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1.2.2 Building
S.N. Description At Plinth area Total Value Remarks
Ground Floor ( sq.ft.)
1 Building Manakamana Marga, Balaju vdc-9Ka,kathmandu 859.08 860000.00
Total 860000.00
On the request of Bank Of Kathmandu Ltd..,Central Office, Kamaladi, Kathmandu an experienced Civil Engineer cum
valuator and one assistant inspected the property belonging to him for the valuation on 1 st April 2008.The inspection visit
yielded the following details:
f) Information of Property:
i) Land:
These land holding of the owner Mr. Rabin Dhakal, Taranagar vdc-5, Gorkha of plot nos. 2058 & 3073 are located at
Manakamana Marga, Balaju vdc-9 Ka., Kathmandu which is very near to Radha Krishna Temple of Balaju outer Ring
Road. This land is located at very light residential area. This land is rectangular in shape. The Kachchi motorable way is
connected at north side of these land. The level of land is parallel to road level.
ii) Building:
There is a Building under construction at these plots. The foundation of this building is complete & at Super structure
ground floor’s columns & brick walls are complete. The first floor level slab is just casted. This Building drawing has got
Municipality Approval up to two and half stories.
3.2 Client
4.1 Land
4.2 Building
Constructed on Plot Nos. : 2058 & 3073
Purpose of Construction : Residential
Year of completion : Under Construction
Type of structure : Frame Structure
No. of Storey : Under Construction
Face of Building : North
4.3 Location
Block A
Year of Construction : 2064
Ground Floor : 864.82 sq..ft.
Area Considered for Valuation : 864.82 sq.ft.
Total Land Area : 1352.34 sq. ft
Total Area Coverage : 63 %
Area a b c s Area
Part side side side s=a+b+c/2 A=sqrt. s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)
ft. ft. ft. ft. sq.ft.
For Plot No. 2058 &3073
Area 27.75 49.66 57.58 67.495 688.75
Area 57.58 27.45 48.5 66.765 663.59
Total 1352.34
Note: - Lesser of the area recorded in the land ownership documents and that measured at site is considered for
9.1 Land
The main factors we have been considered for land valuation are accessibility, centrality location, business relevance,
future scope of the land etc. In this method, capitalized value of the property has been studied by comparison with
capitalized value of similar property in the locality from the recent sale transaction and inquiries with the local residents
familiar with the land transaction around the locality.
Land has been valued at 40% government fixed rates plus 70% of the fair market sale and prevailing market rate. The
Government fixed rate (Minimum Registration rate of the land charged by Gov. Registration Department, Directive issued
by Malpot Office,Dillibazar, Kathmandufor fiscal year 2064/065) is NRs. 2400000.00 per Ropani and prevailing market
rate is taken to be NRs.54,40,000.00 per Ropani. Valuation applicable to this residential plot is judged to be as follow.
9.2 Building
It has been done by built up area method. In most cases, it is not possible to estimate correctly the
quantity of different items to work on building because of the unavailability of working drawings in the
building, therefore, the valuation is done on the basis of plinth area of the building making suitable
adjustments for depreciation.
13.0 Date of field visit and inquiry of prevailing rate of land with local people: 3rd April 2008
The distress value of this property is NRs. 17, 60,000.00 (In Words: Seventeen Lakhs, Sixty Thousands Nepalese
Rupees Only).
15.0 Declaration
We declare that the value of NRs. 19,90,000.00 (In words: Ninteen Lakhs, Ninty Thousands Nepalese Rupees Only)
calculated for the property of Mr. Rabin Dhakal, Taranagarvdc-5, Gorkha holding the property of land of plot nos. 2058 &
3073, Manakamana Marga, Balaju vdc-9 Ka., Kathmandu whereas the distress value comes NRs. 17,60,000.00 (In
Words: Seventeen Lakhs, Sixty Thousands Nepalese Rupees Only) for the same property.
Features of Location:
Positive Features:
This land and Building is located at newly developing area of Balaju outer ringroad as shown in location plan.This area’s
land price is increasing day by day due to increasing the real state plannings from local developers.This area is 1.2 km
from Ring road Dhunge Dhara at front Of Bansthali School.So this area ‘s future value is very good .
Negative Features:
No negative Feature:
Environmental Concerns:
This is newly developing area so all local people are active to develop new roads,drainage in there local area.The local
people is collecting fund and donating also for this purpose. As a whole the local environment is good there.
Property of Mr. Rabin Dhakal,
Manakamana Marga, Balaju,
Kathmandu Metropolitan City-9 Ka., Kathmandu
View of Staircase