Final RFP Carpenter
Final RFP Carpenter
Final RFP Carpenter
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RFP for Selection of Vendor for Supply of Tool Kits for Carpenter under PM
Vishwakarma Scheme.
The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), (A Government of India Enterprise),
an ISO 9001:2015 certified, Mini Ratna Company, under Ministry of MSME has been
working to aid, promote and foster the growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and
provides integrated support services encompassing marketing, technology, finance and
other services through its network of offices across India.
With reference to PM Vishwakarma Scheme launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister, The
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC) has been assigned the following work
with respect to providing tool kits to the Beneficiaries registered under the scheme:
a) To select the vendors (on behalf of Ministry of MSME) for supply of tool kits and
such selected vendor hereinafter shall be referred as ‘Tool kit Vendor’.
b) To select an agency for Quality Assurance (QAA) and an agency for Delivery (DA)
of toolkits hereinafter collectively referred as “QAA & DA”, for inspection of the
toolkits and deliver the accepted tool kits to Beneficiaries registered under the
scheme. The DA shall also facilitate payment directly to the selected tool kit vendor
through redemption of e-voucher from beneficiary on completion of delivery of the
toolkit to the beneficiary.
The present RFP is for selection of Tool Kit Vendor. It is further clarified that NSIC is only
a ‘Facilitator’ for implementation of the Scheme and is not a Buyer neither a consignee nor
paying authority under this RFP.
Under PM Vishwakarma Scheme, artisans/craft people are registering through online
portal “”. On successful registration, verification and later
reporting for training, e-vouchers will be issued to the registered artisans/craft people
(Beneficiaries) by the Government which will be redeemable at the time of delivery of tool
kit complete as per list, to the Beneficiary towards payment to tool kit vendor.
The quantities of tool kits, as given in this RFP, is an estimation only and are dependent
on successful registrations. The numbers, frequency and /or probability of redemption
of the e-voucher cannot be predicted and thus minimum quantity of the tool kits to be
supplied and distributed under this RFP cannot be committed.
NSIC as Facilitator, on behalf of Ministry of MSME, invites Proposal as per this RFP from
eligible & experienced Bidders for providing tool kits for Carpenter at its own warehouses to
QAA for inspection and DA for onward delivery to Beneficiaries.
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The participating bidder has to quote for complete tool kit with all the tool/items as specified
in Annexure-I, otherwise the offer shall be summarily rejected.
Please note that the Complete Proposal along with all the stipulated supporting
documents are to be uploaded on the e-procurement portal i.e. CPP Portal on or
before the date and time specified in the Critical Date Sheet. No consideration shall
be given for delay in submission due to last minute connectivity issue or portal issue
or any other glitches.
The original EMD document shall be submitted/delivered in a sealed envelope to the office
of NSIC as stipulated in the RFP document before last date of submission of Proposal.
Proposals without EMD or valid proof of exemption shall be summarily rejected. The MSEs
are exempted from payment of EMD as per Public Procurement Policy 2012 (as amended).
The Technical Bids will be opened as per date and time given in Critical Date Sheet and
Financial Bids of technically qualified Bidders will be opened on a later date as per RFP
The Bidders are advised to read and understand RFP document carefully and comply with
the RFP requirements.
This Note along with all other pages of this document shall form an integral part of the RFP
D.G.M. (C&P)
The National Small Industries Corporation
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Time and Date of receipt of original On or Before Date 22.02.2024 Time 1100
documents for EMD as per the Hours
Instruction to the Bidders
Proposal Submission Start Date and Date 16.02.2024 Time 0930 Hours
Proposal Submission End Date and Date 22.02.2024 Time 1100 Hours
Time and date of online opening of Date 23.02.2024 Time 1100 Hours
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14. Validity Period for 24 months from date of issue of selection letter to the
delivery of tool kits vendor.
by selected vendor
15. Invoicing and Suitable and GST complying Invoice Mechanism will
regulatory & legal have to be followed by selected toolkit vendor in
compliance consultation with QAA & DA/ Facilitator to enable proper
regulatory & legal compliance and availability of tax
invoice and warranty coverage to each of the
16. Validity of Proposal 120 days from the date of opening the Bids.
1. The Proposal submitted without earnest money deposit or without valid proof for
exemption, shall be summarily rejected.
2. Intending Bidders should have valid registration with appropriate authorities for
statutory taxes/GST and with regulatory authorities as applicable. The selected
bidder shall be solely and fully responsible for all compliance requirements of all
concerned regulatory authorities. NSIC shall have no role in this regard and NSIC
shall not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect.
3. NSIC reserves the right to cancel/annul the RFP process at any stage before
issuing the Letter of Selection of tool kit vendor without assigning any reason
4. Proposal not fulfilling the prescribed conditions or found incomplete in any
respect shall be summarily rejected.
5. Canvassing, whether directly or indirectly in connection with RFP is strictly
prohibited and the Proposal submitted by the Bidders who resort to canvassing will
be liable to be summarily rejected.
6. Bidders may regularly visit the CPP portal/ NSIC website for any
corrigendum/addendum, pre-bid meeting replies, updated information with respect
to RFP and matter incidental thereto. No separate communication will be sent to
individual bidders for the above matters. RFP as amended and uploaded on CPP
Portal shall only be applicable.
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b) Net worth: Net worth of the Bidder should not be negative on 31st March, 2023 and
also should not have eroded by more than 30% (thirty percent) in the last three years,
ending on 31st March, 2023 as per the annual report (audited balance sheet and profit
& loss account) of the relevant period, duly authenticated by a Chartered Accountant
along with a Certificate from the Chartered Accountant (including membership number
and UDIN) as per format enclosed at Annexure IV shall be uploaded with Proposal.
Net worth means the sum total of the paid-up share capital and free reserves. Free
reserve means all reserves credited out of the profits and share premium account but
does not include reserves credited out of the revaluation of the assets, write back of
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depreciation provision and amalgamation. Further, any debit balance of Profit and Loss
account and miscellaneous expenses to the extent not adjusted or written off, if any,
shall be reduced from reserves and surplus.
a) In case the bidder is a manufacturer of all the tool kit items, it must have annual
capacity to manufacture at least 50% of the quantity of the tools specified in List
of Tools at Annexure-I in the RFP for the tools manufactured by the bidder. The
Bidder must submit an affidavit on non-judicial Stamp paper of worth Rs.100/-
as per Annexure VI.
b) In case the bidder is a supplier for certain tools of the tool kits manufactured
by other OEMs, then the bidder must submit a Manufacturer’s Authorisation
Form (MAF) as per Annexure VII issued by each of the OEMs that the OEMs
have the combined annual capacity to manufacture at least 50% of the quantity
of corresponding tools as specified in Annexure I of the RFP document. In
addition to above, a manufacturer cannot authorise one tool/item to more than
one supplier under this RFP.
Bidder is allowed to provide MAF Certificate only from single OEM for any single
tool/ item (various options of Tool Kits) in this RFP.
4.6 Compliance with Make in India Requirement: All the tools/items supplied in the
tool kits mentioned in the RFP must be complying with the Make in India
requirement i.e. product shall be of Indian origin and local content shall be more
than 50% for each of the tools/items. In this regard, bidder shall submit confirmation
as per Annexure-VII as above.
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5 Submission of Proposal:
The Proposal shall be uploaded in two separate covers:
i. Cover I: Technical Proposal
ii. Cover II: Price Bid
Cover-I shall include all the documents mentioned at para 6 below. The participating
bidder has to submit technical proposal for complete tool kit as per RFP
without any conditions, otherwise the offer shall be summarily rejected. No
price details should be given or hinted at in the Technical Proposal.
Proposal with such details shall be summarily rejected.
Cover-II shall contain only Price Bid in prescribed format. The participating bidder
has to quote price for complete tool kit as per RFP without any conditions
otherwise the offer shall be summarily rejected. It is to be noted that the
Cover-II shall contain only prices without any conditions i.e. deviations /
assumptions / stipulations / clarifications / comments / any other request
6 Documents to be uploaded with Technical Proposal under Cover-I:
The following documents shall be uploaded by the Bidder along with the Proposal:
(i) EMD document as per para 3 (UTR no. if payment made online) or Bid
Securing Declaration as per Annexure II (B), if applicable.
(ii) Valid Documentary evidence in support of Bidder’s Entity Structure as per para
4.1 along with Bidder’s Profile as per Annexure III (A). In case of Bidder from a
country sharing the land border with India, evidence of valid registration by the
Competent Authority.
(iii) Valid Documentary evidence in support of Authorised Signatory of the
Proposal as per para 4.2 along with Authorisation Certificate as per Annexure
(iv) Valid Document in support for Financial Criteria as per para 4.3 along with
Statement as per Annexure IV.
(v) Valid Document in support for experience and past performance as per para
4.4 along with Performance Statement as per Annexure V.
(vi) Document in support of Capability-manufacturing Facilities as per para 4.5 along
with Affidavit as per Annexure VI & Manufacturer’s Authorization Form from each
of the OEM as per Annexure VII.
(vii) Technical Compliance Sheet as per Annexure VIII along with ‘Make & Model’
of the tool kit items offered by the Bidder. Any technical non-compliance shall
lead to Proposal being declared as technically non-responsive for further
(viii) Form of RFP Declaration as per Annexure IX.
(ix) Valid Document i.e. UDYAM Registration Certificate for claiming benefit under
Public Procurement Policy 2012 as applicable.
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7 Purchase preference shall be applicable for MSEs as per PPP-MSE Order, 2012
(as amended) issued by MoMSME.
13 The participating bidders shall not disclose details of their proposal or other details of
their proposals to other bidders or indulge in any anti-competitive behaviour,
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b) Offered Prices shall be on all-inclusive basis i.e. unit price per tool kit including
packaging, labelling, loading at vendor end, labour, wages, local levies and all
other incidental charges as applicable at their own warehouses and insurance till
delivery to beneficiary as per RFP terms & condition. Nothing extra on any
account will be payable over and above the accepted rate.
c) The offered price shall be excluding GST amount which shall be paid extra as
applicable against documentary evidence, either as part of e-voucher at actual or
separately. No variation in basic price taking place after the submission of
Proposal shall be admissible.
d) It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that they quote the correct
HSN code and corresponding GST rate for each item of the toolkit being offered
by him.
f) M/o MSME/ NSIC (Facilitator) reserves the right to get the GST rates verified and
decision of M/o MSME/ NSIC (Facilitator) w.r.t. GST rate will be final and binding
on the Vendor.
g) In case, two or more eligible bidders meeting the RFP requirements, are found to
have identical lowest total quoted bid price, then the bidder with higher average
annual turnover of the last three financial years ending on 31.03.2023, shall be
h) Conditions relating to price quoted anywhere in the cover-I of Proposal shall result
in rejection of the Proposal.
15 One Proposal per Bidder:
In case a Bidder submits more than one Proposal till the last date of submission of
Proposal, only one Proposal of latest time and date in the bidding process shall be
16 NSIC reserves the right to reject any Proposal including the lowest bid received and/or
annul the bidding process at any stage without assigning any reason, whatsoever.
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17 The participation by the bidder in RFP shall be construed as his / her acceptance for
all the Terms and Conditions as outlined in the RFP.
18 Bids received from more than one bidders with certification/ authorisation from the
same OEM shall be rejected.
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Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms wherever used in
this document have following meanings:
(i) PM Vishwakarma Scheme – A central sector scheme to support traditional
artisans and crafts people as circulated by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises, Government of India.
(ii) “Toolkit” means artisan toolkit containing tools/items as specified at Annexure
I of this RFP. The term ‘Toolkit’ shall also include works and services which
are incidental or consequential to the supply & delivery of such tool kits, such
as, insurance and warranty / guarantee obligations etc. as per details given in
(iii) “Bidder" for the purpose of the Order means any person or firm or company or
LLP participating in a bidding process. Any “Bidder” from a country which shares
a land border with India” will be eligible to submit Proposal only if the bidder is
registered with the Competent Authority. The Competent Authority for the
purpose of registration shall be the Registration Committee constituted by the
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT).
Provisions/Restrictions as per Public Procurement Order no. F.7/10/2021-
PPD(1) dated 23.02.2023 issued by Deptt. of Expenditures will be applicable.
(iv) “Beneficiary” means the artisans and crafts people registered through PM
Vishwakarma Portal, possessing valid e-vouchers. The role of Beneficiary is
limited to receiving and acknowledging the tool kits and making available e-
vouchers for redemption against supply of tool kits.
(v) “Vendor” (Manufacturer/Supplier) or “Selected Bidder” or “Selected Vendor”
means the successful Bidder selected on the basis of lowest price offer through
this RFP process to whom the “Vendor Selection Letter” will be issued to supply
the tool kits. It shall also include the legal personal representative or such
individual or the persons constituting such firm or company and the permitted
assignee of such individual or firm or company.
(vi) “Facilitator” or “NSIC” means The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (A
Govt. of India Enterprise under Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises)
having its registered office at NSIC Bhawan, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi.
It is not a Buyer neither a consignee nor paying authority.
(vii) “MoMSME” means Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises,
Government of India.
(viii) “QAA” means Quality Assurance Agency selected by NSIC whose primary role
will be to undertake inspection & quality control of the toolkits, at the
warehouses of the selected vendor, and handover the accepted toolkits to the
Delivery Agency for delivery of the tool kit to the beneficiary.
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(ix) “DA” means Delivery Agency selected by NSIC whose primary role will be to receive
the accepted toolkits at the warehouses of Vendor and deliver the tool kit to the
beneficiary and facilitate the redemption of e-voucher from beneficiary.
(x) “Applicable Law” means any statute, law, ordinance, notification, rule,
regulation, judgment, order, decree, bye-law, approval, directive, guidelines,
policy, or other governmental restrictions as may be in effect and any other
instruments having the force of law in India as they may be issued and in force
from time to time.
(xi) “Government” means the Government of India.
(xii) “BID SECURITY” also mentioned as Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall mean
Account Payee Demand Draft, Banker’s Cheque or Bank Guarantee from any
of the Scheduled Commercial Banks or online payment in an acceptable form
as defined in the RFP document.
(xiii) “PERFORMANCE SECURITY” shall mean Account Payee Demand Draft,
Banker’s Cheque or Bank Guarantee from any of the Scheduled Commercial
Banks or payment online in an acceptable form as defined in the RFP document.
(xiv) “Request for Proposal” “RFP” is the Request for Proposal for selection of vendor
for supply of tool kits under PM Viswakarma Scheme will include all the pages
of this document uploaded on e-Procurement portal, duly filled and signed
Annexures / Proformas where the context requires otherwise.
(xv) “Officer-in-Charge” i.e. Dy. General Manager (Contract & Procurement) means
the officer who holds the charge of that post in the National Small Industries
Corporation Ltd., Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110020 during the currency
of this RFP, to act on behalf of the Chairman of the NSIC Ltd.
(xvi) The “Tool Kit Vendor Selection Letter” means and includes the documents
forming the RFP and acceptance thereof together with the documents referred
to therein including the terms & conditions, the specifications and instructions
issued from time to time by the ‘Officer-in-charge’, all these documents taken
together shall be complementary to one another.
(xvii) “IS Specification” means the Indian Standard with latest amendments, if any, up
to time of receipt of Proposal by Facilitator issued by the Bureau of Indian
Standards as referred to in the relevant Indian Standard.
(xviii) “Validity Period for Delivery of Tool Kits by Selected Tool Kit Vendor” is the date
/ date(s) for the providing tool kits at its own warehouses to QAA & DA as
specified under Instructions to Bidders or extended period, if any, by the
2. Roles, Responsibilities and Obligations of Vendor including Scope of Work:
(i) The vendor shall be responsible for offering the complete toolkits as per
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Annexure I at its own warehouses to QAA for inspection and DA for delivery of
toolkits to each Beneficiary within timeline advised by Facilitator. The number/list
of beneficiaries will be progressively shared by Facilitator/ QAA/ DA on regular
(ii) The vendor shall maintain one or multiple warehouses, at least one in each zone
i.e. East, West, North and South for stocking & shall hand over the complete
inspected Tool kits to DA for delivery at a warehouses in the same Zone of the
beneficiary. The States/UTs covered under different Zones are as per Annexure–
(iii) The vendor shall maintain at least 10% of tool kit stock in total at its warehouses at
all the times and allow pre-dispatch inspection by QAA as finalised by the facilitator.
(iv) The vendor shall supply the accepted make & model of the tools wherever
mentioned. No variation in this regard shall be permitted at later stage. However,
the vendor can supply a better/ higher/ superior model of the same Make with prior
written consent of the Facilitator.
(v) All tools/items in the tool kits must be branded indelibly with PM Vishwakarma logo
unless otherwise permitted by the Facilitator in writing.
(vi) Timeline for Delivery: Timeline for making available the tool kits at its own
warehouses will be 24 hours from time of advise to toolkit vendor by the
(vii) The vendor shall be solely responsible for the quality of tool kits including the
applicable warranty / guarantee, shelf-life, quantity etc. In case of any rejections of
any tool/item of the tool kit by QAA, the vendor shall replace the same at its own
cost. The vendor shall keep adequate margins in quantities for any rejections or
damage / loss of any of the tools/items of the tool kit for ensuring delivery of
complete tool kit to the beneficiary within the timelines as mentioned in this RFP.
(viii) Facilitator/ QAA/ DA shall not be responsible for any unclaimed/ leftover/ rejected/
damaged tool kits/ tools/ items at the warehouses of the Vendor and no financial
liabilities will arise on Facilitator or QAA or DA or Beneficiary in this regard.
(ix) The selected vendor will ensure that the tool kit offered are new and complete in all
respects as per the accepted specifications. Where selected vendor is supplying
any tool kit which needs spare parts, it will ensure availability of such spare parts
for a minimum period of two years from the date of expiry of warranty/Guarantee
period (unless otherwise specified).
(x) The selected vendor shall supply only those products/tool kits which are not
obsolete in the market and have at least 2 years residual market life from the date
of expiry of warranty/Guarantee period i.e. the product shall not be declared end-
of life by the OEM before this period.
(xi) The Toolkit vendor shall pack the tools/ items appropriately which are quality
checked and accepted by QAA, as required, for safe delivery to the beneficiary by
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(xii) The selected vendor shall prepare a document containing warranty details of
each of the tools/items of tool kit as applicable. This document shall also
contain contact details for addressing warranty/ guarantee/ service related
issues. This document is to be delivered along with the tool kit for further
handing over to each beneficiary at the time of delivery of tool kits by DA.
Approval for sample of this document shall be obtained by selected vendor from
the Facilitator.
(xiii) Invoicing: Selected toolkit vendor shall follow suitable, GST complying Invoice
Mechanism in consultation with QAA / DA/ Facilitator to enable proper
regulatory & legal compliance and availability of tax invoice and warranty
coverage to each of the beneficiaries.
(xiv) The tool kit vendor shall be responsible for taking suitable insurance covering the
tool kits, transit insurance till the delivery to beneficiaries. Post-dispatch from the
warehouses, the DA shall issue statement/certificate of fact, if required, for any
claim by the toolkit vendor from insurance company for events after toolkits/items
are dispatched from the warehouses of the Vendor.
(xv) Facilitate redemption of e-voucher in association with DA as required.
(xvi) Regulatory, taxation and Legal Compliances: Toolkit vendor shall be solely
responsible and liable for all regulatory, taxation and legal compliances.
(xvii) Toolkit vendor shall inform the Facilitator applicable GST rate on the price of
toolkit at the time of submission of Performance Security.
(xviii) Toolkit vendor shall honour instructions including priorities communicated by
the Facilitator through its Officer In charge.
(xix) Daily Report: A daily report indicating the tool kits offered to QAA and /or
despatched by DA from the warehouses of the Vendor shall be prepared by the
selected vendor and be sent along with delivery documents within the timelines
stipulated by the Facilitator as per mutually agreed formats.
(xx) The selected vendor shall be responsible for payment of
remunerations/settlement of dues with staff/ workmen engaged by it as per
prevailing labour/wage laws in force. The Facilitator shall not be a party to any
dispute between the vendor and its work staff.
(xxi) Any other work/ activity not specifically covered but required for successful
delivery of tool kits to designated warehouses shall be undertaken by selected
toolkit vendor.
3. Inspection, Quality Control and delivery
(i) The selected toolkit vendor shall permit/facilitate the inspection (including
making available internal test reports), at any stage (during manufacturing to
warehouses), by the Facilitator/MoMSE/MSDE/ or their Authorised
person/agency (e.g. QAA / DA) to ensure that the tool kits being supplied are
of same quality and specifications as accepted against this RFP. If any
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discrepancy or deviation with respect to quality or quantity is found or the tools/ items
are not meeting the accepted standards, the vendor shall take corrective action failing
which the selection of vendor is liable to be terminated and performance security
forfeited. Further, action may also be initiated to debar the vendor or any other action
as per the policy of Government of India and applicable laws. QAA will undertake
inspection and quality control for acceptance of the toolkit/ toolkit items at the
warehouses of the Vendor, before onward dispatch through DA for delivery to
beneficiaries. Sample tools/ items consumed, if any, during quality inspection/ testing
shall be at the cost of the Vendor.
(ii) The QAA/ Facilitator shall visit the production facility of the OEM of all the MAF required
tools/ items after issue of selection letter to the vendor and before start of supply for
ensuring compliance to the conditions/ specifications as mentioned in this RFP. The
vendor shall ensure availability of all relevant reports/ documents as required for this
(iii) While presenting the lots for inspection by the QAA, vendor must ensure that tools (in
the toolkits) in the presented lot(s) are of same make/brand, same material, same
colour, same dimensions and same technical specifications.
(iv) The criteria of inspection by QAA will broadly include but not limited to the following:
(v) Any unclaimed / leftover Tool Kit shall be returned by the DA to the returning address
of the Vendor mentioned on the Tool kit bag. No financial liability shall arise on the
Facilitator in this regard.
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the date of written communication by the facilitator to the selected vendor. The Bank Guarantee
should remain valid for a period of 14 months beyond the ‘Validity Period for supply of tool kits by
the selected vendor’. The performance security deposit will be released subject to satisfactory
execution including initial one year warranty. This deposit shall be forfeited, if during the ‘Validity
Period’ the services of the vendor are found to be unsatisfactory and/or the conditions of this RFP
is contravened/breached, and/or any damage caused due to negligence of the vendor or its
employees. The Performance Security will not carry any interest.
5. Code of Integrity for Public Procurement:
NSIC as well as bidders shall observe the highest standard of ethics and should not indulge
in the following prohibited practices, either directly or indirectly, at any stage during the
procurement process or during execution of resultant RFP arrangement:
(i) “Corrupt practice”: making offers, solicitation or acceptance of bribe, rewards
or gifts or any material benefit, in exchange for an unfair advantage in the procurement
process or to otherwise influence the procurement process or contract execution;
(ii) “Fraudulent practice”: any omission or misrepresentation that may mislead or attempt
to mislead so that financial or other benefits may be obtained or an obligation avoided.
This includes making false declaration or providing false information for participation in
a tender process or to secure a contract or in execution of the contract;
(iii) “Anti-competitive practice”: any collusion, bid rigging or anti-competitive
arrangement, or any other practice coming under the purview of The Competition Act,
2002, between two or more bidders, with or without the knowledge of the procuring
entity, that may impair the transparency, fairness and the progress of the procurement
process or to establish bid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels;
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6. Punitive Provisions:
Without prejudice to and in addition to the rights of NSIC to other penal provisions as per the
RFP document, if NSIC comes to a conclusion that a (prospective) bidder directly or through
an agent, has violated this code of integrity in competing for the RFP or in executing any/all
obligations under this RFP, NSIC may take appropriate measures including one or more of
the following:
i. If his bids are under consideration in any procurement:
a) Forfeiture or encashment of bid security;
b) Rejection and exclusion of the bidder from the selection process
ii. If the bidder has been selected as a vendor:
a) Cancellation of Selection as a Vendor and recovery of compensation for loss
incurred by MoMSME/ NSIC;
b) Forfeiture or encashment of any other security or bond relating to the Selection
of vendor;
c) Recovery of payments received by the vendor for supply of tool kits along with
interest thereon at the prevailing rate;
The vendor shall be solely responsible for warranty of all tools including their operations
for at least period of one year from the date of invoice of toolkits.
The selected vendor should ensure the rectification/replacement of goods in case of any
break down during the warranty / guarantee period. The selected vendor must provide the
points of contact with toll free phone number and Email ID for claim for repair/rectification
during warranty period at the time despatch of the tool kits from their warehouses.
The vendor shall maintain a help desk to address the queries/issues/complaints raised by
beneficiaries pertaining to the tools/ items of the toolkit including warranty. Suitable
mechanism may also be made for registration of complaints on the “PM Vishwakarma
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(ii) Notwithstanding the inspection of items of tool kit by any agency, if during the warranty /
guarantee period, any of the tools/items are discovered not conforming to the requisite
description and quality and/or are not giving satisfactory performance, Beneficiaries shall
be entitled to call upon the Vendor and/ or Manufacturer to rectify and/or replace the
tools/items or such portion or parts thereof as is found to be defective by the Beneficiaries.
If required, the decision of NSIC in that behalf shall be final and binding on the Vendor,
which may include forfeiture of Performance Bank Guarantee, fully or partly.
The Vendor has to ensure that complaints are addressed and disposed off within fifteen
days from the date of complaint registration by beneficiary. In case any complaint is not
resolved within this timeline, then vendor must replace the faulty tools or toolkit within 30
days of registration of such complaint, without any additional cost to the beneficiary or the
8. Terms of Supply:
The selected vendor shall develop supply chain system for supply of toolkits at its own warehouses
to QAA for inspection and DA for despatch. Vendor will submit data of tool kits supplied on daily
basis to the Facilitator in the mutually agreed format.
Vendor shall establish a suitable mechanism to automatically track the movement of inventory,
identification of toolkit items at any point of time. However consumable items may be kept out
of this mechanism.
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of such event duly evidenced with documents is given by one party to the other within10 days
from the date of occurrence thereof, neither party shall be by reasons of such event, be entitled
to terminate the selection of the vendor nor shall either party have any claim for damages
against the other in respect of such non- performance or the delay in performance, and supply
& delivery of tool kits shall be resumed as soon as practicable after such event has come to
an end or ceased to exist, and the decision of Facilitator (NSIC) as to whether the supply &
delivery of tool kits have been so resumed or not, shall be final and conclusive, Provided further
that if the performance in whole or part of any obligation under this RFP is prevented or
delayed by reason of any such event for a period exceeding 90 days, either party may at its
option terminate the selection of vendor.
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The Facilitator under no circumstances will be liable for payment to the toolkit vendor. The
toolkit vendor shall not claim any payment from Facilitator on any account whatsoever at any
stage during or after Validity Period of toolkit Vendor Selection.
16. The NSIC being only a facilitator for inviting Proposal for selection of vendor for supply and
delivery of toolkits on behalf of Ministry of MSME and not being the actual user/ beneficiary /
receiver or purchaser of the tool kits, the selected vendor agrees that the selection of vendor
by the Facilitator (NSIC) shall not make it a “buyer” within the meaning of MSMED Act, 2006
or any other law and the selected vendor shall not raise any claim on any account against the
Facilitator (NSIC) under the said Act or any other laws.
17. Selected toolkit Vendor shall hold in trust any information including confidential information
received by it from Facilitator, under the RFP, and the strictest of confidentiality shall be
maintained in respect of such information. It will maintain and use the confidential information
only for the purposes of the RFP and within the prevailing and applicable laws.
18. In case of any dispute between the selected vendor and the facilitator, the Courts at Delhi
alone shall have jurisdiction.
Page 26 of 57
Part 1: Equipment
Page 27 of 57
Page 28 of 57
Page 29 of 57
Electric RPM
Trimmer QTY: 1 No. Warranty: Min 1 year
3. MAF Required
/Hand Reputed make with
Router standard quality, With
standard box
Page 30 of 57
QTY: 1 No.
Page 31 of 57
Along with the above tools/items, the selected vendor shall also provide at least two toolkit waterproof
bags or more as per requirement to accommodate all tools / items inside the bags except bigger
tools/equipment such as Drilling machine, etc. which shall be supplied in original packing of the OEM.
The waterproof bags for each toolkit, clearly displaying the name of scheme, logo, and tagline of the
PM Vishwakarma scheme as provided by the Facilitator covering at least 25% of the outer surface
of the bag. The bag should be conforming to the standards specified in BIS, CE and/or approved
certification body, if and as applicable and should have following specifications:
Approx. Size : L X W X H - 24” X 20” X 12”
Colour: Any colour
Material : Canvas with inside lamination
Quality : 220 GSM, waterproof, inside laminated
Matter to be printed on outer surface of bag: “PM Vishwakarma” (in English & Hindi both) along
with logo and tagline.
The Vendor shall get prior approval of design of toolkit bag from the Facilitator.
The Bidder shall submit his confirmation for compliance in the format of Technical Compliance
Sheet at Annexure VIII.
1. The quantity in respect of tools/items, have been specified in RFP document
(Annexure I). Wherever quantity is not specified, the same shall be considered as 1
no/1set (no. of pieces), as per applicability to the Tool/item.
2. Relevant Indian Standards have been mentioned for some tools/items. The
Vendor/Supplier/Manufacturer shall mention the relevant IS specification for
remaining tools/items. Wherever IS is not available Vendor/Supplier/ Manufacturer
shall mention the specification of the tool/items in conformance to standard quality
of the tools/items.
3. Pictures shown are indicative only
Page 32 of 57
The National Small Industries Corporation Limited (NSIC)
NSIC Bhawan, Okhla Industrial Estate,
New Delhi - 110020
Dear Sir,
1. Whereas you (the “FACILITATOR”) had floated RFP No
dated inviting proposals for Selection of Vendor for Supply
of Tool Kits for Carpenter under PM Vishwakarma Scheme and M/s ,
complete address .(hereinafter referred to as the “Bidder”) is
submitting the Proposal for supply of tool kits as defined in the said RFP.
2. Whereas as per the condition of RFP, the Bidder is required to furnish EMD in the
form of bank guarantee for Rs (in words & figures) in favour of NSIC/Facilitator to
secure Bidder’s obligation under the RFP.
3. The (Banker’s Name & Address) (hereinafter referred to as “the
Bank”) do hereby expressly, irrevocably and unconditionally undertaking to pay an
amount not exceeding Rs (Rupees
only) without any demur, merely on demand from
NSIC/Facilitator on account of non-fulfilment of the obligations under the RFP and/or
RFP Documents within the validity period upto________. Any such demand made on
the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank
under this guarantee. We undertake to effect payment upon receipt of such written
demand, notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Bidder in any suit
pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority, our liability under
this present being absolute and unequivocal.
4. We shall not be discharged or released from this undertaking and guarantee by any
arrangements or variations made between you and the Bidder, indulgence to the
Bidder by you or by any alterations in the obligation of the Bidder or by any
forbearance whether as to payment, time, performance or otherwise.
Page 33 of 57
iii. We are liable to pay the guarantee amount or any part thereof under this Bank
Guarantee as demanded by NSIC/Facilitator and only and only if NSIC/ Facilitator
serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before
iv. Further, the amount of invocation of the Bank Guarantee shall be remitted to
NSIC’s/ Facilitator’s account no. with
(IFSC ) under written intimation to NSIC/Facilitator
Dated the day of for (indicate the name of the Bank).
Note: Bank Guarantees issued by only Scheduled Commercial Bank or State Bank
Of India will be accepted.
Page 34 of 57
Bidder’s Name
[Address and Contact Details]
Bidder’s Reference No. Date
Deputy General Manager (Contract & Procurement)
The National Small Industries Corporation Limited (NSIC)
NSIC Bhawan, Okhla Industrial Estate,
New Delhi – 110020
Tender Ref. No.: NSIC/PMV/2023-24/Carpenter/03/(R)
Tender Title: RFP for Selection of Vendor for Supply of Tool kits for Carpenter under
PM Vishwakarma Scheme
Sir/ Madam
We, the undersigned, solemnly declare that:
We understand that according to the conditions of this RFP Document, the Proposal
must be supported by a Bid Securing Declaration In lieu of Bid Security.
We unconditionally accept the conditions of this Bid Securing Declaration. We
understand that we shall stand automatically suspended from being eligible for bidding in
any tender of Facilitator for 2 years from the date of opening of this Proposal if we breach
our obligation(s) under the RFP conditions if we:
1. withdraw/ amend/ impair/ derogate, in any respect, from our Proposal, within the
validity of Proposal; or
2. being notified within the validity of Proposal of the acceptance of our Proposal by
the Facilitator:
a. refused to or failed to produce the original documents for scrutiny or the required
Performance Security within the stipulated time under the conditions of the RFP
b. Fail or refuse to accept the Vendor Selection Letter.
Page 35 of 57
We know that this bid-Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not selected as
vendor for supplying the tool kits, upon:
1) receipt by us of your notification:
a. of cancellation of the entire RFP process or rejection of all Proposals or
b. of the name of the successful bidder or
2) forty-five days after the expiration of the validity of Proposal or any extension to it.
Signature of bidder
Note: The above declaration, duly signed and sealed by the authorized signatory
of the entity on its letter head, should be uploaded with Proposal.
Page 36 of 57
8. PAN No.
9. GST Number
Page 37 of 57
D.G.M. (C&P)
NSIC Limited
NSIC Bhawan,
Okhla Industrial Estate
New Delhi – 110020
Signatures of All the designated Partners with Names (in case of Partnership Firm/LLP)
(In case of Private/ Public Limited Company, authorization through Board Resolution
shall be submitted.)
Page 38 of 57
It is certified that the Net Worth has eroded/not eroded by more than 30% (thirty
percent) in the last three years, ending on 31st March, 2023. (Please strike off
as applicable).
Place :
Date :
Membership No.:
Page 39 of 57
Performance statement for a period of last three years from the date of bid opening year wise
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Page 40 of 57
(On Requisite Non-Judicial Stamp Paper as per State Laws- Duly Attested by a Notary
RFP No. : NSIC/PMV/2023-24/Carpenter/03/(R)
I S/o.
Age yrs resident of am the
Authorized Signatory/Director/Partner/Designated Partner/Proprietor of
M/s. Address (hereinafter referred to as Bidder)
to represent the Bidder and do hereby solemnly affirm on oath and declare that:
We are participating in the above referred RFP.
It is hereby confirmed that:
1. We have the annual capacity to supply tool kits for the trade mentioned in RFP, which
is more than 50% of the requirement of proposed tool kits with specifications as
defined in Annexure I of the said RFP.
2. We have necessary technical knowhow, expertise and infrastructure to supply tool
kits as per the list in Annexure I of the said RFP.
3. We hereby certify that all the tools/items in the tool kits offered by us against this
RFP comply with the Make in India requirement i.e. i.e. product shall be of Indian
origin and local content shall be more than 50% for each of the tool/item.
4. We have not been convicted by court of law for violation of the trading and other
5. We declare that we are not debarred from participating in this RFP as per the Ministry
of Finance Guidelines on debarment circulated vide OM No. F.1/20/2018- PPD
issued by Department of Expenditure dated 02.11.2021.
Verification: Verified on at
That the contents hereinabove are true and correct to my knowledge and belief.
Attested by the Notary with Seal
Page 41 of 57
We hereby confirm to extend our warranty/guarantee support and will provide after
sales service to the Beneficiaries receiving these tools/items during the warranty/
guarantee period.
Page 42 of 57
It is also certified that all the above mentioned tools/ items manufactured by us
comply with the Make in India requirement i.e. product shall be of Indian origin
and local content shall be more than 50% for each of the tool/item of tool kit.
Thanking You,
For <OEM/ Manufacturer name> <Bidder’s Name & Stamp>
(Authorized Signatory) Authorized Signatory
Name: Name:
Designation: Designation:
Note: This letter of authority should be on the letter-head of the OEM/ manufacturer.
Page 43 of 57
Bidder to submit confirmation to offer Tool Kits at their own warehouses to QAA / DA in
compliance to the minimum requirements defined at Annexure I in the format given below.
(Column E, F & G in the table below are to be filled by the Bidder)
Bidder’s If any higher/
Confirmation better/superior
for compliance specifications is Specify
to Supply tool offered, Please Make(s) or
Minimum Required
Brief kits as per specify Brand (s) &
S.No. Quantity Specifications as
Description Requirement (Any adverse Model offered
per RFP
specified in specifications for the Tool/
column B,C,D. shall lead to Item
Bidder to rejection of
Specify Yes/No Proposal)
Part 1: Equipment
Rated Power Min
650W, Planing
QTY: 1
No. Width Min 80 mm
Max cutting depth
2mm-2.6mm, Tool/
item should be of
1. Planer
reputed make and
conforming to
standard quality,
Warranty: One year
With standard box
Rated Power: Min
Saw Blade Dia.:
184-185 mm
Max Cutting
QTY: 1
No. thickness: 64 mm
Electric Min RPM: 4800
2. Hand Cutter Warranty: Min 1
Tool/ item should
be of reputed make
and conforming to
standard quality,
With standard box
Page 44 of 57
Page 45 of 57
Control of 4 Outlets
with LED Indicator
Switches, Total
QTY: 1 No. Load : 2500KW
Warranty: Min. One
Tool/ item should
be of reputed make
and conforming to
standard quality, ISI
Ear Plugs Corded,
Extra Soft,
Reusable Earbuds
Noise Cancellation,
Ear Plug
QTY: 1 Pair Soundproof
2. (Corded)
Earplug, Tool/ item
should be of
reputed make and
conforming to
standard quality
Wrap-around style
with clear, impact-
resistant lenses.
lenses for durability
and protection.
Features: Anti-fog
coating, adjustable
strap, cushioned
frame. Purpose:
Shields eyes from
debris, chemicals,
3. QTY: 1 No. and potential
hazards in various
work environments.
Essential for eye
protection and
preventing injuries.
Complies with
safety standards to
ensure proper
Tool/ item should
be of reputed make
and conforming to
standard quality
Nitrile Coated,
Nylon Knitted, Cut
Resistant, Palm
Coated Safety
4. Safety Gloves QTY: 1 Pair Gloves, Free Size
Tool/ item should
be of reputed make
and conforming to
standard quality
Page 46 of 57
Page 47 of 57
Reputed make with
standard quality,
Warranty: Min. One
1-3 HP motor,
Sanding variable speed
5. machine QTY: 1 No. control, 6-12-inch
Page 48 of 57
Wrap-around style
with clear, impact-
resistant lenses.
lenses for durability
and protection.
Features: Anti-fog
coating, adjustable
QTY: 1 No. strap, cushioned
frame. Purpose:
Shields eyes from
3. . debris, chemicals,
and potential
hazards in various
work environments.
Essential for eye
protection and
preventing injuries.
Complies with
safety standards to
ensure proper
Reputed standard
Nitrile Coated,
Nylon Knitted, Cut
Resistant, Palm
QTY: 1 Pair Coated Safety
4. Gloves, Free Size
Gloves Reputed standard
Page 49 of 57
Deputy General Manager (Contract & Procurement)
The National Small Industries Corporation Limited
(NSIC) NSIC Bhawan, Okhla Industrial Estate, New
Delhi – 110020
I/We have read and examined the complete RFP document relating to ‘RFP for Selection of
Vendor for Supply of Tool Kits for Carpenter under PM Vishwakarma Scheme’
I/We have carefully read and understood all the terms and conditions of the RFP and
hereby convey my unconditional acceptance of the same.
We hereby submit the proposal for supply of tool kit referred to in the aforesaid document as
per the terms and conditions contained or referred therein and accordance with the
specifications, designs, drawings and other relevant details at the rates contained in Price
Schedule and within the supply schedule as stipulated in the RFP document.
We agree to keep our Proposal open for acceptance for 120 days from the date of
opening of technical proposal.
Should this Proposal be accepted, we agree to abide by & fulfill all the terms conditions
of aforesaid RFP document including all its parts and components, in full.
If our Proposal is accepted and we fail to commence the supply of tool kits as provided in
the conditions, we agree that the RFP Inviting Authority shall without prejudice to any
other right or remedy is at liberty to forfeit the performance security absolutely, terminate
our selection and suspend us from being eligible for bidding in any tender of RFP Inviting
Authority for 2 years.
We propose to supply only those products/tool kits which are not obsolete in the market
and have at least 2 years residual market life from the date of expiry of
warranty/Guarantee period i.e. the product shall not be declared end-of life by the OEM
before this period.
The information / documents furnished along with the above Proposal are true and
authentic to the best of my knowledge and belief. We are well aware of the fact that
furnishing of any false information / fabricated document would lead to rejection of our
Proposal at any stage besides initiation of any other action under terms of this RFP and/or
appropriate law.
Page 50 of 57
Signature of bidder
Note: The above declaration, duly signed and sealed by the authorized signatory of
the entity on its letter head, should be uploaded with Proposal.
Page 51 of 57
Dear Sir,
1. Whereas you (the “FACILITATOR”) had floated RFP No. dated
inviting proposals for Selection of Vendor for Supply of Tool Kits for Carpenter
under PM Vishwakarma Scheme and M/s , complete address
.(hereinafter referred to as the “VENDOR”) was selected for
supply and delivery of such tool kits as defined in the said RFP and whereas the
VENDOR has undertaken to submit a bank guarantee for 10% of total accepted
Proposal value amounting to Rs (amount
of the guarantee in figures and words) to secure its obligations under the RFP in
favour of the NSIC/FACILITATOR.
2. The (Banker’s Name & Address) (hereinafter referred to as “the
Bank”) do hereby expressly, irrevocably and unconditionally undertaking to pay to an
amount not exceeding Rs (Rupees only)
without any demur, merely on demand from NSIC/Facilitator on account of non-
fulfilment of the obligations under the RFP and/or RFP Documents within the Validity
Period for delivery of tool kits by selected vendor upto Any
such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and
payable by the Bank under this guarantee.
3. We undertake to effect payment upon receipt of such written demand, notwithstanding
any dispute or disputes raised by the VENDOR in any suit pending before any Court,
Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority, our liability under this present being
absolute and unequivocal.
4. We shall not be discharged or released from this undertaking and guarantee by any
arrangements or variations made between you and the VENDOR, indulgence to the
VENDOR by you or by any alterations in the obligation of the VENDOR or by any
forbearance whether as to payment, time, performance or otherwise.
5. This guarantee shall remain in full force and effect till fourteen months beyond the
Validity Period for delivery of tool kits by selected vendor as specified in the RFP
and/or Tender Documents i.e. up to (expiry date).
Page 52 of 57
6. The Bank Guarantee should remain valid for a period of 14 months beyond the
Validity Period for delivery of tool kits by selected vendor.
7. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made to us in writing on or before
the aforesaid expiry date or extended expiry date, as the case may be, all your rights
under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be discharged from the liabilities
8. This guarantee shall be continuing guarantee and shall not be discharged by any
change in the constitution of the Bank or in the constitution of the VENDOR.
9. This Bank guarantee shall be effective only when the Bank Guarantee message is
transmitted by the issuing Bank through Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS) to
Bank, (address of NSIC’s/Facilitator’s Bank) having IFSC ,
Account No. through SFMS and authenticated by the said NSIC’s/Facilitator’s Bank.
10. We lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the
previous consent of the FACILITATOR in writing.
11. Notwithstanding anything contained herein before our liability under this bank
i. Shall not exceed Rs. (Rupees only).
ii. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto and having claim period
upto .
iii. We are liable to pay the guarantee amount or any part thereof under this Bank
Guarantee as demanded by NSIC/Facilitator and only and only if NSIC/ Facilitator
serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before
iv. Further, the amount of invocation of the Bank Guarantee shall be remitted to
NSIC’s/ Facilitator’s account no. with (IFSC
) under written intimation to NSIC/Facilitator
Dated the day of for (indicate the name of
the Bank)”.
(Note :- Bank Guarantees issued by only Scheduled Commercial Bank or State Bank
of India will be accepted.)
Page 53 of 57
Annexure XI
States covered under Zones for Warehouses under RFP for Selection of
Vendors for Supply of Tool Kits under PM Vishwakarma Scheme
West 14 Rajasthan
15 Madhya Pradesh
16 Gujarat
17 Daman & Diu
18 Dadra & Nagar Haveli
19 Maharashtra
20 Goa
Page 54 of 57
The Bidder shall quote competitive price, which shall be same for each type of toolkits
with tools/ items defined in List of Tools/ Items in Annexure I of the Technical Bid.
1. Offered Prices shall be on all-inclusive basis i.e. unit price per tool kit including packaging,
labelling, loading, transport, unloading, labour, wages, local levies and all other incidental
charges as applicable for offer of the tool kits at their own warehouses to QAA for
inspection and DA for delivery to beneficiaries across India and insurance till delivery to
beneficiary as per RFP terms & condition. Nothing extra on any account will be payable
over and above the accepted rate.
2. The offered price shall be excluding GST. GST as applicable shall be paid extra.
3. In case of multiple choices of toolkits offered for a trade, the same price is to be quoted
irrespective of the type of toolkit i.e. A or B.
4. Conditional Price Bid shall be rejected.
5. The criteria for selection of (L-1) shall be based on the lowest total quoted price offered
by eligible and technically responsive bidder.
Page 55 of 57
Page 56 of 57
End of Document
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