Crossmark: Ocean Engineering
Crossmark: Ocean Engineering
Crossmark: Ocean Engineering
Ocean Engineering
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Keywords: This study aims to characterize numerically the ratcheting behavior of a girth-welded straight stainless steel
Pressurized girth-welded stainless steel pipe pipe in combined action of internal pressure and cyclic bending loading. Finite element (FE) thermal simulation
Weld-induced residual stresses of the girth butt welding process is first performed to identify weld-induced residual stresses. Three-
Cyclic bending dimensional (3-D) elastic-plastic FE analyses incorporated with the cyclic plasticity constitutive model capable
of describing the cyclic plastic performance are next conducted to scrutinize the local (circumferential strain)
Cyclic plasticity constitutive model
and global (cross-section diameter change) ratcheting responses of the girth-welded stainless steel pipe under
Finite element analysis
internal pressure and cyclic bending, which take the residual stresses and plastic strains obtained from the
preceding thermal simulation as the initial condition. The analytical results demonstrate that welding residual
stresses in combination with the internal pressure have significant effects on the hoop strain rate and the in-
plane and out-of-plane diameter changes, and the degree and shape of the ovalization which occurs during the
multiaxial ratcheting are dependent on the applied loads.
1. Introduction et al., 2006; Deng and Murakawa, 2006; Lee and Chang, 2011a, 2014;
Lee et al., 2013a), which are induced as a result of plastic strains
Pressurized steel pipes which are the most basic elements in caused by solidification, phase transformation and circumferential
offshore pipelines are subject to cyclic loading induced by extreme shrinkage during welding. Weld-induced residual stresses increase
weather, earthquake and wave, etc. One of the major concerns on these the vulnerability to stress corrosion cracking, fatigue damage and
pipes is ratcheting. In a component under a primary load with brittle fracture (Withers, 2007). It is also well recognized that
secondary cyclic stressing that exceeds the elastic limit of the material, mechanical behavior of a girth-welded pipe under monotonic loading
progressive accumulation of plastic strain occurs, which is called is significantly affected by welding residual stresses (Lee and Chang,
ratcheting even though the origin of the cyclic permanent strain 2011b, 2013a, 2013b; Lee et al., 2013b, 2014a), i.e. the girth weld-
accumulation remains not completely known (Taleb and Cailletaud, induced residual stresses cause premature yielding and loss of stiffness
2011). The inelastic strain accumulation combined with the fatigue and eventually lead to deterioration of the load-carrying capacity.
damage during cyclic loading may result in reduction of the fatigue However, the residual stress effect on the ratcheting response of a
crack initiation life and thus the fatigue life of the component (Rahman girth-welded steel pipe subjected to internal pressure and cyclic loading
et al., 2008). Ratcheting leads to larger in-grain misorientation in remains unclear.
microstructure compared to fatigue, which is attributed to the larger In last three decades, a large number of research works have been
accumulated plastic strain during ratcheting (Paul et al., 2015). dedicated to understand the cyclic plastic behavior. Along with the
Ratcheting is therefore one of the most critical structural problems to experimental studies (Hassan and Kyriakides, 1992, 1994a, 1994b;
be investigated in a pressurized piping component subjected to cyclic Hassan et al., 1992; Portier et al., 2000; Taleb and Hauet, 2009; Paul
loading. In most piping networks, connection of the pipes is mainly et al., 2012; Song et al., 2014; Taleb et al., 2014) which have provided
implemented by girth welding. In a girth-welded steel pipe, the useful information for the uniaxial/multiaxial ratcheting characteris-
presence of unavoidable welding residual stresses is well known tics, various constitutive models capable of simulating the cyclic plastic
(Karlsson and Josefson, 1990; Brickstad and Josefson, 1998; Yaghi response as accurate as possible have been developed (Armstrong and
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.-H. Lee).
Received 17 March 2016; Received in revised form 29 July 2016; Accepted 13 October 2016
Available online 20 October 2016
0029-8018/ © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.-G. Bae et al. Ocean Engineering 128 (2016) 81–93
Frederick, 1966; Chaboche and Rousselier, 1983; Nouailhas et al., piping components under cyclic bending have not been fully investi-
1985; Burlet and Cailletaud, 1986; Chaboche, 1986, 1991, 2008; Ohno gated. Moreover, as for the ratcheting analysis of a girth-welded steel
and Wang, 1993; Corona et al., 1996; Jiang and Sehitoglu, 1996; pipe subjected to internal pressure and cyclic bending, very limited
Abdel-karim and Ohno, 2000; Bari and Hassan, 2000, 2002; Kang works have been reported to date due to the truly complex analysis
et al., 2002; Chen and Jiao, 2004; Kang and Kan, 2007; Kang and Liu, procedure involved in welding and subsequent cyclic loading problems
2008; Abdel-Karim, 2009; Feigenbaum et al., 2012; Lee et al., 2014b; and therefore deserves special attention. Actually, Lee et al., (2004)
Do et al., 2015), most of which have generally been limited to the evaluated the thermal ratcheting of welded cylindrical structure using
materials level. It has been demonstrated that the ratcheting response inelastic analysis that employed the Chaboche-Rousselier nonlinear
of a material has a significant dependence on the stress history, which combined hardening model (Chaboche and Rousselier, 1983). They
in a pipe relies on the external load and the geometry (Hassan et al., assumed the residual stress distribution at the welded joint according
1998). Considering all these parameters experimentally is cost prohi- to the UK R6 procedure using axisymmetric FE model. However, the
bitive and impractical. Thus, finite element (FE) simulation based on residual stresses are by no means axisymmetric, i.e. they vary spatially
cyclic plasticity constitutive model should be employed to analyze the along the circumference due to the moving arc and welding start/stop
global (diameter change) and local (circumferential strain) ratcheting effects (Lee et al., 2013a; Lee and Chang, 2014). Thus, the exact
responses of a pressurized pipe for different cyclic loading patterns and assessment of the residual stress effect on the ratcheting behavior could
configurations. For the structural ratcheting behavior of piping com- not be achieved.
ponents such as straight pipes, elbows and branch pipes, many studies This study attempts to scrutinize the ratcheting responses of a
have been conducted (Chen et al., 2013). Nevertheless, a small number girth-welded straight stainless steel pipe under cyclic bending and
of research works so far have dealt with simulation of the plastic internal pressure through the numerical simulation. The following
response of a straight piping component under cyclic bending and approaches are taken in the present investigation: first, thermal
internal pressure. Hassan et al. Hassan et al., (1998) incorporated an simulation of the girth butt welding process is first conducted to obtain
improved constitutive model, which consists of the Armstrong- weld-induced residual stresses by using a sequentially coupled three-
Frederick kinematic hardening rule (Armstrong and Frederick, 1966) dimensional (3-D) thermo-mechanical FE analysis model developed by
and the Drucker-Palgen plastic modulus equation (Drucker and Palgen, the authors; second, a cyclic plasticity constitutive model which can
1981), into ANSYS FE package and validated the modified code by simulate the multiaxial ratcheting behavior is presented and verified
replicating the four-point displacement controlled cyclic bending tests against the test data, and third, parametric comparative studies in
of straight stainless steel pipes at constant internal pressure and which the ratcheting responses of the girth-welded stainless steel pipe
correlating the analytical results with the experimental measurements. exposed to internal pressure and cyclic bending are explored taking the
Gao et al., (2006) performed ratcheting simulations of pressurized residual stresses and plastic strains as the initial condition are carried
straight low carbon steel pipes under cyclic quasi-three point bending, out by using a 3-D elastic-plastic FE analysis method which incorpo-
which involved bending moment gradients and shear loads through the rates the cyclic plasticity model as the material constitutive equation.
pipe length, by using ANSYS program into which the Ohno-Wang The ratcheting behavior of the pressurized steel pipe in cyclic bending
model and the modified Ohno-Wang models were incorporated. The without considering the residual stresses is also investigated in order to
effects of bending load, internal pressure and loading history on the clarify the relevance of weld-induced residual stresses to the cyclic
multiaxial strain accumulation were discussed. But, only hoop ratchet- responses.
ing strains were examined at various positions. Rahman et al., (2008)
evaluated the performance of several constitutive models in simulating
2. FE thermal simulation of the girth butt welding process
the structural ratcheting responses of straight pipes of alloy steel 4130
under combined curvature-symmetric cyclic bending and internal
FE thermal simulation of the girth butt welding process should first
pressure against the measured local and global ratcheting responses.
be performed to attain weld-induced residual stresses and plastic
They claimed that the model parameters should be refined to improve
strains, which are required input to the mechanical model for analyzing
the cyclic plasticity modeling. However, they focused on the perfor-
the effects that the residual stresses have on the ratcheting responses of
mance evaluation of the constitutive models and hence limited load
the pressurized girth-welded stainless steel pipe under cyclic bending.
and structural parameters were employed in their investigation. Zakavi
Welding process is essentially a coupled thermo-mechanical process.
et al., (2010) used the Armstrong-Frederick model with isotropic/
The thermal histories strongly affect the stress fields, whilst the
kinematic hardening rule to anticipate the circumferential ratcheting
mechanical fields have a weak influence on the temperature profiles.
strains of pressurized straight carbon and stainless steel pipes sub-
Therefore, in this work, a sequentially coupled 3-D thermal-mechanical
jected to simulated seismic bending moment. The FE results were
FE analysis model able to precisely capture the 3-D feature of welding
compared with those obtained from the experiments and the capability
residual stress distribution in the girth-welded stainless steel pipe,
of the combined hardening model was evaluated. From the literature
which was developed by the authors (Lee and Chang, 2014) based on
review, it seems that ratcheting responses for internally pressurized
the in-house FE-code (Lee, 2005) and its accuracy was confirmed
W.-G. Bae et al. Ocean Engineering 128 (2016) 81–93
against the experimental measurements, was employed to gain weld- gradients there. A few preliminary mesh convergence studies leaded
induced residual stresses. The model comprises two parts: a transient to using the present FE mesh with the smallest element size of 0.9 mm
heat transfer model followed by a transient stress model. The thermal (axial) ×1.5 mm (thickness) ×12.8 mm (circumference). Specific de-
model identifies the temperature and phase evolution as a function of scriptions on the FE mesh scheme for examining the ratcheting
time, and the structural model utilizes the previous results to calculate responses are made next (Section 4.1). The same FE mesh refinement
displacements at nodes and stresses at integration points. The forth- scheme between the thermal and mechanical models was employed
coming section briefly describes the thermo-mechanical FE analysis except for the element type and the applied boundary conditions in
model and the specific details can be found in (Lee and Chang, 2014). order to facilitate nodal data mapping between them. The FE element
type adopted in the heat transfer model is the one which has single
2.1. Thermal and mechanical models degree of freedom, temperature, on its each node, while for the
structural model the element type is the other with three degrees of
The thermal model is based on the heat conduction, the convective freedom at each node: translations in x, y, z directions. The mechanical
and radiative boundary conditions with the moving heat source. The boundary conditions were prescribed for hindering rigid body motion
combined heat source model is adopted to simulate the heat of the of the weld piece.
welding arc and the melt droplets (Pardo and Weckman, 1989), i.e. the
heat of the welding arc is modeled by a surface heat source with a 2.3. Material model
Gaussian distribution, and that of the melt droplets is reproduced by a
volumetric heat source with uniform density. In order to take into The base material selected for this investigation is SUS304 auste-
account the heat transfer due to fluid flow in the weld pool, an nitic stainless steel. The physical constants such as thermal conductiv-
artificially increased thermal conductivity is assumed for temperatures ity, specific heat and density as well as the mechanical properties
above the melting point. The liquid-to-solid phase transformation including Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, thermal expansion coeffi-
effects of the weld pool are modeled by considering the latent heat of cient, yield strength and strain hardening rate vary with temperature.
fusion. The combined heat transfer coefficient for the convection and Thus, temperature-dependent thermo-physical and thermal-structural
the radiation (Lee and Chang, 2014) is applied on all surfaces. properties were taken into account in the FE analysis and are shown in
The subsequent mechanical model entails the use of the tempera- Figs. 2 and 3 (Lee and Chang, 2014). Note that in Fig. 3(a), both the
ture histories predicted by the preceding heat transfer model for each yield stress and the elastic modulus are reduced to 5.0 MPa and
time increment as thermal loads for calculating transient thermal 5.0 GPa, respectively, at the melting temperature to simulate low
stresses and deformations. The temperature values obtained at every strength at high temperatures (Barsoum, 2008). The same material
time step when the weld filler is completely deposited are employed in properties were postulated for the base material and the weld metal.
the structural model. Each temperature step is divided into optimized The work hardening induced by the thermal cycles during welding in
sub-steps considering the state of the welding process and the the weld area and its neighborhood was also considered. In this study,
convergence. For the stress-strain relations, rate-independent elastic- temperature-dependent strain hardening rule was used (Lee and
plastic constitutive equation taking the Von Mises yield criterion, Chang, 2014).
temperature-dependent mechanical properties and linear isotropic
hardening rule into account is incorporated into the structural model. 2.4. Results and discussion
The solid-state phase transformation effect is neglected here because
the metallurgical phase change does not occur during welding of the In order to clarify how the axial and hoop residual stresses change
austenitic stainless steel used in the present study. Since the thermal along the circumferential weld, four sections which have different
elastic-plastic analysis is a nonlinear problem, a full Newton-Raphson circumferential angles from the weld start/end position, θ are selected
iterative solution technique (Bathe, 1996) is used for solving the to represent welding residual stress distributions. Fig. 4(a) and (b)
problem. In the thermal and mechanical models, the process of depict the axial residual stress distributions at the four locations on the
sequential weld metal deposition is controlled by using a consistent inside surface and the outside surface, respectively. Note that the stress
filler activation/deactivation scheme (Lindgren, 2001). profiles are reported only in the weld region and its neighborhood for
clarity. Actually, beyond the region given in the figure, the stresses
2.2. Model geometry converge to zero. Bending axial stress distribution through the thick-
ness in and around the girth weld can be observed, i.e. the axial
Fig. 1(a) schematically shows the configuration and dimensions of residual stresses are tensile on the inside surface and compressive on
the analysis model. The welding arc travel direction and the welding the outside surface along the perimeter. This is because the circumfer-
start/end position (θ =0°) are also illustrated in the figure. A single pass ential shrinkage during the girth welding process results in a local
girth butt welding of two pipes with a single V-groove was considered. inward deformation near the welded zone, producing tensile axial
The welding conditions and process parameters chosen for the present residual stresses on the inside surface balanced by compressive axial
model were as follows: welding method, gas tungsten arc (GTA) residual stresses on the outside surface. Compressive axial residual
welding process; welding current, 200 A; welding voltage, 12.5 V; and stresses are formed on the inside surface away from the weld center-
welding speed, 3 mm/s, respectively. The welding procedures used line, and tensile axial residual stresses on the outside surface due to
were typical of industrial practice (Malik et al., 2008). The 3-D FE self-equilibration. It is also worth noting that the axial residual stresses
mesh model with eight-noded isoparametric solid elements is shown in are sensitive to the circumference. This is ascribed to the fact that the
Fig. 1(b). Due to the symmetry conditions with respect to the weld sequential weld metal deposition as the welding torch travels along the
centerline, only one half of the pipe geometry needed to be built, and girth makes the internal restraint change spatially. The biggest varia-
two layers were adopted through the thickness since the residual stress tion occurs at the overlapping region (θ =0°). Fig. 5(a) and (b) portray
variation through the inside surface or the outside surface is insignif- the hoop residual stresses at the four positions on the inside surface
icant for a girth-welded thin-walled steel pipe (Lee and Chang, 2013a). and the outside surface, respectively. Turning to the hoop residual
The adopted mesh configuration was a result of the considerations stresses, their magnitude is affected by the axial residual stresses. This
regarding the girth weld-induced residual stresses and the ratcheting explains why the hoop residual stresses on the inside surface, which is
behavior of the girth-welded steel pipe in internal pressure and cyclic experiencing axial tension, are more tensile at the weld area and its
bending. In the weld region and its vicinity, the mesh is suitably refined vicinity compared to those on the outside surface. Furthermore, careful
to accurately capture the anticipated high temperature and stress observation of the results unveils that spatial variation of the stress
W.-G. Bae et al. Ocean Engineering 128 (2016) 81–93
Fig. 1. Model for analysis: (a) Configuration and dimensions of the analysis model and the welding arc direction and (b) 3-D FE mesh model.
profile is present along the circumference due to the moving arc and the following three fundamental aspects:
the welding start/end effects.
(i) von Mises yield criterion: the yield criterion prescribes the
3. Constitutive model condition for onset of plastic strain. The yield surface is repre-
sented by
3.1. Cyclic plasticity constitutive model
⎡3 ⎤1/2
f (σ − α ) = ⎢ (σ ′ − α′)⋅(σ ′ − α′) ⎥ − R − k* = 0
⎣2 ⎦ (1)
The constitutive model is based on the isotropic linear elasticity
with the generalized Hooke's law, a von Mises yield criterion, the The dot “⋅ ” implies the inner product at a⋅b = aij bij .
associated plastic flow rule and the hardening rule. The rate-indepen- (ii) Flow rule: the total strain increment is additively decomposed into
dent cyclic plasticity constitutive model considered in this study, which the elastic and the plastic strain increment. The incremental
assumes cyclic hardening material behavior and J2 -type plasticity, has
W.-G. Bae et al. Ocean Engineering 128 (2016) 81–93
1000 Axial_90º
800 Axial_270º
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Distance from the weld centerline (mm)
Fig. 2. Temperature-dependent thermo-physical constants of the base material.
400 Axial_90º
200 Axial_0º
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Distance from the weld centerline (mm)
Fig. 4. Axial residual stresses at locations with different circumferential angle θ : (a)
inside surface and (b) outside surface.
l l ⎧ ⎛ ′ ⎞m
αij̇ ′ = ∑ (αij̇ ′ )k = ∑ γk ⎨ 2 ck εij̇ p − ⎜ αk ⎟[φ (αij′)k + (1 − φ)((αrs′ )k ⋅nrs ) nij ]
k =1 k =1 ⎩3 ⎝ ck ⎠
⎭ (3)
R = Q (1 − e−bp ) (4)
Fig. 3. Temperature-dependent thermal-structural properties of the base material.
stress-plastic strain relation is given by The plastic strain path dependence is not taken into account here
(Zakavi et al., 2010).
∂f 1 2 ∂f
ε ̇p = λ ̇ = σ ′̇ ⋅n n , n = The cyclic constitutive model has three decomposed kinematic
∂σ H 3 ∂σ (2)
hardening rules (n = 3), i.e. the number of the back stress components
where denotes the MacCauley bracket is three (Bari and Hassan, 2000; Koo and Lee, 2007). Thus, the
(iii) Hardening rule: the hardening rule dictates changes that occur in implementation of the cyclic constitutive model needs a total number
the yield surface during plastic deformation. In general, the yield of eleven material parameters, i.e. the material parameter k *, the
surface evolves through size change (the yield surface expansion material constants of c1, c2 , c3, γ1, γ2 , γ3, m , φ for computing the kinematic
by isotropic hardening), shape change (the yield surface distor- hardening rate and those of Q , b for calculating the isotropic hardening
tion) and/or variation in center location (the yield surface rule are required to simulate the cyclic plastic behavior. The parameter
translation by kinematic hardening) due to plastic deformation. k* is obtained from the linear part of the stable uniaxial stress-strain
In this work, the evolution of the yield surface with plastic loading hysteresis curve. The cyclic model parameters for kinematic hardening
increments is accommodated by considering the isotropic and the c1, c2 , c3 and γ1, γ2 , γ3 are determined by using only the stabilized uniaxial
kinematic hardening rule. For the kinematic hardening rule, the stress-strain hysteresis loop with pure kinematic hardening in accor-
decomposed nonlinear kinematic hardening equation proposed by dance with the procedures specified in (Bari and Hassan, 2000). The
the authors (Lee et al., 2014b; Do et al., 2015) is employed and material constants Q and b can be acquired from the isotropic
hardening evolution curve with respect to accumulated plastic strain
W.-G. Bae et al. Ocean Engineering 128 (2016) 81–93
1000 Hoop_90º
800 Hoop_270º
Residual stress (MPa)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Distance from the weld centerline (mm)
600 Hoop_90º
400 Hoop_0º
Residual stress (MPa)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Distance from the weld centerline (mm)
Fig. 5. Hoop residual stresses at locations with different circumferential angle θ : (a)
inside surface and (b) outside surface.
W.-G. Bae et al. Ocean Engineering 128 (2016) 81–93
Fig. 7. Ratcheting response of the stainless steel under the asymmetric uniaxial stress
cycles: (a) experiment and (b) simulation.
Table 1
Model parameters for the material.
W.-G. Bae et al. Ocean Engineering 128 (2016) 81–93
Fig. 9. Schematics of the pressurized girth-welded steel pipe in four-point cyclic bending
loading (a) loading condition and (b) diameter change of the pipe cross-section under the
cyclic bending.
Fig. 11. Comparison of the in-plane diameter change-displacement curves: (a) predic-
tion with consideration of welding residual stresses and (b) prediction without
considering welding residual stresses.
W.-G. Bae et al. Ocean Engineering 128 (2016) 81–93
magnitude of internal pressure were adopted as the main loading material can be used to capture the multiaxial ratcheting responses
parameters. Three different levels of internal pressure-induced hoop of the girth-welded stainless steel pipe. The mechanical properties at
stress (σh = pDi /2t , p is the magnitude of internal pressure, Di is the room temperature presented in Fig. 3 were used for the FE analyses.
internal diameter and t is the thickness) to yield stress ratios, σh / σ0 of The ratcheting responses of the pressurized pipe model under bending
0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 were considered (Østby et al., 2005). The actual without considering weld-induced residual stresses were also simulated
magnitudes of the internal pressure selected in this study correspond- for the comparison by which the contribution degree of the residual
ing to the values of the hoop stresses above are 4.2, 5.6 and 7.2 MPa, stresses to the multiaxial ratcheting behavior was identified.
respectively as seen in Table 2.
As stated earlier, the multiaxial ratcheting simulations involved
four-point displacement controlled cyclic bending of the girth-welded 4.2. Results and discussion
pipe in steady internal pressure. At first, the internal pressure was
applied in one step at the inside surface as a distributed load assuming Steel pipes subjected to symmetric cyclic pure bending in the
the open-ends condition (i.e. the axial force at the ends due to internal presence of internal pressure experience progressive accumulation of
pressure load is zero: only radial component (force) of pressure load is ovalization of the pipe cross-section (Fig. 9(b)) and hoop strain
applied), and then the cyclic symmetric displacements were imposed ratcheting (Rahman et al., 2008; Gao et al., 2006). In the present
gradually at the quarter points to the specified magnitude while the investigation, the diameter changes in both the plane of bending and its
internal pressure was held at the same value as shown in Fig. 9(a). The vertical plane as well as the cumulative hoop strains were reported at
effect of ring collars located at the loading points and the end supports, the mid-span. Fig. 10(a) depicts the simulated cyclic mid-span
which are typically used in four-point bending test so as to avoid stress moment-displacement loop for the Case-2, compared with the non-
concentrations and to restrain the radial displacement of the specimen, linear prediction of the cyclic mid-span moment-displacement re-
was taken into consideration by ensuring that the respective cross- sponse curve excluding welding residual stresses in Fig. 10(b). The
sections remained undeformed at these locations using kinematic sign convention is established such that the moment generated by the
coupling (Theofanous et al., 2009). The boundary conditions were positive displacement is positive. It is immediately obvious that the
chosen such that the girth-welded steel pipe is simply supported. As cyclic behavior is significantly affected by the residual stresses, i.e. the
indicated before, autogenous weldment was assumed during the girth cyclic moment response of the pipe model with no residual stresses
welding. Therefore, the cyclic stress-strain relations for the base becomes saturated after slight cyclic softening in the initial few cycles,
whilst the cyclic moment-displacement curve of the pipe model with
W.-G. Bae et al. Ocean Engineering 128 (2016) 81–93
20 30
Case-1 Case-1
Case-2 Case-2
Case-3 25 Case-3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Number of cycles
Number of cycles
Case-4 18
Case-2 Case-1
Case-5 Case-2
16 15
4 3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Number of cycles 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
(b) Number of cycles
Fig. 14. Cyclic moment responses of the girth-welded steel pipe under various loading (b)
conditions: (a) mid-span moments at the positive displacement peaks versus number of 15
cycles under different bending loads with steady internal pressure and (b) mid-span Case-1
moments at the positive displacement peaks versus number of cycles under various Case-2
Out-of-plane diameter change (mm)
W.-G. Bae et al. Ocean Engineering 128 (2016) 81–93
5. Conclusions
W.-G. Bae et al. Ocean Engineering 128 (2016) 81–93
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