Laboratory Worksheet
Laboratory Worksheet
Laboratory Worksheet
Name: _______________________________ Grade and Section: _____________________
Date Performed: _______________ Date Passed: ____________________
Title of Activity
Activity No.: ____
The students are expected to;
1. Explain the important role of gases in providing energy for explosive volcanic
2. Recognize how pressure affects gases
3. Explain how gases influence the texture and appearance of volcanic rocks
III. Procedure
1. Create a model volcano:
a. Put the plastic bottle in the middle of the illustration board and secure the
b. Mold the old newspaper around the bottle creating a base for the clay to be
c. Mold the clay around the newspaper and create a shape of the volcano as
you do so.
2. Create a mixture of the baking soda and food color on a piece of paper
3. Funnel the mixture inside the model volcano
4. Pour the vinegar until the mixture overflows the model volcano
5. Observe what happens
IV. Analysis and interpretation
1) What do you thinks happened when you poured vinegar on the Baking Soda
2) If the procedure was different, instead of pouring vinegar over the baking soda
mixture, you pour baking soda over vinegar, do you think it would have the same
reaction? Why?
3) How can you relate the process of eruption to the reaction in your model
1. What type of eruption was observed? Describe.
2. What do you think happens inside a volcano? Is it the same reaction on the
experiment than that in the real situation? Relate it on the table below.
3. I what way can knowing the when a volcano would erupt benefit humans?
Explain briefly.