Chatterjee 1999, Calcutta, U, RS
Chatterjee 1999, Calcutta, U, RS
Chatterjee 1999, Calcutta, U, RS
The aim of the study was to determine the major source and extent of metal pollution in a residential area of
Greater Calcutta. In this area approximately 50 000 people reside in the vicinity of a lead factory that produces lead
ingots and lead alloys. Many people, especially children, are affected by lead toxicity. Soils, waters, road dust, leaf
dust, leaves and pond sediments were sampled in and around the factory area. Aliquots of the samples were
mineralized with nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide in a microwave system. Lead and 19 other elements were
quantified in the digests by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The performance of the procedure was
confirmed by analyzing NBS-BCR standard reference soil, leaves, sediment samples. The soils are highly contami-
nated not only with lead Ž4.7%., but also with Cd Ž0.08%., Ag Ž0.001%., Cu Ž0.02%., Zn Ž1.0%., As Ž1.0%., Mo
Ž0.003%., Sn Ž0.003%. and Hg Ž0.03%. Žmetal concentrations given in parentheses are maximum.. Moving away from
the smelter, most of metal concentrations, especially Pb, As, Mo, Cu, Hg, Zn, Cd, Sn and Ag, decreased
exponentially over increasing distance. In the residential areas near the smelter, notably to the west side of the
factory, metal concentrations significantly breached the threshold trigger values set in India by the Central Pollution
Control Board ŽCPCB.. Particulate materials from the smelter stack appear to contaminate soils up to at least 0.5
km. However, abnormally high metal levels in the immediate smelter area may be due to primarily fugitive emissions.
The surface waters are only contaminated by arsenic ranges from 0.05 to 13.5 mgrl, but the ground water is currently
not polluted by lead and arsenic. An appropriate treatment plant with some intervention measures should be taken
to save the locality. Q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Environmental Chemodynamics Section, Environmental Chemistry Division, National Institute for Envi-
ronmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki-3050053, Japan. Tel.: q81-298-502450; fax: q81-298-502574; e-mail:
0048-9697r99r$ - see front matter Q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 8 - 9 6 9 7 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 0 2 6 - 1
176 A. Chatterjee, R.N. Banerjee r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 227 (1999) 175]185
a rotor for six Teflon digestion vessels designed be substituted for one of the six vessels. The
for pressures up to 60 bar served as the closed- temperature and the pressure data are displayed
pressurized microwave system. The vessels are on the instrument and can be stored and visual-
equipped with a pressure-release system. A spe- ized with a dedicated computer and software. The
cially-designed vessel that allows a temperature magnetron mounted on the ceiling of the mi-
sensor and a pressure sensor to be connected and crowave oven can operate at powers of 250 or
the progress of the digestion to be monitored, can 1000 W. The 1000 W stage can be pulsed to
178 A. Chatterjee, R.N. Banerjee r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 227 (1999) 175]185
deliver time-averaged power in 10-W steps in the Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr,
range from 10 to 990 W. Tl, V with concentrations of 10 mgrl, As, Fe, Se,
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric Zn with 100 mgrl, and Ca 1000 mgrl Ž10580 ICP
measurements were performed with a VG Plas- Multi Element Standard VI E. Merck VI, No.
maQuad Turbo Plus ŽVG Elemental Ltd, Win- 1.10580.0100 Darmstadt, Germany. has been used
ford, UK. equipped with a Meinhard concentric for the standard solutions preparations of ICP-MS
glass nebulizer type TR-30-A3, a double-pass, ŽStandard 1.. By combination and appropriate
Scott-type spray chamber Žwater cooled, 08C., and dilution of aliquots of stock solutions Ž1000 mgrl
a Gilson Minipuls-3 peristaltic pump. The operat- for Hg, Sn and Sb from each Merck Titrisol
ing conditions for the ICP-MS are: rf power for- ampoules. with nitric acid Ž5%., standard solu-
ward 1.35 kW, reflected - 5 W; argon flows for tions with a concentration of 10 mgrl of each
cooling 13.5 l miny1 , for auxiliary 0.9 l miny1 , for element were obtained ŽStandard 2.. A solution
nebulizer 0.92 l miny1 ; nebulizer uptake ; 1.0 ml containing In Žin HNO3 . at a concentration of 10
miny1 ; sample cone, nickel, orifice 1.0 mm diame- mgrl was prepared from 1000 mgrl ŽE. Merck,
ter; skimmer cone, nickel, orifice 0.7 mm diame- D-1600, No. 19504.05 Darmstadt, Germany. by
ter. appropriate dilution with nitric acid Ž5%. ŽStan-
dard 3.. Aliquots of Standard 1 and Standard 2
2.1. Reagents and solutions solutions were diluted with nitric acid Ž5%. to
produce standard solutions of: 5, 10 and 20 m grl
each of Hg and Sn; 1000, 5000 and 10 000 m grl of
Multi-element stock solution containing Ag, Al,
A. Chatterjee, R.N. Banerjee r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 227 (1999) 175]185 179
Ca; and 10, 50 and 100 m grl each of Mg, Fe, Rb, the leaves into a plastic bag. The dusts were dried
Sr, V, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Pb, As, Cd, Ba, Cr at 608C for 24 h and passed through a 30-mesh
and Ag. Before the volumetric flasks were filled sieve.
to the mark, aliquots of Standard 3 were added to Water from nine tubewells used for drinking
achieve a final concentration of 100 m g Inrl in and water from the three ponds was collected as
each solution. The calibration curves were es- described previously ŽChatterjee et al., 1993..
tablished with these most dilute solutions contain-
ing In spikes that are needed for the internal 2.2.2. Digestion
calibration of the ICP-MS response. An aliquot Ž; 0.20 g. of the dry, finely powdered
The digestions were carried out with high pu- solid was weighed into a dry, clean Teflon diges-
rity hydrogen peroxide Ž30% Suprapur, Merck, tion vessel. Concentrated nitric acid Ž5.00 ml. and
No.7298. and concentrated nitric acid ŽMerck p.a., hydrogen peroxide Ž1.00 ml. were added. The
purified by sub-boiling distillation.. vessel was closed, placed into the rotor, and tight-
All glassware was cleaned by soaking for 24 h ened. The loaded rotor was placed into the mi-
in concentrated nitric acid, followed by rinsing crowave oven. The digestion was carried out with
three times with high resistivity water Ž18 MV the following program: 250 W for 2 min; 0 W for
cm, Barnstead, NANOpure; Boston, USA.. 0.5 min; 250 W for 10 min; 0 W for 0.5 min; 450
Montana Soil SRM-2710, San Joaquin Soil, W for 5 min; 0 W for 0.5 min; 600 W for 5 min;
SRM-2709 from the National Institute of Stan- and 500 W for 7 min. The vessels were cooled and
dards and Technology ŽGaithersburg, Maryland, carefully opened. Each digest was transferred
USA., Sewage Sludge BCR No. 144 and Olive quantitatively to a 100-ml volumetric flask. Before
Leaves BCR No. 062 from the Commission of the volumetric flasks were filled to the mark, an
European Communities served as standard refer- aliquot of the standard In solution was added to
ence materials. achieve a final concentration of 100 m g Inrl.
These solutions were analyzed by ICP-MS. The
2.2. Methods Standard Reference Materials were digested un-
der the same conditions.
2.2.1. Sample collection
Soils ŽS1 ]S12 ., pond sediments ŽT1 ]T3 ., leaves 3. Results and discussion
ŽL., road dust ŽRD., dust from leaves ŽLD., and
water ŽW1 ]W12 . were collected during April 1996 3.1. Soils, sediments, dusts and lea¨ es
in a residential area of Calcutta located 20 km
northwest of downtown. The lead factory oper- 3.1.1. Extent of contamination
ates in this area. The sampling sites surrounding The analytical results for 12 soil samples
the factory are identified in Fig. 2. Soils were ŽS1 ]S12 : S1 ]S 3 in the west; S 4 ]S6 in the north;
collected with a Teflon knife after scraping away S 7 ]S 9 in the east; and S10 ]S12 in the south.,
the top 0.5 cm. The soil samples were placed in three sediments from ponds ŽPond 1, Pond 2 and
plastic bags. The sediments T1 and T2 came from Pond 3 in Fig. 2., road dust ŽRD., leaf dust ŽLD.
ponds used by people for bathing, supplementary and leaves ŽL. are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.
household water and pisciculture. Sediment T3 To check whether our analytical results agree
came from a pond close to the factory that is not with standard reference materials, the standard
used by the local people. Soils and sediments reference samples ŽSoils SRM-2709, 2710, Sedi-
were dried at 808C for 24 h, manually ground to a ment BCR-144, Leaves BCR-062., were analyzed
fine powder with a mortar and passed through a after utilizing the same digestion and analytical
30-mesh sieve ŽChatterjee et al., 1993.. procedure as that of samples. Obtained values are
The road dust Ž; 20 g. was collected by gently in good agreement with certified value ŽTable 3..
sweeping the road with a soft plastic brush. Dust The concentration of Pb, As, Cd, Hg, Ag, Sn,
from leaves Ž; 1 g. was brushed from the top of Mo, Zn and Cu in topsoils are higher than the
Table 1
Metal concentrations in soil samples by ICP-MS Žmgrkg.
Mg Ž%. 0.43" 0.01 0.56" 0.01 0.81" 0.01 0.77" 0.03 0.76" 0.02 0.79" 0.05 0.67" 0.02 0.55" 0.05 5.30" 0.07 0.88" 0.02 0.67" 0.03 0.41" 0.06
Ca Ž%. 0.78" 0.02 1.27" 0.05 1.46" 0.06 1.02" 0.03 1.01" 0.02 1.46" 0.03 1.74" 0.10 0.81" 0.02 0.43" 0.01 1.55" 0.05 1.13" 0.06 1.22" 0.04
Fe Ž%. 2.15" 0.11 2.10" 0.19 1.75" 0.16 2.07" 0.18 1.83" 0.18 1.79" 0.11 1.42" 0.09 2.18" 0.12 2.42" 0.12 2.15" 0.05 1.58" 0.08 0.99" 0.03
Rb 47 " 4.7 51 " 4.1 58 " 3.2 59 " 3.6 68 " 6.5 65 " 1.2 47 " 1.8 74 " 5 81 " 6 71 " 3.5 58 " 4.2 30 " 1.2
Sr 76 " 1.4 72 " 2.2 33 " 2.3 27 " 1.2 34 " 2.2 56 " 3.4 64 " 4.0 33 " 3.0 20.5" 1.2 61 " 5.0 44 " 1.2 33 " 1.5
V 43 " 2.0 55 " 3.5 42 " 1.1 55 " 2 52 " 2.4 49 " 2.7 45 " 2.0 46 " 2.0 66 " 5 66 " 3.3 48 " 2.1 29 " 2.3
Mn 360 " 26 650 " 18 381 " 39 620 " 18 469 " 24 475 " 45 524 " 24 494 " 18 511 " 21 530 " 33 407 " 25 266 " 22
Co 10.6" 0.33 12.8" 1.1 10.8" 0.8 13.6" 1.2 11.4" 1.01 11.1 " 0.71 11.3" 0.55 14.3" 1.1 14.4" 0.85 13.3" 0.28 10.5" 0.97 6.59" 0.34
Ni 31 " 1.3 36 " 2.3 26 " 1.2 31 " 1.9 32 " 2.8 28 " 2.8 30 " 3.0 40 " 2.3 36 " 1.9 32 " 1.2 26 " 1.5 16.5" 1.1
Cu 204 " 12 156 " 8.5 32 " 3.0 66 " 4 106 " 8.5 74 " 3 142 " 9 92 " 3 43 " 3 39 " 3.7 81 " 7 17.7" 1.1
Zn 10 300 " 200 4980 " 110 151 " 14 588 " 51 984 " 74 342 " 30 3800 " 321 1305 " 56 180 " 15 182 " 18 175 " 10 90 " 8
Mo 32 " 1.3 17.8" 1.1 0.44" 0.03 1.45" 0.03 3.30" 0.15 1.03" 0.08 10.3" 0.79 4.36" 0.04 0.87" 0.07 0.73" 0.06 0.46" 0.05 0.17" 0.01
Sn 34 " 3.1 19.0" 1.7 1.36" 0.13 4.72" 0.41 8.68" 0.56 2.58" 0.21 23 " 2.2 6.73" 1.01 0.54" 0.02 0.96" 0.07 1.34" 0.10 0.64" 0.06
Pb Ž%. 4.67" 0.21 2.02" 0.11 400 " 20 0.34" 0.03 0.42" 0.02 1000 " 10 a 0.49" 0.02 0.38" 0.02 200 " 10 a 600 " 20 a 632 " 31a 300 " 25a
Cd 833 " 73 296 " 19 3.16" 0.3 30 " 2.3 46 " 3.7 4.65" 0.41 217 " 18 38 " 3.1 0.66" 0.07 3.67" 0.31 2.87" 0.09 1.16" 0.10
As 9740 " 226 4170 " 111 36 " 3.0 360 " 15 406 " 24 75 " 7.2 1103 " 61 396 " 30 33 " 2.8 55 " 2.4 38 " 1.9 17.5" 0.52
Ba 592 " 21 501 " 23 133 " 9 231 " 12 235 " 12 802 " 42 1906 " 91 253 " 17 210 " 15 246 " 16 252 " 12 93 " 9
Hg 277 " 23 101 " 10 2.41" 0.02 11.0" 0.9 6.82" 0.68 0.30" 0.03 3.07" 0.12 2.09" 0.15 0.27" 0.11 0.22" 0.01 bd bd
Cr 33 " 1.4 57 " 2.2 34 " 1.1 37 " 1.3 48 " 1.4 51 " 2.0 37 " 2.1 49 " 2.6 49 " 1.6 48 " 1.9 41 " 2.0 23 " 0.9
Ag 10.0" 0.9 6.36" 0.14 0.16" 0.01 0.49" 0.03 1.41" 0.04 0.13" 0.01 2.18" 0.21 1.63" 0.12 bd 0.14" 0.01 0.63" 0.03 0.44" 0.02
Measured in mgrkg.
Note. bd s Below the detection limit.
A. Chatterjee, R.N. Banerjee r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 227 (1999) 175]185
A. Chatterjee, R.N. Banerjee r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 227 (1999) 175]185 181
Table 2
Concentration of metals in road dust ŽRD., leaf dust ŽLD., leaves ŽL. and sediments samples ŽT1 ]T3 . by ICP-MS Žmgrkg.
Element T1 T2 T3 RD LD L
Fe Ž%. 2.69" 0.11 2.01" 0.15 1.94" 0.07 2.67" 0.16 2.18" 0.17 0.38" 0.01
Rb 102 " 3 74 " 2.2 70 " 3.2 90 " 4 36 " 1.6 36 " 1.9
Sr 33 " 2.0 37 " 4.1 26 " 1.3 35 " 1.3 94 " 3 107 " 4
V 96 " 3 61.1" 3.1 49 " 2.3 77 " 6 46 " 4.2 8.3" 0.41
Mn 451 " 27 391 " 21 516 " 23 619 " 35 820 " 73 141 " 11
Co 16.0" 0.85 11.6" 0.41 120 " 6 15.6" 0.42 9.73" 0.31 1.82" 0.03
Ni 49 " 3.6 34 " 0.7 33 " 1.2 42 " 2.3 38 " 0.5 7.16" 0.61
Cu 56 " 3.0 46 " 0.6 793 " 9 44 " 2.1 269 " 15 40 " 3
Zn 145 " 5 176 " 12 2110 " 25 159 " 6 996 " 44 153 " 14
Mo 0.51" 0.02 0.30" 0.01 9.89" 0.92 0.54" 0.04 3.29" 0.03 2.44" 0.14
Sn 0.49" 0.02 2.21" 0.12 12.7" 0.8 0.75 " 0.09 6.35" 0.72 2.14" 0.17
Pb 539 " 6 719 " 10 18 400 " 210 536 " 39 1030 " 51 214 " 17
As 26 " 1.9 50 " 4.6 2460 " 101 23 " 1.9 7.53" 0.61 2.80" 0.19
Cd 1.83" 0.04 5.81" 0.06 111 " 7 3.12" 0.32 1.78" 0.07 0.47" 0.02
Ba 248 " 7 182 " 8 206 " 21 213 " 11 606 " 22 119 " 9
Hg bd 1.16" 0.12 20 " 2.4 1.95" 0.05 1.72" 0.05 1.17" 0.11
Cr 70 " 3.0 45 " 4.1 38 " 2.5 54 " 3.5 97 " 6 16.6" 0.97
normal soil wnormal range for lead in soils is 5]50 ŽChatterjee et al., 1993.x and the upper continen-
mgrkg with an average of approximately 20 tal crust ŽWedepohl, 1995.. Metal concentrations
mgrkg ŽSmall et al., 1995.; arsenic 0.1]40 mgrkg in soils among the houses adjacent to the factory
Table 3
Concentration of metals in standard reference samples by ICP-MS after microwave digestion Žmgrkg.
are abnormally elevated. The results of metal 46 700 mg Pbrkg, 9740 mg Asrkg, 204 mg Curkg,
analyses confirmed a high contamination by Pb, 277 mg Hgrkg, 10 mg Agrkg, 34 mg Snrkg, 32
As, Cd, Hg, Ag, Zn, and some other elements mg Morkg, 10 300 mg Znrkg and 833 mg Cdrkgx.
near the smelter and the surrounding area. Soils, The concentration of heavy metals in S 2 shows
particularly in the houses of the western side of the same trend as S1. The diffusion patterns of
the factory, are highly contaminated wsoil S1 col- the elements in all four directions were investi-
lected near the west factory wall, approximately gated. The concentration of metals with distance
1.5 m away from the stack ŽFigs. 1 and 2. contains in each direction has been presented in Table 1.
Fig. 3. Distribution pattern of Pb, As, Cd, Hg, and Zn, with distance in each direction around the lead factory.
A. Chatterjee, R.N. Banerjee r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 227 (1999) 175]185 183
The concentrations of some of the elements Žar- larly carried out from 18.00 h to 06.00 h and the
senic, lead, mercury, cadmium and zinc. in each maximum effluent is released during this time.
direction are also plotted with increasing distance Due to the very low chimney height, the lead and
ŽFig. 3a]d.. There is no trend of regular distribu- other dust particulates emitted are unable to dif-
tion of metals concentration with increasing dis- fuse over wide angles. In winter the low-level
tance. Indeed, the concentrations of most of the temperature inversion, with morning fog and
metals were highest near the smelter and de- evening mist, also prevents the dispersion of the
creased immediately beyond the chimney. A dis- dust particulates. The particulates are locally de-
tinct peak in Pb, As, Hg, Ag, Cd, Sn, Mo, Zn and posited in the soil, on the leaves and on roads. So
Cu concentrations ŽTable 1. occurred in the vicin- the soils, road dust, and leaf dust surrounding the
ity of the smelter and decreased exponentially vicinity of the plant and near the chimney are
with distance from the smelter. In the west direc- unusually contaminated ŽTables 1 and 2.. The
tion to the factory, Pb, As, Zn, Cu, Hg, Cd, Sn, other potential sources of metals contamination
Ag and Mo had the highest value near the smelter in the study area are traffic emissions Žmoderate
of the factory wall Ž; 1.5 m. and then decreased to low traffic density during daytime., agricultural
gradually with increasing distance up to 500 m. In chemicals and solid fuel combustion. The abnor-
the south, the metal concentrations ŽCd, As, Hg, mal variation of metal concentrations on the west
Mo and Zn. decreased gradually with distance, side may be due to the chimney stack being
but Pb remained the same up to 250 m then situated on that side, as the wind blows from east
decreased with increasing distance. The concen- to west round the year, especially in winter when
tration of Sn, Mo, Ag and Cu increased up to 250 it blows from the north-west with an average
m then decreased gradually up to 500 m. In the speed of 25 kmrh, transporting the particulates
east direction, the Pb, Hg, Sn, Cd, As, Zn, Ag, Mo ceaselessly from the chimney towards the west.
and Cu concentrations decreased with increasing
distance. In the north of the factory, Pb, Cd, Sn, 3.1.3. Water
Ag, As, Zn, Mo and Cu concentrations increased The 12 water samples Žnine tube-wells and
up to 250 m then decreased, but the concentra- three ponds. were analyzed for arsenic, lead and
tion of Hg increased with distance. The concen- some other parameters to know the water quality
trations of metals in the west direction are excep- and extent of arsenic and lead contamination in
tionally high for Pb, As, Cd, Zn, Ag and Hg, surface and groundwater. Lead in water was de-
compared to the other three sites. termined by FI-HG-AAS. The EPA standard
procedures were used for determination of other
3.1.2. Sources of contamination parameters. Table 4 showed the results. The ar-
There were significant correlations between the senic was only found in pond waters Ž0.05, 0.07
metals analyzed ŽAs, Sn, Mo, Hg, Cd and Zn have and 13.5 mgrl.. The small pond ŽPond 3. con-
a distinct positive correlation with lead.. This, tained a very high concentration of arsenic Ž13.5
together with the general decrease of the metals mgrl. and its sediment ŽT3 . contained not only
with distance from the smelter, suggests a com- very high concentrations of lead Ž1.8%. and ar-
mon emission source } most probably the senic Ž0.25%., but also of other toxic metals ŽTa-
smelter stack } influencing the whole study area. ble 2.. Some of the effluent of the factory Žwaste
The very high values of Pb, Zn, As, Hg, Cd, Ag, water which is highly contaminated with lead,
and moderately high values of Cu, Mo and Sn arsenic and other metals. passes into Pond 3 and
may be caused by relatively high fugitive emis- intensifies the metal concentrations in its water
sions of these elements andror heavy particulates and sediment. Arsenic in other pond waters might
from the stack. These appear to be the most be due to leaching from the contaminated soil by
significant sources of the above elements, which rainwater. All tubewell waters contain arsenic
have accumulated in the topsoils in the smelter and lead at - 10.0 m grl, the WHO recom-
area. The smelting operation of the plant is regu- mended value.
184 A. Chatterjee, R.N. Banerjee r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 227 (1999) 175]185
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