Tender r 27 Modified
Tender r 27 Modified
Tender r 27 Modified
Mechanical Maintenance
Supply, Fabrication and Installation of MS Shed with roof sheet for two
wheeler parking at NRB gate
KALPAKKAM – 603102
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Mechanical Maintenance
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Mechanical Maintenance
Section III Additional rule and directions for the Guidance of Tenderers.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Government of India
Department of Atomic Energy
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Facilities
Nuclear Recycle Board
On line item rate tender in two parts i.e. Part A – Technical Bid and Part B – Financial Bid are hereby invited
through e-Tendering mode on behalf of the President of India by General Manager, INRPK, Nuclear Recycle
Board, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre for the following work from eligible bidders on approved list of CPWD,
MES Railways, State PWDs, Public Sector Undertakings of Central or State Governments/ Central
Autonomous bodies or those having adequate experience and capabilities to execute similar works of such
magnitude for the work “Supply, Fabrication and Installation of MS Shed with roof sheet for two
wheeler parking at NRB gate”. The details are as mentioned below.
I General Information
The intending bidders must read the terms and conditions of the tender documents. He
1. should only submit bids if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of all
documents required.
The information and instruction for bidders along with technical bid and financial bids
etc. are posted on website shall form part of the bid document.
It is mandatory for all the applicants / Bidders to have class-III digital signature certificate
from any of the licensed Certifying Agency to participate in e-tendering.
II Registration in CPP Portal (For new bidders)
Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public
1. Procurement Portal (URL: https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) by clicking on the link
“Online bidder Enrolment” on the CPP Portal which is free of charge.
As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique
username and assign a password for their accounts.
Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of
3. the registration process. These would be used for any communication from the CPP
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature
4. Certificate (Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying
Authority recognized by CCA India (e.g. Sify / nCode / eMudhra etc.), with their profile.
Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are
5. responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to
Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID /
password and the password of the DSC / e-Token.
The applicants, who have already obtained such valid user ID and password from
https://eprocure.gov.in, for any other project of BARCF / DAE/ Any Govt project, need
not obtain fresh user ID and password for the purpose of participation in the present
III Searching For Tender Documents (For new bidders)
There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate bidders to search
active tenders by several parameters. These parameters could include Tender ID,
Organization Name, Location, Date, Value, etc. There is also an option of advanced
search for tenders, wherein the bidders may combine a number of search parameters
such as Organization Name, Form of Contract, Location, Date, Other keywords etc. to
search for a tender published on the CPP Portal.
Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download
the required documents / tender schedules. These tenders can be moved to the
respective ‘My Tenders’ folder. This would enable the CPP Portal to intimate the bidders
through SMS / e- mail in case there is any corrigendum issued to the tender document.
The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each tender, in
case they want to obtain any clarification / help from the Helpdesk.
IV Preparation & Submission of Bids
Bids shall be submitted online only at CPPP website :
Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that they can upload
2. the bid in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be responsible for
any delay due to other issues.
The NIT & tender document consisting of drawings, specifications, the schedule of
quantities of various types of items to be executed and the set of terms and
3. conditions of the contract to be complied with and other necessary documents can
be seen and downloaded from website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app. Also
NIT can be viewed from www.igcar.gov.in.
The bid can only be submitted after uploading the mandatory scanned documents
such as Demand Draft or Pay order of any Scheduled Bank towards cost of tender
document and EMD in favor of “PAY AND ACCOUNTS OFFICER, BARCF”,
payable at KALPAKKAM and other documents as specified.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as
indicated in the tender document.
Bidder has to select the payment option as “offline” to pay the EMD as applicable and
enter details of the instrument (where ever applicable).
Bidder should prepare the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as per the instructions
specified in the tender document. The original should be posted/couriered/given in
person to the concerned official, latest by the last date of bid submission or as specified
in the tender documents. The details of EMD, physically sent, should tally with the
details available in the scanned copy and the data entered during bid submission time.
Otherwise the uploaded bid will be rejected
The tenderers are advised to submit the hard copies of original EMD and other
documents etc if any, well in advance to the Tender Inviting Authority, so that it should
reach on or before the due date and time. Delay in receipt of hard copies due to security
restriction, postal delay or delay due to any other reasons etc. shall not be accepted
and tender shall be rejected forthwith. If the bids are withdrawn or modified during the
period of validity, in the terms and conditions of the Tender, which are not acceptable
to the Department, then the Government shall without prejudice to any other right or
remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of EMD absolutely.
The agency shall download the pre bid clarification if any for the work and upload the
9. same (scanned copy) duly signed and sealed. The revised documents (if any) shall be
uploaded in CPP portal.
Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids in
the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price bid has been given
as a standard Bill of Quantities (BOQ) format with the tender document, then the same
is to be downloaded and to be filled by all the bidders. Bidders are required to download
10. the BOQ file, open it and complete the SKY BLUE colored (unprotected) cells with their
respective financial quotes and other details (such as name of the bidder). No other
cells should not be changed. Once the details have been completed, the bidder should
save it and submit it online, without changing the filename. If the BOQ file is found to
be modified by the bidder, the bid will be rejected.
Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with color option which helps in reducing
size of the scanned document.
The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as
12. the standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the
bidders, opening of bids etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid submission.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Submission of the tender documents after the due date and time (including extended
13. period) shall not be permitted. Time being displayed on e-tendering portal shall be
final and binding on bidders.
All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be
viewed by unauthorized persons until the time of bid opening. The confidentiality of the
bids is maintained using the secured Socket Layer 128-bit encryption technology. Data
14. storage encryption of sensitive fields is done. Any bid document that is uploaded to the
server is subjected to symmetric encryption using a system generated symmetric key.
Further this key is subjected to asymmetric encryption using buyers/bid opener’s public
keys. Overall, the uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender
opening by the authorized bid openers.
The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the
authorized bid openers.
Upon the successful and timely submission of bids (i.e. after Clicking “Freeze Bid
Submission” in the portal), the portal will give a successful bid submission message &
a bid summary will be displayed with the bid no. and the date & time of submission of
the bid with all other relevant details.
The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission
17. of the bid. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening
Intending Bidders are advised to visit this website regularly till closing date of
18. submission to keep themselves updated as any change/ modification in the tender will
be intimated through this website only by corrigendum / addendum/ amendment.
After submission of the bid / document the bidder can re-submit revised bid/document
19 “N” number of times but before last date and time of submission of bid/document as
In the case of bids in two / three stage system and if it is desired to submit revised
20 financial bid then it shall be mandatory to submit revised financial bid. If not submitted
then the bid submitted earlier shall become invalid.
Tenderers are advised to upload their documents well in advance, to avoid last minutes’
rush on the server or complications in uploading. BARCF/ INRPK, in any case, shall not
be held responsible for any type of difficulties during uploading the documents including
server and technical problems whatsoever.
V Assistance To Bidders
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public
Procurement Portal (URL: https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) by clicking on the link
“Online bidder Enrolment” on the CPP Portal which is free of charge. In order to
participate in online e-tendering process, it is mandatory for the applicants to have
user ID & password to get access to the website
1. The applicants have to get registered their firm / company with the service provider,
https://eprocure.gov.in for user ID & password. The registration shall be done on
free of cost and completing other formalities as mentioned in website. For
assistance/clarifications, please contact
a) 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk - 0120-4001 002, 0120-4001 005, 0120-6277 787
b) Local Helpdesk for DAE - Shri. Bhushan / Shri. Mayur at 022 25487480
c) email at support-eproc@nic.in
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
9 Tender Publishing
13.12.2024 (10:00 hrs.)
10 Document Download / From 14.12.2024 (11:00 hrs. ) website on
Sale Start Date https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app
11 Queries (if any) to be uploaded on website
Seek Clarification Start
16.12.2024 (11:30hrs)
12 Seek Clarification End
23.12.2024 (15.00hrs)
13 Bid Submission
24.12.2024 (12.00hrs)
Start Date
14 Bid Submission &
31.12.2024 (15.00hrs)
sale Closing Date
15 Last date for On or before 06.01.2025 (14:00) in in Room No. 221, Building
submission of EMD No.607A, Supdt. Maintenance, WIP, VWSF & UOF, BARCF,
original Kalpakkam.
16 Date and time of
07.01.2025 (15.30 hrs.) in the Office of Accounts, Room No: 208,
online opening of
NSB, BARCF, Kalpakkam.
Technical Bid.
17 Date of opening of
Will be notified at a later date
Financial Bids
18 For any clarification Supdt. Maintenance (WIP,VWSF & UOF) INRPK
regarding tender may (Ph .No.- 044-27303737 / 27480500-Extn:43929) or
contact email: thamarai@igcar.gov.in, sreejuh@igcar.gov.in
1. Contractors who fulfill the following requirements shall ONLY be eligible to apply.
(The firm shall be registered in India. Joint ventures are not accepted).
2. Should have satisfactorily completed works in India during the last seven years ending
previous day of last date of submission of tenders. For this purpose, cost of work shall
mean gross value of the completed work excluding those supplied free of cost. This
should be certified by Engineer In-charge of the work or an officer not below the rank of
Executive Engineer / Project Manager/Manager or equivalent. The contractor should
have electrical C- grade license from state Electricity board (Required for electrical
Completed three similar works each costing not less than 40% of estimated cost
Completed two similar works each costing not less than 60% of estimated cost,
Completed one similar work costing not less than 80% of estimated cost.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Important Notes:
i. Similar work shall mean: “Any Civil construction work.” (Refer Part-D, for required
documents to be furnished).
ii. Cost of works shall mean gross value of the completed work excluding those supplied
free of cost. The value of executed works shall be brought to the current costing level
by enhancing the actual value of work at a simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated
from the date of completion to the last date of receipt of applications for tender.
iii. Similar work carried out either by works contract or purchase contract will be
iv. TDS Certificate for proof of value of work executed for various clients.
v. In case of Integrator, Authorization certificate from OEM to be uploaded for Supreme
Face reader system along with the bid otherwise the offer will be outright rejected
without further notice.
3. Should have average annual financial turn over (gross) of 50% of estimated cost
during the immediate last 3 consecutive financial year ending 31 March, 2024. (Scanned
copy of Certificate from CA to be uploaded). Year in which no turnover is shown would
also be considered for working out the average.
4. Should not have incurred any loss in more than two years during the last five years ending
31 March, 2024. Duly certified by the licensed CA.
5. Bank Solvency Certificate of a Scheduled Bank for a minimum of 40% of estimated cost
and should not be older than one year from the date of closing of tender.
6. The bidder should be “Class-I / II Local Supplier” as defined in Public Procurement (Preference
to Make in India), Order-2017, Order No.”P-45021/2/2017-B.E.-II, Revision, dated 16/09/2020
and as amended from time to time. An undertaking to this effect should be provided.
7. Compliance of Eligible source Countries notification issued by Govt. of India vide F.o
6/18/2019-PPD dtd 23.07.2020 regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a
country which shares a land border with India and on sub-contracting to contractors from such
countries. Form of certificate on bidder letter head to this effect shall be submitted.
8. The bidding capacity of the contractor should be equal to or more than the estimated
cost of the work put to tender. The bidding capacity shall be worked out by the following
Bidding Capacity = {[A x N x 2] – B}
A= Maximum turn over in “Any Civil construction work” executed in any one year
during the last five years taking into account the completed as well as works in progress.
The value of completed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing at a
simple rate of 7% per annum.
N = Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which bids has been invited.
B = Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the period
of completion of work for which bids have been invited.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
9. Contractor shall furnish declaration that he has not been debarred from tendering by
any authority / agency. (Scanned copy of the declaration duly signed & sealed on letter
head of the bidder to be uploaded at the time of submission of bid). If any such case
known to the department at later stage, the contractor will be disqualified / Rejected /
Terminated. In case if a bidder is debarred by any Government agency for bidding as
on closing date of submission of this tender , then the bid is liable to be rejected.
10. The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions as per “CPWD General
Conditions of Contract - 2014” carefully. He should only submit his bid if he considers
himself eligible and he is in possession of all the documents required.
Department reserves the right of Non-consideration of Tender documents of the
agencies who are not fulfilling the NIT stipulations and / or having adverse report
on the works carried out by them in the past.
UNDERTAKING:- I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not
been executed through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a
violation comes to the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in
BARCF/ INRPK in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the
entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit / Performance Guarantee.
(Scanned copy to be uploaded at the time of submission of tender.)
12. Tender will be kept valid for 120 days from the Last date of closing of online submission
of tenders.
13. Proof of registration if any with Government / Semi Government organizations like
CPWD, MES, BSNL, Railways, State PWDs, Private Firms etc. in appropriate class OR
having experience in execution of similar nature of works as additional information.
The applicant may furnish any additional information which they think necessary to
establish their capabilities to successfully complete the envisaged work. No information
shall be entertained after last date of online submission of tenders unless it is called by
the competent authority.
14. Short listing of the agencies shall be subject to thorough verification of their
credentials and inspection of works carried out by them (if required), through a
Technical Evaluation Committee, constituted by INRPK/BARCF.
If any information furnished by the applicant is found incorrect at a later stage, they shall
be liable to be debarred from tendering /taking up of work in
BARCF/INRPK.INRPK/BARCF reserves the right to verify the particulars furnished by
the applicant independently and reject any application without assigning any reason and
to restrict the list of pre-qualified agencies to any number deemed suitable in case too
many applications are received satisfying the laid down Pre-qualification criteria.
Information on compliance after awarding the contract
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
1. Evaluation Criteria
The detail submitted by the bidders will be evaluated in the following manner:
1.1 The initial criteria prescribed in respect of experience of similar works completed, bidding
capacity and financial turnover etc. will first be scrutinized in detail and the bidder’s eligibility for
the work be determined based on the following.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
1.2 The bidders qualifying the eligibility criteria will be evaluated for following criteria by scoring
method on the basis of details furnished by them.
Sl. Maximum
No. Marks
a) Financial Strength (Form ‘A’ and ‘B’) 20
Experience in Similar nature of work during last seven
b) 20
years (Form ‘C’)
c) Performance on works (Form ‘E’) Time Over run 20
d) Performance on works (Form ‘E’) Quality 15
e) Personnel and Establishment (Form ‘F’ &‘G’) 10
f) Facility & Equipment (Form ‘H’) 15
Total 100
To become eligible for short listing the bidder must secure at least Fifty percent marks in each
criteria (a) to (f) above and Sixty percent marks in aggregate.
INRPK, NRB however, reserves the right to restrict the list of such qualified bidders to any number
deemed suitable by it.
The breakup of above scoring method is indicated in the table below:
Attributes Marks Evaluation
(a) Financial Strength 20
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Calculation Max
Parameter Score
of point Marks
1.3 Even though any bidder may satisfy the above requirements, he would be liable to disqualification,
if he has:
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
(a) Made misleading or false representation or deliberately suppressed the information in the
forms, statements and enclosures required in the eligibility criteria document,
(b) Record of poor performance such as abandoning work, not properly completing the contract,
or financial failures / weaknesses etc.
2. List of documents to be submitted
(Scanned self-attested copy of original certificates / documents for the following to be uploaded
or otherwise bid will be summarily rejected)
Summary of Financial Turn Over and Profit & Loss statement certified by licensed
CA for last 5 financial years (Original color scanned copy). (Form A)
Latest Bank Solvency Certificate (Original color scanned copy) (Form B)
List of similar works completed in last 7 years indicating (Form C) &
List of work in hand (Form D)
1. Agency for whom executed 2. Value of Work 3. Stipulated time of completion
4. Actual time of completion
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
I/We hereby certify that I/We am /are fulfilling all requirements in this regard and eligible to be
considered, in accordance to NIT Clauses.
I/We acknowledge the right of the Employer that absence of such a certificate in the bid, if the Bidder
belongs to such country stated above, shall disqualify the Bidder.
I/We acknowledge the right of the Employer to terminate the Bidder for false declaration or certificate,
along with such other actions as may be permissible under law.
General Manager, INRPK/NRB, Kalpakkam
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
In line with Government Public Procurement Order No. P-45021/2/2017-BE-II dt. 15.06.2017&
No.A-1/2021-FSC-Part(5) dated 16.11.2021, as amended from time to time and as applicable on the
date of submission of tender, we hereby certify that we
M/s_____________________________________________ (supplier name) are local supplier meeting
the requirement of minimum Local content as defined in above orders for the material against Tender
No(NIT)________________________________________________ Dated _____________ .
Details of location at which local value addition will be made is as follows:
1. ------------------------------------2. ----------------------------------------- 3. ---------------------------------------- and
so on.
We have also read the clarification issued vide Circular No.: P-45021/102/2019-BE-II-Part (1)
(E-50310), Dtd: 04.03.2021 and any other subsequent circular/amendment/order as issued by
competent authority. Total Value of local content addition/manufacturing for offered
material/item(s)/service is as per below declaration.
We also understand, false declarations will be in breach of the Code of Integrity under Rule
175(1)(i)(h) of the General Financial Rule for which for which a bidder or its successors can be debarred
for up two years as per Rule 151 (iii) of the General Financial Rules along with such other actions as
may be permissible under law.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Annexure - I
1. Undertaking – A
2. Undertaking – B
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
I / We have read and examined the Notice Inviting Tender, General Rules & Directions,
Form of Tender, Special conditions, Safety code for works contract, General condition of
Contract, Schedule F, Specifications, Schedule of Construction, drawings & all other contents
in the tender documents for the work AND ACCORDINGLY I / We, hereby tender for execution
of the work specified for the President of India within the time specified in Schedule “F”, viz.,
Schedule of Quantities and in accordance in all respects with the specifications, designs,
drawings and instructions in writing referred to in Rule 1 of General Rules & Directions and in
Clause - 11 of the General Clauses of Contract and with such materials as are provided for,
by, and in respects in accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable.
I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got
executed through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation
comes to the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in DAE in future
forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work,
the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money
Deposit/Performance Guarantee.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Annexure - II
Declaration by Contractor
1) I / We have submitted the tenders in the proforma as downloaded directly from the websites
which are same as available in the website and there is no change in the format, number of
pages, etc.
2) I / We have not made any modifications / corrections / additions etc., in the tender
documents downloaded from web by me / us.
3) I / We have checked that no page is missing and all pages as per the index are available
and that all pages of tender document submitted by us are clear and legible.
6) In case at later stage, it is noticed that there is any difference in my / our tender documents
with the original documents, NRB, BARCF shall have the right to cancel the tender / work,
forfeit the Earnest Money, Performance Guarantee & Security Deposit, take appropriate
action as per the prevailing rules in force and NRB, BARCF shall not be bound to pay any
damages to me / us on this account.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Name and
address of
Note: Further details if required may be asked from the contractor after opening of the
bids. There is no need to upload the entire voluminous balance sheet.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information that M/s./Shri
____________________________________________________________ (with address) a
customer of our bank are / is respectable and can be treated as good for any engagement upto
a limit of Rs _________________ (Rupees
__________________________________________________________________ ).
This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the bank or any of
the officers.
For the Bank
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Date of commencement as
Name of work /project
pending / in progress
Owner or sponsoring
Litigation / arbitration
to who reference
Stipulated date
may be made.
Actual date of
of completion
Cost of work
and location
with details*
per contract
Sl. No.
a. Applicant may submit separate form for giving details of work (completed) for each year
to fill up the details as above. Separate sheets if any shall be numbered in sequence.
b. The scanned copies of the work orders for each work along with completion
certificate shall be uploaded.
c. Certified that the above list of works is complete and no work has been left-out and the
information given is correct to my knowledge and belief.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Owner or sponsoring
number of
(in Lakhs)
be made
Sl. No.
Certified that the above list of works is complete and no work has been left out and
that the information given is correct to my knowledge and belief.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
2. Agreement No.
4. Estimated Cost
5. Tendered Cost
6. Executed Cost
7. Date of start
8. Date of completion
(i) Stipulated date of completion
(ii) Actual date of completion
(iii) Present position of work, if in progress.
Executive Engineer or equivalent
Signature with Seal
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
3 Legal status of the applicant (Please tick and attach attested copies of original
document defining the legal status)
(a) An individual; (b) A proprietary firm; (c) A firm in partnership
(d) A limited company or Corporation
7 Was the applicant ever required to suspend construction for a period of more
than six months continuously after you commenced the construction? If so, give
the name of the project and reasons of suspension of work.
8 Has the applicant or any constituent partner in case of partnership firm, ever
abandoned the awarded work before its completion? If so, give name of the
project and reasons for abandonment.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
9 Has the applicant, or any constituent partner in case of partnership firm, ever
been debarred / black listed for tendering in any organization at any time? If so
give details.
10 Has the applicant, or any constituent partner in case of partnership firm, ever
been convicted by a court of law? If so, give details.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
1. All works proposed for execution by contract will be notified in a form of invitation to tender
posted in public and signed by the General Manager, INRPK.
This form will state the work to be carried out as well as the date of submitting and opening
tenders, and the time allowed for carrying out the work, also the amount of earnest money to be
deposited with the tender, and the amount of the security deposit to be deposited by the
successful tenderer and the percentage, if any, to be deducted from the bills. Copies of the
specifications, designs and drawings for the purpose of identification by the Engineer shall also
be open for inspection by the Contractor at the Office of the Engineer during office hours.
2. In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by each
member thereof, or in the event of the absence of any partner, it must be signed on his behalf
by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to do so, such power of attorney to be
produced with the tender and it must disclose the firm is duly registered under the Indian
Partnership Act.
3. Receipts for payment made on account of a work, when executed by a firm, must also be signed
by the several partners except where the contractors are described in their tender as a firm, in
which case the receipt must be signed in the name of the firm by one of the partners or by some
other persons having authority to give effectual receipts for the firm.
4. Any person who submits the tender must fill up the prescribed form starting the sum of money
for which he is willing to undertake each item of work. The tender which proposal any alteration
in the work specified in the said form of invitation to tender, or in the time allowed for carrying
out the work which contain any other condition of any sort will be liable for rejection.
Tenders shall have the name and number of the work to which they refer, super-scribed over
the envelope.
5. The rate(s) or amount(s) must be quoted in Indian Rupees both in words and in figures.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
6. General Manager, BARCF, Kalpakkam or his duly authorized representative will open the
tenders invidually in the presence of any intending tenderer or his authorized representative,
who may be present at the time stated in the notice and will enter the amount of the several
tenders, in a comparative statement in a suitable form. In the event there upon be given to the
contractor, who their upon for the purpose of identification sign copies of the specifications,
mentioned in Rule – 1. Security Deposit will be recovered from the contractors running bill itself
or the Security Deposit will be accepted in Government Securities and fixed deposit receipt and
guaranteed bonds of Schedule Banks and State Bank of India. In the event of the tender being
rejected, the Bid Security Declaration forwarded with each unaccepted tenders shall there upon
be returned to the respective bidders.
7. The officer inviting tender shall have the right of rejecting all or any of the tenders and shall be
not be bound to accept the lowest tender.
8. The receipt of an accountant or a clerk for any money paid by the contractor will not be
considered as an acknowledgement of payment to the Engineer and the Contractor shall be
responsible for seeing that, he procures a receipt signed by the Accounts Officer or duly
authorized Cashier of BARC Facilities, Kalpakkam
9 The memorandum of work tendered for, and the schedule of materials to be supplied by the
Engineer and their issue rates, shall be filled in and completed in the office of the Engineer
before the tender form is issued. If a form is issued to an intending tenderer without having been
so filled in and completed, he shall request the office to have this done before he completes and
delivers his Tender.
2.10.1 A company duly incorporated under the laws of Companies Act, 1956 (No:1 of 1956)
2.10.2 A partnership, joint venture or consortium carrying on business under the firm name and style
above stated, the names, addresses and places of incorporation, if any, of all the partners or
members of the firm being the following.
*(Strike out the Sub section 2.10.1 or 2.10.2 whichever is not applicable)
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
2.11. We have examined all the sections of these tender documents and are fully informed as to the
nature and scope of the work and the conditions related to its performance. I / We, have also
visited the Site of work and considered the site conditions in full relation to the performance of
the work
2.12. OFFER
2.12.1 I / We hereby tender for execution for the President of India the work specified in the
underwritten memorandum at the rates specified therein and in accordance in all respects with
the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in the tender
documents and as per Clause – 11 of General conditions of contract (Section – IV) and with
such material as are provided for, by and in all respect in accordance with such conditions so
far as possible.
g) Time allowed for the work: 6 months reckoned from the 15th day of issue of work order
The Security Deposit @ 2.5% of the gross amount of the bill will be deducted from each running
bill of the contractor. Such deduction will be made and held by Government by way of Security
Deposit unless the contractor deposited the amount of Security at the rate mentioned above in
cash or in the form of Government Securities or fixed deposit receipts. (Bank Guarantees will
not be accepted)
In addition, the contractor shall be required to deposit an amount equal to the 3% of the tendered
value of the contract as irrecoverable Performance Guarantee within a period of 15 days of from
the date of issue of work order, If the successful tenderer, fails to furnish the prescribed
performance guarantee on or before stipulated date, BARCF, Kalpakkam shall without prejudice
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
to any other right or remedy, forfeit the Earnest Money absolutely to the President automatically
without any notice.
The Performance Guarantee shall be in the form of Bank Guarantee or Deposit at Call Receipts
of the State Bank of India/Canara Bank/Indian Bank
The Performance Guarantee will be refunded to the contractor on completion of the work and
recording of the completion certificate in the Measurement Book. However, the Security Deposit
recovered from the contractor will be refunded only after six months of defect Liability Period as
stipulated in the agreement. The prescribed maintenance period / defect liability period will
commence from the date of recording of completion certificate in the Measurement Book.
Witness+ _________________
** __________________
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
2.12.3. I/We agree to keep this offer open for a period of four (4) months from the date of opening
of the Tender.
2.13.0. I/We do hereby quote for the works as detailed in Section I to VII.
2.14.0 I/We give the unit prices in Section VI in the appropriate columns of the forms supplied by
you. These prices include cost of the materials as labour, supervision, consumable, materials,
inspection, insurance, site erection, taxes, overheads and profits etc.
2.15.0 I/We do agree to the terms of payment as specified in Section III, Tendering and Contract
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
3.0.0. LOCATION:
The site is located at Kalpakkam, in the State of Tamilnadu about 80 kms, by road, South of
Chennai City, along the seashore and approx. 15 kms south of Mamallapuram. The site is
accessible by road from Chennai via. Chengalpattu and also via Mamallapuram. Nearest Broad
gauge railway station is Chengalpattu, which is about 30 kms from the site. The nearest Air and
Sea Port is Chennai.
The tenderer can seek clarifications regarding specifications, conditions of contract, schedule of
quantities or scope of work, by contacting the office Supdt. (Maintenance) WIP, VWSF & UOF,
Kalpakkam (Ph. No. 044-2730 3737, 3929). No claim on account of any ambiguity in any respect
with regard to the intent or specification given in the tender will be entertained.
3.1.2. The rates shall be quoted by the Tenderers only in the enclosed Schedule of Quantities
and Rates.
Tenderers shall submit along with the tender, details of their past experience in execution of
similar type of works, executed by them, including value of each work, name of the client, place
of execution and other relevant technical and general information
a) “During the execution of the contract and until completion certificate is issued, the
contractor will be fully liable to compensate all concerned for any loss, damage or
destruction of Free issue materials, works, structures, plant and machinery, persons,
workers, property, etc., including third party risk arising due to causes attributable to the
contractor, as may be decided by the engineer whose decision in this regard shall be
The tenderer shall furnish along with his tender, the site organization which, he proposes to
employ, for execution of the work covered by this contract
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Any Tender not supported with the information requested in the tender documents is
liable to be rejected.
The information as required in Section – II shall be furnished in the First Instance.
No Tender will be accepted unless the bidder satisfies the Engineer that the tenderer is
financially sound and can meet the time schedule and technical requirements specified
in the tender.
Previous experience in handling similar type of works shall be enclosed with the offer.
Engineer reserves the right to split the work covered in the Tender, in any manner among
the different Tenderers.
The Tender shall contain sufficient information to permit a detailed comparison and evaluation.
The Tender shall be submitted only in the form supplied with the Tender Document
For all supporting data, which are required in Section – II ‘FORM OF AGREEMENT AND
GENERAL RULES AND DIRECTIONS FOR TENDERER’ and for which space is insufficient,
the same shall be furnished in the form of Annexures / Appendices, etc. List of such Annexures
/ Appendices shall be given prior to the signature page of Form of Agreement.
The Contractor should submit FOUR (4) copies of any suggested deviations from the
Tender Document in the bid itself for the consideration of the Engineer. These deviations
if approved by the Engineer, shall form part of the contract.
The Tenderer shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he has a true appreciation of the scope of
the work, the ability and experience to perform various classes of works specified and has
sufficient capital to enable him to execute the work successfully in the required time schedule.
No Tender will be considered unless Facility Director BARCF is fully satisfied about the capacity
of the bidder to execute the work.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
3.2.2. PRICES:
The Tenderer shall bid for works in Indian Rupees. Each Tenderer shall submit unit prices and
total prices as per the schedule of quantities and rates.[Section VII].
The unit rates quoted shall remain firm throughout the period of the Contract and Escalation will
not be applicable in terms of Clause 10 CC.
No Foreign Exchange shall be provided to the Contractor by the Engineer.
The rates quoted by the tenderer shall also be inclusive of Tamilnadu Sales Tax if any, on the
transfer of property in Goods involved in execution of Works Contract Act, 1983 (in other words
Turn over Tax) which is to be paid by the tenderer to the Government from time to time during
the execution of the contract / works. No separate claim on these account will be entertained by
the department.
3.3.1. ROADS:
The Contractor shall have reasonable access for use of existing roads at Site. However the
Engineers authorization will be required for permission and movement of vehicle at site.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
The Contractor shall follow the all the security rules as may be framed by the Engineer, from
time to time for entering into DAE campus. The Contractor shall abide by all security measures
imposed by the Engineer or his duly authorized representative from time to time. Each staff and
worker shall furnish six passport size photographs along with the application of entry pass, which
will be issued to the individuals in about 2 days time. No persons will be allowed entry in to the
plant site without a valid photo pass.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
The Contractor, his employees and agents shall not disclose information drawings furnished to
him by the Engineer. All drawings, reports and other information prepared by the Contractor / by
the Engineers or jointly by both, for execution of the contract, shall not be disclosed to outsiders
without prior permission / approval of the Engineer. No photographs of the works or plant with
in the plant premises shall be taken without prior approval of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall not sub-contract the whole or any part of the work.
3.10.0 NOTICES:
Any notices, order, direction or other communication to be given to the Contractor under any of
the provisions of the contract / order shall without limitation to be conclusively deemed to have
been received by the Contractor if delivered or mailed to the Contractor at the address
mentioned in the work order or to the Contractor’s last known place of business or residence, or
to his Superintendent or Foreman.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
e) Wages shall be paid by the Contractor to all workmen employed by him as per the statutory
requirements in force in Tamilnadu from time to time and prescribed register of wages be
maintained up to date by the Contractor.
f) Contractor has to follow working hours, overtime and wage rules, etc. as required under the
statutory provisions.
g) You shall comply with various provisions of the contract labour (Regulations & Abolition)
Act, 1970 and rules framed there under especially obtaining license before commencing the
work, payment of wages, display notice at the place of work showing rates of wages, wage
period, date of payment of wages (in the presence of our representative) name and complete
address of the Inspector, abstract of rules and regulations in English and Hindi, providing
amenities etc. You shall send copies of the same to the inspector and the Engineer in Charge
of the work so that he can ensure the presence of an authorized representative at the time
and place of disbursement of wages. You should also intimate the maximum number of
labourers employed / likely to be employed by you to the Engineer in Charge of this work
before commencement of the work. In case the contract labour act does not apply to your
organization, you should intimate the Engineer in Charge of this work accordingly before
commencing the work. Further you shall also comply with provisions of other laws such
workmen's compensation act 1923, minimum wages Act 1948, EPF Act, Gratuity Act and
other labour laws as applicable to your organization. In case of any failure to comply with
the above provision this department shall be entitled to recover the same from your bills.
The contractors shall provide transport facilities for their labours engaged by them. In case
they are unable to provide such transport facility, they may use the departmental transport
facility for which they will be charged for the transport on prorate basis, being worked out by
the department. Such amount shall be deducted from their running bills on monthly basis,
based on the certificate of the Engineer-in-Charge.
3.11 For the purpose of interpretation of contract conditions, condition stated in Section – III of
the Tender document shall prevail over any other similar conditions stated elsewhere in the
Tender document.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Regular inspections in Contractor’s site establishment will be conducted by Labour Enforcement Officer
(Central) and Labour Commissioner (Central) under the following enactments.
Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970.
Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.
a) Minimum rates of wages shall be paid to the employees as per the existing Government orders.
b) The Contractor has to disburse wages to the workers in the presence of the Authorized
representative of the Principal Employer.
c) Authorized representative of the Principal Employer will certify in the Wage Register while
disbursing the Wages.
d) The notice of commencement of contract work shall be sent to Labour Enforcement Officer
(Central), Government of India, Shastri Bhavan, Chennai – 600 006.
e) All the workers are to be paid applicable minimum wages. Provident Fund (PF) and Insurance
schemes (if applicable) for the workers shall be borne by the contractor. Records with respect
to worker wages, PF, insurance, etc shall be maintained & produced on demand for verification.
During the inspection by the above officials, all records required by the officials (duly maintained up to
date) must be submitted by the Contractor without fail.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
To be submitted by the 4th and 19th of every month in respect of the second half of the preceding month
and the first half of the current month respectively.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
The tenderers are requested to furnish the Rates and Amounts in figures as well as in words. The
tenderers are also requested to avoid corrections in the Rates and Amounts and any over writing,
In accordance with the provision of CPWD, the rates and amounts quoted in the tender are to be written
in words and in figures and the tender documents should be filled properly and carefully to avoid
chances of tampering in rates. The tenderer should avoid quoting absurd rates and making too many
corrections in the tenders. Due to any reason corrections are unavoidable, the authorized person should
duly sign such corrections. The amounts should also be correctly worked out. If any tenderer does not
follow these instructions and desists from filling the tenders carefully it would be open to the department
to take appropriate action with regard to the tender
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
1. The contractor is deemed to have visited the site to acquaint himself with the site conditions,
camping facilities for his labour force and all relevant information required for satisfactory
completion of the work.
2. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for accommodation of his personnel.
3. All the materials to be used by the contractor shall conform to relevant specifications.
4. Mode of measurement, when not specified in the tender, shall be as per relevant CPWD Manual
and Indian Standard Specifications and where not spelt out, the Engineer's decision will be final
and binding on the contractor.
5. Time allowed for carrying out the work as entered in the tender document shall be strictly
observed by the contractor and shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract on the part
of the contractor. The contractor shall submit a time schedule keeping the phasing of the work
generally in line with the schedule of work for the approval of the Engineer in Charge and the
Contractor shall strictly adhere to such approved schedule.
6. The work shall be taken up area wise/room wise and completed in all respects in the sequence
directed by the Engineer- in charge.
7. The contractor shall cooperate and coordinate his works along with other contractors who are
working in the same area
8. The contractor shall provide necessary labour and assistance to the Engineer in Charge for
checking layout, alignments and also for taking measurement for finished works at no extra cost
to the Government.
9. Rates quoted shall include labour, materials, tools, insurance, contractor’s supervision
overheads and profits, general risks or liabilities and all that are necessary for satisfactory
completion of the job. The rates shall be firm and shall not subject to exchange variations, labour
conditions or any conditions what so ever other than what is provided in the contract.
10. The contractor has to follow strictly the Central and State Government Labour rules/acts, which
are in force at present and all necessary arrangement for labour, will have to be made by the
11. Should the contractor modify or withdraw his tender within a period of ninety days from the date
of opening of the tender, his Bid Security Declaration will be forfeited.
12. The contractor shall follow at site all Security Rules as may be framed by the Department from
time to time regarding removal of materials from site, issue of Identity cards, control of entry of
personnel and all similar matters. The contractor, his employees and agents shall not disclose
to anyone except to the limited extent required for purpose of execution of the contract, any
information or drawings furnished to him by the Engineer. All drawings, reports and other
information prepared by the Contractor or by the Engineer or jointly by both for the execution of
the contract shall not be disclosed with-out the prior approval of the Engineer No photographs
of the works or plant within the site premises shall be taken without the prior approval of the
13 It is to be ensured that all the employees and workers employed by the contractor and also by
the sub- contractors are law-abiding citizens, with clean record. Anti-social elements, rowdies
and persons with adverse police records should not be employed as for as possible on the works
at Kalpakkam.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
It is to be ensured by the contractor that the correct personal particulars and addresses of all
the employees and workers employed by the contractors and sub-contractors are available with
All the trucks-transporting materials for the works should have valid permit for running inside
Kalpakkam area. The materials have to be transported only during 0900 to 1800 hrs
14. The price quoted shall be inclusive of GST. GST shall be payable by the contractor, BARCF will
not entertain any such claim whatsoever in this regard.
15. The contractor shall comply with all statutory requirements such as insurance coverage,
workmen compensation so as to absolve INRPK of any and all liabilities incase of accidents.
16. INRPK standing orders with respect to safety shall be applicable to contractor’s workmen also.
17. General Manager, INRPK, BARC Facilities, Kalpakkam will have the right to withdraw the work
permit for any of the contractor's workman for reasons of misconduct incompetence in work,
violation of safety and fire rules, negligence on duty etc.
18. Price escalation under any circumstances shall not be entertained and quoted rates shall be
applicable till the completion of all the works.
19. No extension of time for the work shall be entertained under any circumstance unless it is
warranted the delay is due to plant condition.
The contractor can make use of existing domestic water facilities available at site for his
requirements which may be charged as per the discretion of EIC.
Electric power point shall be provided near to the work spot. The contractor can draw required
power which may be charged as per the discretion of EIC.
Payment will be deducted from the bill submitted by contractor.
No advance payment shall be made.
General conditions of the contract applicable to IGCAR/ DAE shall also form the part of this
tender and shall be followed strictly.
IT @ 2%, Labour Cess @ 1% will be deducted from each running bill and as well as in final
TDS @ 2% under GST will be recovered from the bill and the recovered amount will be
credited to Tax Authorities.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
The conditions of contract and guidance to contractors for item rate tender and contract and
specifications applicable to the works of Department of Atomic Energy shall form the part of the contract
for this work. They are available in the office of the Engineer for perusal of the interested tenderers.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Government of India
Department of Atomic Energy
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Facilities
Integrated Nuclear Recycle Plant Kalpakkam
Waste Immobilization Plant
The general conditions of contract of (CPWD-2014) along with amendments vide letter no.
NRB/Accts/2014-15/811 dated 12.02.2015 and NRB/Accts/2019-20/GCC dt. 20.08.2019 being
a part of tender document is made available to me / us in the office of Engineer-in-charge, GM,
INRPK, Kalpakkam, and I / we have gone through this thoroughly and understood the
conditions stipulated there on and will abide by the same. I / we affix my / our signature in
acceptance of the same and this will form part of the original agreement.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
(Separate Performa for Civil, Elect. & Hort. Works in case of Composite Tenders)
(Operative Schedules to be supplied separately to each intending tenderer)
Schedule of quantities and rates (as per PWD-3) as given below and to be quoted in the Price
bid (BOQ)
Name of Work: Supply, Fabrication and Installation of MS Shed with roof sheet for two wheeler parking at NRB
Estimated cost of work: Rs. 93,16,010/- inclusive of GST
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Name of Work: Supply, Fabrication and Installation of MS Shed with roof sheet
for two wheeler parking at NRB gate
Rate Rs.
Rate Rs.
in Words Amount
S.No. Description Unit Qty Inclusive
inclusive Rs.
of GST
of GST
Providing, cutting, bending to shape, welding, fabricating,
hoisting, placing and fixing in position structural steel
members like trusses, purlins etc. using MS hollow/
circular/ square/ rectangular tubular sections etc.,
including chamfering and rounding off the edges, applying
a coat of Red lead paint primer/ zinc chromate primer of
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Contractor has to quote the price in the Price bid excel sheet attached in the tender documents of this
tender in the website “https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app”
Name of the Work: Supply, Fabrication and Installation of MS Shed with roof sheet for two
wheeler parking at NRB gate
I Rs. 93,16,010/-
Estimated Cost of Work
i. Time allowed for submission of performance Guarantee
from the date of issue of letter of acceptance, in days 15 Days
ii. Maximum allowable extension beyond the period
provided with prior approval of competent authority in 7 Days
i) above in days
Authority for fixing compensation under clause 2 General Manager, INRPK
Whether Clause 2A shall be applicable NO
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Number of days from the date of issue of work order for reckoning 15 Days
date of start.
Time allowed for execution of work Six months
Authority to give fair and reasonable extension of time as per
General Manager, INRPK
clause for completion of work.
Gross work to be done together with net
payment/adjustment of advances for NA
materials collected, if any, since the last such
payment for being eligible to interim payment
Completion certificate shall be issued by YES
Engineer –in –charge after completion period
CLAUSE 10 C Not Applicable
Specifications to be followed for execution of
INRPK Specifications
Deviation Limit beyond which
12.2.&12.3 clauses 12.2&12.3 shall 50%
apply for building work
Deviation Limit beyond which
12.5 clauses 12.2&12.3 shall Nil
apply for foundation work
Competent authority of Alterations in
General Manager, INRPK
technical specifications
Competent Authority for deciding reduced
General Manager, INRPK
Quality of work , redoing of work shall be Yes
ensured by contractor,
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Recovery at specified rates for more use of No
material than theoretical calculation,
The contractor is deemed to have examined all parts of these Tendering Documents
listed below to have fully informed himself as to the nature of the work and conditions
related to its performances.
Section I Notice Inviting Tender & Important and Essential information to Tenderers.
Section II General Rules and Directions for the Guidance of the Tenderers and form of
Section III Additional rule and directions for the Guidance of Tenderers.
1.1 The prices listed in Schedule of Quantities and Rates shall be all inclusive of value of the work
described including all cost and expenses which may be required in and for the execution of
work described together with all general risk, liabilities and obligations set forth or implied in
the documents on which tender is to be based.
The quoted rate are inclusive of GST. GST shall be payable by the contractor, BARCF will not
entertain any such claim whatsoever in this respect.
1.2 The quantities stated are to be considered approximate only and the Unit Price entered in the
Schedule of Quantities and Rates & Price shall be applied only to the actual quantities
measured in the completed work in accordance with this specification.
1.3 All the materials other than those shown as free issue materials are to be arranged by the
contractor and his rate should include of such materials.
1.4 The Schedule of Quantities given in Section – VI can vary +50% or – 50%.
1.5 If the Tenderers need any clarification, they are requested to contact the General Manager,
INRPK, BARC Facilities, Kalpakkam.
1.6 General Manager, INRPK, BARC Facilities, Kalpakkam – 603102 reserves the rights to
consider the tender as a whole or to split up the Tender at his discretion and award the work
in the Schedule of Quantities and Rates, to different agencies for which the contractor shall
have no additional claim whatsoever.
2.1 The price quoted shall be firm for the entire duration of the contract and shall not be
subjected to any escalation for the charges in the cost of labour, material, fuel and any
other cost and shall be based on completion of all works including the following:
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
2.3 The rates shall be used for price adjustment due to variation in quantities in relation to the
estimated quantity.
The rates shall be deemed to have included all elements of cost, profit, overheads etc., which includes
all taxes and duties.
The tenderer shall quote the unit rates against each items as shown in the Schedule of Quantities.
In addition, the tenders shall also quote the reasonable unit rates for the items as indicated which will
be applicable for any extra/reduction or where rates are not available in the Schedule of Quantities
and Rates. If any clarifications are required on the scope, nature and extent of work for the items
covered in the same can be had with the General Manager, INRPK, BARC Facilities, Kalpakkam
before offering their quotations.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Supply, Fabrication and Installation of MS Shed with roof sheet for two
wheeler parking at NRB gate
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
The scope of work will cover:
a) Supply, Fabrication and Erection of frame for parking shed & MS support material of
carbon steel (Plate, ISMC, ISA) as per IS 2062 Grade B, Cutting, welding (SMAW)
including painting of one coat of primer & Two coats epoxy as per technical specification
and as directed by Engineer-in- Charge.
b) Providing and fixing roofing sheet, cladding with 0.47mm thick colour coated concelled
system profile corrugated/semi corrugated/ plain zincalume sheets of 55mpa yield stress
(AS 1397 - Zincalume AZ 150) with coating class AS/NZS 2728 (minimum 150 grams
per relevant standard) having a total coating thickness of 35micron. The sheet should
be rolled over specially designed concealed fixing clip manufactured from hi-tensile
Aluminium Zinc alloy Zincalume steel based and galvanized hooks. The clip should be
fastened with minimum 40micron Zinc coated/ minimum 25micron Zinc-Tin alloy coated.
The rate is inclusive of all fixtures required for fixing the side roof, cladding on all sides,
ridges etc. complete all as per specification and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
c) Providing and fixing bolts including nuts and washers of approved size, quality and make
as per requirements as per specifications and drawings complete all as directed at site
by the Engineer-in-charge.
d) Leak testing of finished shed as per technical specification and as directed by Engineer
in Charge.
e) Providing safety net for entire span of working area for safety purpose.
f) Welding procedure and performance qualifications for Carbon steel plates/structurals.
(ASME Section III, V & IX).
g) Preparation of fabrication drawings based on the site measurements and getting
approval from the Engineer. The contractor is also required to submit As - Built Drawings
to EIC after completion of all the works.
h) Providing scaffolding to required height & size.
i) Safe handling & safe storage of Ms structural and sheets at required location, desired
by EIC within INRPK premises
j) Providing and application of two coat of enamel painting of existing structural members
as per technical specification. (Colour code desired by Engineer In-Charge)
k) Supply & installation of MS structural members as per approved drawing for providing
additional support with existing structural members for fixing zincalume sheet.
l) Straightness & leveling of cross members witnessed with the presence of department
m) Qualified and experienced welder should be used for CS GTAW/SMAW process.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
n) Welding/bolting of structural's.
o) Supply & installation of zincalume sheet including all fixtures required for fixing the side
roof, cladding on all sides, ridges etc, & leak arrester as per technical specification.
(Zincalume sheet colour desired by Engineer In-Charge)
p) Quality assurance test to ensure no leak of entire shed after completing all the works.
Required machineries for cutting, fabrication, welding and machining, tools and tackles,
tungsten electrode, ER 70S-2 filler wire for CS welding, E 7018 electrodes for SMAW
welding (CS), Consumables for LPE, Engineering and Supervisory persons and
skilled/unskilled man-powers and all consumables are included in the contractor's scope of
supply. No material will be issued from the department as free issue material, all the
materials, tools and tackles required to complete the work are under the scope of the
1. Preparation of documents electronically (Contractor has to deploy adequate number of
Personal Computer’s of required configuration with printers and employ trained, qualified
personnel to undertake this job).
2. Provision of all categories of manpower technical/non-technical to execute the works
covered herein:
a) Qualified trade personnel (fitters, fabricators SS / CS welders, tack welders etc.)
skilled and unskilled manpower.
b) Qualified and experienced site supervisors, site engineers.
c) Deployment of senior Site in charge, deputy in charge, with adequate experience and
qualification shall be made to the satisfaction of EIC.
d) Personnel to manage all site related activities electronically and to submit various
types of progress reports and any other qualified and experienced manpower.
e) Any item, material / machine / manpower, not covered under the scope of department
but required to complete any item of work in all respects shall be deemed to be under
the scope of the contractor.
3. Engineer reserves the right to change the scope of work by:
a) Issue of Revised drawings.
b) Addition or deletion from drawings or any reference lists.
c) Revision of Technical specification.
The personnel employed up to site supervisory level should have academic qualification of
minimum Engineering Degree/Diploma and experience in the field of fabrication of parking
sheds/ MS structural fabrication. Site engineers or higher-level personnel shall be Engineering
Degree holders with relevant experience.
The detailed technical requirements of this work are presented below.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
The entire scope of work covered in this specification shall be carried out to complete the old
storage building within WIP premises.
Following Codes and Standards of latest revisions applicable as on date of issue of this tender
documents are generally applicable for the work covered in this tender:
Applicable Standards
ASME Section – II Materials.
IS 2062 Hot rolled low, medium and high tensile structural steel
IS 808 Dimension for hot rolled steel beam, column, channel and
angle section
IS 4923 Specification for hollow steel sections for structural use
AS/NZS 1365 Tolerances for flat-rolled steel, products
AS 1397 Continuous hot dip metallic coated steel sheet strip – coatings of
zinc and zinc alloyed with aluminium and magnesium
IS 277 Specification for galvanized steel sheets (plain and corrugated)
IS 12093 Specification for laying and fixing roof covering plain and
The specifications shall, unless specifically stated otherwise, conform to the latest editions of
all above standards and tests. In case of conflict between the two standards, the more stringent
requirement shall be applicable. Also in case of differences between the requirements as per
the relevant specification and specifically indicated requirements elsewhere in this tender
document, the decision of EIC shall be final.
The contractor shall prepare the fabrication and erection drawings based on drawings provided
in Annexure-A and as per site condition. However, the contractor shall verify the actual site
dimensions, feasibility of layouts and any modifications required, the same shall be brought to
the notice of EIC and drawings shall be revised and got approved by the EIC before taking up
fabrication / erection.
The EIC reserves the right to make and recommend changes and such changes shall be
considered within the scope of specified work.
The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the EIC for approval, final bill of materials as actually
erected for the purpose of reconciliation.
Area layout drawings are available at Supdt. Maintenance, WIP office. These drawings shall
not be issued with the tender, but the tenderers can go through these drawings, if required
before submitting the tender.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
The contractor has to plan adequate quantum of work for a particular month, well in advance,
keeping in view the overall time schedule and possible slippage in any specific area, due to
reasons unforeseen.
The contractor shall verify the actual site dimensions, feasibility of layouts, fabrication by a
comprehensive site survey and measurement. Deviation if noted shall be brought to the notice
of EIC and drawings got revised before getting the approval of erection.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
1. During the various stages of zincalume sheet erection due care and attention.
2. While lifting of zinclaume sheets to protect the material from abrasive damage and dent.
3. Proper tools and tackles shall be employed in the handling of the zincalume sheet to avoid
impact, scratches, etc. Special care shall be exercised during all stages.
1. All CS welding shall be done using GTAW/SMAW process for root welding and final
welding. Commercial grade argon with 99.996% purity shall be used for shielding. ER –
70S 2 filler wire 2% thoriated tungsten electrode shall be used. E 7018 baked electrode
used for SMAW process.
2. Qualified welder should be used for structural welding as per the latest ASME Sec. IX Code.
3. Edge preparation shall be done by manual filing or machining for all the weld joints.
4. The filler wires shall be stored in clean containers and thoroughly cleaned with acetone
before each wire is used for welding.
5. Mother oven & portable oven used for backing of electrodes.
6. No welding on wet or moist surfaces or with wet or moist welding material shall be
permitted. The weld shall be totally protected from wind, dust, rain etc.
7. All welds on plates, etc., shall be finished smooth, even and ripple free to facilitate easy
decontamination. Crevices, deep recesses etc., are to be fully avoided, in all welds
especially those pertaining to support plates, base plates, etc., the same shall be seal
welded, based on individual merit.
8. High frequency arc starting device shall be used for starting the arc, to avoid the arc striking
on the parent material. The GTAW torches shall have hand control on it for switching on
and shutting off the HF unit, which will enable better control and ease of operation.
1. All repairs shall be carried out using procedures, duly approved by the engineer.
2. The defect shall be ground, till it is totally removed.
Concrete expansion fasteners are used to support DHC base plates & various equipments.
There are various types of concrete expansion fasteners being manufactured in India.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Engineer’s approval shall be obtained before purchasing anchor fasteners for TYPE, MAKE &
LOAD. The anchor fasteners shall be of reputed make and material Test Certificate shall be
provided along with the supply. Caulking compound shall be applied thoroughly to arrest any
leakage path through the wall/slab. For making holes portable electric or pneumatic rotary
drilling machine with carbide tipped drill bits (make – HILTI machine or Kango rotary hammer
or equivalent) with the approval of engineer can be used. The maximum size of the concrete
expansion fasteners that can be used is limited to 25mm.
1. The distance of concrete fasteners from free edges of the structure in which fasteners are
installed should not be less than 1.5 times the effective depth of installation.
2. The effective distance between two expansion fasteners should not be less than the sum of
effective depth of installation of two fasteners.
3. In no case the hole sizes and depth of holes should be more than that, recommended by the
4. Caulking compound wherever required shall be applied to the satisfaction of engineer.
‘Araldite’ which is available in two packs can be used.
5. The detailed procedures for installation of the concrete expansion fasteners should be as
per the manufacturer’s catalogue.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
1. The contractor shall engage welders fully qualified in accordance with the requirements of
ASME Section IX depending upon the type of welding to be done. Before commencing each
type of welding operation, the contractor shall submit to the purchaser for his approval
complete details of the methods and procedure, which he proposed to use, and shall adhere
strictly to such approved procedures and methods.
2. SMAW process for CS prefabrication works with E 7018 electrode. Electrodes used shall
conform to AWS E-7018 low hydrogen electrodes matched to the mechanical and chemical
characteristics of parent metal and shall be guaranteed to meet the specified weld deposit
3. All electrodes shall be supplied and stored in watertight metal containers and shall be baked
properly before use. Portable ovens shall be provided near to the work.
4. Faulty welds caused by poor workmanship or lack of supervision on the part of the contractor
shall be cutout and re-welded at the contractor’s expense. The procedure for repair of welds
shall require EIC approval prior to any repair being made.
5. Cleaning of surfaces to be welded.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
6. Surfaces to be welded shall be clean and free from foreign material such as grease, oil,
lubricants and marking paints for a distance of at least 25 mm from the weld preparation
Finished joints:
Joints shall have complete penetration and shall be free from cracks, undercuts, overlaps,
abrupt ridges or valleys. Fillet welds shall have complete fusion at the root of the fillet.
1. Access for Inspector: The inspectors/Engineers shall be permitted free access at all times
while work on the fabrication is being performed. The fabricator shall formally inform the
purchaser in advance for inspections.
2. Inspection of Material: The Contractor will offer all the input materials for inspection,
identification and marking. The fabricator shall make available to the inspector all the
required certificates and test reports during inspection.
3. Dimensional Inspection: The Contractor shall comply to the requirements of the components
conforming to required shape, thickness and dimensions. During and after fabrication, such
dimensional inspections are necessary and shall be performed to ensure that the completed
fabrication conforms to the design drawings.
Painting of CS Structurals:
1. The paint materials supplied by contractor shall be of recent manufacture free from all
defects and shall be procured from approved leading manufacturer like Nerolac, Asian
paints and Berger paints.
2. Epoxy primer and epoxy paint shall be of high quality products from leading approved
manufacturer in accordance with the specification and shall be arranged to be delivered at
site in original sealed containers, bearing the brand and name of the manufacturers with
labels intact and shall be subject to inspection, analysis and approval. It is desired that
materials of one manufacturer only shall be used as far as possible. Colours shall be
uniform and non-fading.
3. All the M.S. materials shall be painted with two coat of epoxy primer and two coat of epoxy
paint as specified by the Engineer-in-Charge (minimum DFT shall not be less than 50
microns for each coat).
4. Samples of all paint consumables shall be submitted to the Engineer for necessary
approval, prior to make bulk purchase. All finished work shall match corresponding samples
kept with the Engineer.
5. All paint shall be subjected to analysis from random samples taken at site from painters
buckets, if so desired by the Engineer.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
6. The contractor shall arrange for safe and proper storage of all materials and tools. The
storage space shall be adequately protected from damage. Paint shall be kept covered at
all times and precautions shall be taken to prevent fire.
Painting shall be done by skilled laborers in a workmanlike manner. All materials shall be every
applied so as to be free from sags, runs, crawls, or other defects. All coats shall be of proper
consistency and well brushed out, so that no brush marks are visible, except varnish and
enamels, which shall be uniformly flowed on. The brushes shall be cleaned and in good
condition before application of paint. No work shall be done under conditions that are unsuitable
for production of good results.
The under coating should be nearest to the specified colour of the finishing coat. Ready mixed
paint of same may be used for the undercoat. The undercoat shall be uniform and free of all
brush marks.
Undercoats should be completely dry before finishing coat is taken up. For proper dryness of
paints a whole day shall be left between undercoat and finishing coat. The undercoat shall then
be rubbed with G/240 sand paper and dusted clean. After a well-known dryness of the earlier
coat the subsequent coat shall be taken up. The finishing coat of approved paint shall then be
applied. If the surfaces is not satisfactory an additional finish coat shall be applied at no extra
coat. The paints shall be applied with bristle brushes and not horsehair ones.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
of completion of all works, such defects shall be repaired as per Clause mentioned in Section
III “Special Instructions” of this tender.
As far as technical requirements are concerned, the contractor’s work shall be considered
completed, only after zincalume sheets are installed in accordance with the drawings and
specifications and have passed all inspection and tests requirements described in the technical
specification issued with these documents. The contractor shall submit the construction
completion certificate in the approved format attesting above which shall be subjected to
endorsement by the engineer. Any deficiency pointed out in the work performed shall be
rectified expeditiously in consultation with the engineer, so as not to delay the testing or
commissioning of the systems.
1. Weight of the materials shall be obtained on the basis of unit weights as per relevant Indian
or American standards. In case of materials issued in any measure other than weight or
whenever the same is not available, the required unit weight of an item shall be obtained by
actual weighing.
2. Supply of CS structurals and all consumables required for the fabrication and erection of the
equipment / pipe supports are in the scope of supply of the Contractor.
3. Periodic checks may be exercised by the Engineer on materials issued as FIM / or
chargeable basis to the Contractor, for which all assistance shall be given by the Contractor.
To enable this, the Contractor shall maintain registers, records, etc. indicating the quantities
received, giving reference to the issue vouchers of stores, quantities used indicating systems
or lines for which the same had been used and balance in stock. All such records shall be
maintained up to date.
4. The materials in the Contractor’s stores shall be arranged in such a manner, as to enable a
physical check as and when required by the Engineer. For all free issue materials the
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Contractor shall submit an account in the format specified by the Engineer along with the
final bill.
5. The Contractor shall have to supply all the materials and services required for the
satisfactory completion of work unless the materials or service specifically falls in the scope
of supply of Engineer as per this Tender document. The Engineer’s decision in this regard
shall be final and binding.
In the event of any dispute or difference, it shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the
General manager, INRPK, Kalpakkam, as per Indian Arbitration Act 1996 as amended from
time to time and his decision shall be final and binding on both the parties.
1. Cleanliness of already erected equipments and pipes inside and outside cell areas are to be
ensured daily by the contractor.
2. Adequate lighting facility is to be provided by the contractor. For getting adequate airflow,
sufficient number of man coolers / exhaust fans shall be deployed by the contractor.
1. The contractor shall follow at site all security rules framed from time to time by the
department. He shall arrange photo pass to his workers at his own cost in the manner
prescribed by the department. Police verification prior to issue of entry permit is mandatory
for the entry into DAE complex.
2. The contractor shall be responsible for observance of safety precautions to avoid accidents.
All liabilities on account of injury to self or his personal at the time of work shall be borne by
the contractor.
3. The contractor shall make his own arrangements to transport his labour.
4. An authorized Engineer/Supervisor will supervise the work.
5. Factory Act for workmen shall be strictly adhered to.
6. The contractor has to take into account the above facts before quoting.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
The contractor is deemed to have examined all parts of these Tendering Documents listed
below to have fully informed himself as to the nature of the work and conditions related
to its performances.
Section I Notice Inviting Tender & Important and Essential information to Tenderers.
Section II General Rules and Directions for the Guidance of the Tenderers and form of
Section III Additional rule and directions for the Guidance of Tenderers.
Section IV General Conditions of the Contract.
Section V Scope of Work and Technical Specifications.
Section VI Schedule of Quantities and Rates
3.1 The prices listed in Schedule of Quantities and Rates shall be all inclusive of value of the work
described including all cost and expenses which may be required in and for the execution of
work described together with all general risk, liabilities and obligations set forth or implied in the
documents on which tender is to be based.
3.2 The quantities stated are to be considered approximate only and the Unit Price entered in the
Schedule of Quantities and Rates & Price shall be applied only to the actual quantities measured
in the completed work in accordance with this specification.
3.3 All the materials other than those shown as free issue materials are to be arranged by the
contractor and his rate should include of such materials.
3.4 The Schedule of Quantities given in Section – VI can vary +50% or – 50%.
3.5 If the Tenderers need any clarification, they are requested to contact the Facility Director, BARC
Facilities, Kalpakkam.
3.6 General Manager, INRPK, BARC Facilities, Kalpakkam – 603102 reserves the rights to consider
the tender as a whole or to split up the Tender at his discretion and award the work in the
Schedule of Quantities and Rates, to different agencies for which the contractor shall have no
additional claim whatsoever.
4.1 The price quoted shall be firm for the entire duration of the contract and shall not be
subjected to any escalation for the charges in the cost of labour, material, fuel and any
other cost and shall be based on completion of all works including the following:
2.3 The rates shall be used for price adjustment due to variation in quantities in relation to the
estimated quantity.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
The rates shall be deemed to have included all elements of cost, profit, overheads etc., which includes
all taxes and duties.
The tenderer shall quote the unit rates against each items as shown in the Schedule of Quantities.
In addition, the tenders shall also quote the reasonable unit rates for the items as indicated which will
be applicable for any extra/reduction or where rates are not available in the Schedule of Quantities and
Rates. If any clarifications are required on the scope, nature and extent of work for the items covered in
the same can be had with the General Manager, INRPK, BARC Facilities, Kalpakkam before offering
their quotations.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
Supply, Fabrication and Installation of MS Shed with roof sheet for two wheeler parking at NRB gate
Rate Rs. in
Rate Rs.
words Amount
S.No. Description of work Unit Qty Inclusive
inclusive of Rs.
of GST
Providing, cutting, bending to shape, welding, fabricating, hoisting, placing and fixing
in position structural steel members like trusses, purlins etc. using MS hollow/ circular/
square/ rectangular tubular sections etc., including chamfering and rounding off the
edges, applying a coat of Red lead paint primer/ zinc chromate primer of approved
make and 2 coats of flat oil paint/ synthetic enamel paint of approved colour and make, MT 40
scaffolding and staging required for fabrication as well as erection complete as per
technical specifications, drawing and as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Note: - Lifting device arrangement if any required to be arranged by the contractor at
his own cost.
Providing and fixing roofing sheet, cladding with 0.47mm thick colour coated concealed
system profile corrugated/semi corrugated/ plain zincalume sheets of 55mpa yield
stress (AS 1397 - Zincalume AZ 150) with coating class AS/NZS 2728 (minimum 150
grams per relevant standard) having a total coating thickness of 35 micron. The sheet
M.E.2. should be rolled over specially designed concealed fixing clip manufactured from hi-
Sq.m 2100
S&E tensile Aluminium Zinc alloy Zincalume steel based and galvanized hooks. The clip
should be fastened with minimum 40 micron Zinc coated/ minimum 25 micron Zinc-Tin
alloy coated. The rate is inclusive of all fixtures required for fixing the side roof, cladding
on all sides, ridges etc. as per technical specification and as directed by the Engineer-
Providing and fixing bolts including nuts and washers of approved size, quality and
M.E.3. make as per requirements, as per technical specifications and drawings complete all Kg 1000
S&E as directed at site by the Engineer-in-charge.
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024
2. Whether it is a Proprietorship or
Partnership firm? : Proprietorship/Partnership Firm
Tender No: BARCF/INRPK-MA/WM/TR/27/2024