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Statement List (STL) For S7-300 and S7-400 Programming: October 2015

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Statement List (STL) for S7-300 and S7-400 Programming

Research · October 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.5163.3360

0 7,026

1 author:

Shervin Ehrampoosh
Kettering University


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Shervin Ehrampoosh
Patti Engineering

STL Programming in Siemens PLC-S7 (Instruction Full List):

English Program Elements Description
Mnemonics Catalog
+ Integer math Instruction Add Integer Constant (16, 32-Bit)
= Bit logic Instruction Assign
) Bit logic Instruction Nesting Closed
+AR1 Accumulator AR1 Add ACCU 1 to Address Register 1
+AR2 Accumulator AR2 Add ACCU 1 to Address Register 2
+D Integer math Instruction Add ACCU 1 and ACCU 2 as Double Integer (32-Bit)
-D Integer math Instruction Multiply ACCU 1 and ACCU 2 as Double Integer (32-Bit)
*D Integer math Instruction Divide ACCU 2 by ACCU 1 as Double Integer(32-Bit)
/D Integer math Instruction Compare Double Integer (32-Bit) ==, <>, >, <, >=, <=
?D Compare Add ACCU 1 and ACCU 2 as Integer (16-Bit)
+I Integer math Instruction Subtract ACCU 1 from ACCU 2 as Integer (16-Bit)
-I Integer math Instruction Multiply ACCU 1 and ACCU 2 as Integer (16-Bit)
*I Integer math Instruction Divide ACCU 2 by ACCU 1 as Integer (16-Bit)
/I Integer math Instruction Compare Integer (16-Bit) ==, <>, >, <, >=, <=
?I Compare Add ACCU 1 and ACCU 2 as a Floating-Point Number (32-Bit IEEE-FP)
+R Floating point Instruction Subtract ACCU 1 from ACCU 2 as a Floating-Point Number (32-Bit IEEE-FP)
-R Floating point Instruction Multiply ACCU 1 and ACCU 2 as Floating-Point Number (32-Bit IEEE-FP)
*R Floating point Instruction Divide ACCU 2 by ACCU 1 as a Floating-Point Number (32-Bit IEEE-FP)
/R Floating point Instruction Number (32-Bit IEEE-FP)
?R Compare Compare Floating-Point Number (32-Bit) ==, <>, >, <, >=, <=
A Bit logic Instruction And
A( Bit logic Instruction And with Nesting Open
ABS Floating point Instruction Absolute Value of a Floating-Point Number (32-Bit IEEE-FP)
ACOS Floating point Instruction Generate the Arc Cosine of a Floating-Point Number (32-Bit)
AD Word logic Instruction AND Double Word (32-Bit)
AN Bit logic Instruction And Not
AN( Bit logic Instruction And Not with Nesting Open
ASIN Floating point Instruction Generate the Arc Sine of a Floating-Point Number (32-Bit)
ATAN Floating point Instruction Generate the Arc Tangent of a Floating-Point Number (32-Bit)
AW Word logic Instruction AND Word (16-Bit)
BE Program control Block End
BEC Program control Block End Conditional
BEU Program control Block End Unconditional
BLD Program control Program Display Instruction (Null)
BTD Convert BCD to Integer (32-Bit)
BTI Convert BCD to Integer (16-Bit)
CAD Convert Change Byte Sequence in ACCU 1 (32-Bit)
CALL Program control Block Call
CALL Program control Call Multiple Instance
CALL Program control Call Block from a Library
CAR Load/Transfer Exchange Address Register 1 with Address Register 2
CAW Convert Change Byte Sequence in ACCU 1-L (16-Bit)
CC Program control Conditional Call
CD Counters Counter Down
CDB Convert Exchange Shared DB and Instance DB
CLR Bit logic Instruction Clear RLO (=0)
COS Floating point Instruction Generate the Cosine of Angles as Floating-Point Numbers (32-Bit)
CU Counters Counter Up
DEC Accumulator Decrement ACCU 1-L-L
DTB Convert Double Integer (32-Bit) to BCD
DTR Convert Convert Double Integer (32-Bit) to Floating-Point (32-Bit IEEE-FP)
ENT Accumulator Enter ACCU Stack
EXP Floating point Instruction Generate the Exponential Value of a Floating-Point Number (32-Bit)
FN Bit logic Instruction Edge Negative
FP Bit logic Instruction Edge Positive
FR Counters Enable Counter (Free) (free, FR C 0 to C 255)
FR Timers Enable Timer (Free)
INC Accumulator Increment ACCU 1-L-L
Shervin Ehrampoosh
Patti Engineering

English Program Elements Description

Mnemonics Catalog
INVD Convert Ones Complement Double Integer (32-Bit)
INVI Convert Ones Complement Integer (16-Bit)
ITB Convert Integer (16-Bit) to BCD
ITD Convert Integer (16-Bit) to Double Integer (32-Bit)
JBI Jumps Jump if BR = 1
JC Jumps Jump if RLO = 1
JCB Jumps JCB SPBB Jumps Jump if RLO = 1 with BR
JCN Jumps Jump if RLO = 0
JL Jumps Jumps Jump to Labels
JM Jumps Jump if Minus
JMZ Jumps Jump if Minus or Zero
JN Jumps Jump if Not Zero
JNB Jumps Jump if RLO = 0 with BR
JNBI Jumps Jump if BR = 0
Jumps Jumps Jump if OV = 1
JOS Jumps Jump if OS = 1
JP Jumps Jump if Plus
JPZ Jumps Jump if Plus or Zero
JU Jumps Jump Unconditional
JUO Jumps Jump if Unordered
JZ Jumps Jump if Zero
L Load/Transfer Load
L DBLG Load/Transfer Load Length of Shared DB in ACCU 1
L DBNO Load/Transfer Load Number of Shared DB in ACCU 1
L DILG Load/Transfer Load Length of Instance DB in ACCU 1
L DINO Load/Transfer Load Number of Instance DB in ACCU 1
L STW Load/Transfer Load Status Word into ACCU 1
L Timers Load Current Timer Value into ACCU 1 as Integer (the current timer value can be a
number from 0 to 255, for example, L T 32)
L Counters Load Current Counter Value into ACCU 1 (the current counter value can be a number
from 0 to 255, for example, L C 15)
LAR1 Load/Transfer Load Address Register 1 from ACCU 1
LAR1 <D> Load/Transfer Load Address Register 1 with Double Integer (32-Bit Pointer)
LAR1 AR2 Load/Transfer Load Address Register 1 from Address Register 2
LAR2 Load/Transfer Load Address Register 2 from ACCU 1
LAR2 <D> Load/Transfer Load Address Register 2 with Double Integer (32-Bit Pointer)
LC LC Counters Load Current Counter Value into ACCU 1 as BCD (the current timer value can be a
number from 0 to 255, for example, LC C 15)
LC Timers Load Current Timer Value into ACCU 1 as BCD (the current counter value can be a
number from 0 to 255, for example, LC T 32)
LEAVE Accumulator Leave ACCU Stack
LN Floating point Instruction Generate the Natural Logarithm of a Floating-Point Number (32-Bit)
LOOP Jumps Loop
MCR Program control Save RLO in MCR Stack, Begin MCR
)MCR Program control End MCR
MCRA Program control Activate MCR Area
MCRD Program control Deactivate MCR Area
MOD Integer math Instruction Division Remainder Double Integer (32-Bit)
NEGD Convert Twos Complement Double Integer (32-Bit)
NEGI Convert Twos Complement Integer (16-Bit)
NEGR Convert Negate Floating-Point Number (32-Bit, IEEE-FP)
NOP 0 Accumulator Null Instruction
NOP 1 Accumulator Null Instruction
NOT Bit logic Instruction Negate RLO
O Bit logic Instruction OR
O( Bit logic Instruction OR with Nesting Open
OD Bit logic Instruction OR Double Word (32-Bit)
ON Bit logic Instruction OR Not
Shervin Ehrampoosh
Patti Engineering

English Program Elements Description

Mnemonics Catalog
ON( Bit logic Instruction OR Not with Nesting Open
OPN DB call Open a Data Block
OW Word logic Instruction OR Word (16-Bit)
POP Accumulator CPU with Two ACCUs
POP Accumulator CPU with Four ACCUs
POP Accumulator CPU with Two ACCUs
PUSH Accumulator CPU with Four ACCUs
R Bit logic Instruction Reset
R Counters Reset Counter (the current counter can be a number from 0 to 255, for example, R C 15)
R Timers Reset Timer (the current timer can be a number from 0 to 255, for example, R T 32)
RLD Shift/Rotate Rotate Left Double Word (32-Bit)
RLDA Shift/Rotate Rotate ACCU 1 Left via CC 1 (32-Bit)
RND Convert Round
RND- Convert Round to Lower Double Integer
RND+ Convert Round to Upper Double Integer
RRD Shift/Rotate Rotate Right Double Word (32-Bit)
RRDA Shift/Rotate Rotate ACCU 1 Right via CC 1 (32-Bit)
S Bit logic Instruction Set
S Counters Set Counter Preset Value (the current counter can be a number from 0 to 255, for
example, S C 15)
SAVE Bit logic Instruction Save RLO in BR Register
SD Timers On-Delay Timer
SE Timers Extended Pulse Timer
SET Bit logic Instruction Set
SF Timers Off-Delay Timer
SIN Floating point Instruction Generate the Sine of Angles as Floating-Point Numbers (32-Bit)
SLD Shift/Rotate Shift Left Double Word (32-Bit)
SLW Shift/Rotate Shift Left Word (16-Bit)
SP Timers Pulse Timer
SQR Floating point Instruction Generate the Square of a Floating-Point Number (32-Bit)
SQRT Floating point Instruction Generate the Square Root of a Floating-Point Number (32-Bit)
SRD Shift/Rotate Shift Right Double Word (32-Bit)
SRW Shift/Rotate Shift Right Word (16-Bit)
SS Timers Retentive On-Delay Timer
SSD Shift/Rotate Shift Sign Double Integer (32-Bit)
SSI Shift/Rotate Shift Sign Integer (16-Bit)
T Load/Transfer Transfer
T Load/Transfer Transfer ACCU 1 into Status Word
TAK Accumulator Toggle ACCU 1 with ACCU 2
TAN Floating point Instruction Generate the Tangent of Angles as Floating-Point Numbers (32-Bit)
TAR1 Load/Transfer Transfer Address Register 1 to ACCU 1
TAR1 Load/Transfer Transfer Address Register 1 to Destination (32-Bit Pointer)
TAR1 Load/Transfer Transfer Address Register 1 to Address Register 2
TAR2 Load/Transfer Transfer Address Register 2 to ACCU 1
TAR2 Load/Transfer Transfer Address Register 2 to Destination (32-Bit Pointer)
TRUNC Convert Truncate
UC Program control Unconditional Call
X Bit logic Instruction Exclusive Or
X( Bit logic Instruction Exclusive Or with Nesting Open
XN Bit logic Instruction Exclusive Or Not
XN( Bit logic Instruction Exclusive Or Not with Nesting Open
XOD Word logic Instruction Exclusive OR Double Word (32-Bit)
XOW Word logic Instruction Exclusive OR Word (16-Bit)

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