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Unit Plan

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Unit: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Single-Operation Equations with Positive and Negative


Grade Level: 7th Grade

by Unknown Author is licensed under

Mr. Trimmel

Bloomsburg University

McAdoo-Kelayres Elementary/Middle School

Mrs. Cassarella, 7th and 8th Grade Learning Support

Unit Plan: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Single Operation Equations with Positive and Negative

-Unit Author: Mr. Trimmel

-Course: Student Teaching
-School: McAdoo-Kelayres Elementary/Middle School
-Co-Op: Mrs. Cassarella
 Unit Theme: Solving Problems with Positive and Negative Integers
 Number of Lessons w/in Unit: 3 Lessons
 Subject Areas of Interdisciplinary Integration: Learning Support Pre-Algebra
 Grade Level: 7th Grade
 Unit Summary and Rationale: This unit is aligned with PA Common Core Standards for 7 th graders. The
lessons in this unit focuses on covering the rules of working with positive and negative integers, solving
single operation problems, and a connection to the real world through word problems and sample
problems. 7th grade students should have a basic idea of completing single operation problems with
positive and negative integers, and this will build the foundation for future lessons. This unit is
comprised of activities to enrich the learning of all types of learners. The students will be giving
opportunities to collaborate and work together with other peers as well as with the instructor. Each
students needs will be met with differentiation of assignments as well as methods of instruction as well
as providing the appropriate accommodations. The students will be provided told to make sure they are
in a quiet location as well as muted as to not disrupt the other students. The students will be giving the
opportunity in pullout meetings to works one on one with the teacher as well as other students.
 Unit Goals: By the conclusion of this unit, students will be able to identify the correct operations and
follow the correct steps to complete single operation mathematical equations. The students will be able
to complete the problems while using a calculator following the correct rules if needed. They will gain
the knowledge through engaging activities to activate learners of all types.

o CCSS.Math.Content.7.NS.A.1: Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and
subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers; represent addition and subtraction on a
horizontal or vertical number line diagram.
o CCSS.Math.Content.7.NS.A.2: Apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and
division and of fractions to multiply and divide rational numbers.
-Essential Question(s) for the Unit:
o What happens when you add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers?

-Instructional Objective(s):
o Given addition equations with positive and negative integers students will complete 8 out of 10
problems correctly.
o Given subtraction problems with positive and negative integers students will complete 8 out of 10
problems correctly.
o Given multiplication problems with positive and negative integers students will complete 8 out of
10 problems correctly.
o Given division problems with positive and negative integers students will complete 8 out of 10
problems correctly.
-Pre-Assessment: The students were given the preassessment prior to the start of the unit during class. The
preassessment contained multiple true or false questions regarding information about integers. This assessment
also contained one-step problems with the operations of multiplication, division, subtraction, and addition

Summative Assessment/Post-Assessment:
o Following the completion on two lessons the students will be given a short quiz reviewing what
was covered in the previous two lessons. These quizzes will lead to a unit test following the
completion of four lessons.
o The students will be given a unit test following the completion of the unit. It will similar to the
preassessment where there are going to be multiple single step problems with various
mathematical operations.

Daily Lesson Plans:
o Day 1-Adding Integers
o Day 2- Subtracting Integers
o Days 3- Multiplication and division of integers
o Day 4 – Multiplication and division of integers.
-Day 1
Name: Joey Trimmel
Date: 9/23/2020

Lesson Title: Adding Using Positive or Negative Integers. Time Allotted: 45 Minutes

Unit Title (if applicable): Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Single-Operation Problem with Positive
and Negative Integers.
Lesson Number w/in Unit: 1

Grade Level(s): 7th Grade

Subject Area(s)/Subject Content Mathematics.


-CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.NS.A.1: Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction
to add and subtract rational numbers; represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical
number line diagram.

Essential Question(s):
-How do we determine the opposites when working with integers?
-How do we determine if the sum of two integers is negative or positive?
-What is the Additive Inverse Property?

Instructional Objective(s):
-Following the completion of the lesson on addition with positive and negative integers the students
will be able to complete 10 problems to 80% accuracy.

Formative Assessment:
Lesson Pre-Assessment: The students were given a preassessment on the addition and subtraction of
positive and negative integers. Students will complete a bell-ringer activity to assess background
knowledge and to introduce the lesson.

During-instruction formative assessments: The students will be given multiple practice problems after
teacher modeling. Students will complete practice problems. Upon completion of each problem,
students will hold their answers up in front of the camera. Following the practice problems, the
students will complete problems independently with immediate feedback from the teacher.

Summative Assessment:
Lesson Post-Assessment: The students will complete practice problems independently at the end of the
period before logging off. The following day, the teacher will review the answers and error corrections
will be made. The class will review the previous day’s lesson by completing the bell ringer. Following
the completion of two lessons the students will take a quiz.
Unit Summative Assessment (if applicable): Following the completion of the unit, students will take a
unit test. The students will demonstrate their understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division of positive and negative integers by successfully passing the unit test.


1. Introduction: The students will complete a bell ringer introducing the rules of addition. They will
copy a visual chart presenting the rules of adding integers. To introduce the lesson and grab the
students’ attention, they will watch a brief YouTube video introducing the lesson.
2. Description of Method(s) Used to Present Subject Matter/Modeling:
a. First, I will instruct the students on how to recognize and identify when they have different
signs or the same signs. (Students will circle positive numbers and put a box around the
negative numbers.)
b. I will explain the rules of adding integers.
c. I will explain how to identify what sign is needed for their answer.
d. Lastly, I will model addition problems both with same sign as well as different sign
referencing the visual chart, they copied during the bell ringer activity.
3. Guided Practice: Teacher will model the process. The students will have the opportunity to
complete problems on a whiteboard or sheet of paper under the supervision of the teacher and
share their responses with the class by holding up their answers in front of the camera.
4. Independent Practice: The students will be presented with multiple problems to complete. They
will be given the opportunity to walk the teacher through the correct steps to completing the
problems. This method also allows for immediate feedback for the teacher if an error is made.
5. Closure: Students will complete an exit ticket.


Differentiated Learning Activities: The students will work collaboratively with the teacher through several
problems allowing the students to model the way the teacher is completing the problems as well as immediate
feedback from the teacher. Prior to the lesson starting the students will be prompted to make sure they have all
necessary materials at their side ready to work. The students will be able to work together to complete the
practice work. Providing the students with a number line visual aid to assist with completing the problems. The
students will be provided a visual integers rules chart to help them to remember the rules of addition.

Accommodations/Modifications: Small Group Setting, use of calculator, chunking, extra time, scaffolding,
modeling, guided instruction, tasks broken into smaller steps, drill and repetition, rephrasing, shortened
assignment, visual aides
Instructional Resources, Materials, and Technology: Laptop, Doc Cam, YouTube, Glencoe Math Course 2 Volume
One Book, Adding integers worksheet


Analysis of Student Learning: Refer to end of the unit.

Analysis of Teaching: Refer to end of the unit.

-Day 2
Name: Joey Trimmel
Date: 09/24/2020

Lesson Title: Subtraction Using Positive and Negative Integers Time Allotted: 45 Minutes

Unit Title (if applicable): Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Single-Operation Problem with Positive
and Negative Integers.
Lesson Number w/in Unit: 2

Grade Level(s): 7th Grade

Subject Area(s)/Subject Content: Mathematics


-CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.NS.A.1: Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction
to add and subtract rational numbers; represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical
number line diagram.

Essential Question(s):
-How do we determine if the difference of two integers is negative or positive?
-What are the rules for completing problems with different signs?
-What are the rules for completing problems with the same signs?

Instructional Objective(s):
-Following the completion of the lesson on subtracting positive and negatives integers the students will
be able to complete 10 problems to 80% accuracy.

Formative Assessment:
Lesson Pre-Assessment: Students were given a preassessment on completing problems using addition
and subtraction with negative and positive integers. The students will be given a bell ringer which will
introduce the lesson and the rules of working with completing subtraction problems with negative and
positive integers.

During-instruction formative assessments: The students will be given practice problems and instructing
the teacher how to complete them while working through them. The students will also be given
problems to work on their own and then instructed to hold their answers up in front of the camera for
the teacher to check and provide feed-back on.

Summative Assessment:
Lesson Post-Assessment: The students will complete problems while still in front of the teacher so the
teacher can assure the student is completing the work on their own as well as understanding what they
are completing. Following the meeting the student will also have practice problems to complete prior to
the start of the next day’s lesson. The bell ringer for the next day will be a problem based on what they
learned in the prior days lesson. Following the completion of this lesson the students will take a quiz
and the previous two lessons.

Unit Summative Assessment (if applicable): The students will take a summative exam comprised of all
of the lessons within the unit. The exam will be comprised of addition, subtraction, division and
multiplication problems.


1. Introduction: The students will complete a bell ringer which will introduce the rules of subtraction
of positive and negative integers. This will be a visual chart that they will be able to reference
throughout the work they are supposed to complete. They will also be shown a video that grabs
their attention as well as reviews the rules for addition and introduces the rules for subtraction.
2. Description of Method(s) Used to Present Subject Matter/Modeling:
a. First, I will explain the rule of subtraction of positive and negative integers with the help of
the visual aide completed in the bell ringer.
b. Next I will explain to the students how to identify if a problem has the same signs or
different signs by circling each number in the problem.
c. I will explain to the students how to know if the answer is going to be a positive or a
d. Lastly, I will model how to complete problems with the same signs as well as with different
signs so the students can see how to complete them step by step, reinforcing the use of
the visual chart as well as the rules.
3. Guided Practice: I will model the process for completing this type of problem. The students will
have a chance during this time to complete practice problems with the guidance of the teacher as
well as working with peers and the chance to share their answer by holding it up to the camera.
4. Independent Practice: The students will be given multiple problems to complete on their own and
then show the teacher their answers by holding them up to the camera allowing the teacher to give
feedback and allowing the students to correct errors.
5. Closure: The students will complete an exit ticket that is comprised of two subtraction of positive
and negative integer problems.


Differentiated Learning Activities: The students will be reminded at the start of the lesson to make sure they are
in a quiet location as well as have all the necessary items they will need to be successful. The students will be
shown a visual aide of the rules of subtraction as well as be able to reference this throughout the lesson. The
students will work through multiple problems with the teacher to allow for feedback to be given by the teacher.
The student will also be able to work cooperatively with both the other students in the class to complete the

Accommodations/Modifications: Small Group Setting, use of calculator, chunking, extra time, scaffolding,
modeling, guided instruction, tasks broken into smaller steps, drill and repetition, rephrasing, shortened
assignment, visual aides
Instructional Resources, Materials, and Technology: Laptop, Doc Cam, YouTube, Glencoe Math Course 2 Volume
One Book, Subtracting Integers Worksheet.


Analysis of Student Learning: Refer to the end of the unit.

Analysis of Teaching: Refer to the end of the unit.

-Day 3-4
Name: Joey Trimmel
Date: 9/23/2020

Lesson Title: Multiplication and Division using Positive and Negative Integers. Time Allotted: 45 Minutes

Unit Title (if applicable): Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Single-Operation Problem with Positive
and Negative Integers.
Lesson Number w/in Unit: 3

Grade Level(s): 7th Grade

Subject Area(s)/Subject Content Mathematics.


-CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.NS.A.2: Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and
division and of fractions to multiply and divide rational numbers.

Essential Question(s):
-How do we know if the product of two integers is positive or negative?
-How do we know if the quotient of two integers is positive or negative?

Instructional Objective(s): Following the completion of this lesson on multiplying and dividing positive and
negative integers the student will be able to complete 10 problems to 80% accuracy.

Formative Assessment:
Lesson Pre-Assessment: Prior to the start of the unit the students were given a preassessment
containing problems with positive and negative integers. They were required to add, subtract, divide
and multiply the integers. Students will be given a bell-ringer activity, and this gone over to assess the
students’ knowledge on the topic.

During-instruction formative assessments: The students are going to be given practice problems to go
over with the teacher with feedback provided regarding error correction. The students will also have
problems to complete on their own and then show the teacher their answers to assure they understand
what they are doing.

Summative Assessment:
Lesson Post-Assessment: The students will be given a check out ticket at the end of the period prior to
logging off to make sure the students understand the problems and are completing them on their own.
The students will be given a bell ringer the next day to assure they understand the lesson.

Unit Summative Assessment (if applicable): Following the completion of the unit, the students will take
a unit test. This test will measure the students understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division with positive and negative integers.


1. Introduction: The students will be given a bell ringer introducing the rules of multiplication and
division of positive and negative integers. The students will be shown a short YouTube video to
both review the previous day lesson as well as introduce the rules for subtraction.
2. Description of Method(s) Used to Present Subject Matter/Modeling:
a. First, the students will be instructed to recognize and identify if they have the same sign or
different signs. (Students will circle positive numbers and put a box around the negative
b. I will explain the rules of subtracting positive and negative integers.
c. I will explain how we will tell what sign the answer is going to be either positive or
d. Finally, I will model subtraction problems both with different signs as well as the same
signs. I will show the correct way to box the numbers as well as each step to complete the
3. Guided Practice: The teacher will model the correct way to complete the subtraction problems. The
students will complete their practice problems with the help of the teacher and sharing their
answer to the class by holding it up in front of the camera.
4. Independent Practice: The students will complete the problems on their own prior to leaving the
class allowing for error correction from the teacher. The students will then have an assignment for
home to complete to reinforce the rules and ideas learned today.
5. Closure: The students will complete an exit ticket following the completion of the lesson.


Differentiated Learning Activities: The students will complete practice problems along with the teacher allowing
for the students to model their work. The Students will receive immediate feedback and error correction. The
students will be able to complete the work together. They will have the assignments adjusted based on skill

Accommodations/Modifications: Small Group Setting, use of calculator, chunking, extra time, scaffolding,
modeling, guided instruction, tasks broken into smaller steps, drill and repetition, rephrasing, shortened
assignment, visual aides
Instructional Resources, Materials, and Technology: Instructional Resources, Materials, and Technology: Laptop,
Doc Cam, YouTube, Glencoe Math Course 2 Volume One Book


Analysis of Student Learning: Refer to the end of the unit.

Analysis of Teaching: Refer to the end of the unit.

-Integration of Resources and Technology:

o Students are currently participating in virtual leaning due to current school closure as a
result of Covid-19. Student will complete all lessons and assignment virtually.
o Online Textbook
o YouTube Videos
o Teacher will use a web cam, doc cam, white board and non-integrated webcam to present
this lesson.
-Differentiated Learning Activities:
o Learner Characteristics: Mrs. C’s 7th grade class has a total of 7 students. Of the 7 students,
5 of them are males while the other 2 are females. The students all have IEPs. The class
includes students with various mathematic and reading levels, either for a specific goal in
math, reading, or both.
o Lesson Activities: The activities will be differentiated by chunking the material into
separate sections. The students will be given the option to choose what problems they
would like to choose based on their skill level. The tasks will be broken into smaller steps
so that the students can follow along and complete them on their own. Also, the students
will have the availability to complete the problems on calculators if they need to. The work
will be completed in a small group setting as well as extra time provided if the students
need it. The lessons will be completed with guided instruction from the teacher and then
immediate feed-back provided to the students

11. Reflection-

 ANALYSIS OF STUDENT LEARNING: The students took a quiz based on the first two lessons of the unit,
which were adding and subtracting positive and negative integers. The quiz contained problems such as
adding and subtracting positive and negative integers. During the preassessment the student got 6 out
of 10 correct. The students received a 10 out of 10 during the post assessment. The student exceeded
the instructional objective by receiving a 10 out of 10 on the quiz. One thing I can do to increase interest
into the topic is to make it more interactive. I can have fun activities for the student to complete that
are both fun as well as instructional. The students are currently on the last lesson of the unit and have
been understanding the material very well. They are participating and completing problems with very
minimal prompting required from the teach.

ANALYSIS OF TEACHING: 1. Planning and Preparation- One issue that I ran into during the
implementation of the unit plan was the issue of new students attending the class for the first time
during this. When this occurred, it required me to be prepared and to have supplemental material
ready for the student who had been attending throughout the year. I had to provide more in-depth
review of the lessons already covered while introducing the material to the new students. I planned
this lesson to take a week but with the issue of the school district changing Wednesdays to
benchmark and IEP testing days and the new students it has taken longer then expected. It was
important for me to remember that during the implementation of the unit was not to rush when I felt
that the students were not going to reach the end of the unit and to make sure the students
understand the materials before moving on.
2. Classroom Environment- One thing that has been stressed since the beginning of the school year
was for students to treat each session as if they were in the classroom. They should have all the
materials needed and be in a quiet location ready to learn. One of the new students needed it to be
stressed to him multiple times about staying muted as the background noise in his setting was
sometimes loud and possibly causing a distraction for the others.
3. Instruction- One thing that is important to remember is that some students may get though a
lesson very quickly while others struggle. One thing I ran into was the addition of new students in the
class while halfway through the unit already. This led me to have to adjust the instruction to meet the
needs of the students which included in reviewing daily the previous days lesson as well as giving the
students additional information and practice which were fun color by number activities as well as
mazes that the students needed to complete.
4. Professional Responsibilities as Related to Instructional Objectives or Standards- One thing to
keep in mind in this section is that you are able to build off of the Instructional objectives in the
current lesson. This allows the students to continue to grow in this subject and gain more knowledge.
Another thing I have to keep in mind is to make the objectives measurable so that I can track growth
and progress toward to goal of reaching 100% accuracy of this topic. I need to look at future
standards and to make sure what I am teaching them now aligns with those standards and prepares
the students to be the best that they can be.

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