1 To 1 Brochure
1 To 1 Brochure
1 To 1 Brochure
1to1 Venture Partners manages a $100 • Your company's management team must
million in private equity funds. demonstrate a clear, strong vision and
excellent execution capabilities. This
We invest in early-stage companies and includes an understanding of the suppliers
people working to create new Customer and contractors who will be necessary to
Relationship Management (CRM) growth develop your business, if these
and development strategies. Our relationships are not already in place.
investment profile encompasses: • The company must have meaningful
revenue (i.e., proof of concept)
• $500,000 to $2 million investment in • We work with entrepreneurs who are fully
initial round (typically $1 million) committed to the success of their venture.
This means we evaluate the experience,
• Companies should be located between unique talent and determination of the
Boston and Washington, D.C. individuals in whom we invest. We spend
full time on our investments and expect the
• Focused on CRM or 1to1 marketing people we invest in will do the same.
strategies • We seek companies that have sustainable
competitive advantage. Companies that
www.1to1ventures.com have secured protection for their
intellectual property, or who have filed for
this protection, are preferred.
One Landmark Square • The valuation of the company must be
9th Floor reasonable.
Stamford, CT 06901 • We seek early-stage companies who are in
their first professional investment round.
We seek out companies that could profit
from our business experience. We do not
seek control of any of our investments.
Marketing 1to1® Ventures, LP may hold a
Board position to ensure our ongoing
participation in the development of the
Evaluation Criteria product or service change to meet the needs
In our evaluation meetings, these are some of individual customers and how can the
of the factors that we consider in our company build a learning relationship with
prospective investments: its customers?
• Social aspects: Is the company managed or
• Uniqueness: Does a product or service owned by minorities or women? Is the
hold a unique position in its market that company located in a low or moderate-
is sustainable? income area? We actively seek companies
• Knowledge of competition: How well in underserved markets.
has the new venture positioned itself
against the position of other companies Our Review
in its target market, as well as its
position relative to indirect competitors After a business plan has been initially
who could become a threat in future, reviewed, one of our partners is assigned the
even if they are not today? responsibility of preparing an in-depth critical
• Quality of financial projections: How analysis. These in-depth analyses are presented
reasonable are the financial to the officers and executives of the fund at
projections? How did the company regularly held evaluation meetings. At this time,
arrive at a valuation? What are the we often contact the entrepreneur for more
assumptions behind its revenue and information. If we can agree upon an economic
expense projections? basis for a potential investment, we will move
• Quality of sales and marketing plan: into a more comprehensive phase of evaluation
How reasonable and well thought-out is before making the final commitment.
the sales and marketing plan?
• Quality of management: Who will run At any point in our review process we may
the business? Are key positions filled choose not to proceed with a project. The
by people who are qualified to perform acceptance of your plan does not obligate
the required duties? Do the people have Marketing 1to1â Ventures in anyway to invest
a track record of past success? Which if in any project. That can only be done after a
any key positions left unfilled? careful evaluation, likely several meetings with
• Nature of exit plan: What is the the company, and a written agreement signed
venture's exit strategy? Is the goal an by all parties.
IPO or profitable sale should an
appropriate offer be made? What exit We read every plan submitted to us. It is our
time frame is planned? policy to contact submitting parties directly to
• Overall potential for success: How tell them whether or not we want to pursue their
likely is this venture to succeed, based opportunity further.
on an assessment of a combination of
the above factors? We generally take from two to six weeks to
complete the initial business review, but often
• 1to1 attributes: Has the company
we respond in two weeks. The process of
incorporated 1to1 marketing principles
investing usually takes several months but in
into the business? Has it recognized the
unusual circumstances can take as few as a few
changes going on in every phase of
weeks. Once the term sheets are agreed, we can
business as a result of 1to1 marketing
generally make the legal process take less than
on the Web? How will it manage
four weeks.
customer relationships? How will its
Our Backgrounds
DeSantis, a major regional accounting and
consulting firm based in White Plains, New
As recently retired founding CEO of He lives in Stamford with his wife Fran, a
Peppers and Rogers Group, the preeminent prominent novelist who has published three
CRM consulting practice, Dorf is novels in nearly a dozen languages, and
considered a leading strategist in the field Molly - a chocolate Labrador. The Dorf's
of Customer Relationship Management. magnificent daughter, Rachel, is a college
His work has helped conceive and sophomore in Boston. The family also
implement one-to-one marketing strategies enjoys spending time at their ski home in
for leading organizations ranging from the Colorado.
American Cancer Society to Jaguar Cars,
3M, Bertelsmann, Charles Schwab, Ford, Email Dorf@1to1ventures.com
Hewlett Packard, Oracle, Prudential
Securities, and-among others-his personal
favorite, Vail Resorts in Colorado.
Email Shapiro@1to1ventures.com