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Distributed Generation in Power Systems: An Overview and Key Issues

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Distributed Generation in Power Systems: An Overview and Key Issues

Singh, Sri Niwas

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24rth Indian Engineering Congress, NIT Surathkal, Kerala, December 10-13, 2009

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Citation (APA):
Singh, S. N. (2009). Distributed Generation in Power Systems: An Overview and Key Issues. In 24rth Indian
Engineering Congress, NIT Surathkal, Kerala, December 10-13, 2009

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Proceedings of IEC

Distributed Generation in Power Systems: An Overview and

Key Issues
Centre of Electric Technology, Denmark Technical University, Elektrovej, Denmark -2800
Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur -208016, INDIA
E-mail: sns@elektro.dtu.dk 2, joe@elektro.dtu.dk 2,naveen198@gmail.com*,

Keywords: Distributed generations, smart grid, distributed generation technologies, wind power.

The necessity for smart electrical systems having minimum technical loss and environmental impact is
providing impetus to go for Distributed Generations (DGs) which may offer several other advantages such as
reduced transmission and distribution system resources, increased reliability, better power quality, etc. However,
depending on the system configuration and management, these advantages may not be true. Moreover, due to
structural and managerial changes in the electricity supply industry motivated with introduction of completion, the
role of small generations distributed in the low/medium voltage network has gained importance. This paper adopts a
systematic approach by focusing on the most important research areas related to the distributed generations. Various
DG technologies are described and penetration of DGs in the Indian system has been discussed. This paper also
highlights the key issues in the DG integration in power systems.

Introduction competition policy are the major regulatory drivers. The

attractive proposition of DG is that it is distributed
With current initiatives on smart grid and round the network close to customers and DGs represent
sustainable energy, distributed generations (DGs) are diverse technologies and primary energy sources.
going to play vital role in the emerging electric power There has been tremendous research work in the
systems [1]. To fully exploit the potential advantages of areas of DG technologies, sitting and sizing of DG,
DGs, it is necessary to re-think the basic philosophy impact studies of the increased penetration of DG,
governing the electricity distribution system. The future economic and financial analysis coupled with DG
active network will effectively and efficiently link integration, etc. Owing to the vast scopes, it is difficult
small and medium scale electric power sources with for researchers, policy makers, and academicians to read
costumer demands. DG is often used as back-up power all the related materials. Various resources related to the
to enhance reliability or as a means of deferring
DGs technology and integration are presented. It is
investment in transmission and distribution networks,
important for the researcher to understand the key issue
avoiding network charges, reducing line losses,
of the large penetration of distributed generation in the
deferring construction of large generation facilities,
displacing expensive grid-supplied power, providing power system. This paper addresses these key concerns
alternative sources of supply in markets and providing as well.
environmental benefits. However, depending on the
system configuration and management, these 1. Distributed Generation Technologies
advantages may not be true. In recent years, DG has
become an efficient and clean alternative to the Due to maturing technologies and increasing size of
traditional electric energy sources, and recent DGs, which play a significant and topical phenomenon
technologies are making DGs economically feasible. in power system, there is as yet no universal agreement
Now-a-days, DGs are the part of distributed energy on the definition of DGs. These are also known as
resources (DERs) which also include energy storage and embedded generations or dispersed generations [1].
responsive loads. The major driving forces behind the Current definition of DG is very diverse and range from
increased penetration of DGs can be categorized into 1kW PV installation, 1 MW engine generators to 1000
environmental, commercial and regulatory factors. MW offshore wind farms or more [2, 16].
There are several small generators which produce very The some of the popular DG technologies are listed
small or no greenhouse gas emissions. Another below:
environmental driver is to reduce the transmission and  Reciprocating Diesel or Natural Gas
distribution expansion along with the avoidance of large Engines [3-5]
power plants. In the commercial driver, the uncertainty  Micro-Turbines [6]
in electricity markets favors small generation schemes  Combustion Gas Turbines [7-8]
and DGs are now cost effective to improve the power  Fuel Cells [9-12]
quality and reliability. Diversification of energy sources  Photovoltaic (PV) system [13-18]
to enhance the energy security and support for  Wind Turbines [19-24]

Proceedings of IEC
The detailed discussion of application, recent A lot of work has been reported in literature for
trends, benefits and challenges of DG is given in ref. optimal location of DGs integrated in the distribution
[16,25-26]. Table 1 provides a brief overview of the network [34-36]. The suitable size of DGs for efficient
most commonly used DG technologies and their typical and reliable supply is also a concern. However, the size
module size. of the DGs depends on the several factors such as
availability of input energy, space, economic and
Table 1: Distributed generators with available size environmental concerns [37]. IEEE has set up
interconnecting standards for distributed resources [38].
No. Technology Typical available size An overview of control and grid synchronization for
power module
distributed power generation systems is presented in
1 Combined Cycle Gas Turbine 35-400 MW
[39]. A robust stability analysis of voltage and current
2 Internal Combustion Engines 5 kW -10 MW
control for distributed generation systems [40] and,
3 Combustion Turbine 1-250 MW value-based methods try to find the best tradeoff
4 Micro-Turbines 35 kW-1 MW between the costs and benefits of DG placement and
5 Fuel Cells, Phos.Acid 200 kW -2 MW then find the optimal types of DG and their
6 Fuel Cells, Molten Carbonate 250 kW -2 MW corresponding locations and sizes in distribution feeders
7 Fuel Cells, Proton Exchange 1-250 kW [41].
8 Fuel Cells, Solid Oxide 250 kW-5 MW In characterization of the loss allocation technique,
9 Battery Storage 0.5-5 MW derivative based methods, circuit based methods and
10 Small Hydro 1-100 MW tracing method are discussed in [42]. In [43], a
11 Micro Hydro 25 kW -1 MW methodology for planning of DG in DS using safety
12 Wind Turbine 200 W -3 MW index (ratio of reserve power to its standard deviation)
13 Photovoltaic Arrays(PV Arrays) 20 W-100 kW has been proposed. Multi objective performance index-
14 Solar Thermal, Central Receiver 1-10 MW based size and location determination of distributed
15 Solar Thermal, Lutz System 10-80 MW generation in distribution systems with different load
16 Biomass Gasification 100 kW-20 MW models has been proposed in [44] and found that load
17 Geothermal 5-100 MW models can significantly affect the optimal location and
18 Ocean Energy 0.1-1 MW sizing of distributed generation (DG) resources in
distribution systems. Table 2 shows the various
The technologies 10-18 can be considered as methods used for DGs location and integration in the
renewable DGs. The other technologies could also be power systems.
called renewable DG if they are operated with bio-fuels.
Similarly, to the centralized generation, the following Table 2: Methods used in DG location and integration
three generation technologies are normally used for
distributed generation: synchronous generator, Methods used in DG References
asynchronous generator, and power electronic converter location and integration
interface [28-30]. An Electric Power Research Genetic Algorithm [35-36, 41]
Institute’s (EPRI) study forecasted that by the year Ant Colony Optimization [45]
2010, 25% of the newly installed generation will be Tabu search [34-35, 46]
DGs, and a similar study by Natural Gas Foundation Analytical expression [47-48]
believes that the share of DG in new generation will be Particle swarm [49]
30% [31-32].
In the present day, power system is becoming more
2. Role and Integration of DGs in the Power and more complex in structure, operation, control,
Systems management and ownership. These DGs are required to
solve various existing problems of power systems and
Different types of Distributed Generations (DG) are can be useful in future for providing the ancillary
available and it is expected to grow in the future years. services, aggregation technology etc.
DG includes the application of small generators,
scattered throughout a power system, to provide the 3. Distributed Generations in India
electric power needed by electrical customers. Such
locally distributed generation integrated to power The Government of India has taken several
system has several merits from the view point of measures including fiscal and financial incentives,
environmental restriction and location limitations, as preferential tariff for the promotion and proper use of
well as transient and voltage stability in the power renewable energy systems/devices in the country.
system [2, 33]. Significant achievements have been made, with the

Proceedings of IEC
establishment of over 13700 MW grid-interactive Generators (WEGs) of rating 225 kW to 2100 kW. A
renewable power generation capacity, which is about large number of water pumping windmills and small
9% of the total installed capacity in the country. Of this, aero-generators have been installed in the country.
about 6795 MW capacity has been added during the wind-solar and wind-diesel hybrid systems have also
10th Plan, i.e., 2002-07 against the plan target of 3075 been installed at a few places. The Ministry of New &
MW. In addition, over 5.5×106 off-grid/ decentralized Renewable Energy (MNRE), Govt. of India has
renewable energy systems/devices, mainly biogas plants established a centre for wind energy technology at
and solar photovoltaic lighting systems, have been Chennai with field test station at Kayathar to act as
deployed for provision of basic energy needs of cooking technical focal point for wind power development in the
country. Financial assistance for renewable source of
and lighting in rural households.
energy is available through Indian Renewable Energy
There are difficulties in the exploration of
Development Agency (IREDA), a supporting arm of
renewable energy sources in the country. The major
MNRE. Table 4 shows the wind power potential and
constraints faced in this field are inherent intermittent power generated till March 2008.
nature of renewable energy sources leading to low
capacity utilization factors ranging from about 17% to Table 4: Estimate wind power potential and actual
70%, depending on resource and location, grid generation in India
synchronization limitations on account of intermittent
nature of supply, relatively higher capital investment State of India Gross Potential Million
compared to conventional power projects; and (MW) Units
requirement of preferential tariffs apart from other fiscal Andhra Pradesh 8275 1020
and/or financial concessions to make investment in Gujarat 9675 2924
renewable power a commercially attractive proposition
Karnataka 6620 5581
[50-51]. Table 3 represents the various DGs options in
Kerala 875 n/a
Madhya Pradesh 5500 469
Table 3: Summary of DG options in India [52] Maharashtra 3650 6958
Orissa 1700 2135
DG options Typ Technolo Capacity Rajasthan 5400 n/a
e gy status factor Tamil Nadu 3050 26748
Diesel NR C,I N West Bengal 450 n/a
Gas engine NR C N Total 45195 45827
Micro turbine NR D N Note: Gross potential is based on assuming 1% of land availability for
wind power generation in potential areas (source: MNRE
fuelled by natural (ErstwhileMNES)).
Fuel cell fuelled NR D N Table 5: Equivalent saving of coal & other pollutants
by natural gas by use of wind power generation (31.03.08)
Wind turbines R C,I 13% Avg
Max 30-38% Description Total Saving in k’tons
PV R C,I Max 25% Substitution of Coal 1,83,30,800
Biomass gasifier R C N Sulphur di-Oxide[so2] 2,97,896
Gas Engine R Gasifier-I -
Biomass Cogen. R C,I 50 % Higher Nitrogen Oxides[NoX] 2,06,222
if aux. fuel Carbon di-Oxide[Co2] 4,58,27,000
NR-Non Renewable; I-Indigenous; R-Renewable; D-Demonstration; Particulates 24,632
C-Commercially available technology; N- Not constrained by the
Renewable energy is the ultimate answer to the
3.1 Wind Energy climate change and global warming. This carbon free
energy is seen as energy of the future whose
India ranks fifth amongst the wind-energy- development and deployment requires all possible
producing countries of the world after Germany, Spain, encouragement. It has come into centre stage in all
USA and China. Estimated potential is around 45000 international deliberations on the future of the planet in
MW at 50 m above ground level. Wind farms have been the context of global warming. The year 2007’s Nobel
installed in more than 9 States. More than 95% of Peace Prize being conferred to the Inter-Governmental
installed capacity belongs to private sector in seven Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a testimony to the
States. A good number of wind turbine manufacturers World-Wide realization that global warming and
are active in India and producing Wind Electric climate change are the stark and the biggest challenge

Proceedings of IEC
the world has to grapple with. Table 5 shows the saving hydro power has been planned during the 11th Five
in coal and reduction in pollutant due to wind power Year Plan. Table 6 shows the potential and installed
generation till March 2008 in India. capacity of renewable energy sources (RES) till March
2005 in India. It can be observed from Table 6 that India
3.2 Solar Energy has tapped very small fraction of available renewable
energy sources. However, Government is promoting
India receives solar energy equivalent to over RES with different policies.
5,000 trillion kWh per year. The daily average solar
energy incident varies from 4 - 7 kWh per square meter Table 6: Renewable energy in India (on 31.03.05)
of the receiving area depending upon the location. A
target of 50 MW has been set for solar power generation Source/System Estimated Installed
during the eleventh five year plan, which is likely to be potential capacity/nos.
achieved. Wind power 45 000 MW 3595 MW
A total of 33 grid interactive solar photovoltaic
Biomass power 16 000 MW 302.53 MW
power plants have been installed in the country with
Bagasse cogeneration 3500 MW 447.00 MW
financial support from the Government. These plants,
with aggregate capacity of 2.12 MW, are estimated to Small hydro 15 000 MW 1705.63 MW
generate about 2.55×106 kWh of electricity in a year. In Waste to energy -
addition, around 1.45×106 decentralized off-grid solar Municipal solid waste 1700 MW 17 MW
photovoltaic systems aggregating to about 125 MW Industrial waste 1000 MW 29.50 MW
capacities have been installed in the country, which is Family-size biogas 12 million 3.71 million
capable of generating about 150×106 kWh in a year. plants
Further, a collector area of about 2.15×106 square Solar street lighting — 54 795
meters has been installed for solar water heating
Home lighting systems — 342 607
applications. Typically, a solar water heating system
with 2 square meters of collector area can generate Solar lanterns — 560 295
energy equivalent to up to 1500 kWh of electricity when Solar photovoltaic — 1566 kWp
the system is used for about 300 days in a year. power plants
Solar water heating 140 M-m2 of 1 M- m2 of
3.3 Biomass systems collector collector area
A target for addition of 1700 MW capacity, Solar photovoltaic — 6818
consisting of 500 MW of biomass power projects and
Wind pumps — 1087
1200 MW of bagasse cogeneration projects has been
proposed during XI plan period i.e. up to 2012. A Biomass gasifiers — 66.35 MW
cumulative biomass power potential of about 18,000
MWe from the surplus of agro residues have been 4. Key Issues in DGs Integration to Power Systems
estimated in the country. The States of Andhra Pradesh,
Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, DG offers several advantages such as (i) increased
Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, voltage support, reliability, price elasticity, efficiency
Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, and ancillary service provisions, and (ii) reduced
Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal are having potential for emission, security risk, market power, cost of
setting up biomass based power projects of 100 MW or electricity, system energy loss, T&D requirements.
above. The biomass power potential in the identified However, there are several important and key issues,
districts of the above States ranges from 10 MW to 100 and challenges in the integration of DGs in the power
MW. Sugar mills having crushing capacity of 2500 tons systems.
of cane crushed per day in the States have an estimated
potential of about 5000 MW surplus power generation 4.1 Operation and Control
through optimum bagasse based cogeneration.
DG output is varied according to the local load
3.4 Small Hydro Power variation. DG power output can also be controlled
independently of the local loading of the area. This
control mode is implemented if DG operation follows
Six hundred eight small hydro power projects (up
price signal, which might or might not correspond to the
to 25 MW capacity) with an aggregate capacity of 2015
local load variations, or DG follows the availability of
MW have been set up in the country. The annual
natural resources, like solar or wind power. In this case,
estimated generation from these projects is 4028×106 DG might adversely affect the voltage control
kWh per year. A target of adding 1400 MW from small functionality of the network by increasing the variations

Proceedings of IEC
between the maximum and minimum voltage level, the analysis and simulations. For dynamic or transient
compared to a situation when DG is not available. Since stability study, it is extremely important to have models
the minimum voltage level could remain (usually at a of the system reflecting the main dynamical features of
high load, no DG situation) but the maximum voltage the system with reasonable accuracy. This implies that
level could increase, e.g. in low load situations with DG the owners of DG should make all relevant technical
operating at maximum production and at a unity power characteristics of DG available. Here, not only the static
factor. Generally speaking, DG can provide some characteristics of the DG units are important, but also
challenges to the traditional voltage, frequency and the characteristics of the main controls such as the
power control [53]. governor, voltage regulator, and excitation system of a
Due to large penetration of DG, there is risk of synchronous generator, etc. should be available [60].
control and stability issues. If a circuit breaker in a
distribution system opens, it could results in an 4.4 Protection System Requirements
islanding of a DG unit. If the loss-of-mains is not
detected by the DG unit, for example due to insufficient Depending on the characteristics of DG (its rated
fault current, the DG unit will continue to operate. If the power, technology used, mode of operation), the
DG unit is able to match active and reactive power of location of DG and network configuration, the impact of
the load in the islanded system precisely, then the DG on the over current protection may vary. This
islanded system could continue to operate without any clearly indicates that DG will certainly impact the
problem. It is, however, very unrealistic that DG will protection scheme of the distribution grid. If the
exactly match the load in the system during the time the protection system of DG units is able to detect the fault
circuit breaker opens, hence large frequency or voltage and rapidly disconnect from the network, DG will not
variations will occur when the DG unit tries to supply interfere with the normal operation of the protection
load. Hence, most interconnection rules require a loss-
system. Most interconnection standards, therefore,
of-main detection system which automatically
require disconnection of DG if a fault occurs.
disconnects the DG unit in case of a loss of main and
Nowadays, more and more distribution networks are
the unit remains disconnect until the grid is restored
[54-55]. automated and equipped with SCADA systems. The
protection scheme must be properly coordinated and
4.2 Optimal Location designed.

There are several methods available for suggesting 4.5 Change of Short Circuit Capacity
the optimal location of DGs for various objectives.
Based on the priorities of the objectives, analytical The installation of new distributed generators in the
hierarchical process is used to suggest the best location distribution networks potentially increases the level of
of DGs. The suggested methods are good enough for the short circuit capacity (SCC). Although sometimes, it is
present condition of the power system which is keep on desirable to have a high SCC, e.g., at the point of
changing due to various reasons such as expansion of connection of the inverter of a line commutated HVDC
the network, load concentration, structural and station or in the presence of large loads with rapidly
regulatory changes, etc. The optimal location may not varying demands, in general the increase of the SCC
be optimal after years. Moreover, with growing potentially indicates a problem [61].
penetration level of DGs, optimal locations keep on
changing and a new coordinated planning study is 4.6 Power Quality
required to find optimal location. Availability of fuel
supply system in future will also affect the optimal Different DGs have different characteristics and
location of DGs. thus create different power quality issue. The effect of
increasing the network fault level by adding generation
4.3 Modeling Issues often leads to improved power quality. A notable
exception is that a single large DG, e.g. a wind turbine,
When the penetration level increases a certain on a weak network may lead to power quality problems
threshold, it will no longer be appropriate to model particularly during starting and stopping [62].
static loads characterized by the amount of active and Excessive use of power electronics devices and modern
reactive power being consumed. The importance of the controls introduces the power quality problems and
modeling of the new DG technologies has already been moreover, these devices are very prone to power quality
realized by the researchers and engineers and resulted in problems.
a number of scientific articles reporting the
development of dynamic models of fuel cell systems, 4.7 Stability
micro turbines, doubly fed induction machines, and
generic loads [56-59]. Depending on the dynamical Traditionally, distribution network design did not
phenomena of interest, various models can be used in need to consider issues of stability as the network was
passive and radial, and remained stable under most

Proceedings of IEC
circumstances provided the transmission network was 4.12 Unbalancing
itself stable. However, this is likely to change as the
penetration of these schemes increases and their Various DGs, which supply to the network in
contribution to network security becomes greater. The single-phase, are available. If it exists, the unbalancing
areas that need to be considered include transient (first of the system will occur and it should not increase
swing stability) as well as long-term dynamic stability beyond the permissible limit. Moreover, operation of
and voltage collapse [27, 63-64]. DGs suffers with the unbalancing of loads in the phases.
Their performance deteriorates due to unbalancing.
4.8 Commercial Issues 4.13 Demand Response Effect

In order to support the development of active Electricity market exists in several countries and
distribution networks and extract corresponding benefits demand response is encouraged for better economics of
associated with connecting increased amount of DG, the electricity market and customers. These demand
new commercial arrangements need to be developed. responses may not be very beneficial to the DGs as they
Generally, three approaches are possible: (i) to recover may lose revenue due to demand response.
the cost of implementing active management directly
through the price control mechanism (increasing the Conclusions
amount of recoverable capital and operating expenditure
associated with active management); (ii) to establish an
This paper addresses the distributed power
incentive scheme that would reward companies for
generation technologies and their impacts on the future
connecting DG; (iii) to establish a market mechanism,
outside of the regulatory framework, which would power system. The various DGs options incorporated
create a commercial environment for the development in Indian power system are described along with future
of active networks. potential and options. Due to rising fossil fuels and
environmental concerns, the penetration of distributed
4.9 Regulatory Issues generation coming from the renewable energy sources
is increasing and expected to grow further in the future.
In the absence of a clear policy and associated This increasing penetration brings various technical and
regulatory instruments on the treatment of DGs, it is economical challenges in integrating the distributed
very likely that this type of generation may to thrive. In generations in to existing power systems, which are
order to foster the required changes, there is a clear need critically examined.
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