Daily Lesson Log of M8Al-Ib-2 (Week 2 Day 3) : Can The Difference of Two Squares Be Applicable To 3 - 12 If No, Why?
Daily Lesson Log of M8Al-Ib-2 (Week 2 Day 3) : Can The Difference of Two Squares Be Applicable To 3 - 12 If No, Why?
Daily Lesson Log of M8Al-Ib-2 (Week 2 Day 3) : Can The Difference of Two Squares Be Applicable To 3 - 12 If No, Why?
A. Review previous lesson Can the difference of two squares be applicable to 3x3 – 12x? If yes, how?
or presenting the new If no, why?
Answer Key:
The teacher lets the students realize that the different techniques in factoring
B. Establishing a purpose polynomials is an important skill needed to formulate real-life problems involving
for the lesson factors of polynomial.
C. Presenting examples/ The teacher lets the students, in groups of four do the Activity below.
instances of the new
lesson Activity:
Read, analyze and solve the problem below. Show your solution.
1. The length of a floor in the classroom is two more than twice its width. If
the area of the floor is 24 square meters. What are its dimensions?
Answer Key:
A. Understand the problem
Let w be the width of the floor.
2w + 2 be the length
B. Devise a plan
A = length x width
24 = (2w + 2)w
C. Carry out a plan
24= 2w2 + 2w
0= 2w2 + 2w – 24
0= w2 + w – 12
0= (w - 3)(w + 4) Factor
w–3=0 w+8=0 Equate each factor to 0 and solve for w.
w=3 w = -4
Since the dimensions cannot be negative, the width is 3 meters and the length is
8 meters by substituting 3 to w in 2w + 2.
The teacher discusses with the students the process of arriving at the answer of
D. Discussing new concepts
each exercise in Activity given. Furthermore, he/she asks the students about the
and practicing new skills
mathematical skills or principles that they used to solve the problem. He/She tells
them the steps to solve the problems involving factors of polynomials.
E. Discussing new concepts The teacher discusses and illustrates thoroughly the steps to solve problems
and practicing new skills involving factors of polynomials on page 10 of the Learner’s Module.
Working in pairs, the teacher lets the students answer the following exercise.
Answer Key:
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations The teacher summarizes the mathematical skills or principles used to solve
and abstractions about problems involving factors of polynomials.
the lesson 1. What did you do to arrive at the answer?
2. Where there mathematical skills or principles used to solve the
3. What are the steps to solve problems involving factors of polynomials
using Polya’s Method?
Read, analyze and solve the problem below. Show your solution.
Answer Key:
A. Let s = the length of each side of the painting
s + 2= the length of each side of the frame
B. Write the equation:
Area of a square = s2 s+2 s
100 = (s + 2)2
C. Solve the equation. s
(s + 2)2 = 100
s + 4s + 4 = 100 s+2
s2 + 4s + 4 – 100 = 0
s2 + 4s – 100 = 0
(s + 12)(s – 8) = 0
s + 12 = 0 s – 8=0
s = -12 s=8
I. Evaluating Learning
J. Additional activities or
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress. What
works? What else needs to be done to help the pupils/students learn? Identify what help your
VI. REFLECTION instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
of the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized It is in the development of the lesson and evaluation the localization and contextualization is done.
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with other
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