Zombies!!! - House Rules (Oriol - V) 0.3
Zombies!!! - House Rules (Oriol - V) 0.3
Zombies!!! - House Rules (Oriol - V) 0.3
by Oriol V.
Game objective 2. Zombat (combat with a zombie)
- Get to the helicopter, and kill the zombie inside - Roll 1d6 and a result of:
to escape from the city. • 6 / 5: Lethal sucess: the zombie dies. The
player adds the zombie figure to his/her
Game setup
• 4 / 3: Normal success: the zombie
- Each player starts with 3 bullet counters and 3
life counters, and positions his/her character in the survives, but the player displaces it one
central tile with the starting crossroads tile position backwards (or sideways, when not
- The max. number of life counters per player is 6,
the number of bullet counters is unlimited • 1 / 2: Miss: the zombie dodges the attack
and the player loses one life counter
- Select the desired number of terrain tiles for this
game, preferably half of the tiles should contain - All the rolls can be rectified using bullet
named buildings counters. Each counter allows for a die result
modification up to +2
- Mix the helicopter with the last N terrain tiles,
where N determines the moment after which the - Variant: a player must keep rolling until all the
helicopter might start to appear zombies in the current location die, or are
displaced to adjacent positions
- Create a deck of event cards, and separate the
object cards, which can be found inside buildings.
(Preferably, create a deck with half 'good' and 2b. Escape
'bad' events) - Before entering zombat, the player may choose
- The objects are reserved apart, these can be to move his/her character to an adjacent location
obtained by entering the corresponding buildings by losing one life counter
Example: you choose 20 terrain tiles, where there
are 10 named buildings and you mix the helicopter 3. Player movement
with the last 5 tiles. You create a deck of 30 event - During the movement phase, a player may move
cards, 15 good and 15 bad. You reserve the up to V+2 locations where V is his/her current
corresponding object cards that can be found number of life counters. This number is
inside the 10 named buildings determined at the beginning of the phase and
cannot be modified during movement
Turn structure - In case of coming across any zombie during
1. Reveal next event card movement, a zombat is started, making one dice
2. Zombat in case that a player starts his/her roll for each zombie
turn in a location with a zombie - A player may only enter named buildings, these
3. Player movement. Alternatively you may can be accessed by any location depicting a door
rest and heal (see 3b,c,d) or a window
4. Zombie movement - If a player finds any life or bullet counters,
he/she may pick them up directly, as long as
there is no zombie in that location
1. Reveal event card
- The next event card from the draw pile is shown.
3b. Placing a terrain tile
In case that this card targets anybody, the active
player chooses the objective immediately and - Whenever a player, during his/her movement,
applies its effects. Alternatively, the active player reaches the edge of the current tile, new tiles are
may keep this event card for later use. A player revealed and placed following the line of sight of
may use an event card from his/her pool by his/her character (repeat until a corner tile is
passing his/her next turn. It's allowed to have a placed). This player chooses the location of every
maximum of 1 event card in the pool. zombie and item to be placed in the current tile.
Each location is allowed to have a maximum of 1
- Once used, an event card is discarded
life counter and 1 bullet counter
- Blocking streets is not allowed when placing Object cards
tiles. Whenever a tile cannot be placed in any legal - Once an object is put into play, it can be played
space, discard it and draw an additional one in any moment by executing its text
- In case that all the entries of the map become - Objects with limited uses, are discarded once
closed, and the helicopter tile has not yet been they exhaust to the discard pile
placed, take the helicopter tile and replace it by - Each player can have a maximum of 2 different
the starting crossroads tile objects. A new object can be obtained by
- Tiles with named buildings, show the total discarding a previous one
number of zombies and items to be placed inside
the building. All the other tiles have a number of
zobmies to be placed equal to the number of Dying
entries of the tile. The player who places the tile, - Whenever a player loses all his/her life counters,
chooses the location of the zombies and items he dies and reappears with 3 life counters, 3
- Whenever the helicopter tile is revealed, the bullet counters and no objects. To determine the
player with the highest number of zombies in location where to reappear, the player rolls 2d6
his/her pool, chooses and places the tile and the results is the sum of both dice.
- The helicopter tile is completely occupied by If the helicopter has not yet been placed, the player
zombies, with one zombie per location. The displaces his/her character a number of positions
central zombie is located inside the helicopter, he equal to the roll result in the direction of the
is not allowed to exit the helicopter and it is starting crossroads tile. Otherwise, the player
compulsory to kill it in order to escape displaces his/her character in opposite direction to
the helicopter tile
- Whenever a player dies, all his/her bullet
3c. Finding an object counters are distributed on the tile where he/she
- By entering any named building, a player can died. When dying inside a building, the counters
automatically obtain an object card corresponding must be placed only inside the building. When
to that building and play it under his/her control dying in the street, the counters must be placed
(only in case that any objects of that building only on the street. This player chooses the
remain available). Each player is allowed to carry location of the bullets (only in this case, it is
a maximum of 2 objects allowed to place more than one item per location,
if there's no other option)
3d. Rest and heal
- Any player may choose to skip his/her
movement phase during a turn, to rest and
recover 2 life counters
4. Zombie movement
- To determine how many zombies are moving
this turn, roll 2d6 and choose the result of the
highest roll
- Zombies only move 1 space each time and
always in the direction of the closest characters.
The active player chooses which zombies to move
- Each space of every terrain tile can be occupied
by a maximum of 2 zombies in any moment.
However, there might be any number of player
characters in a single position
- Zombies may only enter or leave named
buildings in the same way as players
- It is not allowed to move the zombie inside the