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Flinders Uni

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For Mentors, Coordinators or University Liaisons

Name of Pre-Service Teacher: Date:
Ellen Iver 16 06 2020

Curriculum Learning area: Science Year level:

Unit Title: five Senses R .


Lesson/ learning focus: .

Preparation: (Lesson plan provided, used appropriate resources, was well organised, learning outcomes were made visible to students, suitable
adjustments provided for varied learning abilities, use of technology, flexibility etc. )
Clan settled and learn The
activity allowedfor chin with
was to .

capacities to be
fully .

Presentation: (Appropriate tone for the lesson and audience, well sequenced, scaffolding provided, effective use of questioning, clear
explanations, resources accessible for all learners, friendly, relaxed, good pace, built in thinking skills, reflection and consolidation etc.)

Your manner and the

wayyou form and
develop relationship with chu
is warm and
inviting .

Content Knowledge:
* This lesson formed part of a a unit in Science which constructed
Ahe Australian Curriculum
appropriateknowledge of

there is
* Bare on the
questions and narrative what does this tell ?(

this area
of The curriculum f- you Reflection )


* As
you circulating
you ,
responding chu mostfrequently ?
were or to

Managing student learning: (addressed prior knowledge, assessed for misconceptions, provided constructive and timely feedback, used
suitable teaching strategies, set learning to appropriate level of challenge, offered timely support, reinforced growth mindset etc.)

The uitnoduchoir was

carefully constructed
chu were
and ensured
ready for
learning . Prior
knowledge and
ensuring knew what the
learning outcome was

effective .

Managing student wellbeing and behaviour (demonstrated fair and consistent practices, used prompt corrective feedback, noticed
appropriate/inappropriate behaviours, remained calm, provided clear behavioural expectations, showed empathy etc.)
chin like to see therefore reinforcing
the standard is
fair to

Well done
- -

the rules/
everyone .

Clearly setting
standards all to
follow welldone Circulation for -

The tables was Chu were

effective and
respectfulof learning

environment Way ! Using the

light Gagarin attentionfor this class is most .

General Comments and focus for next lesson:

A lesson which kaaihe students fully in all phases
the chin is
the Your relationship with
learning .
encouraging want the clue
to know

they are successful

* Consider how
you of the lesson
) at various
learners faithout

Feedback given by: Date:

lb O b 2020
Paul Forde - -

rhetoricalquestions I
* With early agegroup
effective -

being reflective of
use them t
why ?
WALT and WILF will then be discussed. The following will be covered: we
WALT: are
- Students can identify touch as one of the 5 senses. and
- Students can use their bodies to touch things.

the sense
- Students can represent different textures through differentiated we use

materials. touch "

Once lesson expectations are covered, students will collect their 5 senses

booklets and will be placed in a circle.



Time: Main learning Task/s (Task outline/Progression/Instructions) WILF :

what I'm
40 This lesson involves students making their own texture/sensory boards,
mins where they will glue different materials to black card. The different frI :

materials used will express students’ knowledge and understanding of "

identify touch as

of the fivetenses
different types of touch (textures). Thus, they will need to differentiate one

materials used, to show different textures.

my body


Prior to the investigation commencing, housekeeping must be addressed.

Students will need to be reminded about their behaviour within this lesson,
to touch Alina .

as it is a new activity which students have not yet explored. Students will
be reminded that this lesson is a time for displaying their knowledge, and

Ican different
to not treat this lesson with silliness as they will be heightened from
excitement. Therefore, prompts include:
through different

- Any students misusing the materials will be asked to sit out.


- Any students not sharing and being possessive over materials will not
get to participate.
- Only 4/5 materials can be used.
Once this is done, students will be instructed to return to their seats. They
Initial and
will then find their materials in a tub to share between their table groups.
Once instructed, they can begin constructing their sensory boards. focus on WKF

Extra/ Add-on Task:

You need rhetorical
If the lesson ends sooner than expected, an additional task can be
completed (refer below). Students can design their own Superhero cape,
being prompted to use different textures for different parts of the cape.
They can also extend their thinking by labelling the cape too. Or, they can questions - was

participate in a texture hunt if enough students have completed their work

(refer below).
deliberate t
why ?

Brain Break:
If students are becoming restless and require a brain break, movement (e.g.
dancing) will be incorporated here. Two videos surrounding the senses can
be referred to:
Hi-Five: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTMeZ8MvlnA
Jack Hartmann: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtL11JXG1mc

Or, a guessing game can be played. Students can play a game of “guess the
texture”, where the teacher/ a student will describe a texture using its
properties (e.g. green and fluffy). Thus, it is a break from thinking but still
incorporates content and terminology related to the 5 senses but touch
specifically. This could also be an add-on task.

Time: Conclusion to Task (Key ideas to be summarized /Homework/

5 mins Formative/Summative assessment task)

An exhibition of texture boards can conclude the lesson. Students can go

around to each table and (with permission), touch other students’ boards,
or, just observe them. A small discussion will be held, and learning will
then be consolidated by referring to WALT and WILF to gauge whether
students have achieved learning objectives for touch.

Students will be informally assessed to gauge levels of understanding through the following:
- Class discussions and observations; students use terminology related to touch/textures.
- Conversation with students, which covers environmental/personal factors associated with
touch, differing touch/ texture likes and dislikes.
- Observation of student work to gauge whether student has understood the purpose of
activities and has completed them with clear links to learning objectives.

* What did want the students to know ?

* Why is that
outant ?
* How do the students know
they are being successful ?
* How you
do knowthe students are
being successful

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