Great Place To Work® Certification
Great Place To Work® Certification
Great Place To Work® Certification
Great Place To Work® Institute is the world’s pioneer in studies pertaining to
workplace culture. It is a global research and consulting firm that conducts the world’s
largest annual research studies aimed at identifying, recognizing and learning from
organizations that achieve business objectives by sustaining great workplaces.
Over 30 years of global research has contributed to the model and methodology,
benchmarks, people practices used to support organizations of all sizes and industries
define, measure, improve and leverage their company culture as a strategic priority.
Studies steered by Great Place To Work® Institute impact over 12.5 million employees
in over 10,000 organizations across 57 countries every year.
Great Place To Work® Institute works towards ‘Building better societies by helping
companies transform their workplaces’.
In addition, Great Place To Work® Institute in Sri Lanka is committed to the local vision
of ‘Making Sri Lanka a Great Place to Work’.
What is “A Great Workplace Culture”?
We look at a workplace from 2 lenses:
An employee survey questionnaire that captures responses A questionnaire on practices and policies at the
through 62 statements. And it contains two open-ended workplaces, covering the lifecycle of an employee in an
questionsonareasofstrengthandareasofimprovement. organisation.
T Impartiality
Fairness Justice
In Own Job
About Own Team
Pride About the Organization
Individuality is Valued
Welcoming Atmosphere
Camaraderie Sense of one Family / Community
Great Place to Work® People Practice Framework
help people see how they contribute
to an organization’s higher purpose
The Great Place to Work®
Thanking Hiring People Practice Framework
show appreciation regularly
and in unexpected ways
hire people with gifts/talents who fit
into the culture to contribute to the
outlines nine key areas
organization’s growth around which leaders can
Caring Celebrating design practices to create a
offer distinctive benefits
celebrate organizational and High-Trust, High-
that respond to people’s needs;show work group successes in
concern in times of crisis Practice
distinctive and unusual ways Performance Culture™.
Once certified, organizations that have more than 2 years of operations in Sri
Lanka will also have the option of being considered for various Best Workplaces
What global threshold must be met to be
Workplaces must reach the following global criteria through the assessment
to obtain for the Great Place to Work® Certification recognition:
1. An organization must have reach minimum 70% score
from employee survey (~7 out of 10 employees must
believe that it is a Great Place to Work)
2. An organization must obtain minimum 2 out of 5
overall score for the Culture Audit Submission of the
15 practice areas measured by Great Place to Work
Once certified, organizations that have more than 2 years of operations in Sri Lanka,
who reached employee survey score >70% and 2.5 out of 5 from Culture Audit will also
have the option of being considered for various Best Workplaces Lists.
How can the Certification Program help your
In addition to the opportunity to be Great Place to Work-CertifiedTM, you can
get access to insightful data-driven reports to continue your journey of
building a great workplace culture.
Action High-
Measuring Benchmarking High-Trust
Planning Performance
Measure the
level of Quality of
employee employee High-trust
Action Planning collaboration,
engagement, experience& the culture in the
& Deployment innovation, and
identify quality of organization
strengths and people practices
How can an organization get Great Place to
An organization will be guided through the following 6-steps process under the
Great Place to Work® Certification program:
FAQs Q: When can an organization be considered sufficiently prepared to apply to get Great Place to Work-CertifiedTM?
A: The certification program is designed not just to help organizations get certified, but also to gain access to data
driven insights to build High-Trust, High-Performance CultureTM and continue the journey. Most organizations do
not wait to start their journey.
Q: If an organization applies to get Great Place to Work-CertifiedTM, will it certainly get certified?
A: Based on the past data, generally less than 40% of the organizations who apply, are eligible for certification.
However, all organizations can access insightful reports to continue their journey to build High-Trust, High-
Performance CultureTM.
Q: What happens in case an organization does not meet the certification criteria post the assessment?
A: The organizations that do not meet the eligibility to get Great Place to Work-CertifiedTM can still access insightful
reports to continue their journey to build a High-Trust, High-Performance CultureTM. Only the names of certified
organizations will be named/published. Great Place to Work® Institute also has a range of post assessment
consulting actions that can be opted for to action out on assessment results in order to improve for the future.
Q: What happens in case an organization meets the certification criteria post the assessment?
A: The organization will be informed and will be issued a certificate along with the brand guidelines. The
certification will be valid for a period of one year.
Q: Do all employees participate in the Trust Index© Survey?
A: For organizations with less than 200 employees a census survey will be conducted. For organizations with more
FAQs than 200 employees, the survey will be administered to a random stratified sample selected by Great Place to
Work® Institute from all employees on the organization pay-roll. (90% confidence level, +/- 5% error). For
organizations with more than 1000 employees a 30% maybe considered depending on distribution of employees.
All relevant employee information must be shared to be eligible for certification process (*conditions apply –
consult relationship manager for further information)
Survey will be open for a 2 week period. It will take 20 minutes to answer survey.
Survey response from employees will be anonymous and Great Place to Work® Institute has a robust process in
place to maintain employee anonymity. Additionally demographic grouping