Measurement of Rate of Absorption of Water by Hydraulic-Cement Concretes
Measurement of Rate of Absorption of Water by Hydraulic-Cement Concretes
Measurement of Rate of Absorption of Water by Hydraulic-Cement Concretes
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: C1585 − 20
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C1585 − 20
around the specimen by ensuring minimal contact of the 9.5.1 Measure the mass of the sealed specimen to the
specimen with the walls of the container. nearest 0.01 g and record it as the initial mass for water
8.5 Store the container at 23 6 2°C for at least 15 days absorption calculations.
before the start of the absorption procedure. 9.5.2 Place the support device at the bottom of the pan and
NOTE 4—Storage in the sealed container for at least 15 days results in fill the pan with tap water so that the water level is 1 to 3 mm
equilibration of the moisture distribution within the test specimens and has above the top of the support device. Maintain the water level 1
been found4 to provide internal relative humidities of 50 to 70 %. This is
similar to 5the relative humidities found near the surface in some field
to 3 mm above the top of the support device for the duration of
structures. , 6 the tests.
9. Procedure NOTE 5—One method for keeping the water level constant is to install
a water-filled bottle upside down such that the bottle opening is in contact
9.1 Remove the specimen from the storage container and with the water at the desired level.
record the mass of the conditioned specimen to the nearest
9.5.3 Start the timing device and immediately place the test
0.01 g before sealing of side surfaces.
surface of the specimen on the support device (see Fig. 1).
9.2 Measure at least four diameters of the specimen at the Record the time and date of initial contact with water.
surface to be exposed to water. Measure the diameters to the 9.5.4 Record the mass at the intervals shown in Table 1 after
nearest 0.1 mm and calculate the average diameter to the first contact with water. Using the procedure in 9.5.5, the first
nearest 0.1 mm. point shall be at 60 6 2 s and the second point at 5 min 6 10
9.3 Seal the side surface of each specimen with a suitable s. Subsequent measurements shall be within 6 2 min of 10
sealing material. Seal the end of the specimen that will not be min, 20 min, 30 min, and 60 min. The actual time shall be
exposed to water using a loosely attached plastic sheet (see recorded to within 6 10 s. Continue the measurements every
6.2). The plastic sheet can be secured using an elastic band or hour, 6 5 min, up to 6 h, from the first contact of the specimen
other equivalent system (see Fig. 1). with water and record the time within 6 1 min. After the initial
9.4 Use the procedure below to determine water absorption 6 h, take measurements once a day up to 3 days, followed by
as a function of time. Conduct the absorption procedure at 23 3 measurements at least 24 h apart during days 4 to 7; take a
6 2°C with tap water conditioned to the same temperature. final measurement that is at least 24 h after the measurement at
7 days. The actual time of measurements shall be recorded
9.5 Absorption Procedure:
within 6 1 min. This will result in seven data points for contact
time during days 2 through 8. Table 1 gives the target times of
measurements and the tolerances for the times.
Bentz, D. P., Ehlen, M. A., Ferraris, C. F., and Winpigler, J. A., “Service Life 9.5.5 For each mass determination, remove the test speci-
Prediction Based on Sorptivity for Highway Concrete Exposed to Sulfate Attack and
men from the pan, stop the timing device if the contact time is
Freeze-Thaw Conditions,” FHWA-RD-01-162, 2001.
DeSouza, S. J., Hooton R. D., and Bickley J. A., “Evaluation of Laboratory less than 10 min, and blot off any surface water with a
Drying Procedures Relevant to Field Conditions for Concrete Sorptivity dampened paper towel or cloth. After blotting to remove excess
Measurements,” Cement, Concrete and Aggregates, Vol 19, No. 2, December 1997, water, invert the specimen so that the wet surface does not
pp. 59–63.
DeSouza, S. J., Hooton, R. D., and Bickley, J. A., “A Field Test for Evaluating come in contact with the balance pan (to avoid having to dry
High Performance Concrete Covercrete Quality,” Canadian Journal of Civil the balance pan). Within 15 s of removal from the pan, measure
Engineering, Vol 25, No. 3, June 1998, pp. 551–556.
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C1585 − 20
TABLE 1 Times and Tolernaces for the Measurements Schedule
Time 60 s 5 min 10 min 20 min 30 min 60 min Every hour up to 6 h Once a day up to 3 Day 4 to 7 Day 7 to 9
days 3 measurements 24 h 1 (one)
apart measurement
Tolerance 2s 10 s 2 min 2 min 2 min 2 min 5 min 2h 2h 2h
the mass to the nearest 0.01 g. Immediately replace the 11. Report
specimen on the support device and restart the timing device.
11.1 Report the following:
10. Calculations 11.1.1 Date when concrete was sampled or cast,
10.1 The absorption, I, is the change in mass divided by the 11.1.2 Source of sample,
product of the cross-sectional area of the test specimen and the 11.1.3 Relevant background information on sample such as
density of water. For the purpose of this test, the temperature mixture proportions, curing history, type of finishing, and age,
dependence of the density of water is neglected and a value of if available,
0.001 g/mm3 is used. The units of I are mm. 11.1.4 Dimensions of specimen before sealing,
mt 11.1.5 Mass of specimen before the start of conditioning,
I5 (1)
a*d before sealing, and after sealing,
where: 11.1.6 A plot of absorption, I, in mm versus square root of
I = the absorption, time in s1/2,
mt = the change in specimen mass in grams, at the time t, 11.1.7 The average initial rate of water absorption calcu-
a = the exposed area of the specimen, in mm2, and lated to the nearest 0.1 × 10-4 mm/s1/2 and the individual initial
d = the density of the water in g/mm3. absorption rates for the two or more specimens, and
10.2 The initial rate of water absorption (mm/s1/2) is defined 11.1.8 The average secondary rate of water absorption
as the slope of the line that is the best fit to I plotted against the calculated to the nearest 0.1 × 10-4 mm/s1/2 and the individual
square root of time (s1/2). Obtain this slope by using least- absorption rates of the two or more specimens tested.
squares, linear regression analysis of the plot of I versus
time1/2. For the regression analysis, use all the points from 1 12. Precision and Bias
min to 6 h, excluding points for times after the plot shows a
clear change of slope. If the data between 1 min and 6 h do not 12.1 Precision—The repeatability coefficient of variation
follow a linear relationship (a correlation coefficient of less has been determined to be 6.0 % in preliminary measurements
than 0.98) and show a systematic curvature, the initial rate of for the absorption as measured by this test method for a single
absorption cannot be determined. laboratory and single operator. An interlaboratory program is
NOTE 6—Appendix X1 gives an example of absorption data and the being organized to develop the repeatability and reproducibil-
results of regression analysis. ity values.
10.3 The secondary rate of water absorption (mm/s1/2) is
12.2 Bias—The test method has no bias because the rate of
defined as the slope of the line that is the best fit to I plotted
water absorption determined can only be defined in terms of
against the square root of time (s1/2) using all the points from
the test method.
1 d to 7 d. Use least-square linear regression to determine the
slope. If the data between 1 d and 7 d do not follow a linear
relationship (a correlation coefficient of less than 0.98) and 13. Keywords
show a systematic curvature, the secondary rate of water 13.1 concrete; initial rate of water absorption; mortar; rate
absorption cannot be determined. of absorption; secondary rate of water absorption
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C1585 − 20
(Nonmandatory Information)
Initial Absorption:
I = Si =t + b (points measured up to 6 h are used)
The initial rate of absorption is: Si = 3.5 × 10-4 mm/=s r = 0.99
Secondary Absorption:
I = Ss =t + b (points measured after the first day are used)
The secondary rate of absorption is: Ss = 1.1 × 10-4 mm/=s
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C1585 − 20
Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this test method since the last issue,
C1585 – 13, that may impact the use of this test method. (Approved Sept. 1, 2020.)
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