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DLP No. 24 Learning Area: Grade Level: 7 Quarter: 1 Duration: 60 minutes

1. Explain the literary devices used
Learning Code: EN7LT-I-d-2.2.2
2. Select an appropriate colloquial or idiomatic word or expression as a
Competency/ies: EN7V-I-e-22.2
substitute for another word or expression
3. Determine the mood, technique, and purpose of the author
Key Concepts /
Understanding the value of knowing how things came to be in the eyes of our ancestors and letting the
Understandings to
stories of the past inspire the future.
be Developed:
1. Objectives
Knowledge Generate different reasons for writing.
Skills Formulate a family genesis using the elements and themes of myths.
Demonstrate intrinsic motivation to use colloquial and informal expressions appropriately in
Values Uphold the value in using definitions to guess given words.
2. Content/Topic Samal Genesis
3. Learning
Grade 7 Learning module
Grade 7 Curriculum Guide
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will consume)

4.1 Introductory
Make the students list down their 3 favorite authors and books. (Solicit varied answers from the
(3 mins)

Present to the Class pictures of famous authors and the different literary devices that each one used in
4.2 Activity
their writings. Give at least 5 minutes for the students to silently read and analyze the presentation.
(5 mins)
Option: The teacher may present a video clips of famous authors and their different literary works.


1. What can you say about the authors? Which of the following authors caught your attention? Why?
2. Have you had an experience writing your own stories?
3. What was your write-up about?
4.3 Analysis
4. What inspired or motivated you to write?
(8 mins)
(Solicit varied answers from the students).
The teacher will write all the answers on the board. Connect the learners’ answers to the abstraction.

Read the story “SAMAL GENESIS” and discuss the literary devices and the expressions used in the
story. (See attachment for the whole story)


4.4 Abstraction 1. Do you believe that the story is an important tool in understanding our culture?
(25 mins) “Understanding the story of yesterday would make one understand what the present holds”.


Based on the story, it is evident that our ancestors use literary devices effectively to present an idea
and preserve our culture. The culture we lived up today is basically the reflection of yesterday’s beliefs.

4.5 Application
Students are tasked to answer Task 2. (Confirm or Disconfirm) of the module. (See attachments)
(10 mins)
5. Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or Analysis of Learners’ Products and/or
Tests) ______ minutes

Process/Skills The students will write in a one fourth sheet of intermediate pad paper the insights they got from the
(5 mins) story and relate them to the traditions we still hold at present.

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/ or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or Preparation for a
new lesson) ______ minutes
Enhancing the
Students will create a graphic organizer about the story. (Refer to Task 1 of Learning Module,
day’s lesson attached)

7. Wrap-
Prepared by:

Name: Nikki Martee B. Apao School: Ramon M. Durano Sr. Foundation – Science and Technology
Education Center (RMDSF-STEC)
Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09176216446 Email address: marteenikz@gmail.com

Samal Genesis

1 In the beginning, when there were no creatures yet, there was only the sea. Floating on this sea was a thing resembling a
ball. This was the abode of God the Most High. When he wanted to bring out his creations, the ball split; one half of it rose and
became heaven (with seven levels) and the lower half remained and became the earth (with seven levels). Now the sea on
which the ball was floating was called Baharun Nur [Bahar, great waters, mighty rivers; Nur, light], meaning, this was the
ancestor of all which floated on it. Symbolically, the part which was lifted up was the father, and the grandfather was the sea
on which it floated. Now at the same time of the splitting of the ball, and as God willed it, all men and all the creatures on earth
have already been believed as being in it.
2 From the time of our ancestors up to the present, the original content of that thing is what we have been looking for.

Pre-Existent Soul

3 And Nur Muhammad [technical term for the pre-existence of the soul of the Prophet] was then already risen. When Allah the
Most High was already in the highest heaven, he willed and his radiance scattered and became a man---Nur Muhammad.
Now, when the latter became aware of himself, he asserted that he was God. Looking left and right, he saw that he was alone.
So he said to himself, ―There is nobody but me, so I must be God. He then went around, and after walking some distance he
said, ―Arastum Murabbikum, meaning, ―I am God. Then all of a sudden, a voice answered, ―Kahal Bala,” and Nur

4 When Nur disintegrated, all the elements contained in the earth and the heavens were drawn out of him. All creatures then
appeared. From the single light [Nur] was taken the elements that became the moon, the sun, the stars, the trees, and all
living things. They were all there. And this was begun on a Sunday and was completed on a Friday.

Why God is Hidden

5 After all things had been drawn out of Nur Muhammad, he was made man once again, and God said to him, ―Don‘t assert
that you are God. It is I. But if you don‘t believe, let us play hide and seek. You hide and I will look for you. Then I will hide and
you will look for me. If I can find you and you cannot find me, then surely I am God.‖ And so they commenced the trial. No
matter how hard Nur Muhammad hid, God always pinpointed him. Then God said, ―Now I will hide. And Nur Muhammad
could not find him. [This is said to be the reason why we cannot see God.]

6 God then summoned the angel, Jibra‘il [Gabriel]. God then said to him, ―Go on to earth and get a handful of soil.‖ When
Jibra‘il descended and tried to pick up some earth. The earth cursed and refused to be taken, Jibra‘il returned empty-handed,
and God said to another angel, Mika‘il, ―You go. When Mikail reached the earth, the same refusal met him. Then the angel,
Israfil, took his turn, but the earth likewise refused. Then the fourth angel, Idjara‘il [Izra‘il or Azra‘el], immediately went down
and forthwith grabbed the earth. One of his fingers was on the west, another on the east, a third one on the south, and a fourth
one on the earth. And he scooped a handful.

7 Then God said to Jibra‘il, ―Make it into a man. When it had assumed the form of a man, Jibra‘il said, ―My Lord, the man is
here, but it cannot speak, and his joints are no t connected.

8 Then God said, ―Get a ganta of rice and grind it into powder and apply it to him. Then the joints were connected and the
man became whole, but he still could not speak. Then God commanded Nur Muhammad, ―Go inside Adam (for that was the
name of the man). But Nur Muhammad said, ―I refuse. You created Adam from the four elements (fire, water, wind, and
earth), whereas I came from Your light. Then God said to Nur Muhammad, ―Be willing, for you and I are one, and you can
meet me five times a day during prayer. So Nur Muhammad went inside Adam through his forehead and Adam became a
living man.
9 And God made Adam into a Caliph and commanded all creatures including angels to pay homage to him. And every
creature did, except Iblis (the Evil One) who said to God, ―How can I worship Adam seeing he was created of four elements
whereas I have served you for hundreds of years. In spite of God‘s entreaty, Iblis continued to refuse. Then, Iblis asked God to
grant him four wishes. First, that he would be the richest of all; second, that he would be the most exalted of all; third, that he
can steal the riches of those who have; and fourth, that those riches he cannot steal, he kills. And this is the origin of the evil
desire for material goods and for worldly fame which leads to envy and killing. Those whom Iblis enters are led to evil. For he
had an agreement with God that those he can mislead are his and those he cannot are God‘s.

Task 1. The Illustrated Genesis

Illustrations such as the graphic organizers featured below supplement explanations for related ideas and processes. In
drawings like these, lines and arrows present the direction that a process takes. Illustrations could start from top to bottom or
vice versa if the process is linear, whereas a circular design is more appropriate for cycles. Shapes represent different ideas.
Their sizes could symbolize their importance, while their variations could pertain to their different natures.
The Samal version of the genesis can also be further explained by a graphic organizer. On a whole sheet of paper, design a
graphic organizer that will show the transformation involving the following: Adam, all elements and living things, ball (God‘s
house), God, Nur (as man), and Nur (as light). Use other appropriate materials to make your work unique and creative.

Task 2. Confirm or Disconfirm

Which of the following information is presented by the text? In your notebook, write the paragraph numbers that provide the
mentioned information.

1. Iblis is a fallen angel.

2. Man originated from Nur.
3. Man originated from God.
4. Iblis originated from God.
5. Nur originated from God‘s light.
6. Evil will continue until the end of the world.
7. All beings on earth came from the house of God.
8. Nur is originally a higher being than Man.
9. Man eventually challenged God because of Iblis‘s evil deeds.
10. Man came to be through the compromise of God and Nur.

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