Design and Implementation of A Switching Converters Based Power System For Regions Victim To Frequent Power Outage
Design and Implementation of A Switching Converters Based Power System For Regions Victim To Frequent Power Outage
Design and Implementation of A Switching Converters Based Power System For Regions Victim To Frequent Power Outage
Abstract—This paper documents a design and implication of proposed in this paper which aims at feeding 230 V ac to
an efficient and low cost power electronic converters based power the low power utility loads not exceeding 250 w. The energy
supply system to the localities which are prone to frequent resource for the overall system is a battery of 12 V which
power outage and poor on-grid voltage regulation. The proposed
system offers a grid integrated power circuit producing 230 V is to fed into a power inverter circuit to generate ac power
ac (mains R.M.S. voltage in Bangladesh and South Asia) from signal. The developed power supply system is grid connected
a 12 V dc source. The presented system consists of a grid which yields to the consistent charging process of the battery
interfaced battery charging unit which incorporates a 230 V-to- and an automatic transfer application of the power delivery
12 V step down transformer and a rectifier fed dc link step up towards load between the mains line and the developed power
(24 V) converter. The battery charging unit comprises galvanic
isolation and a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controlled Boost system. The load is generally connected to the mains supply
converter to ensure protection and a suitable charging voltage and in case of grid failure, load is automatically connected to
level respectively. The power inverter has been constructed using the developed power system.
semiconductor switches and transformer action for voltage and For certain applications, many power converter topologies
power transformation. During on-grid condition, the receiving- with relevant control mechanisms offering considerable power
end utilities and the converter based power unit are fed power
by the mains line. During off-grid condition, the customized delivery to loads have been reported. In [1] a high voltage
power unit serves the utilities and the transfer from grid to repetitive square wave generator for inverter fed motors has
the customized power unit is automatic and instantaneous. The been presented. To synthesize a 3-level output waveform
transfer application has been substantiated by a changeover relay using a single dc source, a novel multilevel inverter struc-
and there is a switching relay circuit to control and prevent the ture has been proposed in [2]. There are several works to
over-charging phenomenon of the battery. The overall system
has been implemented on a base power of 250 w and the testbed improve the performance of the grid interfaced inverters like
contains load banks of different ratings varying from 60 w-to-192 a hysteresis+Proportional Integral (PI) current controller for
w and a CPU+Display unit rated with 250 w respectively. The PWM inverters has been reported in [3]. In this follow-up, to
system is oriented to supply power in case of outage and thereby minimize harmonics produced by high power inverters, dual
power supply unit has been tested on the basis of duration PWM inverter topology has been proposed in [4].
of considerable power transfer to the loads. The laboratory
assessment and test results corroborate the reliability and cost- For seamless transfer during intentional islanding operations,
effectiveness of the proposed power system. an interactive inverter and its current control algorithm have
Index Terms—Automatic power transfer, changeover relay, been documented in [5]. To efficiently substantiate power
converters, cost effective, frequent power outage, grid integrated transformation from a single dc power source an innovative
power circuit, PWM, reliability, switching circuit Z-series inverter has been presented in [6]. To efficaciously
control single phase grid connected inverters, a modified
I. I NTRODUCTION hysteresis PWM strategy and a discontinuous PWM technique
There are many regions in the world which are subject have been reported in [7] and [8] respectively.
to regular events of grid power failure and disruption and Practical implication of indirect current control algorithm
especially in South Asia, the coastal and hilly localities in optimized for utility interactive inverters has been presented
Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Myanmar face frequent power in [9]. To mitigate voltage disturbances of grid connected
outage and poor voltage regulation and high transmission PWM voltage source inverters, a novel control scheme has
losses. Power electronic converters can provide alternate and been proposed in [10]. A nonlinear PWM controlled grid tied
sustainable solution to grid power unavailability for supporting photovoltaic inverter circuit with limited inductor current has
electrical utilities. A framework of a switching converters been presented in [11]. To design and analyze a small power
based reliable and cost reasonable power system has been system infrastructure, different theoretical and application
Component Specifications
Vgrid 230 V (mains R.M.S. voltage)
T1 230 V-to-12 V, 50 Hz iron core step-down
transformer with a turns ratio of v1
= n1
D1, D2, D3 & D4 GP60-005, 1000 V, 6 A power diodes
Cdc 47 µF, 50 V electrolytic capacitor
Lc 0.95 mH inductor made on a powder core
Qc IRFZ44N MOSFET with an absolute maxi-
mum on-resistance, Ron =17.5 mΩ and max-
imum drain current, ID = 49A
Do GP60-005, 1000 V, 6 A power diode
Co 10 µF, 160 V electrolytic capacitor
Vb 12 V battery voltage
tion purpose, heat sinks have been used in the design of the
converters. For viewing the performance characteristics of the
proposed system, digital oscilloscope has been utilized.
Fig.9 presents the output power signal from the rectifier. This
Fig. 7. Relay switching circuit to control the charging process of the battery is the unfiltered version of the rectifier output containing
ripples. Fig.10 presents the generated PWM switching pulses
of 40kHz to control the operation of the Boost converter. Any
III. L ABORATORY R ESULTS AND A NALYSIS of these two pulses can be used for the switching application.
The developed power electronic converters based power Fig.11, Fig.12, Fig.13 and Fig.14 show the output voltage
supply system has been tested in the laboratory in terms of shapes of the power inverter for loads rated with 60w, 100w,
its practical load supportive features and duration of power 132w and 192w respectively. The experimentally obtained
supply for the respective maximum utilities. output voltage shapes are square wave signals.
In Fig.8, a laboratory prototype is shown. There is a cooling Table-III consists of the evaluated performance parameters
fan attached to the system prototype to annihilate the internal of the implemented system in terms of the inverter output
heat produced by the circuit components. For thermal protec- voltages for different loads and power supply durations in
Fig. 11. Performance observation for a 60 w utility: (a) Incandescent bulb (1); Fig. 13. Performance observation for a 132 w utility: (a) Incandescent bulb
(b) Load voltage waveform [picture is subject to a limited camera resolution] (1) + CFL (1); (b) Load voltage waveform [picture is subject to a limited
camera resolution]
minutes for maximum utilities. Here maximum utility for a TABLE III
light is considered to be its full brightness level to 80% of P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION OF THE P ROPOSED P OWER S YSTEM FOR
the full brightness level and for a fan is considered to be D IFFERENT LOADS WITH A N O -L OAD I NVERTER VOLTAGE ,
Vno−load = 230V AND O PERATING F REQUENCY, f = 50Hz
its full rated speed to 80% of the full rated speed. For a
light, the brightness level has been determined according to Load Type (Quantity) Load Inverter Output Power Supply Du-
a viewer’s eyesight comfort level and for a fan, the speed has Power Voltage in Full ration for Maxi-
Rating (w) Load State, Vload mum Utility (Min-
been determined using a speedometer. For a critical load, a (V) utes)
computer comprising a CPU and a HD display unit has been Incandescent Bulb (1) 60 165 98
tested for back-up power supply and the developed system has Incandescent Bulb (1) 100 146 72
Incandescent Bulb (1) 132 133 57
provided a power back-up of 2 minutes to the computer. + CFL (1)
The cost effectiveness is a prominent feature of the presented Incandescent Bulb (2) 192 120 46
power supply system. The overall cost estimation has been + CFL (1)
enumerated in Table-IV which shows the total expense in- Fan (1) 100 139 63
CPU+Display unit (1) 250 104 02
curred is below 27 $. The customized power system is objected
to serve the regions facing frequent power failure and poor
voltage regulation. Such reasonable price of the developed
system certainly enacts as a considerable alternative to grid C OST A LLOCATION OF THE D EVELOPED S YSTEM
power for feeding regular low power utility loads for a specific
time period. Subsystem Expenditure ($)
Battery 7.67
Charger & its Controller 5.45
IV. C ONCLUSION Inverter 10.20
Relay & Switching Circuit 3.64
A power electronic switching converters based power supply Total 26.96
system to feed utilities in the regions facing regular power
failure and inconsiderable voltage regulation is articulated
in this paper. The system layout consists of automatic and
efficient transfer switching application which substantiates The charging system is grid connected and is controlled by a
switching between the mains line and the customized power PWM switching pulse whereas the inverter circuit uses the
circuit. There is a battery charging system and a power inverter passive switching operations of semiconductor devices and
circuit to constitute the power block of the proposed system. power transformation capability of a specified transformer.
There is an intelligible relay circuit to control and prevent
the over-charging phenomenon of the battery. The laboratory
results affirm the reliable power delivery of this system to
the general low power required utilities. The overall cost
estimation of the system ascertains the cost effectiveness and
economic feasibility of the proposed work.
Authors acknowledge Department of Electrical and Elec-
tronics Engineering (EEE), Daffodil International University,
Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh, for the financial support and labo-
ratory facilities to develop the proposed power supply system.
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