How To Navigate Using A VOR - 9 Steps (With Pictures) - Wikihow
How To Navigate Using A VOR - 9 Steps (With Pictures) - Wikihow
How To Navigate Using A VOR - 9 Steps (With Pictures) - Wikihow
VOR, short for VHF Omni-directional Range, is a type of radio navigation system for
aircraft. VORs broadcast a VHF radio composite signal including the station's Morse
code identifier (and sometimes a voice identifier), and data that allows the airborne
receiving equipment to derive the magnetic bearing from the station to the aircraft
(direction from the VOR station in relation to the earth's magnetic North, at the time of
installation). This line of position is called the "radial" in VOR parlance. Pilots then use
this information to determine their exact position and navigate to their destination. This
article assumes you already have some basic working knowledge of flying an aircraft.
Tune and identify. Tune the VOR frequency in the navigation radio. It will
1 be listed on VFR and IFR charts as well as instrument approaches if it is a
part of the approach. Identify that you have the correct station and the signal is
reliable by listening to the Morse code identifier.[1]
If you see a red "NAV" or
"VOR" flag, barber pole, or OFF instead of a TO/FR indication, the signal is
unreliable, you are overhead, or roughly 90º from the selected radial. The
signal is unreliable when you cannot hear the Morse Code identifier. A red
"GS" flag is not a VOR indication.
Get your bearing. Determine which radial you are on by turning the OBS
2 (Omni Bearing Selector) knob until the CDI (Course Deviation Indicator)
needle is centered and you have a FROM indication.
Looking at the picture above, you can see that the needle is centered and
the instrument gives a FROM indication (as a small white triangle is
showing and pointing down); so the aircraft is on the 254 degree radial. It
doesn't matter what the heading of the aircraft is; it is located somewhere
along a line 254° from the VOR station. In order to fly to the VOR station,
you would first twist the OBS knob until the needle is centered and the
white triangle appears, next to the "TO" designator (in the opposite
direction, or up, from the "FR" designator). Note that this will be 074
degrees, exactly 180° from the current radial. Now turn the aircraft to this 1/4
8/7/22, 8:16 AM How to Navigate Using a VOR: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
new heading and keep the needle centered -- this will take you to the VOR
Method Method 1 of 2:
1 Intercepting a Course
Fly the direction of the desired radial. You can find the direction of an
1 airway on either a VFR or IFR chart. Set the radial's direction into the OBS
and turn the aircraft to fly that heading. Once established on the heading, note
the position of the CDI. If it is to the right, your radial is to the right. Likewise, if
it is left, the radial is left.
Track the radial. As the CDI moves close to the center, turn your heading
3 to match the radial. Keep the needle centered to stay on the radial. If the
needle starts drifting left, turn left to get back on course.[3]
Tracking inbound (towards the station) and outbound (away from the
station) radials is exactly the same, except you should get a TO indication
when flying inbound and a FROM indication when flying outbound on a
radial. (Aircraft heading opposite the direction of the radial will experience
"reverse sensing" which is the CDI indicating right when the radial is to the
left, and indicating left when the radial is to the right).
Adjust for wind. If you find yourself blown off the radial by the wind, note
4 the amount of deflection, then intercept the radial by turning the aircraft
towards the radial twice as many degrees as the deflection. When the needle
centers, turn only halfway back to the original heading to provide a wind
correction angle (WCA).[4]
Method Method 2 of 2:
2 Identifying an Intersection
Sometimes you may need to identify an intersection of two VOR radials. This may be a
point where the airway changes heading, to intercept another airway, a change in
minimum altitude for IFR flights, holding point, or a reporting point for ATC. The
intersection can be determined by using two VOR radials or sometimes one VOR radial
and Distance Measuring Equipment (DME). 2/4
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Tune and identify both VORs just as before. Two VOR receivers are
1 best, but you can still identify an intersection with one VOR by switching
the frequency and comparing the radials of both VORs.[5]
Set the OBS. Use the OBS to set the correct radials from each VOR. The
2 radials will be displayed on VFR and IFR charts if they are Victor airways,
but any two intersecting radials may be used. On VFR charts, the arrows
identifying the intersection point to the VOR, while the arrows on an IFR chart
point from the VOR toward the intersection.
Wait for both CDI needles to center. While tracking the course on one
3 VOR, watch the other VOR to see when the CDI centers. When both
needles are centered, you are on the intersection.
If DME equipped and using a VOR/DME or VORTAC, use DME to
eliminate the need for a second VOR. While tracking the VOR radial, use
the DME to find your distance from the station. DME distances will be
displayed on IFR charts when it can be used to identify an intersection. For
example, WARIC intersection is defined by the 238 radial from the VOR
and the 21 nm DME fix.
Community Q&A
If I'm cleared to direct to the Alfred "Bubba" Thomas Airport VOR 109.6,
how will I determine what heading to fly?
Top Answerer
If you don't have a GPS or DME, then you can look at your chart. If you know
where you are on the chart, you can easily see the proper heading to that
airport. To be safe, though, all of that should have been done before the flight.
When using a VOR for IFR flight, make sure you have a VOR check within the
past 30 days. 3/4
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VOR radials are measured from magnetic north, not true north.
5. 4/4