Chapter 4 Results and Discussion1
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion1
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion1
2This chapter presents and analyses the data being gathered by the researchers to be able to answer the
3objectives of the study. The following ASTM Standards are being used in the study: ASTM D4442
4(Conventional Oven Dry Method), ASTM D4318 (Consistency Limits), ASTM D2216 (Water content),
5ASTM D854 (Specific Gravity), ASTM D421 (Sieve Analysis). ASTM D428 (Shrinkage Limit Test),
6ASTM D2850 (Triaxial Test), ASTM D2487 (Unified Soil Classification System) and with the Visual
7Slope Software (Using the Modified Method of Slices).
84.1 Slope
10Based on the figure above, it can be seen that the slope from point A to Point B is (insert angle) and from
11point B to C is (insert angle) and Point C to D (insert angle). We can noticed that point C to D has the
12steepest angle of our slope which is (insert angle), for the design the researchers considered the
13maximum slope of the section in order to have a conservative design.
16Table 4.2.1 shows the moisture content from three different locations and from the top, middle and
17bottom soil. The water content is obtained by getting the ratio of the mass of the water to the mass of the
18soil by oven drying the soil.
Location A B C
sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
17.48 16.98 17.19 17.30 17.94 17.71 16.8 17.41 16.36
Content, %
Average, % 17.2 17.6 16.9
20It can be observe from the results that the water content values of all three locations are very similar. The
21highest water content with a value of 17.6% was found in point B in the middle part of the slope then in
22point A with a value of 17.2% near at the bottom of the slope and a water content of 16.9% near the peak
23of the slope.
254.3 Specific Gravity
26The specific Gravity of the soil refers to the ratio of density of a substance to that of a standard substance.
27It can be seen in table 4.3.1 that the specific Gravities from the top and bottom are identical with a value
28of 2.56 and in the middle with a value of 2.70
Location A B C
Specific Gravity, Gs 2.56 2.70 2.56
Average 2.61
31The density of soil refers to the mass of the soil per unit volume. It can be seen in table 4.4.1 that the
32density of the soils is far greater in the top part compare to the bottom and middle part of the slope.
Location A B C
Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1900.00 1625.00 1546.67 1764.29 1692.31 1378.57 1766.67 1966.67 2184.62
Average 1690.56 1611.72 1972.65
36The unit weight of soil refers to the force per unit volume. Table 4.5.1 shows the specific moist unit
37weight and dry unit weight of the soil in each of the slopes location.
Location A B C
Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Moist Unit Weight,
18.64 15.94 15.17 17.31 16.60 13.52 17.33 19.29 21.43
Average 16.58 15.81 19.35
Dry Unit Weight,
15.87 13.63 12.95 14.75 14.08 11.49 14.84 16.43 18.38
Average 14.15 13.44 16.55