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Blackout PDF

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Level: intermediate

Aim: a speaking activity with emphasis on oral fluency; students role play a series of
mobile phone calls that all take place during a blackout in New York.
Language point: expressions used to talk about being afraid
Preparation: Make copies of the role cards so that there is one role card for every two
students. This activity works well if you can also bring in two mobile phones (or ask
students to lend/use their own) to be used as props.

Warmer like best. If you have more than sixteen

Write the word BLACKOUT on the board. students, repeat some of the situations.
What do people understand by Blackout?
Explain that a blackout is when there is no Stage Two
electricity. In the summer of 2003, the state of Pairs perform their mini role-play in front of the
New York and parts of Canada had one of the class. To help the students “get into role” give
biggest blackouts in history. On August 14 the them each a (turned off) mobile phone to speak
electricity went out and stayed out for almost 15 into. So that the class pays attention, give them
hours. the following task: they must try to “spot” the
Ask the students to brainstorm what they think expressions that were on the card and record
happened to people during the blackout. Here them in their notebooks. After each role-play,
are some ideas: see if the class can find the expression.
- People were trapped in elevators and subways.
- People had to walk long distances because Stage Three
they couldn’t get gas for their car (the gas After all the role-plays are finished, do a quick
stations didn’t work) review of the new language that came out. You
- Restaurants had to throw away lots of food might want to pick up on interesting use of
because the refrigerators didn’t work. language you heard, or students’ errors. You can
- Nobody could get money from the banks follow this role-play up with some questions:
because the bank machines and the computers What would you do if you were in this
didn’t work. situation? Has anyone been in a similar
situation? What is your advice on what to do
Stage one: during a blackout?
Set up the situation. It is 4 in the afternoon in
New York on August 14 (change the place and Variations
time if appropriate). Each pair of students will For more or less advanced learners, vary the
be given a role card with a situation and some preparation time and presentation time. For
language on it. They have five minutes to lower students give them more language to get
prepare their role-play. The role-play must last them started, for example the first two lines of
at least one minute and they must incorporate dialogue (this requires a little more preparation
the expression on their role cards (for this part on your part). Very creative classes could make
they have to decide who says the expression!). up their own situations for role-play.
They mustn’t tell anyone else what their
expressions are. Circulate and help students
with the meanings of their expressions. There
are eight different role-play cards. If you have .
less than sixteen students, choose the ones you

 Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2003

Taken from the speaking skills section in www.onestopenglish.com
A: You are a criminal. You see a
A: You are in an elevator which is chance of making some money by
stuck between two floors. There is no robbing a bank during the blackout.
light. You are visiting a friend in the You want to convince a friend to help
building. You call your friend. you.
B: You are waiting for a visit from your B: You are a criminal. Your friend calls
friend when the lights went out. you to ask for help, but you are scared
that the lights will come on. You don’t
Expression: I’m REALLY afraid of the want the police to catch you.
Expression: I’m terrified we’ll get

A: You are on the metro when the A: You are a student. You were
blackout happens. There is a pregnant finishing your homework on the
woman in the train with you and you computer when the blackout occurred.
think she is going to have her baby. You have to phone your teacher and
You phone the emergency services for explain that you can’t do the homework
help. now.
B: You work at the emergency B: You are the teacher. You won’t
services. Give A advice on what to do accept A’s excuse because the
with a pregnant woman. homework is already two weeks late!

Expression: I’m freaking out here! Expression: I was frightened of losing

it, so I did it on the computer.

A: You are the President of the United A: You are a seventy-year-old man.
States. You want an explanation of You are very grumpy. You are waiting
what is happening. You are worried for your daughter to come and make
that this is a terrorist attack. you your dinner.
B: You are the daughter. You can’t
B: You are the Head of the FBI. You come to your father’s house now
were fishing when the blackout because you have no gas for your car
happened and have no information. and the gas stations don’t work.
Explain how he can make his own
Expression: Frankly, I’m quite anxious dinner.
about all this. Expression: I’m so scared!

 Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2003

Taken from the speaking skills section in www.onestopenglish.com

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