Te 845 Final Project
Te 845 Final Project
Te 845 Final Project
2)Shed light on reading progression and development and give ideas for school
● Classroom culture
● Language development
● Parent involvement
● Reading comprehension
● Writing
Classroom Culture
● Attitude
● Literacy Club
● Modeling -SSR
When it comes to reading, students will develop in their own time, just
keep reinforcing to them that they can do it, and praise all of the little
David Freeman & Yvonne Freeman (2000). Teaching Reading in Multilingual Classrooms
Language Development
● Narrow reading
● Predictable texts
● Picture/word sorts
Consider if they have had exposure to these activities.
● It is predictable
● Students can learn sentence patterning
I like dogs.
I like pigs.
I like cats.
I like hats.
David Freeman & Yvonne Freeman (2000). Teaching Reading in Multilingual Classrooms
Picture / Word Sorts
Sort pictures or words based on initial, ending or middle sounds.
Students can:
Barone (2010) in Li & Edwards (2010), Chapter 4: “Engaging Young ELLs with Reading and Writing”
Parent Involvement
Intergenerational Literacy Program / Lectura en Familia
● Repeated Reads
● Questioning
○ Vocabulary / pointing / labeling
○ Questioning
● Parent Workshops
Studies show...
● Training parents to tutor specific literacy skills over 7
studies (d=1.15)
● Training parents to listen to their children read books
over 6 studies (d=0.52)
● Repeated reads increases receptive vocabulary.
● Parents talk more when reading expository texts, which
helps to build students academic vocabularies.
Paratore, Krol-Sinclair, Paez, Paratore Bock (2010) in Li & Edwards (2010), chapter 13: “Supporting Literacy Learning in FAmilies for Whom English Is an Additional Language”
Idea - Parent Workshops
● Once a month, skill or strategy based workshops
○ Teach them what to focus on / how to engage their child with the book
○ Pointing, naming, building vocab vs. text comprehension
● Targeted families and students (club)
● Teach the parent how to work with student at home
● Take-home book boxes to promote interests and rereading
○ Library books are returned too quickly
○ Paper printed consumable books are not as interesting to reread.
Tips/ Lessons
● Helping your child choose the right books
● Listen to your child everyday - be patient!
● Read/ reread / reread with expression and voices
● Model fluent reading
Paratore, Krol-Sinclair, Paez, Paratore Bock (2010) in Li & Edwards (2010), chapter 13: “Supporting Literacy Learning in FAmilies for Whom English Is an Additional Language”
Reading Comprehension
● Meaning making
● Talk Back
● Vocabulary
● Good Reading Strategies
● Chunking Informational Texts
Meaning Making
● The floor of reading comprehension is making meaning of the words. Too
often we become critical of students answers instead of encouraging them
to recall what they remember and make meaning or connect after reading
a text.
● Construct meaning through graphonic, syntactic, and semantic cues.
David Freeman & Yvonne Freeman (2000). Teaching Reading in Multilingual Classrooms
Meaning Making
Ask students:
Hansen (1989)
“...keep the focus on meaning. If they correct every mistake or supply a word when the child pauses that
child will not become an independent reader. Help the child use the context to figure out difficult passages,
rather than trying to sound each word out.” (Freeman and Freeman)
Good Reading Strategies - make a poster/refer to
● Preview
● Predict
● Pay attention to pictures and headings
● Monitor understanding
● Clarify
● Question
● Summarize
Barone (2010) in Li & Edwards (2010), Chapter 4: “Engaging Young ELLs with Reading and Writing”
Dealing with Vocabulary
● Define unknown vocab up front (Dr. Mary Howard)
● Have students read the text 3 times as a group and make their own
vocabulary list (5-6 words) and together infer what it means. 1
● Chart words that present challenges for meaning or pronunciation for
students. 1
● Use post-it notes to draw pictures, write and define while reading a book
you cannot annotate. 2
Au & Raphael (2010) in Li & Edwards (2010), chapter 9: “Using Workshop Approaches to Support the Literacy Development of ELLs”
David Freeman & Yvonne Freeman (2000). Teaching Reading in Multilingual Classrooms
Idea: Could be used during Wonders day 3 to promote more
discussion and thought through longer texts.
Talk Back
After one child reads a section aloud, they talk back to the book.
Then other children in the group are allowed to join in, adding, explaining or
McIntyre (2010) in Li & Edwards (2010), Chapter 3: “Principles for Teaching Young ELLs in the Mainstream Classroom: Adapting Best Practices for All Learners”
Chunking Information
For informational texts:
Barone (2010) in Li & Edwards (2010), Chapter 4: “Engaging Young ELLs with Reading and Writing”
Make it Authentic
● Feedback
● Letters ( in school mailbox)
● Entry and exit activities
Write comments to students writing to give suggestions, encourage, and guide
students towards strong writing.
“Responding to students’ writing can be one of the most powerful ways to validate students.”
McCarthey & Zheng (2010) in Li & Edwards (2010), chapter 5: “Principles for Writing Practices with Young ELLs”
Idea- In School Mailboxes
● Promotes authentic purposeful writing
● Passive station in classroom
● Students can write to classmates or teachers and adults on campus
● Write about issues or suggestions, write to thank someone
Short and sweet doable activities that engage
● Preview pictures and jot three things you think the book will be about.
● Jot down what you know about the genre.
Barone (2010) in Li & Edwards (2010), Chapter 4: “Engaging Young ELLs with Reading and Writing”
Collaboration & Talk Time
Barone (2010) in Li & Edwards (2010), chapter 4: “Engaging Young ELLs with Reading and Writing” (pp.84-102)
Freeman, David E., and Yvonne S. Freeman. Teaching Reading in Multilingual Classrooms. Heinemann, 2000.
Hansen, J. 1989. “Comprehension Questions to Make Reading and Writing Connections.” In Graduate Seminar in Literacy. Fresno,
McIntyre (2010) in Li & Edwards (2010), chapter 3: “Principles for Teaching Young ELLS in the Mainstream Classroom: Adapting Best
Practices for ALL Learners”(pp.61-83)
McCarthey & Zheng (2010) in Li & Edwards (2010), chapter 5: “Principles for Writing Practices with Young ELLs” (pp.103-126)
Paratore, Krol-Sinclair, Paez, Paratore Bock (2010) in Li & Edwards (2010), chapter 13: “Supporting Literacy Learning in Families for
Whom English Is an Additional Language” (pp.299-327)