoiding conflicts etc. which either directly or indirectly benefits the Organization.

1.1 Organizational commitment
Organizational commitment involves people’s feelings about the organizations for which they work – that
is, the degree to which they identify with the organizations that employ them. Morrow (1983) indicated that
several but different theoretical foundations have been used to define commitment related concepts with a
number of measuring instruments as a result. Despite the lack of consensus on the conceptual and
theoretical development of this construct, the concept of Organizational commitment has attracted
considerable interest in an attempt to understand and clarify the intensity and stability of an employee’s
dedication to the organization. Researchers have distinguished between three approaches to study
commitment, namely from an attitudinal, behavioral and a motivational perspective. Although several
studies have viewed affective commitment as an attitude and continuance commitment as a behavior
(Boyle, 1997; McGee & Ford, 1987; Reichers, 1985; Somers, 1993), Allen and Meyer (1990) recognised
that the cost involved in leaving an organization may be regarded as a psychological state and therefore
view continuance commitment as a component of attitudinal commitment. According to Allen and Meyer
(1990, p.1), Organizational commitment consists of a three-dimensional construct defined as follows:
 The affective component of Organizational commitment refers to the employee’s emotional
attachment to, identification with, and involvement in, the organization.
 The continuance component refers to commitment based on the costs that the employee associates
with leaving the organization.
 Finally, the normative component refers to the employee’s feeling of obligation to remain with the
A number of studies have supported the distinctiveness and independence of these three dimensions and
provide evidence that they also have unique antecedents (Allen & Meyer, 1990; Boyle, 1997; Eisenberger,
Fasolo & Davis-LaMastro, 1990; McGee & Ford, 1987; Meyer, Allen & Smith, 1993; Randall, Dunham,
Grube & Castaneda, 1994; Reichers, 1985; Shore, Barksdale & Shore, 1995; Somers, 1993). Furthermore,
support has been found for two distinct dimensions of continuance commitment, one based on personal
sacrifices involved in leaving the organization, and the second based on limited employment opportunities
(McGee & Ford, 1987; Randall, Dunham, Grube & Castaneda, 1994; Somers, 1993). Although reference to
the term ‘Organizational commitment’ describes three very different constructs, a common denominator
underlying each construct is the individual’s psychological attachment to the organization, and it is
therefore this psychological attachment that defines Organizational commitment. The three concepts differ
in terms of the link between the employee and the organization. Employees with a strong affective
attachment stay with the organization because they want to, those with a strong continuance commitment
stay because they need to and those with a strong normative commitment stay because they feel they ought
to (Allen & Meyer, 1990; Caldwell, Chatman & O’Reilly, 1990; Meyer, Allen & Smith, 1993). Literature
indicates that highly committed employees are more satisfied with their work, perform at levels beyond
expectation, are more motivated and experience higher levels of job involvement (Boyle, 1997; Caldwell,
Chatman & O’Reilly, 1990; Eisenberger, Fasolo & Davis-LaMastro, 1990). A large percentage of these
studies have been based on employee self report measures of commitment. In an attempt to determine
managerial perceptions of employee commitment, research has indicated that Organizational citizenship
behavior is predictive of manager-rated affective commitment, and that side bets such as age and tenure are
predictive of manager-rated continuance commitment (Shore, Barksdale & Shore, 1995). Meyer, Allen and
Smith (1993) argued however that commitment is a complex and multifaceted construct, and therefore a
multidimensional approach should be taken when studying commitment. Research suggests that employees
experience several different commitments to the goals and values of multiple groups, and that where two
individuals may be committed to ‘the organization’, the focus of the two commitments may be entirely
different. Individuals may thus be committed in varying degrees to top management, immediate
supervisors, peers, customers, unions, their career, occupation or profession (Boyle, 1997; Meyer, Allen &
Smith, 1993; Reichers, 1985). The distinction between different commitment foci may therefore only be of
theoretical interest if the same theoretical base is used for operationalising the different foci (Roodt, 1997;
Storm & Roodt, 2002).
1.2 Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Organizational citizenship behavior is a type of discretionary job performance in which employees go
beyond prescribed job requirements (in-role behaviors) that are not explicitly recognised by the formal

reward system, and engage in helping behaviors aimed at individuals and the organization as a whole
(Organ, 1988). To describe Organizational citizenship behavior, Organ (1988) identified the following five
 Altruism, which refers to helping behaviors aimed at specific individuals;
 Conscientiousness, which refers to helping behaviors aimed at the organization as a whole;
 Sportsmanship, which refers to the willingness on the part of the employee to tolerate less than
ideal circumstances without complaining;
 Courtesy, which refers to actions aimed at the prevention of future problems; and
 Civic virtue, which refers to a behavior of concern for the life of the organization.
A number of studies have researched the various indicators of worker citizenship. Research shows that
employee behavior (Organizational citizenship behavior) is positively related to affective commitment (as
opposed to continuous commitment), employee involvement in work Organizational issues, perceived
Organizational support, high quality of leader member exchange, overall evaluations of performance
effectiveness, quantity of output, turnover and satisfaction (Shore, Barksdale and Shore, 1995; Shore &
Wayne, 1993; Allen & Rush, 1998; Cappelli & Rogovsky, 1998; Chen, Hui and Sego, 1998; Deluga, 1998;
Organ & Ryan, 1995; Posdakoff, Ahearne & MacKenzie, 1997; Posdakoff & MacKenzie, 1994;).
2. Review of literature
Oraganizational commitment is one of the important factor which contribute to foster Organizational
citizenship behavior (LePine, Erez and Johnson, 2002). An employee’s organizational commitment is
positively related to organizational citizenship behavior (O’Reilly and Chatman, 1986). Affective
commitment is a significant predictor of OCB (Rifai, 2005, Feather and Rauter, 2004). Raising the
Affective commitment of employees will help in raising the extra role behavior. Becker (1992) also provide
support for a significant relationship between commitment and OCB. Truckenbrodt (2000) suggests that a
significant relationship exists between the quality of the supervisor-subordinate relationship and
subordinates’ commitment and altruistic organizational citizenship behavior. Yilmaz & Bokeoglu (2008)
determined that the teachers had positive perceptions about Organizational citizenship and Organizational
commitment. There was a moderate positive relationship between the teachers’ perceptions about
Organizational citizenship and Organizational commitment. Chen, H.R., Liu, Y., Cheng, B. & Chiu, H.
(2009) found when employees realized the efforts of the company supported in recruiting and selection,
and provides sufficient guarantee to remain employees in company can encourage employees pay more
attention in organizational commitments. The level of staffing activity influenced organization citizenship
behavior is decided by the documentation if well done of not. Retention activity can help employees to
perform organization citizenship behavior if employees understand how seriously that the company
regarded for the employee career, and, have the chances to join the development of company. Van Yperen
and Van den Berg (1999) found that when employees feel that they are able to participate in decisions
made, they tend to feel supported by their supervisors and consequently exhibit more Organizational
citizenship behaviors. One can therefore expect employee acts of Organizational citizenship behavior to
serve as a behavioral cue on which management bases its presumptions of employee commitment to the
organization (Shore, Barksdale & Shore, 1995). Bragger, Srednicki, Kutcher, Indovino & Rosner (2005)
analysis indicated that OCB was related negatively to work-family conflict, and positively to work-family
culture, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that
work-family culture predicts work-family conflict, and that various forms of work-family conflict predict
OCB. Analyses also showed that work-family culture predicts both organizational commitment and OCB,
and that organizational commitment does not mediate the relationship between work-family culture and
Studies on commitment have provided strong evidence that affective and normative commitment are
positively related and continuance commitment is negatively connected with organizational outcomes such
as performance and citizenship behavior. (Shore & Wagner, 1993). Chen, Z. X. & Francesco, A. M. (2003)
study showed that affective commitment (AC) related positively to in-role performance and OCB, while
continuance commitment (CC) was not associated with in-role performance but negatively correlated with
OCB. In addition, normative commitment (NC) moderated the relationship between AC and in-role
performance as well as OCB. The linear relationship between AC and in-role performance/OCB was
stronger for those with lower NC. Gautam, Dick, Wagner, Upadhyay & Davis (2001) study showed a
positive relation between affective and normative commitment on the one hand and both citizenship factors

altruism and compliance on the other. Continuance commitment was negatively related to compliance and
unrelated to altruism.
3. Hypotheses
There will be a significant impact of Affective commitment on Organizational citizenship behavior.
There will be a significant impact of Continuance commitment on Organizational citizenship behavior.
There will be a significant impact of Normative commitment on Organizational citizenship behavior.
4. Method
4.1 Sample
A sample of 77 employees working in two Hydroelectric project viz. Dul Hasti Power Station and Pakal
Dul under NHPC located at Kishtwar (J&K) were selected for the study. These employees represented the
hierarchy from the Head of the Department to Senior Supervisor level, working in GM Secretariat, HR,
Finance, Township, Cost and Contract, Mechanical, Electrical and Medical departments.
4.1.1 Sample Characteristics
In terms of Gender, 5.2% of the respondents (n = 4) were women and 94.8% (n = 73) were men. Age was
measured in years and ranged from 28 to 58 years (median = 47; mean = 45.49; standard deviation = 8.91).
Job Tenure was measured as the number of years the respondent has worked in the NHPC and ranged from
1 to 38 years (Mean = 21.22 years; Standard deviation = 10.52 ). In terms of educational qualification,
38.96% (n = 30) were ‘Graduates’; 22.08% (n = 17) were holding a ‘Post Graduate’ degree and 38.96% (n
= 30) were undergraduates. Regarding marital status, 5.2% of the respondents (n = 4) were ‘Unmarried’
and 94.8% (n = 73) were ‘Married’.
4.2 Variables
Predictor variable: Organizational Commitment (Affective Commitment, Continuance Commitment,
Normative Commitment)
Criterion variable: Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Control Variables: Age, Gender, Job Tenure, Qualification, Marital status.
4.3 Measures
Organizational commitment Questionnaire: Affective, Normative, and Continuance commitment were
measured with the Organizational commitment Questionnaire developed by Meyer and Allen (1997). This
revised Questionnaire has 18 items. Employee responses were obtained on a 7-point Likert-type scale
where 1 = strongly disagree and 7 = strongly agree. Reliability (Coefficient alpha values) ranged from .77
to .88 for affective commitment (ACS), from .65 to .86 for normative commitment (NCS), and from .69 to
.84 for continuance commitment (CCS) (Allen & Meyer, 1990a; Cohen, 1996, 1999; Cohen & Kirchmeyer,
1995; Hackeet et al., 1994; Meyer & Allen, 1997; Meyer, Irving, & Allen, 1998; Somers, 1995; Somers &
Bimbaum, 1998).
Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale : Organizational Citizenship Behavior was measured with the
30-item scale developed by Bakhshi and Kumar (2009). Responses were taken on a five-point scale (Never-
1, Rarely-2, Sometimes-3, Frequently-4, Always-5). A sample item states, ‘‘I help my co-workers in non-
work matters.’’ The test is standardized on Indian sample and the reliability of the scale is 0.82. It measures
five dimensions of OCB namely Altruism, Conscientiousness, Sportsmanship, Courtesy, Civic virtue.
5. Results
Table 1 lists the Description, means and standard deviations for the variables.
The correlations provided some initial support for one of our hypotheses. In support of Hypothesis 3,
Normative Commitment was positively correlated with Organizational Citizenship Behavior (r = .258, p <
.05) (Table 2). Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 2 were not supported, as the results came out to be
insignificant. The results of partial correlation analysis showed that all the three components of
organizational commitment-Affective commitment, Continuance commitment and Normative commitment
were positively correlated with aggregate measure of OCB, but the correlation was found to be insignificant
for all the variables.
To test the hypotheses, hierarchical regression analysis was performed. At the first stage, the control
variables (Demographic variables) were entered into the equation. Next, the Predictor variables viz.

Organizational Commitment (Affective Commitment, Continuance Commitment, Normative Commitment)
were added. The percentage of variability accounted by control variables was 28% (R square), while the
Predictor variable increases the variability in criterion variable from 28% to 95% - a considerable increase.
Demographic variables show no significant impact on the Organizational citizenship behavior. Among the
three components of predictive variable, only normative commitment (Table 3) has a significant impact on
Organizational citizenship behavior (β = .269, p < .05).
Current results suggest that only Normative commitment predicts the Organizational Citizenship Behavior
to some extent, thus confirming the validity of Hypothesis 3 but the impact of Continuance commitment
and Affective commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior was found to be insignificant, rejecting
the Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 2.
6. Discussion and Conclusions
Demographic variables show no significant impact on the Organizational citizenship behavior. Alotaibi
(2001) also found that none of the demographic variables such as age and gender correlated with OCB.
Schappe’s (1998) also found no significant correlation between age, gender and OCB, supporting the
current study. But Schappe’s (1998) found a significant negative correlation between Organizational tenure
and OCB, contradicting the current finding. The finding also contradicted with Organ & Ryan (1995).
This study found that only one dimension of Organizational Commitment i.e Normative Commitment
predicts OCB, inconsistent with the findings of Williams and Anderson (1991) which states that
Organizational Commitment is not related to any form of OCB. This study is partially consistent with the
finding of Shore and Wagner (1993), but is inconsistent with the finding of Rifai (2005), Feather & Rauter
(2004) and Podsakoff et al; (2000) who claimed that Affective commitment is a significant predictor of
One of the limitations of this research is the sample size which was quite small. The larger sample size will
provide more confidence in the results and thereof, reliable generalization. The mediating role of
organizational variables such as organizational culture, politics, and climate will be helpful in
understanding the relation of Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship behavior
especially in rural and tough settings. The individual who is committed towards his organization often
displays organizational citizenship behavior. These positive behaviors are essential for the success of an
organization. Therefore, it is obvious for an organization to be aware of the factors affecting the
commitment of employees. This issue is more important for Corporations working in far flung hilly areas,
where the environmental conditions are also a matter of concern and a challenge for the employees. Raising
the commitment of employees under such conditions is a serious concern for the organizations.
Organizations have to take care of all the needs of its employee so as the employee feel secure and not lose
his enthusiasm and commitment. This will definitely help the employee to display Citizenship behavior.
Moreover, these extra role behaviors are required in above said conditions and will be instrumental in the
performance of the Organization. Considering the research findings, it can be emphasized that the
commitment of workers especially ‘Normative Commitment’ should be increased so that there frequency of
performing extra role behavior will be increased.
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TABLE 1: Descriptive Statistics of Participants (N = 77)

Variable Description M SD

Gender 0 = female, 1 = male .9481 .22338

Age Years 45.4935 8.91129
Job Tenure Years at NHPC 21.2208 10.51518
Education 0 = undergraduate .6104 .49086
1 = graduate

Marital Status 0 = unmarried .9481 .22338

1 = married
Organizational Commitment 18 items
96.4805 15.50603

Affective Commitment 6 items

36.0260 6.49894

Continuance Commitment 6 items

29.1558 7.68982

Normative Commitment 6 items

31.2987 6.21345

Organizational Citizenship 30 items

96.0649 8.48115

Note. M = mean; SD = standard deviation

Table 2: Pearson Correlations

Organizational Citizenship behavior

Continuance Commitment .133

Affective Commitment .220

Normative Commitment .258*

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Table 3: Multiple Regression Analysis

Model R R Square

1. .168 .028

2. .308 .095

Model Beta Sig. Correlation

Affective Commitment .207 .082 .207

Continuance Commitment .116 .356 .110

Normative Commitment .269 .028 .259

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