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Notice Inviting Expression of Interest

EOI No. ARM/Basai/2020

Name of Work: Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Work (Civil & Electrical) on agency
charges basis for Comprehensive Annual Repairs, Maintenance &
Operations (ARMO) of ESIC Model Hospital Basaidarapur, New
Delhi campus along with Nine (9) Dispensaries at Raghubir Nagar,
NIA Karampura, I – Block Karampura, Mayapuri – I & Mayapuri – II,
Madipur, Inderlok, Dwarka, Shastri Nagar along with attached Staff
quarters and offices in NCT of Delhi

• The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) is an autonomous body under

the aegis of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. The main
objective of the organization is to provide certain benefits to organized sector
employees in case of sickness, maternity and ‘employment injury’ and to make
provision for certain social benefits etc.

• ESIC is inviting online expression of interest bids from Public Sector Undertakings
set up by Central / State Government to carry out civil or electrical work or from any
other Central /State Government Organization / PSU which may be notified by MoUD
for such purpose through EOI system who may be hereafter called as bidder.

Additional Commissioner & Regional Director

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation,
Room No. 313, 3rd& 4th Floor, Regional Office,
Rajendra Bhawan, Rajendra Place, New Delhi-08
Email- rd-delhi@esic.nic.in, Tel- 011-25731762

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The Additional Commissioner & Regional Director, ESI Corporation, Regional Office, Delhi
invites open online bids on behalf of the Director General, ESI Corporation on agency
charges basis (in Single Bid System) through online mode from Public Sector Undertaking
set up by Central / State Government to carry out civil or electrical work OR from any other
Central /State Government Organization / PSU which may be notified by MoUD for such
purpose as detailed below:

S.No. Particulars Details

Annual Maintenance Work (Civil &

Electrical) on agency charges basis for
1 Name of work Comprehensive Annual Repairs,
Maintenance & Operations (ARMO) of
ESIC Model Hospital Basaidarapur,
New Delhi campus along with Nine (9)
Dispensaries at Raghubir Nagar, NIA
Karampura, I – Block Karampura,
Mayapuri – I & Mayapuri – II, Madipur,
Inderlok, Dwarka, Shastri Nagar along
with attached Staff quarters and offices
in NCT of Delhi.
2 Period of Contract 12 Months

3 Availability of EOI https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app

and www.esic.nic.in

4 Estimated Cost Rs. 9.75 Crores (Approx.) as per

CPWD Plinth Area Rate.

Page 2 of 18
Critical Date Sheet

S.No. Description Date

Date of Publishing 07.10.2020
Date of Bid Document Download Starts 07.10.2020
Date of Bid Submission Starts 07.10.2020
Date of Pre-Bid Meeting and Time 14.10.2020 at 1100 Hrs
Date of Bid Submission Ends 20.10.2020 at 1300 Hrs
Bid Opening Date and Time 21.10.2020 at 1300 Hrs

Any change in the document shall be uploaded in the below mentioned website only, hence
the bidders may visit the website regularly (https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app &
www.esic.nic.in) to make themselves aware about the information related to the bidding.


Page 3 of 18
Instructions for Online Bid Submission
The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the CPP Portal, using
valid Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given below are meant to assist the bidders in
registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the requirements and submitting
their bids online on the CPP Portal.

More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained at:


1. Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public
Procurement Portal (URL: https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) by clicking on the link
“Online bidder Enrollment” on the CPP Portal which is free of charge.

2. As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique username
and assign a password for their accounts.

3. Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of the
registration process. These would be used for any communication from the CPP Portal.

4. Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature
Certificate (Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying Authority
recognized by CCA India (e.g. Sify / TCS / nCode / eMudra etc.), with their profile.

5. Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are
responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to misuse.

6. Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID / password
and the password of the DSC /e-Token.


1. There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate bidders to search active
tenders by several parameters. These parameters could include Tender ID, Organization
Name, Location, Date, Value, etc. There is also an option of advanced search for tenders,
wherein the bidders may combine a number of search parameters such as Organization
Name, Form of Contract, Location, Date, Other keywords etc. to search for a tender
published on the CPP Portal.

2. Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download the
required documents/ tender schedules. These tenders can be moved to the respective ‘My
Tenders’ folder. This would enable the CPP Portal to intimate the bidders through SMS / e-
mail in case there is any corrigendum issued to the tender document.

3. The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each tender, in case they
want to obtain any clarification / help from the Helpdesk.

Page 4 of 18

1. Bidder should consider any corrigendum published on the tender document before
submitting their bids.
2. Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to understand
the documents required to be submitted as part of the bid. Please note the number of covers
in which the bid documents have to be submitted, the number of documents - including the
names and content of each of the document that need to be submitted. Any deviations from
these may lead to rejection of the bid.

3. Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in the
tender document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF / XLS / RAR / DWF/JPG
formats. Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which
helps in reducing size of the scanned document.

4. To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents which
are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading such standard
documents (e.g. PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has been provided
to the bidders. Bidders can use “My Space” or ‘’Other Important Documents’’ area available
to them to upload such documents. These documents may be directly submitted from the
“My Space” area while submitting a bid, and need not be uploaded again and again. This will
lead to a reduction in the time required for bid submission process.

1. Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that they can upload the
bid in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be responsible for any delay
due to other issues.

2. The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as
indicated in the tender document.

3. The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as the
standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders, opening
of bids etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid submission.

4. All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI encryption
techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be viewed by
unauthorized persons until the time of bid opening. The confidentiality of the bids is
maintained using the secured Socket Layer 128 bit encryption technology. Data storage
encryption of sensitive fields is done. Any bid document that is uploaded to the server is
subjected to symmetric encryption using a system generated symmetric key. Further this key
is subjected to asymmetric encryption using buyers/bid openers public keys.

5. The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the
authorized bid openers.

Page 5 of 18
6. Upon the successful and timely submission of bids (i.e. after Clicking “Freeze Bid
Submission” in the portal), the portal will give a successful bid submission message & a bid
summary will be displayed with the bid no. and the date & time of submission of the bid with
all other relevant details.

7. The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission of the
bid. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening meetings.


1. Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained therein
should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority or the relevant contact person indicated
in the tender.

Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP Portal in
general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk. The contact number for the helpdesk is
1800 233 7315.

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Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) is an autonomous body under the aegis of
the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. It is proposed to enter into an
agreement with the Public Sector Undertaking set up by Central / State Government to carry out civil
or electrical work OR with any other Central /State Government Organization / PSU which may be
notified by MoUD for Annual Maintenance Contract (Civil & Electrical Work) for one year with
immediate effect. The contract of work may be extended for further period of one-year subject to
satisfactory performance of the agency during the previous year with mutual agreement for the
following works: -

1. Annual Repairs, Maintenance & Operations (ARMO) of ESIC Model Hospital

Basaidarapur, New Delhi campus along with Nine (9) Dispensaries at
Raghubir Nagar, NIA Karampura, I – Block Karampura, Mayapuri – I &
Mayapuri – II, Madipur, Inderlok, Dwarka, Shastri Nagar along with attached
Staff quarters and offices in NCT of Delhi. (ESIC reserves the right to add or delete
any dispensary/ office in the below mentioned list).

Area of ESIC Hospital Basaidarapur with attached Dispensaries, Office and Staff
Locations Hospital Dispensaries Staff Office
Basaidarapur Hospital 111427.17 10905.98
(1000 Bed)
2 Mayapuri-Ph-I 438.00 146.00
3 Raghubir Nagar 560.92 789.67
4 Inderlok 413.02
5 Mayapuri-2 611.60
6 NIA Karampura 664.00 1606.00
7 Madipur 777.46
Pappankalan Included in
8 (Dwarka) 791.00 Dispensary
9 Shastri Nagar 664.00 1606.00
10 I - Block Karampura 300.00
Total Area in Sqm. 111427.17 5220.00 14907.65 146.00

2. The ESIC will assign the following types of repairs & maintenance works to AGENCY
for carrying out comprehensive Repairs &Maintenance of its existing infrastructure
comprising of Hospital, Dispensaries, office buildings & Staff Quarters and Services
including Equipment and Plants rendering specialized services:
(I) Civil Works
a) Day to day Repair & Maintenance of building.
b) Plumbing Work, Sanitary Work, Carpenter & Masonry Work
c) Aluminum & Steel Repair Work
d) To keep Sewer Lines functional.
e) Work of Horticulture / landscaping etc.
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f) Any Other Work assigned by Medical Superintendent or Hospital Engineer.

(II) Electrical Works

a) Operation of Substation, LT & HT Panels, HVAC, AHUs, Pump Operation, D.G.
Set, Fire Fighting Services, Lift Operation, MGP, Transformer, Electrical Panel.
b) Electrical Fitting and Fixtures i.e. Lights, Fans, Switches, Sockets, Wirings etc.
c) Any Other Work assigned by Medical Superintendent or Hospital Engineer.
(III) Manpower Deployment:
a) Deployment of adequate manpower like electrician, lift operator, DG Operator,
Mason, plumber, carpenter, Helpers, sewer man, supervisor etc. so as to ensure
round the clock services of hospitals, smooth functioning of the offices,
Dispensaries and maintenance of the buildings.
b) Manpower attendance register is to be maintained properly.
c) Uniform, ID Card have to be provided to each and every staff by the agency
d) The Working Staff should be professionally qualified and must be trained.
3. The contractor will carry out all preventive maintenance / Checks as per CPWD
Specification and works procedure.
4. Interested Govt./Semi-Govt./Public Sector Undertaking agencies are required to submit
their offers on agency charges basis as per Performa attached in “Annexure B”
5. Confirmation to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) attached with this
6. Confirmation regarding following GFR, CVC guidelines and carrying out the work as per
CPWD norms and specifications.
7. Declaration to be furnished that the agency/ organization is not black listed by any
Government Authority.
8. The site for the work is readily available as the ARMO work is to be carried out in the
running hospital / dispensary buildings and their premises having residential buildings and
other ancillary structures and the desirous agencies can inspect the Hospital and attached
Dispensaries, Staff quarters & Offices Area on any working day. The details of contact
person are as below: -

a. ESIC Hospital Basaidarapur – Civil and Electrical Engineer

b. Contact No.: Sh. Dharmendar Sachan, JE(Civil) - 9335458558, and Sh. Ravi, JE
(Elect.) - 7488042273
9. Conditional Expression of Interest shall summarily be rejected.

Additional Commissioner and Regional Director

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation,
Room No. 313, 3rd& 4th Floor, Regional Office,
Rajendra Bhawan, Rajendra Place, New Delhi-08
Email- rd-delhi@esic.nic.in, Tel- 011-25731762

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Information and Instructions to Bidders

I. Eligibility Criteria

1. Bidder must be a Public Sector Undertaking set up by Central / State Government to carry out
civil or electrical work OR any other Central /State Government Organization / PSU which
may be notified by MoUD for such purpose.
2. The Bidder should have successfully completed or substantially completed similar nature of
works during last Seven years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which
applications are invited:
a. Three Similar Work costing not less than the amount equal to 40 percent of the
Estimated cost.
b. Two Similar Work costing not less than the amount equal to 50 percent of the
Estimated cost.
c. One Similar Work costing not less than the amount equal to 80 percent of the
Estimated cost.

(Similar work means comprehensive annual repair maintenance Works of Hospitals,

Dispensaries, Offices and staff quarters etc.).

3. Net Worth of the company / firm as on 31st March of Financial Year 2016-17,2017-18 &
2018-19, should be positive.

II. General Instructions

1. The EOI for the work shall remain open for acceptance by ESIC for a period 90 days from
the date of opening of the bid.
2. The EOI shall be opened at the notified time, date and place in the presence of bidders or their
representatives, if they wish to be present. The agency charges quoted by an agency will be
considered only if the agency is found qualified as per the Eligibility Criteria I, page No. 9.
In case the lowest quoted agency charges of two or more qualified participating firms is the
same, then the work would be awarded through the lottery system on the same rate. Date &
time of drawing lottery will be intimated to such firms separately.
3. ESIC reserves the right to verify the particulars furnished by the bidder independently and if
any information furnished by the bidder is found incorrect at a later stage, the Agency shall
be liable to be debarred from tendering / taking up works in ESIC.
4. The MoU shall be signed between ESIC and the successful Bidder within 15 days after the
acceptance of his bid by ESIC on prescribed format which is being given in the bid document.
All the documents of the bid shall form part of the MoU.
5. Variation in rates of taxes or cess due to change in legislation occurred after receipt of tender
/ bid shall be adjusted on either side i.e. increase or decrease, as the case may be.
6. The area mentioned in the EOI are only tentative and interested PSUs may physically inspect
the buildings to ascertain the same before quoting centage charges. Estimated cost mentioned
in EOI is only rough cost and selected PSUs shall submit the estimate based on actual areas
measured and cost shall be based on prevailing CPWD plinth area rates.
7. After ascertaining the entire gamut of the repairs &maintenance needs, agency shall prepare
estimates in r/o various types of repairs & maintenance works above based on CPWD Norms
/ yardsticks and good engineering practices and submit to ESIC Regional Office, Delhi along
with all relevant documents, justifications, drawings, photographs etc. for accord of
Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction (A / A & E / S) by ESIC.
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8. ESIC, without being liable for any damages, shall reserve the right to accept or reject any bid
or annul the whole bidding process without assigning any reason whatsoever.
9. The bid submitted shall become invalid if:
a) The bidder is found ineligible vis – a – vis eligibility criteria at S.No. I and III (page
No. 9 & 10).
b) Any discrepancy noticed in uploaded Document of bidders.
10. Govt. Construction agencies are expected to familiarize themselves with the local conditions
and effect of terms and condition of relevant MoU before submitting the financial bid
Centage/ agency fee, once quoted, shall not be increased under any circumstances.

III. List of Documents to be uploaded

The list of documents for qualification to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid
1. Notification/Registration/Memorandum/letter or any other documents of Central/State
Government declaring Agency as Central Government Organization/ Public Sector
undertaking to carry out civil and electrical works etc. OR MoUD notification of Central/State
Government Organizations/ PSUs to carry out civil, electrical works, etc.
2. Certificate of Registration for Goods and Service Tax (GST).
3. PAN Card.
4. Balance sheet and profit and loss statement/ financial statement of account for financial year
2016-17,2017-18 & 2018-19 along with CA Certificate with seal and registration indicating
financial turnover of bidder during above period.
5. An undertaking as per Annexure “A”.
6. Certificate for successfully completed or substantially completed Similar work means
comprehensive annual repair maintenance works of Hospitals, Dispensaries, Offices and staff
quarters etc. during last Seven years ending last day of month previous to the one in which
applications are invited.
• Three Similar Work costing not less than the amount equal to 40 percent of the
Estimated cost.
• Two Similar Work costing not less than the amount equal to 50 percent of the
Estimated cost.
• One Similar Work costing not less than the amount equal to 80 percent of the
Estimated cost.
7. Agency Service Charge as per format “Annexure B”.

1. All the uploaded documents should be in readable, printable and legible form failing
which the Bids shall not be considered for evaluation. The Tender document should
not be uploaded with the Bid.
2. The Agency service charges will be considered only, if the agency is found qualified as
per the eligibility criteria as per para I page no 9.

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Repairs & Maintenance of Existing Infrastructure of ESIC

This Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter called “MoU”) signed between Employees’ State
Insurance Corporation (hereinafter called “ESIC”) represented by its Additional Commissioner &
Regional Director, Delhi on one part

PSU (hereinafter called “AGENCY”) represented by its General Manager/ Project Manager / or
authorized representative of PSUs on other part. ‘ESIC, R O Delhi’ and ‘AGENCY’ are also referred
to individually as ‘Party’ and collectively as ’Parties’ wherever the context so requires.

Whereas ‘AGENCY’ have agreed to undertake the work of Annual Repairs, Maintenance &
Operations (ARMO) of ESIC Model Hospital Basaidarapur, New Delhi campus along with Nine (9)
Dispensaries at Raghubir Nagar, NIA Karampura, I – Block Karampura, Mayapuri – I & Mayapuri
– II, Madipur, Inderlok, Dwarka, Shastri Nagar along with attached Staff quarters and offices in NCT
of Delhi for ‘ESIC’ as a ‘Deposit Work’ basis.

Now, therefore it is agreed between the Parties that:

1. The ESIC will assign the following types of repairs & maintenance works to AGENCY for
carrying out comprehensive Repairs &Maintenance of its existing infrastructure comprising of
Hospital, Dispensaries, office buildings & Staff Quarters and Services including Equipment and
Plants rendering specialized services:
a) Annual Repairs and Maintenance & Operations (ARMO) of Buildings & Services
b) Day to day Maintenance of Buildings & Services
c) Day to day Operation & Maintenance of Equipments and Plants rendering specialized
d) All preventive maintenance / Checks as per CPWD Specification and works procedure.
e) Annual Repairs and Maintenance of Equipment and Plants rendering specialized services
2. After the works are assigned to agency, a comprehensive condition survey of the existing
infrastructure i.e. Buildings, Services, Equipments & Plants including ancillary structures existing
inside the premises/complex shall be carried out by them to assess the maintenance needs for each
component of the infrastructure for restoring and sustaining the utility of the facilities.
3. After ascertaining the entire gamut of the repairs &maintenance needs, AGENCY shall
prepare estimates in r/o various types of repairs & maintenance works above based on CPWD norms
/ yardsticks and good engineering practices and submit to competent authority of ESIC along with
all relevant documents, justifications, drawings, photographs etc. for accord of Administrative
Approval and Expenditure Sanction (A / A & E / S) by ESIC.
4. As far as possible only items based on prevailing DSR should be taken in the detailed
estimates and items based on market rates should be avoided unless it becomes indispensable to
include them. In case of “Market Rate” It shall be decided at the level of the officer according
sanction for technical appropriateness of items framed, rates approved based on GFR/CPWD
provisions and market Quotation is based on CPWD DAR (Delhi analysis of rates) like the cost of
Page 11 of 18
the materials, taxes, Labour and Transport etc. at the site where the work is to be executed plus 15%
to cover all contractor’s overheads and profits.

5. Time period of contract

The Repair and Maintenance work shall be for a period of 12 month or as mentioned in the letter of
commencement and shall start from the date as mentioned therein and shall stand terminated after the
expiry of one year unless it is mutually extended.
6. Extension of Time of contract and Expansion of Scope of work

a) The Repair and Maintenance contract may be extended on the written mutual consent of both
Employer and Contractor for a further period of one year or part thereof on the same terms
and conditions of this contract. However, ESIC reserves it’s right to terminate the Repair and
Maintenance contract by giving one month notice at any time during the currency of the
contract if the services of the agency are not found satisfactory as per the opinion of ESIC or
it’s representative. In case of emergent situation prevalent in the country, this contract can be
extended up to period of three months unilaterally.
b) The scope of work under this contract can be increased/decreased accordingly on same terms
and condition as per prevailing DSR/ NDSR (at the time of extension, if any) with rates will
be applicable in contract.
7. Payment Procedure

a)1/3rd (One – Third) of sanctioned estimated amount as initial deposit within 2 weeks of
Approval of Estimate.
b) Second installment of 1/3rd (One – Third) of sanctioned estimated amount based on
expenditure statement & certificate regarding utilization of 80 % of earlier released fund by
Agency within 4 (Four) weeks of submission of request by Project Management Agency and
certificate confirming that the ESI, PF, GST, payment to worker as per CLC notification
issued time to time and other statutory compliance have been made.
c) Third & final installment of remaining 1/3rd (One – Third)/ balance of sanctioned estimated
amount/ revised sanctioned amount based on expenditure statement & certificate regarding
utilization of 80 % of earlier released fund by Agency within 4 (Four) weeks of submission
of request by Project Management Agency and certificate confirming that the ESI, PF, GST
and other statutory compliance have been made.
8. At the conclusion of the Contract, Agency shall submit a consolidated expenditure statement
and a certificate regarding utilization of funds sanctioned and released to them for each of the
building / premises duly signed by the Accounts Officer & Divisional Officer / Executive
Engineer of concerned Agency Division to the concerned Medical Superintendent of ESIC
Hospital along with a certificate from the user regarding satisfactory completion of the works
and refund any unspent amount to ESIC for final settlement of accounts.
9. Agency will set up a dedicated wing comprising of civil as well as electrical units equipped
with adequate manpower under unified command of senior level officer to execute the Repairs
& Maintenance works with due diligence and in the most efficient and effective manner. A
Nodal Officer shall also be appointed by agency to coordinate with ESIC and other local
authorities for managing the works efficiently and effectively.
10. Agency will make immediate arrangement for deployment of adequate manpower for
Operation & Maintenance of Equipment’s & Plants rendering specialized services so that the
required services can be maintained uninterrupted.

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11. Agency shall be registering themselves as Principal Employer for complying with various
Labour Laws and other applicable statutory laws and Safety precautions. Any liability accruing
on account of noncompliance of Labour laws and other statutory compliance related to work
shall be borne by Agency.
12. The works which are of essential nature such as operation & maintenance of essential services,
day to day maintenance etc. shall under no circumstances be held up for temporary delay in
releasing of fund by ESIC.
13. Agency shall maintain Complaint Register in the building and a Service Centre shall also be
opened for proper registration of complaints and their satisfactory disposal by getting user
certificates in time bound manner. The Complaint Register shall be periodically seen by ESIC
representative(s) for ascertaining the efficacy of the mechanism put forth by Agency. Any
suggestions made by ESIC regarding further improvement in the services shall be readily
implemented by agency, if found feasible from Techno financial angles by them.
14. Agency will apprise ESIC about the status of various Repairs & Maintenance works
periodically during joint Progress Review Meetings wherein both physical and financial
progress would be discussed besides resolution of pending issues, if any. Progress Review
Meetings, preferably monthly shall be held between Agency and ESIC for reviewing the
progress of ongoing Repairs and Maintenance works based on mutually agreed timelines,
milestones etc. and also for resolving co-ordination issues, including fixing priority in carrying
out some segments of works/items, buildings, facilities and services for their early completion
and handing over to ESIC for putting them to use for intended purpose, if any.
15. ‘Project Management Consultant’ shall be responsible for redressing and complying with the
observations of CTE/ CVC, Auditors, Statutory Authorities, local Bodies, Municipal
Corporation etc. pertaining to the work under intimation to ESIC. Providing all work-related
information promptly to ESIC for replying to Parliament Questions, queries from various
Constitutional & Statutory Authorities.
16. Agency shall be responsible for:
16.1 Carrying out comprehensive Repairs & Maintenance of Buildings and Services including
Equipment’s & Plants rendering specialized services with due diligence and within agreed
timelines and cost.
16.2 Submitting Estimates for various types of Repairs & Maintenance works on time to ESIC for
accord of A/A & E/S so that works are taken up on the ground as per schedule.
16.3 Providing adequate manpower and resources for maintaining the entire facilities in proper
16.4 Intimating physical and financial Progress and up to date expenditure incurred along with
Certificate of Utilization of Fund against Fund earlier released by ESIC.
16.5 Permitting ESIC to inspect or monitor the progress, either itself or through Third Party, as
and when it desires for assessing actual progress, quality of works and any other aspects
related to the works.
16.6 Certifying and making payment of Bills of the Contractors / Agencies engaged by them and
making available Final Statement of Accounts in Standard Format to ESIC, Copies of Final
Bills for all Contract Packages and other expenditure incurred, after the completion of the
work. In addition, whenever ESIC asks for any other details from agency regarding
Utilization of Fund, copies of detailed sanctioned Estimates/ Technical Sanctions, Award of
Works, Running Bills etc., the same shall be provided by agency readily to ESIC.
16.7 Ensuring that its Contractor(s) implement required Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE)
practices at the Construction Sites and they also comply with all statutory obligations related
to workmen deployed at the Site like compliance of Labour laws, minimum wages as per

Page 13 of 18
CLC, ESI, EPF & Bonus etc. Agency will act as Principal Employer in respect of all Statutory
Obligations related to workmen deployed at the site in execution of the work.
16.8 Obtaining necessary Statutory Approvals / Permission / Clearances/ Certificates from the
concerned Local Bodies & Statutory Authorities like Municipal Corporation, Town Planning
Board, Electricity Board / Fire Department, State / Central Pollution Control Boards, State /
Central Environmental Authorities etc. as applicable.
16.9 Managing the works effectively and efficiently to ensure its timely completion with due
diligence as per direction of ESIC Authorities in terms and conditions of MOUs including
taking all require pro-active measures to contain Time and Cost Overruns by providing
stringent and elaborate enforceable Clauses to this effect in the Contract documents of its
Contractors for achieving the objective of completing the works with due diligence and within
the approved cost and scheduled time.
16.10 Submitting Works Completion Report (WCR) duly bringing out the Final Cost as against the
approved Cost. The WCR shall be submitted along with Final Works Accounts including
return of unspent balance amount to ESIC within one month of settlement of final bills of the
contractors / other agencies deployed by agency.
16.11 Intimating ESIC about any excess expenditure likely to be incurred over and above the
approved estimate and also about possibility of Time Overrun as soon as it comes to its
knowledge along with reasons and justifications thereof for necessary approvals from ESIC
before committing / incurring the extra / additional expenditure.
16.12 Monitoring of Projects from start to completion effectively & efficiently.
16.13 Observing due diligence and adopting all possible pre-emptive measures at various stages of
project execution so as to avoid arbitration / litigation and other hindrances for completing
the work within optimum cost and time in hassle free environment.
16.14 Defending all Arbitration and Court Cases arising out of execution of the works and
examining the Arbitration Award/Decree of Court of Law/Tribunal by appropriate authority
in agency and forwarding the same along with a comprehensive report on the circumstance
leading to the Arbitration/Court cases and the reasons and justifications as to why an appeal
against such award/decree was not considered necessary, briefing out inter-alia, details of the
award and clear cut recommendations. The decision of the competent authority in agency to
accept the award or challenge the same in a Court of Law will be binding on the ESIC.
16.15 Agency will take all necessary actions to complete the works timely. However, for inordinate
delay caused in the works liquidated damages have to be levied / recovered. Based on the
established procedure to levy penalty on their contractors / agencies for recovering liquidated
damages from them as per the GCC or other contract conditions applicable in agency. The
liquidated damages recovered from the contractors for delay, if any, shall be credited to ESIC
in the project accounts. As further agreed by Agency, more stringent terms and conditions
over and above usual stipulated provisions of agency standard contract documents, shall be
inserted as additional / special condition in the contract document with contractors so as to
complete the works timely. If at any time, it appears to ESIC that the actual progress of the
work does not confirm to the approved program referred above and initiated to agency by
ESIC, detailed reasons and justifications for such delay shall have to be provided by Agency,
which shall be examined by ESIC for re-scheduling the timeline, if any.
16.16 All emergent Repair and Maintenance related complaints shall be attended to within twenty-
four hours and routine/ non-emergent repairs shall be attended within 48 hours, falling which
a recovery of Rs. 200.00 per event per day shall be made from the subsequent payments to
the agency.
16.17 In the event of failure to attend the complaint within 03 days, The Authorized officer of ESIC
will get the work done at the risk and cost of the agency and expenditure incurred will be
deducted from the subsequent payment of the agency.
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16.18 The Agency shall compensate ESIC for any losses incurred by theft, illegal or fraudulent
activities of the manpower deployed directly or through his contractor.
17. ESIC shall be responsible for:
17.1 Approving Scope, Plans, Initial and Revised Estimates, Timelines and other proposals
submitted by agency.
17.2 Intimating Details, Special Requirements / Features and Broad Specifications for specialized
Equipment’s and Plants for facilitating execution of works by agency.
17.3 Providing required assistance to agency for carrying out the comprehensive Repairs &
Maintenance Works.
17.4 Releasing Fund to agency based on their request and in terms of the MoU.
17.5 Providing required assistance to agency for obtaining necessary Statutory Approvals /
Permission / Clearances/ Certificates from the concerned Local Bodies & Statutory
Authorities like Municipal Corporation, Town Planning Board, Electricity Board / Fire
Department, State / Central Pollution Control Boards, State / Central Environmental
Authority etc. as applicable.
17.6 Space to be provided to agency by ESIC free of cost for setting up of Office as per approval
of competent authority of ESIC till maturity / completion of work.
17.7 Providing security clearance for agency staff / contractors and their workers for working at
site in case these are required.
17.8 Settling of final claims which may be decreed by a Court of Law, Tribunal or by award of
an Arbitrator in relation to the deposit work, based on recommendations of agency and
commensurate actions taken by them in accordance with Clauses 16.13 as explained above.
17.9 Permitting free access to agency appointed Contractors’ Materials and Workmen to the site
of work and also helping agency in taking connections for electricity and water required for
carrying out works inside the premises/complex.
18. Redressal of Disputes
As dispute resolution mechanism for implementation of the provisions of this MoU, at the
first instance the issues involved shall be brought up before Chief Engineer, ESIC and
concerned Chief Engineer/ GM of Agency for their resolution. In case, however, disputes /
differences between the parties do not get resolved, the matter shall be referred to a
Committee comprising of a Nominee of DG, ESIC, and a Nominee of DG/ CMD of Agency
who shall be above the level of CE in the respective organizations. The above said
Committee shall submit a comprehensive report and recommendation to DG, ESIC and DG/
CMD of Agency for facilitating final decision in the matter.
19. Amendment
No amendment in Terms & Conditions of this MoU shall be valid and effective unless it is
in writing and duly signed by authorized representatives of DG, ESIC and DG/ CMD of
Agency. Each party shall give due consideration to any proposal for amendment /
modification made by other party with proper reasoning thereof.

20. Termination
20.1 This MoU can be terminated by either of the parties by giving 3 months prior notice along
with reasons for breach of obligation and any other grounds for consideration of other party.
20.2 Payment on Termination
In the event of termination of the contract, ESIC shall be at liberty to get balance work done
at the risk and cost of the Agency and due payment of the contractor, if any, shall be released
after the completion of whole of the works after due adjustment.

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21. Trans Border Clause

The ESIC has divided Delhi Region in seven Zones as described below:
S.No Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6
and attached Jhilmil Rohini Noida Sahibabad Regional
cluster and and and and office
attached attached attached attached Delhi and
cluster cluster cluster cluster attached
If any agency of above six Zones fails to execute the works of ARMO due to whatever reasons, AC
& RD, Delhi reserves the right to depute an agency after mutual consent of same for three months or
till finalization of fresh tender. The tender will be provided on same rates, terms & condition of their
respective zones after judging their financial and technical strength.

For and on behalf of Agency For and on behalf of ESIC

Signature Signature
Name Name
Designation Designation

Witness 1 Witness 2
Signature Signature
Name Name
Designation Designation


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Annexure –A

Undertaking by the Bidder

1. I/ We undertake that either I/We have ESIC and EPFO registration and valid electrical
contractor license/ registration certificate or if I/ We award work to subcontractor I/We
will ensure that subcontractor is having the same.
2. I/ We have read all the Terms and Conditions of the Notice Inviting Expression of
3. I/ We have not been black listed by any of the Government Agencies or by the Court.
4. I/We undertake that GFR/CVC Guideline will be complied and work will be carried
out as per CPWD norms / specification.
5. I/We confirm that MOU as per the Performa attached with the EOI will be signed with

Date: -

OFFICE SEAL (Signature of Bidder)

Designation of the Authorized Signatory

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Annexure - B

Agency Charge Quotation Sheet

Name of Work: Annual Repairs, Maintenance & Operations (ARMO) of ESIC Model
Hospital Basaidarapur, New Delhi campus along with Nine (9)
Dispensaries at Raghubir Nagar, NIA Karampura, I – Block
Karampura, Mayapuri – I & Mayapuri – II, Madipur, Inderlok,
Dwarka, Shastri Nagar along with attached Staff quarters and
offices in NCT of Delhi.

Name of Agency: ___________________________________________________

S.No. Description In Figures In Words

1 Agency Charges quoted
by agency (in%) up to 2
decimal figures:

OFFICE SEAL (Signature of Bidder)

Designation of the Authorized Signatory

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