Pneumatic Rubber Fender: Handling, Storage, Installation and Maintenance Manual
Pneumatic Rubber Fender: Handling, Storage, Installation and Maintenance Manual
Pneumatic Rubber Fender: Handling, Storage, Installation and Maintenance Manual
Rubber Fender
Pneumatic Rubber
Fender Handling, Storage,
Installation and
Maintenance Manual
Trelleborg Marine type
Whatever bollard Systems
your is a world leader
in the design
and manufacture
Trelleborg has a rangeofofadvanced
fender systems.
styles to suit you.
We providebollards
Trelleborg bespokeare solutions forengineered
precision large and complex
projects all overinthe
manufactured world. of
a variety Best practice
metals design and
premium materials
grade SG ensure a long,
ductile low maintenance
iron and cast steel to Handling, Storage, Installation
service life, no matterlevels
offer unprecedented how demanding theand
of service life working and Maintenance MANUAL
and environmental
resistance conditions.
to corrosion and impact. We understand
that safety is your number one priority. That’s why Pneumatic Rubber Fenders5
All fenders are supplied fully tested and manufactured
Trelleborg Marine Systems provides bespoke safety Handling7
in accordance with PIANC 2002 guidelines. Our
critical bollard, anchoring and fixing solutions
pneumatic fenders are also completely ISO17357-
quickly, to our customers’ exact specifications.
1:2014 compliant. Our high performance solutions
This guidelowwillreaction
provideforce and detailed
you with hull pressure with
and specific
good angularofperformance
information our full rangeand
of rugged
bollard construction.
solutions Maintenance21
including installation, maintenance and specification End Fittings 29
Trelleborg’s fender systems can be integrated with
advice, plus much more.
SmartPort. SmartPort by Trelleborg is a technology Performance Values 31
platform that connects disparate, data-driven assets,
giving stakeholders a holistic view of operations to Replacement33
power communication and decision making. Warning34
Take a Smarter Approach to fender performance with
A Smarter Approach
at every stage
A smarter approach to…
Across our entire product Dedicated project Local support on a truly global Deploying the latest in smart
range, stringent testing management, from solution scale, with customer support technologies to enable
comes as standard at design right the way through teams all over the world. And fully-automated, data-
every step in our in-house to on site installation support. this service doesn’t stop after a driven decision making that
manufacturing process. We We design products and product is installed. You have our optimizes port and terminal
ensure that life-cycle and solutions that always consider full support throughout the entire efficiency. At Trelleborg, we’re
performance of our entire ease of installation and future lifetime of your project, including constantly evolving to provide
product range meets your maintenance requirements. customized training programs, the digital infrastructure our
specifications, and more. maintenance and on-site service industry increasingly needs.
and support.
Pneumatic Rubber
Easy and fast to deploy
Very low reaction and full hull pressure
Trelleborg’s Pneumatic Suitable for small and large tidal ranges
Rubber Fenders are Maintain high clearances between hull and
ideal for permanent and structures
semi-permanent fender
solutions for ports as well
Oil and gas tankers
as ship-to-ship transfers.
Fast ferries and aluminium vessels
These fenders require
Temporary and permanent installations
minimal maintenance
Rapid response and emergencies
which keeps their Ship-to-ship operations
operational costs down.
Types of Fenders
The two most common types of pneumatic fenders that are compliant with the international standard
ISO 17357-1:2014 are type I – chain-tire-net (CTN) type fenders and type II – sling type fenders.
The type of fender to be used depends on its application, usage and the requirements of the facility.
2.1 Unloading
Extreme care must be taken to ensure that unloading is being carried out under close supervision of a
competent personnel. Follow the below instructions to unload Trelleborg’s pneumatic fenders:
❙ Strictly avoid placing fenders on areas strewn with debris or where hot work
take place to prevent damage to the skin of the fenders.
❙ The procedure should be carried out using a standard Risk Assessment
amended where necessary.
2.2 Unpacking
Unpack the fenders and inflate them within the first week of receiving it. Do not store the fenders in a
deflated condition for an extended period as this will greatly reduce their service life.
1 The fender should be placed in an area 3 Slowly inflate the fender and adjust the
large enough to accommodate it when fully internal air pressure by strictly following the
inflated. Areas strewn with debris or near instructions on Section 2.3 inflation.
hot metal work area must be strictly avoided 4 Avoid rolling the fender as any protruding
to prevent damage to the skin of the fender. objects nearby might damage the fender.
2 Cut and remove the ropes or bands that Brace the fender to prevent it from rolling.
are wrapped around the fender. Take extra The recommended height of the brace is
care not to cut the fender’s body during the approximately ¼ of the fender diameter. Use
process. wooden braces or rubber tires without any
sharp protrusions or edges to prevent any
damage on the fender’s body.
Fender braces
2.3 Inflation
Inflation of small AND medium size fenders up to diameter 2m
Valve Plastic Rotary Pressure Ball Ball
Air valve core cap nut gauge valve-A valve-B Joint
Air hose
Strictly follow the below instructions to inflate Trelleborg’s pneumatic fenders. Over inflating is extremely
1 Remove the plastic cap (c) and valve core 7 Disconnect the air hose by unscrewing the
(b) from the air valve (a) at the flange rotary nut (d) and quickly screw tight the
opening and connect the rotary nut (d) on valve core (b) on the air valve (a).
the air hose to the air valve of the fender. 8 Use soapy water to check for leaks at the air
2 Connect the joint (h) to the air compressor. valve (a) area or the flange opening.
Make sure that the ball valve-A (f) and 9 Note: the air from the compressor is warm
ball valve-B (g) are kept closed before but would soon cool off after the fender is
connecting joint (h) to the air compressor. fully inflated. Check the internal pressure of
3 Turn on the air compressor and open the the fender one hour after inflation and again
compressor valve. The pressure of the when the fender is placed in the water.
compressor should be set between 4 to 7 10 If the pressure is too high, release the air by
kg/cm². pushing the tip of the valve core (b) or use
4 Open the ball valve-B (g) on the air hose to the valve cap (c) to unscrew the valve core
release the air to the fender. (b) to release the air.
5 To check the pressure inside the fender, 11 Once the air pressure decreases to the
gradually close the ball valve-B (g) and required level, block the tip of the air core
gradually open the ball valve-A (f). The (b) with your finger and quickly put the valve
reading is on the pressure gauge (e). Make core (b) back to prevent releasing excessive
sure to check the reading periodically until air. Screw the valve core (b) securely with
the specified pressure is reached to avoid the valve cap (c). Ensure the valve core (b) is
over-inflating. firmly in place. Replace the valve core with
6 Close the compressor valve to stop inflating a new one if leakage is detected after the
when the air pressure reaches the specified valve core (b) is firmly fitted. Finally, close
pressure plus an additional 0.05 kg/cm2. the air valve cap (c) tightly.
Note: The air pressure can be affected by the environmental temperature, hence it is recommended to check the pressure regularly.
2.3 Inflation
Air Pressure
Air valve chuck gauge
Strictly follow the below instructions to inflate Trelleborg’s pneumatic fenders. Over inflating is extremely
1 Connect the air hose to an air compressor 5 Stop inflating when the internal pressure of
with the joint (e). the fender reaches the specified air pressure
plus an additional 0.05 kg/cm2 by turning off
2 Turn on the air compressor and open
the air compressor.
the valve (d) to release the air from the
compressor to fill the fender. The pressure 6 Disconnect the air hose after closing the
of the air compression should be set valve (d). Caution: The air remaining in the
between 4 to 7 kg/cm2. hose has some pressure.
3 Remove the cap of the small air valve (a) 7 Use soapy water to check for air leakage
and press the air chuck (b) into the small from the valve (d), small air valve (a) and the
air valve (a) to check the pressure and flange opening.
ascertain if an inflation is necessary. Check
8 Note that air from the compressor is warm
the internal air pressure at (c) periodically to
but would soon cool off after the fender is
ensure that the fender is not over-inflated.
fully inflated. Check the internal pressure of
4 Ensure that air is not leaking from the hose the fender one hour after inflation and again
line. Any air leak from the air hose line will when the fender is placed in the water.
result in inaccurate measurement.
Note: The air pressure can be affected by the environmental temperature, hence it is recommended to check the pressure regularly.
2.4 Lifting
Different types of fender of varying sizes may be packed differently thus the handling methods may vary. The
followings are some of the possible scenarios:
Spreader Beam
1 When lifting the fenders, extreme care 3 New long CTN fender should be lifted
must be taken to ensure that the procedure horizontally using spreader beam and two or
is carried out under the supervision of a more lifting straps with shackles. The lifting
competent personnel. straps shackles should be secured properly
to the chain net shackles which are either
2 New CTN type fenders shall be lifted by
colored or marked as “lift point”.
properly securing lifting straps shackles to
the chain net shackles which are either
colored or marked as “Lift Point”.
Note: The weight of the fender must be established to determine the correct size spreader beam, lifting straps and shackles are being used. Please
contact Trelleborg Marine Systems if in doubt.
2.4 Lifting
Lifting in-service CTN Type Fenders
Cargo rope
Figure-A Figure-B
1 When lifting the fenders, extreme care 4 After lifting an in service fender out of the
must be taken to ensure that the procedure water, conduct a thorough examination
is carried out under the supervision of a to assess the condition of the accessible
competent personnel. area on the fender body and the net
2 An in-service CTN fenders should be
lifted horizontally with lines (ropes/straps) 5 Before lifting the fender, the immediate
attached to the colored shackles on the area of the operation must be cordoned
chain net. off and all personnel in the area have to be
informed of the impending lift.
3 An alternative method is to lift the fender
by the lifting eyes at its ends as shown in
Figure-A. In addition, long in-service CTN
fenders should be lifted horizontally using
spreader beam and lifting straps with
shackles as shown in above Figure-B.
Note: The weight of the fender must be established to determine the correct size spreader beam, lifting straps and shackles are being used. Please
contact Trelleborg Marine Systems if in doubt.
2.4 Lifting
Lifting new and in-service sling type fenders
Cargo rope
Figure-C Figure-D
1 When lifting the fenders, extreme care 4 Long fenders, new or in-service, should
must be taken to ensure that the procedure be lifted using a spreader beam and lifting
is carried out under the supervision of a straps with shackles as shown in Figure-D.
competent personnel.
5 The procedure should be carefully carried
2 New small sling type fenders should be lifted out using internal safety protocols.
using a forklift.
3 Bigger fenders, new or in-service are
normally lifted from their ends using lifting
straps with shackles as shown in Figure-C.
Note: The weight of the fender must be established to determine the correct size spreader beam, lifting straps and shackles are being used. Please
contact Trelleborg Marine Systems if in doubt.
2.5 Transportation
1 Adhere strictly to the lifting instructions 3 While transporting with a forklift, avoid
described in the manual. Place the fender damaging the fenders, which may be
on a trailer and make sure there are no caused by the forks or by dragging the
sharp edges, protrusions or debris on the flat fenders on the ground.
surface of the trailer. Secure the fender on
4 Avoid inserting the forks of the forklift
the trailer using ropes / straps.
in between the CTN assembly as it may
2 Ensure the wheels of the trailer do not damage the tires of the CTN assembly as
come in contact with the fender during well as the fender body. If possible, use a
transporting. crane to transport CTN fender.
4.1 Installation
Installation on Ship
Fenders can be installed along the hull of a ship with one of the following methods:
Guy rope rubber fenders
Guy rope rubber fenders
1 Ensure that the guy rope or chain is long 5 Take extra care to ensure at least two
enough for the fender to be floating in the fenders come in contact with the parallel
water to avoid sudden stress on the guy bodies of each ship, one at each end, when
ropes or chains. two ships are mooring side by side.
2 Secure the guy ropes or chains with the 6 Avoid rigging in a continuous string when
ship. Strictly, choose secure parts on ship, the waves are high or when the contact
such as bollards instead of the weaker area cannot be fixed. It is advisable to place
hand-rails, to connect the guy ropes or them at individual points along the ship hull
chains with the ship. in such situation.
3 A crane or a derrick would be good to use 7 Please ensure the guy-line is long enough
for hanging the fenders. for tidal variations.
4 Keep the fenders away from scuppers and
other protrusions at all time.
4.1 Installation
Installation on Jetty / Quay
Fenders can be installed on the jetty / quay with one of the following methods:
Figure E Figure F
Figure G Figure H
1 Install the fenders on a flat surface. 4 The ebb and flow of the tide may cause
the fender to be above or below the jetty /
2 Construct the jetty wall, making sure its
quay wall especially when deflected. Please
surface is smooth and flat by removing all
contact us for proper installation to prevent
protrusions such as frame hooks and steel
this occurrence.
5 Do take into consideration the ebb and flow
3 The jetty wall should be as flat as possible
of the tide when securing the fender with
to avoid deforming the fender prematurely.
the guy rope or chain.
Please contact us if the quay does not allow
this for one reason or another.
4.1 Installation
Installation Dimensions
Pneumatic fenders must be installed on a solid structure or a reaction panel to ensure it is adequately
supported during impacts.
a b c d e w
Diameter Length
1000 1500 1020 940 1340 150 320 1950
1200 2000 1265 1130 1610 140 345 2600
1500 2500 1575 1410 2010 180 435 3250
2000 3500 2125 1880 2680 215 555 4550
2500 4000 2675 2355 3355 250 675 5200
3300 6500 3605 3110 4430 260 825 8450
4500 9000 4935 4240 6040 335 1105 11700
Initial Fender Pressure for above mentioned sizes : 50 kPa [Units: mm]
The above information is for 50 kPa initial pressure, standard CTN protection with truck tyre.
Please contact Trelleborg Marine Systems for installation of other sizes and other CTN protection.
Tidal range
Elevation Plan
5.1 Inspection
Trelleborg’s pneumatic fenders are fast and easy to deploy, requiring minimal maintenance.
Though Trelleborg’s fenders are designed to last, it is advisable to carry out regular inspection on the fenders
condition and internal pressure, especially when the fenders are inflated and when they are taken out of
the water. Any minor cuts and abrasions on its surface can be treated if detected early, hence prolong the
lifespan of the fenders.
1 Check the air pressure of each fender at 4 Loose or worn rubber sleeves can damage
least four times a year by performing a the net of the fender. In such cases, fiber
gauge check. Please refer to Section 2.3 of roe or fiber jacket can be used temporarily
this manual for the procedure should there until the rubber sleeves are replaced.
be a need to pump up the fenders with
5 Remove all protrusions from the quay / jetty
more air. Air may be leaking if the pressure
wall and check periodically for any new
remains low after pumping up the fenders
and the environment’s temperature been
taken into account. 6 Remove all marine growth and debris from
the fender, chain and tire netting.
Check for leaks at the flange opening using
soapy water. Perform gauge check at the 7 Apply grease when necessary to ensure
specified pressure and repeat the procedure proper rotation of the swivels. Use lithium
twenty-four hours later to determine if the based grease for swivels, such as Shell
desired pressure has maintained or has Gadus S5 V150XKD or equivalent.
dropped. 8 Inspect and clean the safety valve once in
2 Remove rust found on the metal fittings and every two years. Refer to section 5.3 for the
if possible re-galvanize them and/or coat procedure to clean the safety valve.
with rustproof paint for extra protection, 9 Keep maintenance logs and history for
use International or equivalent brand paint. future reference.
Replace worn out metal fittings.
10 Please contact Trelleborg Marine Systems if
3 Check the net and guys for rust and wear in doubt.
and the shackles for loss of pins. Repair or
replace when necessary.
5.1 Inspection
Inspection Schedule
Follow the table below to inspect the fender as well as its components:
Checklist Schedule
Check pressure and valves Every 3 months or after every 3 to 4 berthings
Visual check on body Every 6 months or more frequently, if possible, or
after any abnormal berthing
Check CTN and guiding accessories Every 12 months or more frequently, or as and
when possible, or after any abnormal berthing
Detailed check on body Every 18 months
Check safety valve Every 24 months or after any abnormal berthing if
the safety valve releases pressure
Abnormal berthing If any abnormal berthing occurs on the fender,
proper checks must be carried out for any visible
5.1 Inspection
It is advisable to prepare a checklist for routine preventative maintenance. The template below can be used
for collecting this information.
In the event that damage is identified during maintenance inspection, please contact Trelleborg Marine
Systems for further advice.
Fender location
General condition Excellent / Good / Average / Poor / Very Poor
Port Berth Name
Date Time
Name Signature
Refer to Trelleborg yes / no Warranty issue yes / no
Date referred Trelleborg contact
5.2 Repair
The materials and instruments provided in the repair kit box are only good for temporary repair of a fender.
Depending on the degree of damage, some repairs are best carried out by a rubber company. Due to
the short shelf life of cement, adhesive is not included in the repair kit. The brand “TIP TOP SC2000” is
recommended and could be locally purchased if necessary.
1 If any partly pitting is found on the fender’s rubber 2 If the fender appears to be leaking or
surface as shown in Figure I or if the reinforcement punctured as shown in Figure J, please contact us
cord layer is exposed due to any cut or peeling, the for further evaluation and assistance.
following method can be used to repair the fender.
3 If the reinforcement cord layer is damaged, the
a) Buff the damaged area and the area within correct way to repair it is by vulcanization. Please
100mm radius around it with sandpaper and contact Trelleborg Marine Systems for evaluation
wire brush. Dust off the rubber powder. and assistance.
b) Cut out a rubber patch roughly the same size 4 It is structurally impossible to repair a cut within
as the buffed area. Buff away one side of the 300mm of the flange opening.
rubber patch with sandpaper and wire brush
and taper the edges of the rubber patch.
100mm Black compound
c) Clean the buffed area and the exposed
reinforcement cord with a solvent such as Amber compound
d) Mix TIP TOP Cement SC2000 with 10% of
RF hardener. Apply one coat of the mixture
onto both buffed area and allow them to dry
completely (about 40 minutes if ambient
temperature < 30ºC (86°F) then increase the
curing time until both the buffed areas are Inner rubber Reinforcement cord layer Outer rubber
completely dry. Fluorescent light or any other Figure K
indirect heat source can be used to raise the
temperature up to 30ºC (86°F). Strictly do not
use naked flame to raise the temperature as
this could severely damage the body material of
the fender.
e) Apply a second coat of cement to the same
f) When the second application of cement has
dried sufficiently, carefully lay the patch over
the damaged area.
g) With the hand roller provided in the repair kit,
roll the patch from the center working towards
the edges.
5.2 Repair
Standard Repair Kit
5.2 Repair
Standard Inflation Kit
Air valve
(spare valve)
5.3 Safety Valves
ody Cover
Disc U
pper Springs Seat
Cap Bolt
Adjust Screw S
pring Cover
5.3 Safety Valves
Principle of operation
The safety valve keeps the internal pressure of the fender within a designated pressure range so it does not
exceed the pre-set pressure limit.
If the internal pressure of the fender exceeds the pre-set pressure limit, parts 2, 5, 6 and 9 act to release
the air until the internal pressure is reduced to the acceptable range before closing the valve again. Refer to
the figure on page 27 and table below.
Other shackle
First shackle
Pneumatic fenders are often suspended using chains and shackles. Please refer to the table below for our
recommended dimensions.
Fender Fixing Accessories (50 kPa Initial Pressure)
Type 2 Fender (sling) Other
First Shackle Swivel Guy Chain Guy Rope Anchor
Initial Shackle
Size (OD x L) Diameter mm Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
Pressure Diameter
(mm) (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch) mm (inch)
(kPa) mm (inch)
1000 x 1500 50 22 (7/8) 19 (3/4) 22 (7/8) 22 (7/8) 16 (5/8) 25 (1)
1000 x 2000 50 22 (7/8) 19 (3/4) 22 (7/8) 22 (7/8) 16 (5/8) 25 (1)
1200 x 1800 50 25 (1) 22 (7/8) 25 (1) 25 (1) 18 (11/16) 25 (1)
1200 x 2000 50 25 (1) 22 (7/8) 25 (1) 25 (1) 18 (11/16) 25 (1)
1350 x 2500 50 25 (1) 22 (7/8) 25 (1) 25 (1) 18 (11/16) 25 (1)
1500 x 2500 50 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 20 (13/16) 32 (1-1/4)
1500 x 3000 50 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 20 (13/16) 32 (1-1/4)
1700 x 3000 50 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 22 (7/8) 32 (1-1/4)
2000 x 3000 50 25 (1) 32 (1-1/4) 25 (1) 25 (1) 24 (15/16) 32 (1-1/4)
2000 x 3500 50 25 (1) 32 (1-1/4) 25 (1) 25 (1) 24 (15/16) 32 (1-1/4)
2000 x 6000 50 35 (1-3/8) 38 (1-1/2) 35 (1-3/8) 35 (1-3/8) 35(1-3/8) 42 (1-5/8)
2500 x 4000 50 32 (1-1/4) 38 (1-1/2) 32 (1-1/4) 32 (1-1/4) 30(1-3/16) 42 (1-5/8)
2500 x 5500 50 35 (1-3/8) 38 (1-1/2) 35 (1-3/8) 35 (1-3/8) 35(1-3/8) 44 (1-3/4)
3000 x 5000 50 38 (1-1/2) 38 (1-1/2) 38 (1-1/2) 38 (1-1/2) 35(1-3/8) 44 (1-3/4)
3300 x 4500 50 38 (1-1/2) 38 (1-1/2) 38 (1-1/2) 38 (1-1/2) 35(1-3/8) 44 (1-3/4)
3300 x 6500 50 38 (1-1/2) 38 (1-1/2) 38 (1-1/2) 38 (1-1/2) 42(1-5/8) 55 (2-3/16)
4500 x 9000 50 50 (2) 64 (2-1/2) 50 (2) 50 (2) 54(2-1/8) 75 (3)
Performance Data
50kPa 80kPa
kPa kPa
± 5 % kJ kN ± 5 % kJ kN
500 x 1000 6 64 132 8 85 174
1000 x 1500 32 182 122 45 239 160
1000 x 2000 45 257 132 63 338 174
1200 x 2000 63 297 126 88 390 166
1350 x 2500 102 427 130 142 561 170
1500 x 3000 153 579 132 214 761 174
2000 x 3500 308 875 128 430 1150 168
2500 x 4000 663 1381 137 925 1815 180
2500 x 5500 943 2019 148 1317 2653 195
3300 x 4500 1175 1884 130 1640 2476 171
3300 x 6500 1814 3015 146 2532 3961 191
3300 x 10600 3067 5257 158 4281 6907 208
4500 x 9000 4752 5747 146 6633 7551 192
Performance Curve
Reaction force
Energy absorption
Inner pressure
2 Guarantee energy
absorption (GEA)
Energy absorption (kJ)
4 GEA deflection
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Deflection %
Pressure Ratings
Trelleborg Marine Systems manufactures fenders with two inital pressures: 50 kPa (Pneumatic 50) and 80
kPa (Pneumatic 80). Design values are given below.
Pneumatic 50 Internal pressure (kPa) Min. endurable pressure (kPa) Safety valve Test pressure
Size (OD x L) at 0% at 60% at 0% at 60% pressure at 0%
(mm) deflection deflection deflection deflection setting (kPa) deflection (kPa)
Pneumatic 80 Internal pressure (kPa) Min. endurable pressure (kPa) Safety valve Test pressure
Size (OD x L) at 0% at 60% at 0% at 60% pressure at 0%
(mm) deflection deflection deflection deflection setting (kPa) deflection (kPa)
Failure to follow these guidelines, not taking every precaution and the
absence of good engineering judgement may result in a malfunction
that could result in the explosive failure of a fender.
Trelleborg AB has made every effort to ensure that the
technical specifications and product descriptions in this
manual are correct.
MAN-PNE-v1.2-EN, 2018
Trelleborg AB has made every effort to ensure that the
technical specifications and product descriptions in this
manual are correct.
MAN-PNE-v1.2-EN, 2017
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