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Curriculum Mapping - Science 7

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Science 7

Curriculum Mapping
SY 2020 - 2021

Grade 7 - Science
Most Essential Learning
Content Content Standard Performcance Standards Formation Standards Transfer Goals Code
The learner's, as the
agent of change Learner's, as an agent of change The learner's, as the agent of
demonstrate an should be able to: change becomes:
understanding of:
First Quarter - Force, Motion, and Energy

Perform in groups in guided Performs and identify

Doing Scientific Scientific ways of investigations involving community- Mindful of the Scientific Methods individually/as a group aquiring Describe the components of S7MT-Ia-
Investigations acquiring knowledge and based problems using locally and its componets knowledge and solving data using a Scientific Investigation 1
solving problems available materials the Scientific Methods

make a chart, poster, or multimedia

Classifying substances Concious in identifying the different Recognize that substances
Elements and presentation of common elements idetifies the difference between S7MT-Ig-
as elements or classification of elements and are classified into elements
Compounds showing their names, symbols, and substances h-5
compounds compounds and compounds

The properties of investigate the properties of mixtures

Distinguish mixtures from
Substances vs. substances that of varying concentrations using Familiar with the difference between differentiate the characterstics of S7MT-Ie-
substances based on a set of
Mixtures distinguish them from available materials in the community substance and mixtures substance and mixtures. f-4
mixtures for specific purposes
Investigate properties of
aquated with saturated and saturated identifies the properties of saturated S7MT-Ic-
unsaturated or saturated
solutions and unsaturated solution 2

prepare different concentrations of Express concentrations of

Properties of a Some important
mixtures according to uses and solutions quantitatively by
Solution properties of solutions
availability of materials Aware of the different methods in computes qunatitative problems that preparing different S7MT-Id-
computing soulutions quantitatively. involves solutions concentrations of mixtures 3
according to uses and
availability of materials
employ appropriate techniques using
Identify parts of the
Parts of a the compound microscope to gather No stranger to the Parts of a S7LT-IIa-
Enumerte and point out the different microscope and their
Microscope the parts and functions of data about very small objects Microscope 1
parts of the microscope functions
the compound
Specimen under Aware of the procedure on using a Identify specimens put under a Focus specimens using the S7LT-IIb-
a Microscope microscope microscope compound microscope 2

Levels of Describe the different levels

the different levels of Familiar with the different levels of Enumerate and describe the different S7LT-IIc-
Biological of biological organization from
biological organization biological organization. levels of biological organization 3
Organizations cell to biosphere

mindful of the formation of organelles Differentiate plant and animal

distinguish the difference between S7LT-IIc-
in the cell to distiguish plant from cells according to presence or
plants and animal cells 3
animal cells absence of certain organelles
Plant Cells and the difference between
Animal Cells animal and plant cells
Explain why the cell is
aware of the structure, function and enumerate evidences of the considered the basic S7LT-IIe-
origin of the cells functionality of the cell. structural and functional unit 5
of all organisms

Differentiate asexual from

Reproductions in sexual reproduction in terms
reproduction being both S7LT-IIg-
Animal and of: 1. Number of individuals
asexual or sexual mindful of the two types of 7
Plants involved; 2. Similarities of
reproduction namely asexual and distinguish differences of assexual and offspring to parents
sexula reproduction and how it occurs sexula reprodution.

Differentiate biotic from

aquainted with the biotic and abiotic enumerate the biotic and abiotic abiotic components of an
componets of the ecosystem components of the ecosystem ecosystem
organisms interacting
Describe the different
with each other and with S7LT-IIh-
Ecosystem informed of the different ecological identifies different ecological ecological relationships found
their environment to 10
relationship found in the atmosphere relationship found in an ecosystem in an ecosystem
Predict the effect of changes
familiar with effects of changes in the identify the effect of changes in an in abiotic factors on the
factors in an ecosystem ecosystem. ecosystem
conduct a forum on mitigation and
disaster risk reduction Describe the motion of an
object in terms of distance or S7FE-IIIa-
displacement, speed or 1
velocity, and acceleration
Motion in one
motion in one dimension
Create and interpret visual
representation of the motion S7FE-IIIb-
of objects such as tape charts 3
and motion graphs

Infer that waves carry energy

waves as a carriers of Describe the characteristics

energy of sound using the concepts S7LT-IIId-
of wavelength, velocity, and 7

Explain color and intensity of

suggest proper lighting in various
Light the characteristics of light light in terms of its wave

Infer the conditions necessary S7LT-IIIh-

Heat how heat is transferred
for heat transfer to occur i-12

charges and the different Describe the different types S7LT-IIIj-

charging processes of charging processes 13
Fourth Quarter - EARTH AND SPACE
analyze the advantage of the
Demonstrate how places on
location of the Philippines in relation S7ES-
Earth may be located using a
the relation of to the climate, weather and seasons. IVa-1
coordinate system
The Philippine geographical location of
Environment the Philippines to its
Cite and explain ways of
using Earth’s resources

Discuss how energy from the

Sun interacts with the layers
of the atmosphere
the different phenomena
Interaction in the
that occur in the
atmosphere Account for the occurrence of
land and sea breezes, S7ES-IVf-
monsoons, and intertropical 7
convergence zone (ITCZ)

Using models, relate: 1. the

tilt of the Earth to the length of
daytime; 2. the length of
daytime to the amount of
energy received; 3. the
position of the Earth in its
the relationship of the
Seasons in the orbit to the height of the Sun S7ES-
seasons and the position
Philippines in the sky; 4. the height of IVh-9
of the Sun in the sky
the Sun in the sky to the
amount of energy received; 5
the latitude of an area to the
amount of energy the area
receives; 6 tilt of the Earth
and the seasons

the occurrence of Explain how solar and lunar

eclipses eclipses occur using models

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