Teachers' Perceptions of Principals' Instructional Leadership Roles and Practices
Teachers' Perceptions of Principals' Instructional Leadership Roles and Practices
Teachers' Perceptions of Principals' Instructional Leadership Roles and Practices
doI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17576/JPEN-2019-44.02-08
As a part of Malaysia’s education transformation, the Ministry of Education expects all principals to be instructional
leaders. In response to this call, this study attempts to describe teachers’ perceptions on instructional leadership roles
and practices of principals, as well as examine the relationship between the teachers’ gender and their perception of
instructional leadership roles and practices. A total of 105 primary school teachers from five primary schools in Alor
Gajah, Malaysia participated in this quantitative study. The data was collected randomly through distribution of a
survey questionnaire containing 35 items adapted from the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (PIMRS).
Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze data using SPSS (V.22). Results from teachers’ responses
reveal the following: 1) a moderate level of perception of instructional leadership functions related to defining the
school’s mission; 2) a moderate level of perception of functions related to managing instructional program; 3) a low
level of perception of functions with respect to promoting a positive climate; and 4) no relationship between gender
and the perception of instructional leadership. The results from this study will bring forth the current state of
instructional leadership in Malaysian primary schools and keep the Malaysian government abreast with this
scenario to improve training programs and make continuous training in principal leadership compulsory.
Keywords: Instructional leadership; principal; gender; teachers’ perceptions; primary school; education; Malaysia
Sebagai sebahagian daripada transformasi pendidikan Malaysia, Kementerian Pendidikan menjangka semua
pengetua menjadi pemimpin instruksional. Untuk bertindak balas kepada panggilan ini, kajian ini menggambarkan
persepsi guru tentang peranan dan amalan kepimpinan instruksional para pengetua, serta mengkaji hubungan antara
jantina guru dan persepsi mereka tentang peranan dan amalan kepimpinan instruksional. Sejumlah 105 guru sekolah
rendah dari lima sekolah rendah di Alor Gajah, Malaysia mengambil bahagian dalam kajian kuantitatif ini. Data
dikumpul secara rawak melalui pengedaran soal selidik tinjauan yang mengandungi 35 item yang disesuaikan
daripada Skor Penilaian Pengajaran Utama (PIMRS). Kedua-dua statistik deskriptif dan inferens digunakan untuk
menganalisis data menggunakan SPSS (V.22). Dapatan menunjukkan perkara berikut: 1) persepsi tahap sederhana
berkaitan fungsi kepimpinan instruksional yang berkaitan dengan penentuan misi sekolah; 2) persepsi tahap sederhana
berkaitan pengurusan program pengajaran; 3) persepsi tahap rendah untuk fungsi yang menggalakkan iklim positif;
dan 4) tiada hubungan antara jantina dengan persepsi kepimpinan instruksional. Hasil kajian ini mengetengahkan
keadaan semasa kepimpinan instruksional di sekolah rendah di Malaysia dan memastikan kesedaran kerajaan
Malaysia tentang senario ini untuk meningkatkan program latihan dan membuat latihan berterusan dalam
kepimpinan utama yang wajib.
Kata kunci: Kepimpinan instruksional; pengetua; jantina; persepsi guru; sekolah rendah; pendidikan; Malaysia
school learning climate in such a way that principals GENDER AND PERCEPTIONS OF INSTRUCTIONAL
should protect instructional times, promote professional LEADERSHIP
development, maintain high visibility, provide incentives
for teaching and learning, as well as inculcate high From a psycho-sociological perspective, gender shapes
academic and professional standards. an individual’s perception of his or her environment, as
With roles and functions related to students’ learning, well as other individuals (Aikhenvald 2016). In the earlier
principals as instructional leaders affect academic conception of instructional leadership, Hallinger and
achievement to a certain extent. Although it has been Murphy (1987) noted the potentials of exploring gender-
argued that leadership is only second to teaching in terms related factors as a variable in understanding instructional
of affecting learning outcomes (Leithwood et al. 2008), leadership. Thus, gender remains to be one of the most
studies in instructional leadership persist to establish the researched variables in over 30 years of empirical studies
direct correlation between the two constructs (Mitchell et in instructional leadership (Hallinger 2011; Hallinger et al.
al. 2015). Hallinger (2011) emphasized that the nature of 2016). Although most of these studies pertain to gender as
instructional leadership as leadership for learning focuses an antecedent variable defining the nature of instructional
on the main goal of improving schools in the context of leadership, looking at gender as a factor shaping teachers’
teaching and learning. Thus, one of the main thrusts of perspectives on leadership provides a different angle in
instructional leaders is geared towards building capacity understanding instructional leadership functions (Day et al.
in order to address needs related to students’ academic 2016). In a study conducted in the United States, Lee, Smith
achievement (Sebastian & Allensworth 2012). and Cioci (1993) reported that male and female teachers
Despite the clear definition of the roles of principals, perceive the leadership styles of their principals differently.
the theoretical implications of instructional leadership Likewise, Jantzi and Leithwood (1996) consider teachers’
on students’ learning outcomes present issues in reality gender as a factor in shaping ideals and expectations of
as to the extent principals prioritise learning over other school leadership; thus, they characterize female teachers’
administrative matters (Eacott 2015). Blase and Blase perspectives to be more inclined towards interpersonal
(2001) noted that school principals spending more time relationship and capacity building.
on management duties like coordinating local events,
logistics and infrastructure matters, which are not related to
teaching. These cause them to have lack of time in planning INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP IN THE MALAYSIAN
and evaluating the curriculum, supervising teachers, and SETTING
engaging with teachers in teaching and learning (Blase &
Blasé 2001). Furthermore, Wildy and Dimmock (1993) In Malaysia, school principals remain to be the key figure in
reported that school principals tend to delegate their school organizations. The Ministry of Education regulates
administrative duties and responsibilities to senior teachers, principals’ tasks and capabilities based on the Malaysian
which does not reflect the application of instructional School Principals’ Competency Standards, which defined
leadership into real-world school settings. professional values and commitment to instruction as
Through time, efforts to address these issues of the the core of principal leadership (Ayob 2012). The main
past put principals’ roles and functions back on track with intention of these standards is to improve principals’
instructional leadership ideals and students’ academic professional skills by providing relevant trainings as well
achievement. Keefe and Jenkins (2002) explained that as to provide them with a clear guide to understand and
principals play the roles of instructional leaders by implement their responsibilities (MOE 1993). In this regard,
allocating instructional resources, supporting to teachers in principals’ instructional leadership roles such as providing
developing their teaching styles, and also guiding students guidance to teachers on curriculum and pedagogy, as
to achieve their learning goals. In a study in primary and well as improving students learning outcome, will help
secondary schools in England, Day et al. (2016) noted the them to improve the quality of teaching and learning in
necessity for principals to employ instructional leadership schools by professionally influencing teachers, who have
strategies in the specific context of their respective school a direct influence on students’ achievement (Leithwood
systems to fully realise its impact on students’ learning. In et al. 2008).
China, Hou, Cui and Zhang (2019) presents the correlation Based on the Malaysian Review Committee Report
between the extent high school principals perform (2006) regarding the status of education, school principals
instructional leadership functions and the students’ ability have a major part in students’ academic achievement
to do well in college entrance tests. Most importantly, the through teaching and learning activities, as well as effective
challenges of the 21st century demand effective school supervision of the school organization. Jones et al. (2015)
leaders to be instructional leaders who are committed not noted that Malaysian principals primarily consider their
only to raising academic achievement but also the standards integral role as enabling others to act in order to improve
of teaching and learning (Adams et al. 2017). schools and students’ learning outcomes. In Malaysian
secondary schools, studies link high performance of
students in examinations with principals who manifest
traits that reflect instructional leadership ideals (Musa & in examining relationships between two variables as it
Noor 2017; Suraya & Yunus 2012). In international schools follows a standardized procedure of ensuring reliability
in Malaysia, school leaders stress the significance of and validity of the instruments that seek to respond to the
creating a clear vision and promoting a positive climate in specified research questions and test related hypotheses
a culturally diverse learning environment (Velarde, 2017). (Chua 2016).
Moreover, Harris et al. (2017) interviewed Malaysian
primary school principals who were able to explain their PARTICIPANTS
functions and responsibilities as instructional leaders,
particularly in terms of monitoring teaching and learning in For the purpose of this research, the population of the
their schools. Since the aforementioned study only included current study was teachers from public primary schools
30 principals, a larger scale study could give a broader view in Alor Gajah. These primary schools are located in the
as to how principals lead their schools and their impact on southern region of Peninsular Malaysia. The teachers were
students’ academic achievement. randomly selected to participate from five public primary
schools in Alor Gajah, Melaka. After data cleaning, 105
clear responses from the public-school teachers were
RESEARCH FRAMEWORK deemed appropriate for data analysis.
Table 1 presents the demographic information of the
The previous section discussed the theoretical underpinnings participants, which include their age, gender, experience,
of this study, which revolves around instructional leadership ethnicity, and subjects they teach.
functions of principals and students’ academic achievement
in the context of Malaysian primary schools. Based on TABLE 1. Demographic information of participants
the instructional leadership framework by Hallinger and
Category Frequency Percentage %
Murphy (1987), this study looks into the perceived roles
and practices of principals as instructional leaders. Figure Age 21-30 52 49.5 %
1 illustrates the conceptual framework of this study. 31-40 29 27.6%
41-50 21 20.0%
51-60 3 2.9%
Perceptions of
Gender Male 27 25.7%
Teachers’ Instructional
Gender Leadership Roles Female 78 74.3%
and Practices Experience Less than 1 year 9 8.6%
1-3 years 25 23.8%
4-10 years 39 37.1%
1. Conceptual Framework
(Sources: Hallinger & Murph 1987; Lee et al. 1993) 11-20 years 29 27.6%
21-30 years 3 2.9%
Aside from reporting the perceptions of instructional Ethnicity Malay 11 10.5%
leadership functions, this study seeks to determine the Chinese 48 45.7%
relationship between the gender of the respondents and Indian 46 43.8%
their perception of their principals’ leadership roles and
Others 0 0%
practices as illustrated in Figure 1. Lee et al. (1993)
postulated the effects of the gender of the teachers as Subjects Taught Language 36 34.3%
respondents on the way they perceive the quality of their Mathematic 32 30.5%
school leadership. Science 31 29.5%
Others 6 5.7%
Table 1 above presents the demographic information of
RESEARCH DESIGN the participants. It shows that 49.5% of the participants are
ages 21 to 30 years old, 27.6% are ages 31 to 40 years old,
Following a quantitative research design, this study 20.0% are ages 41 to 50 years old, and 2.9% are ages 51-
utilized a deductive approach and administered survey 60 years old. It is also shown also that a total of 74.3% of
questionnaires to describe the instructional leadership the participants are female, while the remaining 25.7% are
roles and practices of primary school principals. This male. For their work experience, 37.1% of the respondents
study reflects a postpositivist worldview by ensuring have a work experience between 4-10 years while 2.9%
an objectivist perspective in explaining a phenomenon has an experience between 21-30 years. In terms of racial
(Creswell 2018). This design is highly suiTable in allowing profile, 45.7% of the participants are Chinese, 43.8% of
researchers to achieve the aims of the study primarily the teachers are Indian, and 10.5% of the teachers are
Malay. With respect to the subjects they teach, 34.3% of Therefore, based on Table 2 and the previous
the respondents teach Language, 30.5% of the respondents discussion, the instrument used for this study is considered
teach Mathematics, while 29.5% of the respondents teach valid and reliable as determined by previous studies
science. Only 5.7% of the teachers teach other subjects. (Hallinger 1982, as cited in Pettiegrew 2013).
As indicated by the data, the largest proportion of the The questionnaires were given randomly to 150
participants are dominated by female teachers between teachers in Alor Gajah public (Government Schools)
21-30 years old, reflecting a young demographic. primary schools after getting the permission for collecting
data from that school. The teachers who participated
INSTRUMENTATION voluntarily in this study were asked to answer all the
questions carefully and honestly based on their experiences
A survey questionnaire containing 50 items was used to with and perceptions of their principals. After one week,
obtain information from respondents. The items in the the questionnaires were collected from the respondents.
study’s questionnaire were adapted from the Principal Total of 150 questionnaires were distributed and 105 were
Instructional Management Rating Scale or the PIMRS returned. The questionnaires with missing information,
(Pettiegrew 2013), and modified accordingly to fit the which cannot contribute to the findings of this research,
research objectives. Moreover, the questionnaire is divided were not counted. In the end, a total of 105 questionnaires
in two sections: Demographic Information of Participants; with full information were tallied for this study.
Instructional Leadership dimensions (roles & practices).
The questionnaire was based on a four-point Likert Scale DATA ANALYSIS METHOD
with the following descriptors: Strongly Agree = 4, Agree
= 3, Disagree = 2, and Strongly Disagree = 1. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS (V.22),
Hallinger (2008) claimed that the PIMRS is a valid and software for both descriptive and inferential statistic.
reliable instrument in measuring a principal’s instructional Frequencies and percentages were used to get information
leadership style. Utilized in more than 119 different about the background of the respondents, as well as
studies, it has already surpassed the standards set for use teachers’ perception of principals’ instructional leadership
for research and investigative purposes (Pettiegrew 2013). roles and practices. In addition, T-test was used to see if
For validity of the instruments, Pettiegrew (2013) pointed there was a difference between teachers’ gender and their
out that Hallinger already validated the instruments via perception of instructional leadership roles and practices
four professionals who were familiar with the primary of principals.
aspects of instructional leadership for the 10 distinct
functions stipulated in the PIMRS. Hallinger found that
each item reaches the average agreement from the group FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
of professional raters, which ranged from 80% to 100%
(Pettiegrew 2013). In addition, the internal consistency of TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS ON PRINCIPALS’ INSTRUCTIONAL
the instruments has been tested to establish the reliability
of the instruments. Hallinger found that the values of
Cronbach’s alpha ranged between .78 to .90, which
Defining the School’s Mission
indicates the acceptable values that determine the reliability
of the instrument (Pettiegrew 2013). Table 2 below presents The first research objective seeks to describe the teachers’
the reliability results of the instruments. perception of instructional leadership roles and practices.
TABLE 2. The Reliability of the Instrument In response to this objective, Table 3 and Table 4 show
Subscale Reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) the mean and standard deviation obtained for the first
dimension of instructional leadership–defining the school’s
Frame Goals .89 mission. These functions pertain to framing the school
Communicate Goals .89 goals and communicating school goals.
Supervision/Evaluation .90 As shown in Table 3, the overall mean score for
Curricular Coordination .90 framing the school goals according to the perception of
the teachers was 1.87 (SD = 0.747). The mean scores of
Monitors Student Progress .90
the five items range from 1.35 (SD = 0.50) to 2.54 (SD =
Protects Instructional Time .84
0.951). This could be interpreted as the teachers having
Visibility .81 a moderate level of perception of their principal’s role in
Incentives for Teachers .78 terms of framing the school goals (Pettiegrew 2013).
Professional Development .86 As shown in Table 4, the overall mean score for
Academic Standards .83 communicating the school goals according to the perception
of the teachers was 2.02 (SD = 0.823). The mean scores
Incentives for Learning .87
of the five items range from 1.53 (SD = 0.621) to 2.54 (SD
Source: Reliability estimates by Hallinger (1982) as cited in Pettiegrew = 1.028). This could be interpreted as the teachers having
a moderate level of perception of their principal’s role Table 6 shows that the overall mean score for
in terms of communicating the school goals (Pettiegrew supervising and evaluating instruction according to the
2013). perception of the teachers was 1.53 (SD = 0.632). The mean
scores of the five items range from 1.41 (SD = 0.583) to
Managing the Instructional Program 1.68 (SD = 0.596). This could be interpreted as the teachers
having a moderate level of perception of their principal’s
Table 5 and Table 6 show the functions of principals role in terms of supervising and evaluating instruction
based on instructional leadership practices based on the (Pettiegrew 2013).
second dimension. These functions under Managing the
Instructional Program refer to how principals coordinate Promoting a Positive School Learning Climate
the curriculum and how they supervise and evaluate
instruction. Table 7, Table 8, and Table 9 show the descriptive statistics
As shown in Table 5, the overall mean score for on the instructional role of principals in primary schools
coordinating the curriculum according to the perception focusing on monitoring students’ progress, protecting
of the teachers was 1.07 (SD = 0.744). The mean scores instructional time, and providing incentives for learning,
of the five items range from 1.63 (SD = 0.624) to 1.79 (SD which are under the third dimension of instructional
= 0.840). This could be interpreted as the teachers having leadership pertaining to promoting a positive school
a moderate level of perception of their principal’s role in learning climate.
terms of coordinating the curriculum (Pettiegrew 2013).
As shown in Table 7, the overall mean score for Table 8 shows that the overall mean score for
monitoring students’ progress according to the perception protecting instructional time according to the perception of
of the teachers was 1.39 (SD = 0.541). The mean scores of the teachers was 1.32 (SD=0.467). The mean scores of the
the five items range from 1.32 (SD = 0.490) to 1.49 (SD = five items range from 1.29 (SD=0.454) to 1.37 (SD=0.486).
0.590). This could be interpreted as the teachers having a This could be interpreted as the teachers having a low level
low level of perception of their principal’s role in terms of of perception of their principal’s role in terms of protecting
monitoring students’ progress (Pettiegrew 2013). instructional time (Pettiegrew 2013).
As shown in Table 9, the overall mean score for to 1.63 (SD = 0.724). This could be interpreted as the
providing incentives for learning according to the teachers having a moderate level of perception of their
perception of the teachers was 1.45 (SD = 0.586). The principal’s role in terms of providing incentives for learning
mean scores of the five items range from 136 (SD = 0.521) (Pettiegrew 2013).
Based on the abovementioned results, the teachers and managing the instructional programs, the average
have varying levels of perceptions of the roles of principals perception of instructional leadership functions in their
as instructional leaders with respect to students’ academic schools reflects the current progress of principals in
achievement. In terms of defining the school’s mission embracing instructional leadership. On the other hand, the
functions related to promoting a positive school learning time. Since the second phase of the Malaysian education
climate have rendered below average perceptions from the transformation is about to end, Malaysian principals are
teachers in this study. As noted in the interviews conducted expected to have fully embraced the tenets of instructional
by Harris et al. (2017) among primary school principals, the leadership and move forward to capacity building and
principals discussed in detail their practices related to how professional excellence (Ministry of Education 2013).
they communicate the school’s mission and how they are Hence, this study suggests that there should be a set of
involved in the managing of the curriculum. However, the concrete actions defining the core responsibility of primary
principals in that interview did not see promoting a positive school principals to further protect instructional time.
learning climate as their key responsibility as instructional
leaders but rather as a way to motivate or inspire members
Moreover, Hallinger and Lee (2014) reported a similar PERCEPTION OF INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP ROLES
scenario in Thailand where the perceptions of teachers
generated low results on the three dimensions. Although
a number of factors could be attributed to these results, This section presents the results of the hypothesis testing
the findings suggest that the principals in these primary based on the results from the SPSS analysis. Both null and
schools are still in the stage of developing instructional alternative hypothesis are presented below followed by the
leadership practices. Goodlad (2004) stated that a more results shown in Tables 10, 11, and 12.
in-depth professional preparation for principals should be H0: There is no relationship between teachers’ gender and
implemented in an effort to make schools more effective. their perception of instructional leadership roles and
Knowledge and skills in management and leadership of practices of principals.
the organization is a necessity for principals to manage the H1: There is a relationship between teachers’ gender and
school effectively. Without proper knowledge and skills, it their perception of instructional leadership roles and
is very difficult for principals to boost school performance practices of principals.
to a higher level. Thus, training program developers could
use the findings of this study as a guide in modifying future TABLE 10. Group Statistics
modules especially when it comes to aiding current and
prospective principals in protecting instructional time. Std. Std. Error
Gender N Mean
Of all the instructional leadership practices cited in Deviation Mean
this study, protecting instructional time registered with the Male 27 1.37 .492 .095
lowest perception among the teachers. This implies that the E1 Female 78 1.36 .483 .055
teachers perceive that principals should prioritize taking
the necessary action to ensure that interruptions such as
announcements are limited during class hours. Similarly, Table 10 shows the number of the participants in each
Harris et al. (2017, p. 215) reported that “principals in group. 78 participants are female and 27 are male. The
Malaysia do not have a core responsibility for [this] results show that the perceived instructional leadership
function.” Although the Malaysian Education Blueprint practices from the perspective of male teachers (M = 1.37,
(Ministry of Education 2013) stipulated systemic changes SD = .492) is higher than the perception of instructional
in ensuring increased instructional time spent for Math leadership from female respondents (M = 1.36, SD =
and Science and increasing instructional time for English .483). The next step involves checking the assumptions
language learning, the blueprint does not specify how via independent t-test.
principals could act as leaders protecting instructional
Table 11 above presents the results of the independent equality of means. If this value is equal or lower than 0.05,
sample t-Test. In order to check the t- value and its this refers to the ideal that there is a significant difference
significance, the researchers have to consider the Levene's in the mean score. However, if the value is greater than
Test. According to Pallant (2013), if the significance 0.05, this indicates that there is no significant difference in
value of Levene's Test is higher than 0.05, the researchers the group’s mean score. Based on the results, the value of
have to consider the section of equal variances assumed; the significance (2-tailed) for the equal variances assumed
otherwise, they must consider the line of equal variances is 0.916, which is above 0.05. This indicates that there is
not assumed. Based on that assumption, the results show no significant difference in the group’s mean score. The
that the significance value for gender is 0.837. This value results of the independent sample t-test show that there is
is higher than 0.05. Hence, the researchers will consider no significant difference in the mean score of the perception
the assumption of equal variances assumed line. The value of instructional leadership towards student academic
of t is 0.105 and d.f. is 103. achievement for both male and female.
Moreover, in order to check the differences between
groups, the researchers should check the value of t-test for
The results in Table 12 indicated that t-value below average to average perceptions of their principal’s
= 0.105 and P-value = 0.916 are greater than 0.05. instructional leadership practices, the principals still
Hence, the researchers fail to reject the null hypothesis. manifested key functions of instructional leadership that
Therefore, there is no relationship between gender and the are designed to aid students’ academic achievement. In
perception of instructional leadership roles and practices addition, the responses from 105 primary school teachers
of principals. helped determine the relationship between teachers’
Regarding the relationship between the respondents’ gender and their perception on the effects of instructional
gender and their perception of their principals’ instructional leadership roles and practices of principals in Malaysian
leadership practices, the findings of this study reveal that primary schools. As the results showed that there is
there is no relationship between the two constructs. On the no relationship between gender and the perception of
contrary, Hallinger et al. (2016, p. 26) reported that gender instructional leadership, this prompts further inquiry on
has a “small but significant effect” in shaping perceptions gender as a variable shaping perspective on leadership
of instructional leadership from the perspectives of functions. With the findings of this research, the Ministry
principals. This difference could be attributed to polarizing of Education may collaborate with the State Education
perspectives as Hallinger and Lee (2014) noted the Department and District Education Department to ensure
discrepancy in the perceptions of instructional leadership that schools are implementing relevant leadership programs
between teachers and principals using the PIMRS. From and educational plans to achieve educational targets. In
the teachers’ perspectives, earlier studies showing gender terms of policymaking, this study provides the Ministry of
differences in the perceptions of instructional leadership Education with a glimpse of the current state of leadership
practices pointed out current social norms and expectations in Malaysian primary schools from the perspective of
as drivers of ideal leadership (Jantzi & Leithwood 1996; teachers. Thus, the Ministry should continuously strive
Lee et al. 1993). Nevertheless, the relatively small sample to make it compulsory for all newly appointed principals
size of this study, which is also conducted in a rural area to be given training in instructional leadership matters.
in Malaysia, limits the extent of its findings. Thus, further Instructional leadership helms at the core of the Malaysian
studies establishing the relationship between gender and education system’s aspiration for systemic change. Since
perception of instructional leadership practices could have this study only focuses on instructional leadership roles and
a larger sample size in an urban academic setting. practices of principals, it is suggested that future studies
should be conducted to examine other leadership styles of
principals. In addition, specific schools should be taken
CONCLUSION into consideration for advance studies, and researchers may
conduct this study in urban areas and in high performing
The study sought to describe teachers’ perceptions on school by doing comparative studies in instructional
principals’ instructional leadership roles and practices leadership. Nevertheless, primary school principals could
in primary schools in Alor Gajah, Malaysia. Although gain more knowledge in terms of developing instructional
the primary school teachers in Alor Gajah revealed leadership through this study. Indirectly, the principals
will be able to appreciate and practice instructional improvement?. Educational Management Administration &
leadership functions in schools throughout the year. As Leadership 38(6): 654-678.
for long-serving principals, training programs should be Hallinger, P. & Lee, M. 2014. Mapping instructional leadership
designed to be sensitive to address their needs and help in Thailand: Has education reform impacted principal
practice?. Educational Management Administration &
them perform instructional leadership functions in their
Leadership 42(1): 6-29.
respective schools in order to push for school improvement
Hallinger, P. & Murphy, J. (1987). Assessing and developing
and students’ academic achievement. principal instructional leadership. Educational leadership
45(1): 54-61.
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