An Efficient Wireless Charger For Electric Vehicle Battery Charging
An Efficient Wireless Charger For Electric Vehicle Battery Charging
An Efficient Wireless Charger For Electric Vehicle Battery Charging
Battery Charging
Jitendra Kumar Nama Arun Kumar Verma
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Malaviya National Institute of Technology
Jaipur, India Jaipur, India
Abstract— The selection of battery charger technology at 100 kHz frequency, and above 90 % efficiency is achieved.
provides a higher platform for electric vehicles (EVs) in the The input stage with power factor correction (PFC) using
market. Recent trends are towards the inductive power transfer SEPIC converter topology with 150 kHz frequency obtained
(IPT) based EV battery chargers (EVBCs) as it is a convenient higher productivity and reduced component size [11]
and safe solution over conventional plug-in EVBC. The compared with [12]. In [13], VFSC for dynamic charging
currently available IPT system utilizes soft switched power application has been presented an optimum solution at 141.6
electronic converters while maintaining a near sinusoidal kHz frequency. The presented variants of series C-C
current for a limited power transfer range. In this paper, an compensation based topologies suffer a loss of soft switching
improved ZVS IPT topology and it’s switching pattern is
for variable load conditions and need sophisticated control
proposed. ZVS is achieved by optimizing the classical series
compensation and additionally, an auxiliary network is
algorithms to achieve required efficiency.
employed to achieve wide-range performance independent of In this paper, the proposed topology utilizes classical
loading conditions. The proposed concept is verified by using series compensation with a small size auxiliary component to
MATLAB/ SIMULINK based simulations for resistive and ensure ZVS in ant load variations. Fig. 1 shows the general
battery load. An efficiency of 92.5\% is achieved with ZVS for overview of the proposed topology in which two stages of the
a full dynamic power transfer range of 300 W to 3000 W. converter have been controlled by using modified pulse width
modulation (MPWM) separately.
Keywords—Battery chargers, electric vehicles (EVs), inductive
charging, soft switching, wireless power transmission, DC-DC The proposed topology offers a constant output voltage
power converters. even if the input is subjected to a wide range of voltage
variations. The output current can easily be controlled from
I. INTRODUCTION (HEADING 1) the input side voltage, which eliminates the requirement of a
The harmful effects of incremental per capita fuel high-power processor for controlling operation. Therefore, the
consumption result in temperature rise and global warming. A high-power digital signal processor (DSP) is not required, i.e.,
partial but effective solution is selected as a gradual reduction the cost for the converter is effectively reduced. The pulses are
in the carbon footprint of each individual by adopting green generated at 85 kHz switching frequency in MPWM mode to
energy-based electric transportation systems [1] – [3]. achieve ZVS to deliver power up to 3 kW, and performance
However, electric vehicles (EVs) yet facing challenges in results are presented. Rest of the paper is organized into
economy, driving range, fuel efficiency, battery, and its following sections, the operating principle of the proposed
charger technology [4], [5]. The user of battery chargers converter is discussed in section II. The study of circuit
embrace onboard, off-board or plugin, and contactless parameter design is presented in section III. Simulation results
chargers based on its cost, efficiency, convenience, and safety. are discussed in section IV, and the conclusion has been made
Nowadays, contactless inductive power transfer (IPT) based in Section V.
chargers expending its market because of its safety,
convenience, performance, reduced battery size and
adaptability [3] – [6].
The performance of the IPT system predominantly
depends on network construction of DC-DC converter
exercising loosely coupled transformer Since the high leakage
inductance prevents power transfer to a large extent [7], [8].
Therefore, a leading power factor impedance network is
essential to resolve the high circuit impedance issues. A
standard has been set by the society of automotive engineers
(SAE) J2954 for resonance frequency at 85$\pm$5$\%$ kHz
for a light-duty passenger vehicle. Human safety has insights
into IEEE C-95.1-12345- 2014 from the high-frequency
magnetic field [5], [9].
The VF series compensation (VFSC) is the preferable
topology by industries because it decouples variations in
mutual inductance independent of compensation capacitor
[10] – [13]. In [10], A 2 kW solution for VFSC was presented
Fig.1: General network configuration for EV battery charger.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the grant given by TEQIP-III (F(15)
TEQIP-III/MNITJ/2019/911/(21)) to carried out this research work.
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II. OPERATING PRINCIPLE OF THE PROPOSED CONVERTER • IPT network which includes transmitting coil
The proposed DC – DC converter configuration is shown inductance L1 and its compensating capacitance C1
in Fig. 2. The proposed DC – DC converter designed using with receiving coil inductance L2 and its
enlisted devices: compensation capacitance C2.
• Rectifier circuit made by diodes D5, D6, D7, D8 and
• DC power supply consisting input DC source VDC filter capacitance CF.
parallel with split capacitors Ca1, Ca2.
The following assumptions are considered to understand
the operating principle of the proposed converter better:
Fig. 3: Operating modes of proposed battery charger topology (a) interval I, (b) interval II, (c) interval III, (d) interval IV, (e) interval V, (f) interval VI, (g)
interval VII, (h) interval VIII.
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Fig. 5: Operation of resonant primary network in positive half cycle.
C1 0 1
L1 + R1iL1 (t ) + iL (t ) ⋅ d (t ) = u AB (t ) (2)
Fig. 4: Main operating mode waveform of proposed converter.
By solving and simplifying (2) the output current
Interval I (t0 ≥ t > t1): At the starting of this mode, S3 is
waveform is given as:
turned off when S1 and S2 are already off, and S4 is conducting.
The dominant inductance L1 is now in cut off from DC power iL1 (t ) = eat K1 cos ( at ) + K 2 cos ( bt ) (3)
source. Therefore, I L1 forces the change in I LA1 , and I LA 2
which results in decrement I S4 . I L1 turns on the diode D2 for where a = ( − R1 2 L1 ) , b = (a)
− 1 L1C1 , and K1, K2 are
ZVS turn on for next cycle. constants which can be derived from network initial
Interval II (t1 ≥ t > t2): This mode is started after near ZCS conditions.
turn off of S4 while other switches are already off. The The other solution of (2) is given by solving in the
dominant lagging current I L1 finds its path by turning on frequency domain using Laplace transform, where
diodes D1, D2 for next ZVS turn on. 2e a L1 4 L1 − R1 L1C1
K1 = 1 − , K2 = , and
Interval III (t2 ≥ t > t3): In this mode of operation, S2 is 4 L1 − R C1 2
2 L1 C1
turned on, and all other switches are off. The current I S2 shifts
4L1 − R12 C1
from D2 to S2. K3 = .
R1 C1
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Fig. 6: Simplified circuit to determine auxiliary component parameter.
The current peak and first zero crossing (TZ) in the circuit
is determined by using (4). Unity power factor condition is
used to decide the leg on time TON.oft Word, Letter file.
C. Auxiliary Components
The value of auxiliary capacitors is decided in such a way
that they maintain the constant voltage at the input of the
converter. Meanwhile, the auxiliary inductors act as a constant
current source during peak and dead time condition. LA1, LA2
holds a sudden change in UAB and provides a return path to
inductor L1's current. Fig. 6 shows the simplified circuit for the
calculation of auxiliary components [7].
Applying KVL in Fig. 6 network,
ΔiLA1 1 1
LA1 − ΔiLA1 Δt − ΔiLA 2 Δt = 0 (5)
Δt Ca Ca
ΔiLA1 1 1
LA 2 + ΔiLA1 Δt + ΔiLA 2 Δt = 0 (6)
Δt Ca Ca
By using equations 5 and 6, Δt and Ca = Ca1 = Ca2 are
calculated, Δt is the time when the diode of a switch is on
makes it go ZVS turn on. The total turn-on time includes for a
lower leg switch (S4, S2) in half cycle is TON + Δt. These
designed parameters provide ZVS for all four switches. The Fig. 7: Simulation results of proposed network configuration.
parameters used in the simulation are described in Table I.
The simulation of a proposed topology has been done in
MATLAB/ Simulink by using principal components, and their
values are shown in Table 1. The simulation parameters are
obtained from component data-sheet and laboratory based
Fig. 7 shows the converter characteristics for various
operating modes and supports the claims made in theoretical Fig. 8: Output load characteristic of primary network.
analysis. The switch currents shows that ZVS is Achieved.
The auxiliary network supplies the switch’s current in all
switch off period for next successful ZVS. The lagging current
supplied by the auxiliary inductor-capacitor branch maintains
ZVS for lite to heavy load conditions. The voltage across the
C1 rises up to 500 V AC which requires rated voltage 1500 V
DC. The efficiency variations for different load conditions are
shown in Fig. 8. The resistive load has its efficiency rise up
quickly and maintains for full load range. However, battery
load maintains more than 92.5 % efficiency for its 90 % load
range reaching maximum 94.15 % at 1.21 kW loading. The
performance of the converter for the resistive load is shown in
Fig. 9 and for battery load in Fig. 10. Fig. 9: Output characteristic for resistive load.
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The resistive load shows fewer current ripples and an over-
damped response compared to battery load because of the
time constant.
In this paper, the VFSC based ZVS topology for wireless
EVBC is proposed. Suitable modifications were presented for
the full-bridge DC – DC converter for enhanced performance
with a wide range of input voltage and loading variation. The
need for a high-power processor is eliminated, which further
reduces the overall cost. The theoretical analysis and modeling
are presented to achieve ZCZVS with reduced control
complexity. The simulation results verified the ZVS condition
of the proposed topology for wide load range. The presented
solution achieved less ripple in input/ output voltage and
current while utilizing a low value of DC-link, and filter
capacitance respectively. An acceptable efficiency of 94.15 %
is achieved for both battery and resistive loads.
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