Deva Ananda Febriyan Fadilla - 18331985 - Textbook Review
Deva Ananda Febriyan Fadilla - 18331985 - Textbook Review
Deva Ananda Febriyan Fadilla - 18331985 - Textbook Review
Dimension 25 cm
Book Synopsis -
Advantage The author has picked many English materials for class XII SMA using
simple language in order to make it easier for pupils to study
independently. Furthermore, there are several questions and joint
activities that are carried out together to train students in groups to
become accustomed to having bold discussions in which they express
their opinions or answers to existing questions and are able to solve new
problems in subjects, particularly English.
This book has a lot of new verbs, which helps pupils expand their
Weakness lacking in material and too many practice questions
Book Identity =
Table of Content =
Objectives =
Exercise =
Task Instructions =
Reflection =
Materials Should The material presented in this book is structured according to the basic
Be Achieve Impact competencies and core competencies that have been determined. and this aims
to achieve the expected competence
Materials Should In this book, the material is presented in a systematic way, from easy to complex.
Help Learners To This is done so that students can easily understand and feel comfortable to learn
Feel At Ease about the material in the book. If students feel comfortable then learning goals
will be easy to achieve.
Materials Should This book provides exercises that can increase a student's confidence such as
Help Learners To reading aloud, practicing conversation in front of the class in partnership,
Develop answering questions that are available starting from easy so that it will increase
Confidence children's confidence and others.
Materials Should In this book there is material that can be practiced in everyday life to support the
Require And personal needs of students in life outside of school, of course this is very good to
Facilitate Learner meet the self-investment that students need for their future.
Learners Must Be This book contains a lot of exercises. so that the teacher can tell students to
Ready To Acquire undertake the exercise at any moment; of course, this is excellent training for
The Points Being students to constantly be ready and prepared to look for points from the
Taught information being taught that will make it easier to use in an emergency, such as
a quick test.