Jeppesen Airports Signs PDF
Jeppesen Airports Signs PDF
Jeppesen Airports Signs PDF
A mandatory instruct¡on sign identifies a location beyond which an aircraft taxiing shall not proceed unless
authorized by ATC. At uncontrolled a¡rports, use appropriate precautions prior to proceeding. Mandatory
instruction signs may include runway designation signs, category l, ¡l or lll holding position signs, runway-
hoiding postion signs and NIO ENTRY signs. Runway-holding position mark¡ngs are supplemented at a
taxiway/runway or a runway/runway intersection with a runway designat¡on sign. A runway designation s¡gn at
a taxiway/runway intersection or a runway/runway intersection will be supplemented with a location sign ¡n the
outboard (farthest from the taxiway) position, as appropriate. A NO ENTRY sign is prov¡ded when entry into an
area is prohib¡ted.
A runway designat¡on sign at a tax¡way/runway intersection or a runway/runway intersection will be located on
each side of the runway-hold¡ng position marking fac¡ng into the d¡rection of approach to the runway. A
category l, ll or lll holding position sign will be located on each side of the runway-holding position marking
facing into the direction of the approach to the critical area. A runway-holding position sign will be located on
each s¡de of the runway-holding position facing the approach to the obstacle limitation surface or ILS/MLS
critical/sensitive area, as appropriate.
Mandatory instruct¡on signs have a red background, w¡th white inscriptions. The inscriptions on a runway
designation sign will consist of the runway des¡gnat¡ons of the intersecting runway properly oriented to the
v¡ewing direction. The inscriptions on a category l, ll or lll or joint ll/lll holding posit¡on sign will consist of the
runway designatorfollowed by CAT l, CAT ll or CAT lll as appropriate. The ¡nscr¡ptions on a runway-holding
pos¡tion sign will consist of the taxiway des¡gnation and a number.
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An ¡nformation s¡gn identifies a spec¡fic iocation or rout¡ng. lnformation signs include: direction, location,
dest¡nation, runway ex¡t and runway vacated signs. A runway exit s¡gn is prov¡ded to identify a runway exit. A
runway vacated s¡gn is provided where the exit taxiway has no centerline lights and there is a need to indicate
leaving the runway, the ILSiMLS crit¡calisensit¡ve area. A dest¡nation sign ¡ndicates the direction to a specific
destination, such as cargo, general aviation, etc. A combined location and direction sign indicates routing
information prior to a taxiway intersection. A direction sign identifies the designation and direction at a taxiway
intersection. A location sign is prov¡ded in conjunct¡on w¡th a runway des¡gnation sign except at a
runway/runway intersection.
lnformai¡on signs are located on the left-hand s¡de of the taxiway in line with the taxiway intersection marking.
Where there is no taxiway intersect¡on marking the sign is installed at least 40m away from the centerline of the
intersecting taxiway. A runway ex¡t sign is located on the same side of the runway as the exil is located (i.e. left
or right). A runway vacated s¡gn is located at least on one side of the taxiway.
An inforrnation sign other than a locatjon sign consists of an ¡nscr¡ption in black on a yellow background. A
location sign cons¡sts of an inscription in yellow on a black background. A runway exit sjgn consists ofthe ex¡t
tax¡way designator and an arrow ¡ndicating the direction to follow. A runway vacated sign depicts the runway-
holding position marking as shown ¡n the example in Pattern A in the example under "Runway-Holding Position
Markings". The inscriptions on a dest¡nat¡on sign comprise an alpha, alphanumerical or numer¡cal message
ident¡fying the destination plus an arrow ind¡cating the direction to proceed. The inscriptions on a direction sign
comprise an alpha, alphanumerical message ident¡fying the taxiway(s) plus an arrow or arrows appropriately
oriented as shown in the example. The inscriptions on a location sign comprise the dest¡nation of the locat¡on
taxiway, runway or other pavement the aircraft is on or ¡s entering.
Note: Generally, signs should be lighted if the runway or taxiway on which they are installed is lighted.
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Where it is impracticable to install a mandatory instruction sign a mandatory instruction marking is provided on
the surface of the pavement. Where operationally required, such as on taxiways exceed¡ng 60m in w¡dth, a
mandatory instruction sign may be supplemented by a mandatory instruct¡on marking.
The mandatory instruction marking is located on the left-hand side of the taxiway center l¡ne marking on the
holding side of the runway-holding position marking.
! Characterist¡cs
Mandatory instruction mark¡ngs consist of an inscription in white on a red background. Except for a NO ENTRY
marking, the inscript¡on provides information identical to that of the associated mandatory instruction sign. A
NO ENTRY marking consists of an inscription in white reading NO ENTRY on a red background.
At an intersect¡on of a taxiway and a non-precision, non-instrument or take-off runway or where a single
runway-hold¡ng position ¡s provided at an intersect¡on of a taxiway and a precision approach category l, ll, or lll
runway, the runway-holding position marking will be as shown as in pattern A. Where two or three runway-
holding positions are provided at such an intersection, the runway-holding position marking closer to the
runway will be as shown as in pattern A, and the markings farther from the runway as in pattern B. Where a
pattern B runway-holding pos¡tion marking exceeds 60m in length, the term CAT ll or CAT lll as appropriate will
be marked on the surface at the ends of the runway-holding position marking. The runway-holding position
marking displayed at a runway/runway intersection will be perpendicular to the centerline of the runway forming
part of the standard taxiroute. The runway-holding position marking will be shown as in pattern B.
Pattern A Pattern B
An ¡ntermed¡ate holding posit¡on marking cons¡sts of a single broken yellow l¡ne.
A stop bar is provided at every runway-holding pos¡-
tion when it is intended that the runway will be used
in RVR conditions less than 350m or between 350m
and 550m. A stop bar will be provided at an ¡nterme-
diate hold¡ng position to supplement markings with
l¡ghts or where normal stop bar lights might be ob-
Configuratioñ A
Stop bars are located across the taxiway at the polnt
where ¡t is desired that traffic stop. Additional lights
may be provided at the taxiway edge.
Stop bars consist of lights spaced at ¡ntervals across
the taxiway, showing red in the intended direction of
approach to the intersection or runway-holding posi-
tion. Stop bars installed at a runway-holding position
will be unid¡rectional, showing red in the direction of
approach to the runway.
Runway guard lights, configuration A, are located at
each side of a taxiway, whereas in configuration B
they are located across the taxiway.
Runway guard lights are unidirectional flashing yel-
low l¡ghts.
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A set of HSTIL shall be located on the runway on the
same side of the runway centerline as the associat-
Where a runway des¡gnator is placed within a ed high speed turn-off taxiway, ¡n lhe configuration
threshold marking, there will be a minirnum of lhree shown below.
str¡pes on each s¡de of the runway centerline.
Stripes are at least 30m long.
RUNWAY DESIGNATION MARKINGS HSTIL are fixed un¡directional yellow l¡ghts, aligned
so as to be v¡sible to the pilot of a landing airplane in
the direct¡on of approach to the runway.
Runway designat¡on markings are located at the
thresholds of a paved runway.
Runway designation markings consists of a two-digit
number located at the threshold. On parallei run-
ways each runway designation number is supple-
mented by a letler in the order from left to right when
viewed from the direction of approach.
Point of
2m lateral
A touchdown zone marking is provided in the touchdown zone of a paved precision approach runway and and
non-precision approach runway or non-instrument runway where additional identification of the touchdown
zone is required.
An aiming point marking will be prov¡ded at each approach end of a paved instrument or non-instrument
150m MARKINGS l50m
(492',l. (492'\
'150m '150m
(492') (492',)
30m (98') to
60m ( 197')
300m by
(984',) 4m (13') to
10m (33')
(492',\ 400m
( 1312', )
18m (59') to
400m 22.5m (74'\
(1312'\ 18m (59') to
22.5m (7 4' \
1.8m (6') WIDTH
1.5m (5') SPACING SIDE
22.5m (74') MIM
150m 150m
(452',) (4s2'\ z,t
ililil1il1 ililililt
Runway side stripe mark¡ngs are prov¡ded between the thresholds of a paved runway where there is lack of
contrast between the runway edges and the shoulders. Runway side stripe markings are provided on precision
approach runways.
Temporar i ly
Thres ho I d
Str i pe
The closed marking is shaped l¡ke a cross. The marking is white when displayed oR a runway and yellow when
displayed on a taxiway.
The boundary between load-bearing surfaces and non load-bearing surfaces, such as shoulders for taxiways,
holding bays, aprons and other non load-bearing surfaces which, if used, might result in damage to the aircraft
are indicated by a taxi side stripe. This marking consists of a pa¡r of solid lines the same color as the taxiway
centerline marking.
Vvhen the paved surface pr¡or to the threshold exceeds 60m in length and is not suitable for use by aircraft, the
ent¡re length will be rnarked with a chevron rnarking (preferably yellow) pointing in the d¡rection of the runway