Arts Summative Test: Choices: Pre-Historic Egyptian Greek Roman Medieval Renaissance
Arts Summative Test: Choices: Pre-Historic Egyptian Greek Roman Medieval Renaissance
Arts Summative Test: Choices: Pre-Historic Egyptian Greek Roman Medieval Renaissance
____1. A period in which the dominant features in their painting was large animals native in the region.
a. Pre - historic c. Greek
b. Ancient Egyptian d. Roman
____2. Paintings during this era were most commonly found in vases, panels and tomb.
a. Classical c. Medieval
b. Ancient d. Renaissance
____3. What system of writing did the ancient Egyptians used that depicted picture symbols?
a. Cuneiform c. Alibata
b. Hieroglyphics d. Wall paintings
____4. Ancient Egyptians revered life after death which manifested on archeological evidences through
their Pharaohs’ monuments called ___________________.
a. Sphinx c. Pyramids
b. Ziggurat d. Frontalism
____5. Where did the first civilization occur?
a. Mesopotamia c. China
b. Greece d. Persia
____6. Ancient Greek art style was a total contrast to that of ancient Egyptian for it was focused on
anatomy, physics and optics. How is it called?
a. Frontalism c. Aristocratic
b. Naturalism d. Terracotta
____7. Art during the ancient Greek and Roman Periods is classified today as ________________.
a. “Ancient Art” c. “Medieval Art”
b. Classical Art” d. Neo-classical Art”
____8. Pre-historic includes all human existence before the emergence of what important invention of
a. Planes c. Computers
b. Shoes d. Writing
____9. Paintings and other forms of art survived during the middle Ages because of the influence on
culture and political affairs by what religion?
a. Islam c. Christianity (Catholicism)
b. Hinduism d. Judaism (Jewish religion)
The next five pictures portray different periods of time when they were created. Based on their
characteristics, identify as to what era they were made.
Pre-historic Egyptian
Greek Roman
Medieval Renaissance