FCE - 15: Geotechnical Engineering Semi-Final/Final Examination
FCE - 15: Geotechnical Engineering Semi-Final/Final Examination
FCE - 15: Geotechnical Engineering Semi-Final/Final Examination
67 was filled
Semi-Final/Final Examination in a 1000 ml container in the loosest possible state and the
dry weight of the sample was found to be 14.75 N. It was
1. A soil sample weighs 14.46 N and has a volume of then filled at the densest state obtainable and the weight
0.000991 m3. The specific gravity is 2.65. The volume of air is was found to be 17.70 N. The void ratio of the soil in the
0.000167 m3. Find the dry unit weight of the original soil natural state was 0.63. Determine the density index in the
sample (kN/m3). natural state.
2. Soil solids have a specific gravity of 2.71. Find the unit 10. In a specific gravity test with pycnometer, the following
weight of the solids in SI units. observed readings are available:
Weight of the empty pycnometer = 7.50 N
3. A mold having a volume of 0.10 ft 3 was filled with moist Weight of pycnometer + dry soil = 17.30 N
soil. The weight of the soil in the mold was found to be 12.00 Weight of pycnometer + dry soil + water filling the remaining
lb. The soil was oven-dried and the weight after drying was volume = 22.45 N
10.50 lb. The specific gravity if solids was known to be 2.70. Weight of pycnometer + water = 16.30 N
a. Determine the water content Determine the specific gravity of the soil solids, ignoring the
b. Find the void ratio effect of temperature.
c. Find the porosity
d. Find the degree of saturation 11. The Atterberg limits of clay soil are: Liquid limit = 75%;
e. Find the total weight (lb/ft3) Plastic limit = 45%; and Shrinkage limit = 25%. If a sample of
f. Find the dry unit weight (lb/ft3) this soil has a volume of 30 cm 3 at the liquid limit and a
volume 16.6 cm3 at the shrinkage limit:
4. One cubic meter of wet soil weighs 19.80 kN. If the specific a. Determine the specific gravity of solids
gravity of soil particles is 2.70 and water content is 11%: b. Determine the shrinkage ratio
a. Find the void ratio c. Determine the volumetric shrinkage
b. Find the dry unit weight (kN/m3)
c. Find the degree of saturation 12. A liquid limit test conducted on a soil sample in the cup
device gave the following result:
5. From the following data of a soil sample: # of
10 19 23 27 40
Sample size = 3.81 cm dia. x 7.62 cm ht. blows
Wet weight = 1.668 N Water
60 45.2 39.8 36.5 25.2
Oven-dry weight = 1.4 N content
Specific gravity = 2.70 Two determinations for the plastic limit gave water contents
a. Determine the water content % of 20.3% and 20.8%.
b. Determine the dry unit weight (kN/m3) a. Determine the liquid limit
c. Determine the bulk unit weight (kN/m3) b. Determine the plastic limit
d. Determine the void ratio c. If the natural water content is 27.4%, determine the
e. Determine the degree of saturation % liquidity index.
6. A soil has bulk density of 20.1 kN/m3 and water content of 13. The laboratory test results of a standard proctor test are
15%. Calculate the water content % if the soil partially dries given in the following table. The volume of the proctor mold
to a density of 19.4 kN/m3 and the void ratio remains is 943.3 cm3
unchanged. Weight of moist soil in mold,
Moisture content %
7. The porosity of a soil sample is 35% and the specific gravity 1.68 9.9
of its particles is 2.70. 1.71 10.6
a. Calculate its void ratio 1.77 12.1
b. Calculate its dry unit weight 1.83 13.8
c. Calculate the saturated unit weight 1.86 15.1
d. Calculate the submerged unit weight 1.88 17.4
1.87 19.4
8. Given the phase diagram shown, what is the most nearly
1.85 21.2
value of the porosity?
a. Determine the maximum dry unit weight of
b. Determine the optimum water content %
18. The discharge of water collected from a constant head 23. Classify the following soil using the U.S. Department
permeameter in a period of 15 minutes is 500 ml. The of Agriculture textural classification chart.
internal diameter of the permeameter is 5 cm and the
Particle-size Distribution (%)
measured difference in head between two gauging points 15
cm vertically apart is 40 cm. Soil Sand Silt Clay
a. Calculate the coefficient of permeability (mm/s) A 20 20 60
b. If the dry weight of the 15-cm long sample is 4.86 N and B 55 5 40
the specific gravity of the solids is 2.65, calculate the seepage C 45 35 20
velocity (mm/s).
a. Soil A
19. A glass cylinder 5 cm internal diameter and with a screen b. Soil B
at the bottom was used as a falling head permeameter. The
c. Soil C
thickness of the sample was 10 cm. With the water level in
the tube at the start of the test as 50 cm above the tail water,
it dropped by 10 cm in one minute, the tail water remaining 24. The following laboratory test results for Atterberg
unchanged. Calculate the value of k (cm/s) for the sample of limits and particle-size distribution (sieve analysis) were
the soil. obtained for the soil.
Sieve No. % passing
20. A sample of a dry coarse-grained material of 500 No. 4 (4.75 mm) 80
grams was shaken through a nest of sieves and the No. 10 (2.00 mm) 60
following results are obtained: No. 40 (0.425 mm) 30
No. 200 (0.075 mm) 10
Mass retained
Sieve No. Opening (mm)
(grams) Atterberg Limits
4 4.75 0.0 Liquid limit 31
10 2.00 14.8 Plastic limit 25
20 0.85 98.0
40 0.425 90.1 Classify the soil according to the AASHTO Classification
100 0.15 181.9 System.
200 0.075 108.8
Pan --- 6.4
25. The results of the particle-size analysis of a soil are a. Determine the soil water content
as follows: b. Determine the soil wet density for conditions at the
Percent passing the No. 10 sieve = 100 borrow pit
Percent passing the No. 40 sieve = 80 c. Determine the soil dry density for conditions at the
Percent passing the No. 200 sieve = 58 borrow pit
The liquid limit and plasticity index of the soil 32. A permeable soil layer is underlain by an impervious
are 30 and 10, respectively. Classify the soil by layer as shown. For permeable layer K = 4.8 x 10 -3
AASHTO Classification system. cm/sec. If H = 3 m and α = 5°.