Mathematical Association of America
Mathematical Association of America
Mathematical Association of America
Source: The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 119, No. 10 (December 2012), pp. 880-887
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
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Accessed: 27/03/2013 20:37
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11677. Proposed by Albert Stadler, Herrliberg, Switzerland. Evaluate
Y √ √
1 + 2e−m 3 cosh(mn/ 3) .
11681. Proposed by Des MacHale, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. For any
group G, let AutG denote the group of automorphisms of G.
11683. Proposed by Raimond Struble, Santa Monica, CA. Given a triangle ABC, let
FC be the foot of the altitude from the incenter to AB. Define FB and FC similarly.
Let C A be the circle with center A that passes through FB and FC , and define C B and
CC similarly. The Gergonne point of a triangle is the point at which segments AFA ,
B FB , and C FC meet. Determine, up to similarity, all isosceles triangles such that the
Gergonne point of the triangle lies on one of the circles C A , C B , or CC .
X Mn (a) X a k X (tk)n X ak t
t n = e−a = e−a etk = ea(e −1) .
n! k≥0
k! n≥0
n! k≥0
Since u 2 ≡ −27v 2 (mod p), we can write u ≡ ξ v (mod p), where ξ 2 ≡ −27
(mod p) (ξ exists, since −3 is a quadratic residue modulo p). Since (4x 0 + y 0 )2 ≡
27(y 0 )2 (mod p), we also have 4x 0 + y 0 ≡ ±ξ y 0 (mod p). Replacing u by −u and
ξ by −ξ , if necessary, we may assume that u ≡ ξ v and 4x 0 ≡ −(1 + ξ )y 0 (mod p).
4a ≡ −ξ(1 + ξ ) + (1 + ξ ) − 28 vy 0 = −(ξ 2 + 27)vy 0 ≡ 0 (mod p)
Q 2 (x 0 , y 0 ) Q 2 (a, b)
a b
= = Q2 ,
p p2 p p
and hence Q 2 (x 0 , y 0 )/ p is represented by Q 2 . Iterating this argument must eventually
find a prime factor of Q 2 (x 0 , y 0 ) represented by Q 2 .
Let the prime p divide Q 2 (x 0 , y 0 ) and be represented by Q 2 , so 2 is not a cubic
residue modulo p. We have kn 3 ≡ z 3 (mod p). Since also k = ±2 or k = ±25 , we
conclude that k is not a cubic residue modulo p. Hence p | n, contradicting n ∈ E.
This shows that Q 2 (x, y) + z 3 6 ∈ {±2n 3 , ±32n 3 : n ∈ E}.
[1] David A. Cox, Primes of the form x 2 + ny 2 , John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
Also solved by the proposer.
A Stirling sum
11545 [2011, 84]. Proposed by Manuel Kauers, Research Institute for Symbolic Com-
putation, Linz, Austria, and Sheng-Lan Ko, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Tai-
wan. Find a closed-form expression for
X 2n
(−1) k
s(n + k, k),
where s refers to the (signed) Stirling numbers of the first kind.
(2i − 1). Let c(n, k)
Solution I by Jim Simons, Cheltenham, U. K. The answer is i=1
denote the unsigned Stirling number of the first kind, the number of permutations of
[n] with k cycles. By definition, s(n, k) = (−1)n−k c(n, k). Subsituting this definition
into the sum and then setting k = n − i transforms the sum to
i 2n
(−1) c(2n − i, n − i).
X (ut)i X t j+k
e−ut (1 + t)u = (−1)i s( j + k, k) uk
i! j,k
( j + k)!
t i+ j+k
X i + j +k
= (−1)i s( j + k, k) u i+k .
i, j,k
j + k (i + j + k)!
which is (−1)n times the desired sum. Computing the coefficient another way yields
e−ut (1 + t)u = e−ut+u log(1+t) = exp u(−t 2 /2 + t 3 /3 − · · · )
For even q, we take residues modulo 2d . Since q(d − 1) ≥ d, both (2d k)q and
(2 k)q are divisible by 2d . Also, (2d k − n)q ≡ n q mod 2d (since q is even). Thus
2 k d d−1 k
n ≡2 n q (mod 2d ).
n=1 n=1
P2d−1 k
By the induction hypothesis, n=1 n q is divisible by 2d−2 but not 2d−1 . Hence the
sum on the left is divisible by 2d−1 but not 2d .
For odd q, we instead work modulo 22d−1 . Since q(d − 1) ≥ 2d − 1 (using q ≥ 3)
both (2d k)q and (2d−1 k)q are divisible by 22d−1 . Since q is odd, expanding the binomial
yields (2d k − n)q = −n q + 2d kqn q−1 − 22d k 2 q2 n q−2 + · · · ; all terms after the second
are divisible by 22d−1 . Thus n q + (2d k − n)q ≡ 2d qkn q−1 mod 22d−1 , so
2 k d−1 k
n ≡ 2 qk d
n q−1 (mod 22d−1 ).
n=1 n=1
P2d−1 k
By the induction hypothesis, n=1 n q−1 is divisible by 2d−2 but not 2d−1 . Hence the
sum on the left is divisible by 22d−2 but not 22d−1 .
α( j)
Solution by O. P. Lossers, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Let T (k) =
j=1 j
. Since
α(2 j) = α( j) and α(2 j − 1) = 2 j − 1,
X α(2 j − 1) bk/2c
X α(2 j) k T (bk/2c)
T (k) = + = + , (1)
2j − 1 j=1
2j 2 2
Editorial comment. R. A. MacLeod (On the Largest Odd Divisor of n, Amer. Math.
Monthly 75 (1968) 647–648) proved that 2k3 + 3k1 ≤ T (k) ≤ 2(k+1) 3
− 3(k+1) , with
m m
equality for k = 2 in the first and for 2 − 1 in the second inequality. Many
Pnk =n−k+1
solvers also showed that n(n+7/4)
≤ k=1 k
α(k) ≤ n(n+2)
and that equality is
achieved in the second inequality whenever n = 2m − 1. O. Kouba (On Certain
Sums Related to the Largest Odd Divisor,
P arXiv:1103.2295v1 [math.NT], Mar 2011, gave a sharp lower bound for nk=1 n−k+1
α(k) and described when equality
Also solved by M. Bataille (France), D. Beckwith, C. Burnette, P. P. Dályay (Hungary), D. Fleischman, O. Ge-
upel (Germany), N. Grivaux (France), A. Habil (Syria), M. E. Kidwell & M. D. Meyerson, O. Kouba (Syria),
J. H. Lindsey II, D. Nacin, Á. Plaza (Spain), C. R. Pranesachar (India), R. E. Prather, J. Simons (U. K.),
N. C. Singer, A. Stenger, R. Stong, R. Tauraso (Italy), D. B. Tyler, J. Vinuesa (Spain), Z. Xintao (China),
C. Y. Yıldırım (Turkey), GCHQ Problem Solving Group (U. K.), and the proposer.
Errata and End Notes for 2012. In the credits for problem 10912 [2003,745],
P. T. Krasopoulos’ name was misspelled.