contours in 1st and 2nd segments of and faeces. The discharged blood is of
the right lung revealed during routi- dark red color, sometimes with small
ne fluorography. What clinical form of amount of clots. The patient is sick for
tuberculosis can be suspected in this pati- 8 months, has lost some weight. On digital
ent? examination, there is a round constriction
of the rectum with infiltrate at a height of
A. Focal 4-5 cm from the anus. What is the most
B. Tuberculoma probable diagnosis?
C. Miliary
D. Disseminated A. Non-specific ulcer colitis
E. Fibro-cavernous B. Chronic paraproctitis
C. Cancer of the medium-ampullar section
10. A woman is admitted to maternity of the rectum
home with discontinued labor activity and D. Crohn’s disease
slight bloody discharges from vagina. The E. Cicatricial stenosis of the rectum
condition is severe, the skin is pale, consci-
ousness is confused. BP is 80/40 mm Hg. 14. District physician was charged wi-
Heartbeat of the fetus is not heard. There th plan drafting concerning medical and
was a Cesarian section a year ago. Could preventive measures among the populati-
you please determine the diagnosis? on in the area he is assigned to. What
measures must he include in this plan as
A. Hysterorrhesis regards primary prevention of illness?
B. Expulsion of the mucous plug from
cervix uteri A. Measures to improve patients’ life
C. Cord presentation conditions
D. Premature expulsion of amniotic fluid B. Measures to increase patients’ life
E. Placental presentation quality
C. Prevention of disease complications
11. A 72-year-old patient after operati- D. Prevention of disease onset
on due to holecystectomia was prescri- E. Referral of patients to sanatorium
bed gentamicin (80 mg every 8 hours) and
cephalothin (2 g every 6 hours) due to 15. A 4-year-old boy in 2 weeks after the
fever. In 10 days there was an increase of tonsillitis had edema, headache, vomiti-
creatinine up to 310µmol/L. BP - 130/80 ng three times per day. On physical exam:
mm Hg, daily quantity of the urine is 1200 rise of blood pressure, urine is of meat
mL. Urine tests are without pathology. slops color. What is the most probable di-
Ultrasound: the size of kidneys is normal. agnosis?
What is the most probable reason for
renal failure? A. Cystitis
B. Interstitial nephritis
A. Hepatorenal syndrome C. Glomerulonephritis
B. Cortical necrosis of kidneys D. Pyelonephritis
C. Nephrotoxity of gentamicin E. Urethritis
D. Unequal infusion of the liqiud
E. Acute glomerulonephritis 16. A 29-year-old woman has had a
surgical treatment concerning the beni-
12. For persons who work in a zone of fai- gn serous epithelial tumour of the ovary.
lure on nuclear object, the greatest risk The postoperative period passed wi-
of development within the first decade is thout complications.What is necessary to
represented by cancer. By what cancer it prescribe in the rehabilitational period?
is represented?
A. No further observation
A. Breast B. Laser therapy and enzyme therapy
B. Lung C. Antibacterial therapy and adaptogens
C. Thyroid gland D. Magnetic therapy and vitamin therapy
D. Reproduction system organs E. Hormone therapy and proteolytic
E. Skin enzymes
13. A 65-year-old patient complains of 17. A rounded shadow with well-defined
dull pain in the rectum during and after outlines was found at the costo-vertebral
defecation, discharge of mucus and small angle on a chest X-ray of a healthy 9-year-
amount of blood mixed up with mucus old girl. Could you please make the preli-
Krok 2 Medicine 3
minary diagnosis?
A. The patient in a postoperative period
A. Ganglionevroma B. Blood sugar level
B. Sympatoblastoma C. Blood test
C. Sympatogonioma D. The patient who was discharged to
D. Ganglioneuroblastoma outpatient treatment
E. Sarcoma of the vertebra E. The patient who has a wound surface
18. A 20-year-old adolescent lives in 22. Parents of a 2-year-old boy applied to
the nidus of tuberculous infection. The clinic complaining of right testicle absence
tuberculine Mantoux test with 2 TU in the scrotum of a boy. While examining
was determined as hyperergic. What si- the boy, hypoplasia of the right half of
gns determine the hyperergic test of this the scrotum was revealed, absence of the
adolescent? testicle. Testicle is miniaturized, it palpi-
tates along the inguinal canal but it could
A. 24 mm hyperemia not be moved down to scrotum. What is
B. 4 mm papula the most probable diagnosis?
C. 12 mm hyperemia
D. 20 mm papula A. Right-sided cryptorchism, inguinal
E. 6 mm papula, necrosis form
B. Right-sided cryptorchism, abdominal
19. A 27-year-old patient was brought to form
clinic with a crashed wound of the posteri- C. Retraction of the right testicle
or surface of the right shin in 2 hours (pseudocryptorchism)
after the accident happened. During surgi- D. Left-sided monorchism
cal treatment pieces of dirty clothes and E. Ectopia of the right testicle, pubic form
gravel were removed. What actions from
the given below are the decisive ones to 23. A 24-year-old man on the second
prevent an anaerobic infection? day of the disease with a sudden onset
complains of a strong headache in temples
A. Introduction of the preventive dose of and in the area of orbits, dull pain in the
an anti-gangrene serum body, dry painful cough. His temperature
B. Introduction of the medical dose of the is 390 C. Adynamic. Mucous membrane
anti-gangrene serum of oropharynx is "flaming", rales are not
C. Radical surgical treatment ausculated. What is the most probable di-
D. Hyperbaric oxygenation agnosis?
E. Rational antibiotic therapy
A. Influenza
20. A 30-year-old patient who suffered B. Pneumonia
from headaches, while lifting a heavy C. Parainluenza
subject up, felt an intense headache in D. Respiratory mycoplasmosis
the form of the blow on his head. There E. Meningococcus infection
appeared nausea, vomiting, light dizzi-
ness. In a day there was an objectively 24. A sample of milk was taken for testi-
presented meningial syndrome, t- 37, 60C. ng from a 5 ton milk batch. Lab analysis
The doctor have suspected subarachnoi- showed the following: fat content 2%,
dal hemorrhage. What additional exami- specific density-1,04 g/cm3 , acidity 210 C,
nation is necessary to do to confirm the reductase probe – weak positive. What
diagnosis? way the product is to be used in? What
would you advise?
A. Roentgenography of the cranium
B. Cerebral angiography A. Utilize technically
C. Rheoencephalography B. Annihilate the product
D. Computed tomography C. Sell without limitations
E. Lumbar puncture with liquor exami- D. Write the product off for animal feeding
nation E. Sell but inform customers about milk
21. Point out the unit for statistical
observation for the determination of 25. A 75-year-old patient can not tell the
blood sugar level influence on a wound month, date and season of the year. After
surface healing during postoperative peri- long deliberations she manages to tell
od. her name. She is in irritable and dissati-
Krok 2 Medicine 4
sfied mood. She always carries a bundle A. Lipoma of the right inguinal part
with belongings with her, hides a parcel B. Varicose veins of the right thigh
with bread, shoes in her underwear in C. Right-sided femoral hernia
her bosom as well as "invaluable books". D. Right-sided direct inguinal hernia
What is the most probable diagnosis? E. Right-sided indirect inguinal hernia
A. Behavior disorder 29. During the examination of the
B. Dissociated personality (psychopathy) placenta which was just born, the
C. Presenile melancholia defect of 2х3 cm was found.There is no
D. Senile dementia hemorrhage. What is the most appropri-
E. Atherosclerotic(lacunar) dementia ate tactics?
26. A 35-year-old patient complains of A. To prescribe uterotonic medications
BP rise, headache, tinnitus, tachycardia. B. External massage of the uterus
On physical examination, Ps -100 bpm, C. Instrumental revision of the uterine
rhythmical, intensive. BP - 240/100 mm cavity
Hg. Left border of the relative cardiac D. Hand revision of the uterine cavity
dullness is moved to the left for 1 cm, E. Observation of woman after labor
Sound I on the apex is weakened, accent
of the Sound IInd - on aorta. Rough 30. In 2 weeks after pharyngitis a 25-
systolic murmur is ausculated on each si- year-old patient started complaining of
de of the umbilicus. What pathology could rise in temperature to 380 C, fatigue,
cause this clinical picture? shortness of breath during walking, mi-
grating joint intumescence and pain . On
A. Stenosis of renal arteries physical exam: cyanosis of lips, pulse is
B. Chronic glomerulonephritis weak, rhythmical, 100 bpm. The left heart
C. Essential hypertension border is moved outwards from medi-
D. Nephroptosis aclavicular line for 1 cm. Sound I on the
E. Conn’s syndrome apex is weakened, soft systolic murmur
is ausculated. What ethiological factor
27. A 22-year-old man with polyarthralgia caused this pathological process in the
and high-grade fever has right-sided most probable way?
exudative pleuritis. Roentgenologically,
down to the right of the 4th rib there is A. Staphylococcus
a homogeneous dark cloud. To the left, in B. Fungus
the second segment - an isolated dense- C. Virus
focused shadow. Mantoux test with 2 ТU: D. Pneumococcus
16 mm papula. The protein content in the E. Beta hemolytic streptococcus
pleural fluid is increased, Rivalt reaction
is positive, increased amount of leucocytes 31. A 40-year-old patient is sick for 8
with lymphocyte predomination. What is years. He complains of pain in the loin
the most probable etiology of pleuritis? region during physical work, in neck and
thorax parts especially during cough, pain
A. Cancerous in the right hip and joints. On physical
B. Staphylococcal exam: body is fixed in the positon of incli-
C. Tuberculous ne forward with the head pulled down,
D. Autoimmune atrophy of the gluteus. What is the most
E. Viral probable diagnosis?
28. A patient complains of pathological A. Spondyloarthropatia on the background
mass in the right inguinal part during of Reiter’s disease
physical work. The mass is round, about B. Psoriatic spondyloarthropatia
4 cm in diameter, during palpation is of C. Spread osteochondrosis of the vertebral
soft and elastic consistence, located at the column
medial part of the inguinal ligament. This D. Tuberculous spondylitis
mass is situated medial to seminal funi- E. Ancylosing spondyloarthritis
culus. What is the preliminary diagnosis?
32. In 10 min after childbirth by a
22-year-old woman, the placenta was
spontaneousely delivered and 100 ml of
blood came out. Woman weight - 80 kg,
infant weight - 4100 g, length - 53 cm.
Krok 2 Medicine 5
The uterus contracted. In 10 minutes the A. In the plane of outlet from the minor
hemorrhage renewed and the amount of pelvis
blood constitued 300 ml. What amount of B. In the plane of the narrow part of minor
blood loss is permissible for this woman? pelvis
C. Big segment in the plane of inlet into
A. 500 ml minor pelvis
B. 400 ml D. In the plane of the wide part of minor
C. 1000 ml pelvis
D. 300 ml E. By small segment in the plane of inlet
E. 650 ml into minor pelvis
33. A 32-year-old patient complains of 36. A 27-year-old patient was admitted
severe weakness, tremor of extremities. to the psychiatric hospital for the 4-th
On physical examination, there is loss of time during 2 years. He heard voices
body weight, wet and warm skin. The commenting on his actions, had delusi-
thyroid gland is enlarged up to the 3rd ons of persecution (was sure that mafia
degree, painless, elastic. Ps: 108 bpm. BP- wanted to kill him). He was discharged
160/55 mm Hg. The rest is in norm. What from hospital with the diagnosis of schi-
can be diagnosed? zophrenia, state of remission after a
course of treatment with neurolepti-
A. Toxiferous adenoma of the thyroid cs. What is necessary to do to prevent
gland relapses of schizophrenia?
B. Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis,
hypertrophic type A. Psychoanalytic treatment
C. Chronic fibrous thyroiditis B. Participation in a self-assistance group
D. Diffuse euthyroid goitre of the 3rd C. Supportive treatment with neuroleptics
degree of prolonged action
E. Diffuse toxic goitre of the 3rd degree, D. Psychiatric observation
thyrotoxicosis of the average degree E. Long-term hospitalization
34. A 37-year-old patient has sudden acute 37. A 37-year-old patient was brought to
pain in the right epigastric area after havi- resuscitation unit. General condition of
ng fatty food. What method of radiologi- the patient is very serious. Sopor. The skin
cal investigation is to be used on the first is grey, moist. Turgor is decreased. Pulse
stage of examining the patient? is rapid, intense. BP - 160/110 mm Hg,
muscle tonus is increased. Hyperreflexia.
A. Roentgenological There is an ammonia odor in the air. What
B. Magnetic-resonance is the presumptive diagnosis?
C. Radionuclid
D. Ultrasonic A. Hypoglycemic coma
E. Thermographic B. Uraemic coma
C. Cerebral coma
35. Woman in childbirth, 25 years old, D. Alcoholic coma
the second period of labor. During E. Hyperglycemic coma
internal obstetric examination, openi-
ng of the uterine cervix is full. Fetus 38. The diagnosis of a right-sided
membranes are absent. The head of the pneumothorax is made to a 36- year-old
fetus is represented, the head occupies patient. What method of treatment is indi-
sacral cavity. Sciatic bones are undetermi- cated to the patient?
nable.During contractions perineum is sti-
cking out. Where is the head of the fetus A. Drainage of the pleural cavity
situated? B. Pleural puncture
C. Antiinflammation therapy
D. Symptomatic therapy
E. Thoracotomy
39. A 48-year-old woman complai-
ns of fatigue, weight and appetite
loss, headache. Suffered from acute
glomerulonephritis as adolescent. Suffers
from arterial hypertension since age 25.
Has not systematically undergone medi-
Krok 2 Medicine 6
cal treatment, applied to doctor very need the inpatient treatment (what peri-
rarely. On laboratory investigation signs ods of pregnancy)?
of chronic renal failure first degree were
found. (creatinine - 0,23 mmol/L). What A. 6-7weeks, 16 weeks, 38 weeks
nutrition recommendations are the most B. 12-16 weeks, 27-28 weeks, 37-38 weeks
suitable for this patient? C. 8-12 weeks, 28–32 weeks, 37 weeks
D. 10-12 weeks, 24 weeks, 37-38 weeks
A. Carbohydrate control E. 16 weeks, 34 weeks, 39-40 weeks
B. Fluid amount increase
C. Ingestion with the increased content of 44. A 33-year-old woman was urgently
the "alkaline" brought to clinic with complaints of the
D. Protein control pain in the lower part of the abdomen,
E. Adipose control mostly on the right, irradiating to rectum,
she also felt dizzy. The above menti-
40. A 35-year-old woman was admitted to oned complaints developed acutely at ni-
thoracic surgery department with rise in ght. Last menses were 2 weeks ago. On
body temperature up to 400 C, onset of physical exam: the skin is pale, Ps - 92
pain with deep breath inside, cough wi- bpm, t- 36, 6O C, BP- 100/60 mm Hg. The
th big quantity of purulent and bloody abdomen is tense, slightly tender in lower
sputum with bad smell. What disease is parts, peritoneal symptoms are slightly
caused by these symptoms? positive. Hb- 98 g/L. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
A. Bronchiectatic disease
B. Actinomycosis of lungs A. Abdominal pregnancy
C. Pulmonary tuberculosis B. Renal colic
D. Abscess of the lung C. Acute appendicitis
E. Complication of liver echinococcosis D. Apoplexy of the ovary
E. Intestinal obstruction
41. A 40-year-old man is ill with autoi-
mmune hepatitis. Blood test: А/G ratio 45. A 65-year-old patient complains of
0,8, bilirubin - 42µmol/L, transaminase: gradual worsening of the left eye vision
ALT- 2,3 mmol g/L, АSТ - 1,8 mmol during 10 months. On physical examinati-
g/L. What is the most effective means in on: acuty of vision of the left eye is 0,01,
treatment from the given below? not correctable. The eye is quiet, pupil
of the eye is grayish, reflex from the eye-
A. Hepatoprotectors ground is absent. Intraocular pressure is
B. Antibacterial medication 18 mm/Hg. What is the most probable
C. Glucocorticoids, cytostatics preliminary diagnosis?
D. Hemosorbtion, vitamin therapy
E. Antiviral medications A. Leukoma of the cornea
B. Exfoliation of the retina
42. A 10-year-old child complains of fever C. Disorder of blood circulation in retina
(temperature is 39O C), frequent painful vessels
urination [pollakiuria]. Urine test: protei- D. Open-angle glaucoma
nuria [0,066 g/L], leukocytouria [entirely E. Senile cataract
within eyeshot], bacteriuria [105 colony
forming units/mL]. What is the most 46. A 29-year-old patient complains of
probable diagnosis? sterility. Sexual life is for 4 years bei-
ng married, does not use contracepti-
A. Urolithiasis on. There was no pregnancy before.
B. Acute glomerulonephritis On physical examination, genitals are
C. Acute cystitis developed normally. Uterine tubes are
D. Dysmetabolic nephropathy passable. Rectal temperature during three
E. Acute pyelonephritis menstrual cycles is monophase. What is
the most probable reason for sterility?
43. A young woman applied to
gynecologist due to her pregnancy of A. Anomalies of genitals development
4-5 weeks. The pregnancy is desirable. B. Genital endometriosis
Anamnesis stated that she had rheumati- C. Chronic adnexitis
sm in the childhood. Now she has combi- D. Immunologic sterility
ned mitral heart disease with the priority E. Anovulatory menstrual cycle
of mitral valve deficiency. When will she
Krok 2 Medicine 7
47. A 40-year-old patient is being di- amount of "rusty"sputum, pain in the ri-
agnosed: 1. Medullar thyroid gland cancer. ght side of the body during deep respirati-
2. Pheochromocytoma. What operation on and cough. The patient has IDDM. On
should be made first? physical exam, t- 39, 20 C, Ps - 114 bpm,
BP - 110/70 mm Hg, RR - 24/min. The
A. Operation concerning skin is dry, hyperemia of cheeks. Duri-
pheochromocytoma ng ausculation there are moist sonorous
B. Krail’s operation crepitant rales in lower parts of the lung.
C. Subtotal resection of thyroid gland and What are the doctor’s actions?
fascicular resection of limphatic nodes
D. Operation on thyroid gland A. Hospitalization to therapeutic unit
E. Vanach’s operation B. Resuscitation
C. Referral to outpatient department
48. A 62-year-old patient complains of D. Prescription of out-patient treatment
the pain behind the sternum, bad passi- E. Hospitalization to endocrinology unit
ng of solid and liquid food, bad breath,
increased salivation weight, loss of 15 kg 52. The student has got the following devi-
during the period of 2 months. Appetite is ces: Geiger’s counter, Ebert’s counter,
retained. On physical exam: face features Krotov’s apparatus, Mischuk’s device,
are sharpened. The skin is pale, with Ebert’s device. What device can he use
sallow tint, its turgor is decreased. The to assess germ pollution of the air?
liver is not enlarged. Blood Hb - 86g/L.
Gregersen reaction is positive. What kind A. Krotov’s apparatus
of pathology caused the given clinical si- B. Mischuk’s device
tuation? C. Ebert’s counter
D. Geiger’s counter
A. Achalasia of esophagus E. Ebert’s device
B. Cicatricial constriction of esophagus
C. Benign growth of esophagus 53. An unconscious victim in severe condi-
D. Esophagus cancer tion is brought to clinic. It is known that
E. Chronic non-specific esophagitis the patient touched the bare wire with
his hand and during 5 minutes was under
49. A 1,5-year-old child has following the influence of an alternating current
symptoms: chronic cough with purulent with voltage of 220 V. Physical exam:
sputum discharge. Dyspnea, physical skin is pale, cold by touch. Breath is
retardation, large amount of stool. Sweat weakened, BP - 90/50 mm Hg, Ps - 60
chloride is150 mEq/L. The child has been bpm, arrhythmical. There are fields of
ill since 2 month age. Diagnosis: cystic fi- necrosis of the skin on the right hand and
brosis. What is the most suitable therapy? on the right foot. What is the preliminary
A. Vitamins+antibiotics
B. Vitamins + mucolytics A. Vascular collapse due to electric current
C. Cholepoietic+adaptogenetic medicines lesion
D. Enzymes + antibiotics B. Electroburn of the right foot and right
E. Н2-blockers + hepatoprotectors hand
C. Electroburn of the right foot and right
50. A 26-year-old woman gave birth to hand
a child 6 months ago. She applied to D. Electrotrauma, acute cardiovascular
gynecologist complaining of menstruati- failure
on absence. The child is breast-fed. Vagi- E. High voltaged electroburn of the right
na exam: uterus is of normal form, dense foot and shank
consistence. What is the most probable di-
agnosis? 54. A 5-year-old girl with the transi-
tory immunodeficiency according to T-
A. Gestation system has a clinical picture of a right-
B. Sheehan’s syndrome sided pneumonia during 2 months. How
C. Physiological amenorrhea pneumonia progress can be described?
D. Pseudoamenorrhea
E. Asherman’s syndrome
51. A 48-year-old man called for a district
doctor due to attack of cough with small
Krok 2 Medicine 8
- 5%, ESR - 15 mm/min. Serum ferrum - started after the patient had eaten vinai-
7, 3µmol/L, total protein - 70g/L. Deficit grette. Swelling of lower extremities. BP
of what factor caused the development of - 140/100 mm Hg. Urine became curd
the disease? after boiling. What is the most probable
A. Folic acid
B. Protein A. Food toxicoinfection
C. Vitamin B12 B. Exacerbation of pyelonephritis
D. Vitamin B6 C. Dropsy of pregnant women
E. Ferrum D. Nephropathy of the 3rd degree
E. Preeclampsia
63. During a period of 1 year 11 600
diseases were registered in the clinic. 67. A 38-year-old man is working for
Among them are: influenza and acute 15 years on the slate producing factory.
respiratory disease - 5800, blood ci- He complains of expiration dyspnoe on
rculatory system diseases - 34 800, digesti- exertion, dry cough. On physical exam:
on organs diseases- 1300 and others- 1020. dullness of the percutory sound in the
What relative index can be calculated interscapular area, harsh respiration, dry
according to this data? diffused rales.There are warts of greyish
color on hands. The doctor of the plant
A. Visual graphic suspects asbestosis. What method is the
B. Extensive most informational to confirm the di-
C. Relative intensity agnosis?
D. Correlation
E. Intensive A. Bronchoalveolar lavage
B. Spirography
64. A 45-year-old woman complains of C. Chest X-ray exam
unbearable crampy pain in the left half D. Bronchoscopy
of face with 1-2 minutes duration. Attacks E. Blood gases analysis
are caused by mastication. The patient fall
ill two months ago after being in cold. On 68. A 26-year-old woman have been
physical exam: pain in exit points of tri- abusing of alcohol for 7 years. She has
geminal nerve on the left. Touch near left psychological dependence on alcohol,
ala nasi causes attack with tonic convulsi- but no withdrawal syndrome. Drinks are
on of facial muscles. What is the most taken almost every day approximately 50
probable diagnosis from the given below? – 100 g of wine. She is at her 4-th week
of pregnancy. What is necessary to do to
A. Sinusitis (maxillaris) prevent alcohol syndrome of fetus?
B. Neuralgia of trigeminal nerve
C. Neuralgia of glossopharyngeal nerve A. Medical abortion
D. Facial migraine B. Treatment of alcoholism and total
E. Arthritis of mandibular joint abstinance from alcohol during the whole
period of pregnancy
65. In the structure of the population of C. Participation in the A-ANON group
N-region, person category of age from D. Decrease of alcohol use
0 till 14 yrs constitued 31%, for people E. Gynecological observation
from 50 yrs and older - 20%. Estimate
the population structure that characteri- 69. A 58-year-old woman complains of
zes the given demographic situation in a osteoarthrosis of knee-joint. For 2 weeks
most efficient way. she had been receiving an in-patient medi-
cal treatment. She was discharged from
A. Migration of the population the hospital in satisfactory condition with
B. Progressive structure of the population complaints of minor pain after prolonged
C. Regressive structure of the population static work. Local hyperemia and exudati-
D. Emigration of the population ve effects in the area of joints are absent.
E. Stationary structure of the population What further tactics is the most expedi-
66. A woman in the first half of pregnancy
was brought to clinic by an ambulance.
Term of pregnancy is 36 weeks. She
complains of intensive pain in the epi-
gastrium, had vomiting for 2 times. Pain
Krok 2 Medicine 10
impossibility to swallow even liquid food. started having headache, muscles pain,
The patient is sick for 5 days. His conditi- her temperature has risen up to 38, 8O C.
on is severe. Body temperature is 38, 90C, What is the reason for such condition of
it is difficult to talk, voice is constrai- the patient?
ned, it is difficult to open the mouth.
Submaxillary glands to the right are pai- A. Bacterial and toxic shock development
nful, enlarged. What is the most probable B. Hemotransfusional shock development
diagnosis? C. Air embolism
D. Allergic reaction
A. Diphtheria E. Pyrogenic reaction of medium severity
B. Pharyngeal tumor
C. Phlegmonous tonsillitis 92. A 52-year-old patient with previously
D. Peritonsillar abscess functional Class II angina complains of
E. Vincent’s disease intensive and prolonged retrosternal pai-
ns, decreased exercise tolerance for 5
88. A mother who is on partially paid days. Angina is less responsive to Ni-
maternity leave got sick and was hospi- troglycerinum. Which of the following di-
talized. What document is to be issued to agnosis is the most probable?
a working father who will be taking care
of a child during his mother’s illness? A. IHD. Unstable angina
B. Myocardial dystrophy
A. Extract from the medical card of out- C. Cardialgia due to spine problem
or in-patient D. Myocarditis
B. Sick-leave E. IHD. Functional Class II angina
C. Certificate of child’s care necessity
D. Free-form certificate 93. Twenty-five unorganized toddlers (2-
E. Certificate of mother’s illness 3 years old) will be observed by district
pediatrician current year. What scheduled
89. A 62-year-old patient complains of number of preventive observations is to
dyspnea on rest,chest pain. 3 years ago be made for this group of children?
he had myocardial infarction. On physi-
cal examination, there is an orthopnea, A. 20
acrocyanosis, swollen cervical veins. Ps – B. 200
92 bpm, total heart enlargement, the liver C. 100
is enlarged by 7 cm, shin edema. What is D. 40
the stage of chronic heart failure [CHF]? E. 50
A. CHF-0 94. On the 20th of June a townsman
B. CHF-3 was brought to clinic. The disease broke
C. CHF- 2 А out acutely, starting with fever, rise in
D. CHF- 1 temperature to 38 − 390 C. There also was
E. CHF-2 B weakness, acute headache, nausea, vomi-
ting, pain all over the body, sleep disorder.
90. During examination of a patient, On physical examination: hyperemia of
masses in the form of condyloma on skin of face, neck, thorax. Meningeal si-
a broad basis are found in the area of gns are positive. 12 days ago the patient
the perineum. What is the tactics of the returned from the Siberia, from the forest.
doctor? What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Antiviral treatment A. Omsk hemorrhagic fever
B. Cryodestruction of condyloms B. Tick-borne encephalitis
C. Chemical coagulator treatment C. Pseudotuberculosis
D. To send a woman into dermatological D. Influenza
and venerological centre E. Epidemic typhus
E. Surgical ablation of condyloms
95. A 6-month-old infant was born with
91. A 40-year-old woman with body mass of 3 kg and 50 cm length. He
acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage was is breast-fed. How many times per day
transfused 400 ml of the preserved blood should the infant be fed?
after having conducted all compatibility
tests. After hemotransfusion the condi-
tion of the patient became worse. She
Krok 2 Medicine 13
A. Turn the victim to the right side temperature is normal. Then vomiting
B. Do not touch the victim until the arrival took place. On physical examination:
of the police man’s voice is hoarse, eyes are deeply set
C. Conduct an artificial ventilation of lungs in the orbits. The pulse is frequent. Blood
and closed-chest cardiac massage after pressure is low. There is no urine. What is
having released from the belt the preliminary diagnosis?
D. Put the victim with his back on the
shield A. Dysentery
E. Start immediate artificial ventilation of B. Salmonellosis
lungs and closed-chest cardiac massage C. Toxic food-borne infection
D. Cholera
119. A 5-year-old child with stigmas of E. Typhoid fever
dysembryogenesis (small chin, thick li-
ps, opened mouth, hyperthelorismus) has 123. A 4-year-old child on the 5th day of
systolic murmur in the second intercostal illness complains of cough, rash on the
to the right of the sternum. The murmur skin. Temperature is 38, 2O C , face is puffy,
passes to the neck and along the sternum photophobia, conjunctivitis. There is a
left edge. The pulse on the left brachi- bright papulomacular rash on the face,
al artery is weakened. BP on the right neck, upper half of the thorax. Pharynx
arm is 110/60 mm Hg, on the left - 100/60 is hyperemiated. There are serous and
mm Hg. ECG results: hypertrophy of the purulent discharge from nose, dry rales
right ventricle. What defect is the most in the lungs. What is your preliminary di-
probable? agnosis?
A. Defect of interatrial septum A. Enterovirus infection
B. Coarctation of the aorta B. Scarlet fever
C. Defect of interventricular septum C. Measles
D. Aortic stenosis D. Adenovirus infection
E. Open aortic duct E. German measles
120. A pupil of the 8th form after trauma 124. A 7-year-old girl suddenly fell ill with
has acute atrophy of the left arm muscles, fever, headache, severe sore throat, vomi-
tonus of which is distinctly decreased, acti- ting. Minute bright red rash appeared on
ve movements are only in the left joi- her ablushed skin in 3 hours. It is more
nt, pupil’s foot is deformed. Function of intensive in axillas and groin. Mucous
support of the left leg is absent, support membrane of oropharynx is hyperemic.
function of the right leg is preserved. The Greyish patches are on tonsills. Submaxi-
boy wears an orthopedic footwear. What llary glands are enlarged and painful.
group of physical training does the boy What is your diagnosis?
belong to?
A. Pseudotuberculosis
A. Preparatory B. Rubella
B. Additional C. Scarlet fever
C. Special D. Measles
D. Basic E. Enteroviral infection
E. Other
125. A 40-year-old woman complains of
121. A patient with nosocomial colic pains in the lower part of abdomen
pneumonia has signs of collapse. Which and abundant bloody discharges from
of the following pneumonia complication genital tract. Last 2 years she had menses
is the most likely to be accompanied with for 15-16 days, abundant, with clots, pai-
collapse? nful. Had 2 medical abortions. In bi-
manual investigation: from the canal of
A. Toxic hepatitis the cervix uteri - a fibromatous node, 3 cm
B. Septic shock in diameter, on the thin stem. Discharges
C. Bronchial obstruction are bloody, moderate.Choose the correct
D. Exudative pleuritis tactics.
E. Emphysema
122. In a man the disease started wi-
th acute onset. Frequent watery stool
developed 6 hours ago. The body’s
Krok 2 Medicine 17
burns of II degree. Nikolsky syndrome is reflex. What is the most probable di-
positive. What is the most probable di- agnosis?
A. Botulism
A. Bullous dermatitis B. Acute encephalitis
B. Acute epidermical necrolysis C. Acute gastritis
C. Polymorphic exudative erythema D. Salmonellosis
D. Pemphigus vulgaris E. Food toxicoinfection
E. Duhring’s disease
168. An employee was disabled during 6
164. A 34-year-old woman with 10-week months as a result of a hip fracture. Who is
pregnancy (the second pregnancy) has entitled to sign the sick-leave for the last
consulted gynaecologist to make a record 2 months?
in patient chart. There was a hydramnion
previous pregnancy, the birth weight of a A. Deputy head physician of a working
child was 4086 g. What tests are necessary capacity
first of all? B. Head physician of the polyclinic
A. Fetus cardiophonography D. Doctoral controlling committee
B. Ultrasound of the fetus E. DCC together with the head physician
C. The test for tolerance to glucose of a polyclinic
D. Bacteriological test of discharge from
the vagina 169. A 52-year-old man has recurrent
E. Determination of the contents of α transient ischemic attacks. Auscultation of
fetoprotein the carotid arteries detects murmur. What
diagnostic method is necessary to apply
165. In the inhabited locality there is an first?
increase of diphtheria during the last 3
years with separate outbursts in families. A. Ultrasound dopplerography
What measure can effectively influence B. Electroencephalography
the epidemic process of diphtheria and C. Cerebral angiography
decrease the morbidity with diphtheria to D. MRI of the brain.
single cases? E. CT of the brain
Laboratory values
Total blood count
Value Norm
Erythrocyte male: 4, 0 − 5, 0 ∗ 1012 /L
count Female: 3, 9 − 4, 7 ∗ 1012 /L
Hemoglobin, Male: 135-180 g/L
blood Female: 120-140 g/L
Color index 0,85- 1,15
Reticulocyte count 0,2 - 1%
Platelet count (Thrombocytes) 180, 0 − 320, 0 ∗ 109 /L
Leucocyte count 4, 0 − 9, 0 ∗ 109 /L
Basophils 0 − 0, 065 ∗ 109 /L (0-1%)
Eosinophils 0, 02 − 0, 30 ∗ 109 /L (0,5 - 5,0%)
Neutrophils, band 0, 04 − 0, 30 ∗ 109 /L (1 - 6 %)
Neutrophils, segmented 2, 0 − 5, 50 ∗ 109 /L (47 - 72%)
Monocytes 0, 09 − 0, 60 ∗ 109 /L (3 - 11%)
Lymphocytes 1, 2 − 3, 0 ∗ 109 /L (19 - 37%)
Erythrocyte Male: 2 - 10 mm/h
sedimentation rate Female: 2 - 15 mm/h
Male: 40 - 48%
Hematocrit Female: 36 - 42%
Blood Biochemical Profile
Proteins total, serum 65-85 g/L
Albumin 35-50 g/L (52-65%)
Globulin: 23-35 g/L (35-48%)
α1 -globulin 2-4 g/L (4,2-7,2%)
α2 -globulin 5-9 g/L (6,8-12%)
β-globulin 6-11 g/L (9,3-15%)
γ-globulin 11-15 g/L (15-19%)
Albumin - Globulin ratio 1,2-2,0
Immunoglobulin, serum: (Immune serum
IgD 0 - 0,15 g/L
IgG 50-112,5 µmol/L
IgM 0,6-2,5 µmol/L
IgA 5,6-28,1 µmol/L
IgE 0,3-30 nmol/L
Bilirubin, serum:
total 8,5-20,5 µmol/L
undirect (nonconjugated) 1,7-17,11 µmol/L
direct (conjugated) ) 0,86-5,1 µmol/L
Lipids, serum (total) 5-7 g/L
Triglycerides 0,59-1,77 mmol/L
Total cholesterol, serum 2,97-8,79 mmol/L
very low density (pre-beta-lipoproteins) 1,5-2,0 g/L (0,63-0,69 mmol/L)
low density (beta-lipoproteins) 3-4,5 g/L (3,06-3,14 mmol/L)
high density (alpha-lipoproteins) 1,25-6,5 g/L (1,13-1,15 mmol/L)
Chylomicrones 0-0,5 g/L (0-0,1 mmol/L)
Glucose, serum 3,3-5,5 mmol/L
Glycosylated hemoglobin 4 - 7%
Krok 2 Medicine 28