EE163 Digital Control Systems
EE163 Digital Control Systems
EE163 Digital Control Systems
L-T-P-Cr: 3-0-0-3
Objective: To learn digital control technique of linear system and the recent advances of control system
Perquisite: Laplace Transforms, Z transform, Differential Equation, Matrix, Linear Control Theory
Outcome: Student will be able to design and analyse digital control system
Unit 1. Introduction Basic Elements of discrete data control systems, advantages of discrete data control
systems, examples. Review of z-Transforms, Applications of z-Transforms to Difference equations and
ladder Network problem, Signal between sampling instants using sub multiple sampling method, Modified
z- Transforms. 4+2:6 Lecture
Unit 2. Signal conversion & processing: Digital signals & coding, data conversion & quantization, sample
and hold devices, Mathematical modelling of the sampling process; Data reconstruction and filtering of
sampled signals: Zero order hold, first order Hold and polygonal hold. 4+2=6 Lecture
Unit 3. Transfer functions, Block diagrams, and signal flow graphs: Introduction, Pulse Transfer function,
and z-Transfer function, Discrete Data System with cascaded elements separated by a sampler and not
separated by a sampler. Closed loop systems, characteristic equation in discrete domain, causality and
physically realizable systems; The Sampled signal flow graph, Modified z-transfer function, Multirate
discrete data systems (slow rate and fast rate), closed loop multirate sampled systems. 6+1=7 Lecture
Unit 4. Comparison of time response of continuous data and discrete data, Steady state error analysis of
digital control systems, correlation between time response and root locations in s-plane and z-plane, Root
loci for digital control systems, Effects of adding poles and zeros to open loop transfer function, discrete
data systems: Stability tests of discrete data systems: Bilinear transformation method, extension of RH
criterion, Jury’s Stability Test. 6+1=7 Lecture
Unit 5. Frequency – Domain Analysis: Polar plot of GH (z), Nyquist stability criterion, Bode plot, Gain
Margin and Phase margin, Nicholas chart, Band width considerations, sensitivity analysis. 3+1=4 Lecture
Unit 6. Review of state space techniques to continuous data systems, state equations of discrete data
systems with sample and hold devices, state diagrams of digital systems, Decomposition of discrete data
transfer function, state variable analysis of response between sampling instants, Controllability,
Observability of LTI discrete data systems. 4+1=5 Lecture
Unit 7. Design of digital control systems with digital controllers through bilinear transformation. Digital PID
controller, Design for dead beat response, pole placement design by incomplete feedback or output
feedback. 4+1=5 Lecture
Suggested Readings:
1. Kuo, Digital control systems (Second Edition), Oxford University Press
2. Ogatta Discrete Time control systems, 2nd ed. (PHI)
3. M. Gopal, Digital Control Engineering, (New Age Publ.)
4. Nagrath & Gopal Control System Engineering, (Wiley Eastern)
5. John Dorsey, Continuous & Discrete Control Systems (MGH )