Final Exam Output in Theology 101: Theological Foundations: Judeo-Christian Tradition and Sacred Scriptures
Final Exam Output in Theology 101: Theological Foundations: Judeo-Christian Tradition and Sacred Scriptures
Final Exam Output in Theology 101: Theological Foundations: Judeo-Christian Tradition and Sacred Scriptures
I. Rationale:
Ignorance of the scriptures is ignorance of Christ. – Dei Verbum #25
II. Theme:
“et Verbum caro factum est”
IV. Goals:
Long Term Goal: To promote a love in reading the bible and encourage a strong commitment
to witness its message of love.
Short Term Goal: To create a promotional video showcasing the importance and relevance of
the bible in their lives based from their personal experiences on activities
like ABS, making of unity bible, bible enthronement, biblio-drama, biblio-
cards, bible cookies, Pande-biblia, biblio-comics, and bi-vlog.
V. Objectives:
At the end of the final term, the students should be able to:
1. Contemplate meaningfully the message of the bible through the handwritten unity bible.
2. Interpret the stories in the bible by performing a bible enthronement and biblio-drama.
3. Propagate the good news through the making and distribution of biblio-cards and bible
4. Design a biblio-comic displaying the gracious goodness of God staged in the life stories of
remarkable biblical characters.
5. Share their reflections about the Gospel of the day through a pande-biblia or bi-vlog.
VIII. Other Activities: unity bible, bible enthronement, biblio-drama, biblio-cards, bible cookies, Pande-
biblia, biblio-comics, and bi-vlog.
NOTE: Though all these activities may be performed in the class for the whole duration of final
term, only the chosen activity to be advocated should be properly documented for the
promotional video which will be posted online.
1. The class will be divided into small groups.
3. Though several activities in promoting love for the bible will be performed by the class, the class or
groups in the class are advised to pick one activity to focus.
Each group should come up with an insightful examination of the experience in the course and
honestly account it through the details of the portfolio most especially in writing their reflection
per activity and formulating the synthesis.
10. How is the portfolio to be evaluated? (Please refer to the Rubric on the next page)
All materials & Most of the Very limited All materials &
Selection of work samples are materials & work materials & work work samples are
Materials carefully chosen samples are samples are chosen unwisely
presented and are very carefully chosen carefully chosen and irrelevant to
relevant to the and are very and are very the message being
message being relevant to the relevant to the promoted.
promoted. message being message being
promoted. promoted.
Quality of The selections are The selections are The selections are The selections are
presented perfect and show neat and somewhat messy messy and
materials extreme care and craftsmanship is and craftsmanship craftsmanship
thoughtfulness in good. detracts somewhat detracts from
its craftsmanship. from overall overall
presentation. presentation.
Organization The materials are The materials are The materials are The materials are
and Technical well organized. organized. There not always well disorganized.
Control There are little or are a few errors organized. There There are many
no errors with the with the are a number of errors with the
conventions. conventions. errors with the conventions.
Completion of All the activities Some of the Few of the Very minimal
Requirement held are perfectly activities held are activities held are activities held are
accounted in the perfectly accounted in the accounted in the
portfolio. accounted in the portfolio. portfolio.