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MIET1081 - Investigative Portfolio Assignment

Sem 1, 2020

– Choose one of the assignments/reports below to investigate
– This is an individual assignment examining your knowledge of heat transfer and looking for your original
and thoughtful solution. ‘Turn-it-In’ will be used to assist on the originality of the submission. There
will be a zero tolerance of plagiarism and you are responsibile for your actions.
– The assignment is worth 35% and is due Friday 5th June. Submit a Report, and PPT slides summarising
the project
– Instructions is a template of the assignment with a rubric to guide your work is given

RepoRt 1: Optimized window spacings

Write a computer program to determine the optimized spacing between
the two glasses of a double-pane window. The analysis should evaluate
the recommended practical value of the spacing (relative to buildings) to
minimize the heat losses and list it when the size of the window (the height
and the width) and the temperatures of the glasses are specified. Evaluate
and discuss the influence of spacing medium which can be filled with dry
air, a gas, or a vacuum. Obtain different operating conditions from differ-
ent environments. This can include day/night and/or winter and summer
conditions. It is expected that you use skills in programming in any of
the following tools: Matlab, Python, Mathematica, (or Excel if you need
to). Show all calculations that were used to justify your decisions and re-
sults. This includes, any conduction, convection, and radiation heat trans-
fer modes (including solar heat gain) that occur. Submissions: Report, PPT Heat transfer through a window.

RepoRt 2: DeteRmining heat tRansfeR of cans

(Requires 1x thermometer, 1x canned drink)
Bottles can be placed into fridges horizontally or vertically, but which orientation would
produce the most rapid heat transfer? In this project you will measure the heat transfer
from a can. To perform this test you will look at a cold can heating up. Leave a canned
drink in the fridge overnight to ensure uniform temperature of the fluid. The next day,
measure the ambient temperature with your thermometer, and obtain any other relevant
fluid property from Bureau of Meterology for the day. Take the can out of the fridge, open
it up and place a thermometer in the can to measure the inner liquid temperature. Measure
the heating effect by taking temperature values every 2min. You only need to do this for an
upright vertically standing can. Compare your results with calculations, and discuss any
Heat transfer from
discrepancies. Using equations, analyse the scenario if the can was horizontal, and compare an upright
the results. In your calculations determine the conduction through the cylindrical can, and vertical can.
the combined convection and radiation heat transfer coefficient. Submissions: Report, PPT summary

RepoRt 3: Design of undeRgRound flooR heating
A house with 200-m2 floor space is heated with geothermal water
flowing through pipes laid in the ground under the floor. The walls
of the house are 4 m high, and there are 8 single-paned windows
in the house that are 1.2 m wide and 1.8 m high. The house has R-
4 insulation (where R = 1/U is the overall unit thermal resistance
(the R-value) and U is the overall heat transfer coefficient) in the walls
and R-5 on the ceiling. The floor temperature is not to exceed 40◦ C.
Hot geothermal water is available at 90◦ C, and the inner and outer
diameter of the pipes to be used are 2.4 cm and 3.0 cm. Analyse and Pipes placed for underfloor heating.
design such a heating system for this house in your area. Determine the environmental conditions in your
area from weather data such Bureau of Meterology to determine your design. The analysis should include:
forced convection through pipes; convection and radiation heat transfer from the floor surface; heat loss
through the windows and; costs of the insulation, energy consumption of a pump that needs to move the
water through the pipes. Submissions: Report, PPT summary

1 IntRoduction [20 maRKs]
Introduce the problem, outline the method, which cases you are investigating, how your report is structured,
and how you will present the results. A literature review should be included which relates the theory to
the problem. Problem statement and purpose of the research (e.g. significance of the work) is given in this
section.Heat transfer theory learnt in class related to the work. (3-6 pages)
Very Poor Poor Limited Good Very Good Excellent
0 4 8 12 16 20

2 Method [20 maRKs]

Describe the setup and methodologies used. Relevant pictures and diagrams to communicate the method.
Discuss the relevant theory to justify the setup. Discuss the correct engineering design and controls that
were used to minimise error and ensure reliable data. (3-6 pages).
Very Poor Poor Limited Good Very Good Excellent
0 4 8 12 16 20

3 Results [20 maRKs]

Present your results in a meaningful way through correct choice of figures and plots. Both qualitative and
quantitative results should be provided. Explanations of the results are clear and allow the reader to under-
stand the results. (5-10 pages).
Very Poor Poor Limited Good Very Good Excellent
0 7 14 21 28 35

4 Discussion [15 maRKs]

Critically analyse and discuss the results, e.g. What were the causes for the results you saw? Why did the
results occur the way they did? Explain this in terms of the heat transfer physics. Relate the results back to
some of the discussion points made in the Introduction. Supporting theory should be given. (3-6 pages)
Very Poor Poor Limited Good Very Good Excellent
0 4 8 12 16 20

5 Conclusion [5 maRKs]
Summarise your key findings, and learnings from this work. For example, this could be what you learned
about the heat transfer. (1 page)
Very Poor Poor Limited Good Very Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

RepoRt stRuctuRe, styling [5 MaRKs]

Professional report presentation, structure, accuracy (no errors),captioning, referencing, quality of images,
layout (whitespacing)…. etc
Very Poor Poor Limited Good Very Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Slides/PResentations [15 MaRKs]

Provide 5-8 slide summary to promote and sell your work. This slide is aimed at your presentation skills
(although you won’t be presenting it), but to communicate your ideas and work in a concise and presentable
Very Poor Poor Limited Good Very Good Excellent
0 2 4 6 8 10

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