European Aviation Safety Agency: Easa Type-Certificate Data Sheet
European Aviation Safety Agency: Easa Type-Certificate Data Sheet
European Aviation Safety Agency: Easa Type-Certificate Data Sheet
Number: IM.E.011
Issue: 07
Date: 08 October 2013
Type: Honeywell International Inc.
TFE731-20, -40, -50, -60 series engines
Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Issue 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
TCDS IM.E. 011 TFE731-20, -40, -50, -60 series engines Page 2
Issue 7, 08 October 2013 Models -20, -20AR, -20BR, -20R,
-40, -40R, -40AR, -40BR, -50R, -60
I. General
1. Type/Models:
20 December 2004
EASA Type Certification for the TFE731-20, TFE731-20AR, TFE731-20R, TFE731-40, TFE731-40R and TFE731-
60 engine models is granted, in accordance with article 2 paragraph 3 (a)(i) of EU Commission Regulation EC
1702/2003, based on the CAA United Kingdom validation letter issued following the JAA Validation
JAR-E change 8 dated 4 May 1990 plus Orange Paper E/91/1 published 27 May 1991 and JAR-E850
as amended by Orange Paper E/93/1 effective 17 May 1993.
TCDS IM.E. 011 TFE731-20, -40, -50, -60 series engines Page 4
Issue 7, 8 October 2013 Models -20, -20AR, -20BR, -20R,
-40, -40R, -40AR, -40BR, -50R, -60
In addition, for TFE731-40AR, TFE731-40BR and TFE731-50R, CS-E Original Issue, dated 24
October 2003, paragraph CS-E 790.
In addition, for TFE731-50R, CS-E Original Issue, dated 24 October 2003, paragraphs CS-E 100(c),
CS-E 650, CS-E 800, applicable to the fan rotor assembly only, and CS-E 890, applicable to the
whole engine.
In addition, for TFE731-40BR, CS-E Original Issue, dated 24 October 2003, paragraph CS-E890 .
2.3 Deviations:
2.4.1 TFE731-20, -20R, -20 AR, -20BR, -40, -40R, -40AR, -60
Emissions and Fuel Venting per ICAO Annex 16, Volume II, Amendment 2, Nov 1993.
Emissions and Fuel Venting per ICAO Annex 16, Volume II, Amendment 4, Nov 1999.
2.5.3 TFE731-40BR
Emissions and Fuel Venting per ICAO Annex 16, Volume II, Amendment 7, Nov 2013.
The Type Design Definition is in accordance with the following Honeywell Engine Parts Lists:
TFE731-20 3060080-1
TFE731-20AR 3060082-2
TFE731-20BR 3060084-1
TFE731-20R 3060020-6
TFE731-40 3060050-1
TFE731-40R 3060040-4
TFE731-40AR 3062020-1
TFE731-40BR 3062075-1
TCDS IM.E. 011 TFE731-20, -40, -50, -60 series engines Page 5
Issue 7, 8 October 2013 Models -20, -20AR, -20BR, -20R,
-40, -40R, -40AR, -40BR, -50R, -60
TFE731-50R 3060090-1
TFE731-60 3060000-4
and later approved Engine Parts Lists published in the applicable Light Maintenance Manual.
3. Description:
Turbofan, one stage geared fan, four stage axial flow pressure compressor, one stage centrifugal high pressure
compressor, annular combustor, one stage high pressure turbine and three stage low pressure turbine.
Fuel control is by means of a Digital Electronic Engine Control (DEEC) with back up hydromechanical control.
The starter, thrust reverser and engine mounts are not part of the engine definition.
3. Equipment:
Engine equipment is specified by the Engine Equipment List part number as referenced in the Light Maintenance
4. Dimensions:
5. Dry Weight:
6. Ratings:
7. Control System:
Fuel controls and power management are controlled by a Digital Electronic Engine Control (DEEC) with a backup
hydromechanical control. The hardware and software configuration of this system and the associated engine fuel
pump and hydromechanical unit are controlled by the approved engine equipment list for each specific engine
model and aircraft application.
8. Fluids (Fuel/Oil/Additives)
Accessory Drive Type Internal RPM and Accessory Max. Weight Overhung
Drive (one each) Spline Rotation Torque Nm (lb-in) kg (lb) Moment
Config. Facing Note (e) maximu Nm(lb-in)
Drive End m
Tc To Ts
Note (b)
Starter or AND20002 AND20002 12,602 22.60 33.90 180.78 20.41 45.19
Starter Type XII-D Note (a) (200) (300) (1600) (45) (400)
Generator modified as CW
D2* follows: RPM,
Note (c) torques, 12,728
accessory Note (f)
weight, and CW
moment as
Aircraft AND20002 AND20002 12,602 22.60 33.90 112.98 18.14 45.19
Accessory Type XII-D Note (a) (200) (300) (1000) (40) (400)
D3* modified as CW
follows: RPM,
torques, 12,728
accessory Note (f)
weight, and CW
moment as
Aircraft AND20001 AND20001 6,300 27.12 40.67 186.42 6.80 11.30
Accessory Type XI-B Note (a) (240) (360) (1650) (15) (100)
D1* modified as CW
(For engines follows: RPM,
without motive torques, 6,364
fuel pump) accessory Note (f)
weight, and CW
moment as
Aircraft AND20001 AND20001 6,300 11.30 18.64 112.98 3.18 2.03
Accessory Type XI-B Note (a) (100) (165) (1000) (7) (18)
D1* modified as CW
(For engines follows: RPM,
with motive torques, 6,364
flow fuel pump) accessory Note (f)
Note(d) weight, and CW
moment as
* Accessory pads are identified by these symbols on the applicable installation drawings.
(a) All models except TFE731- 40BR and -50R: drive speeds are based on a maximum steady state HP
rotor speed of 31485 rpm.
(b) Total weight of the accessories is not to exceed 43.06 kg (95 lb) for engines without motive fuel
pump or 39.46 kg (87 lb) for engines with motive fuel pump.
(c) The estimated torsional spring constant for the starter generator drive is 790.89 Nm/radian (7000 lb-
(d) Drive is located on engine auxilliary motive flow fuel pump.
(e) Total combined accessory power extraction limits are specified in the applicable engine installation
(f) TFE731-40BR and -50R only: drive speeds are based on a maximum steady state HP rotor speed
of 31800 rpm.
TCDS IM.E. 011 TFE731-20, -40, -50, -60 series engines Page 7
Issue 7, 8 October 2013 Models -20, -20AR, -20BR, -20R,
-40, -40R, -40AR, -40BR, -50R, -60
For all engine models, the bleed extraction limits are specified in the applicable engine installation manual.
External engine components maximum temperatures are as specified in the applicable engine
installation manual.
Maximum 57 (135) with a vapour volume to liquid volume ratio (V/L) equal to 0.45.
Minimum -54 (-65) with fuel at a viscosity of 12 centistokes or less during starting.
For use of anti-icing additives and limitations for installation with and without fuel heaters and which may
or may not extract motive flow for aircraft injector systems refer to the applicable engine installation
Low Pressure Rotor (N1) High Pressure Rotor (N2) rpm (%)
rpm (%) All models except TFE731-40BR
TFE731-40BR and -50R and-50R
Take off 21000 (100) 31485 (100) 31800 (101)
Maximum Continuous 21000 (100) 31485 (100) 31485 (100)
Transient (10 seconds 21105 (100.5) 31957 (101.5) 32277 (102.5)
maximum duration)
3. Pressure Limits:
Minimum absolute pressure: 34.47 kPa (5 psi) above the true vapour pressure of the fuel used.
4. Installation Assumptions:
The installation assumptions are quoted in the applicable Engine Installation Manual.
5. Dispatch Limitations:
TFE731-20,-20AR,-20BR,-20R,-40,-40R, -40AR, -40BR, -50R and –60 engines are not herein approved for Time
Limited Dispatch with the electronic control system inoperative (manual mode).
For installed engines, consult the applicable Engine Installation Manual and aircraft MMEL.
VI. Notes
Note 1: Ratings
The thrust ratings are based on static test stand operation under the following conditions:
Note 2: For additional authorised operation and installation detailed information, refer to FAA approved
sections of the applicable engine Installation Manual.
Note 3: Certain engine parts are life-limited. These limits are published in the Light Maintenance Manual,
Chapter 5, and referenced in the Honeywell International Inc Service Bulletin TFE 731-72-5101.
Note 4: The engine weight shown is that of the power section and all components coded "E" in the Engine
Equipment List. The total engine weight, including the weight of items coded "A" in the Engine
Equipment List is included on the engine installation drawing for each specific aircraft configuration.
TCDS IM.E. 011 TFE731-20, -40, -50, -60 series engines Page 9
Issue 7, 8 October 2013 Models -20, -20AR, -20BR, -20R,
-40, -40R, -40AR, -40BR, -50R, -60
Note 5: Variations in engine configuration and installation components are identified by a suffix to the basic
model number on the engine nameplate, ie TFE 731-60-XX, and an Engine Equipment List number.
Certain features of these components are influenced by aircraft design considerations. In the Engine
Equipment List, those items coded "E" are basic engine items as defined in JAR-E as Group 1
Equipment. Items coded "A" have been demonstrated as compatible with the basic engine during
engine certification testing. However, operation, functioning, and performance of these in a specific
aircraft installation must be demonstrated during aircraft certification. Subsequent design control
associated with these factors is the responsibility of the aircraft manufacturer.
Note 6: Power setting, power checks and control of engine thrust output in all operations is to be based on
Honeywell International Inc engine charts referring to low pressure rotor speed (N1). Speed sensors
are included in the engine assembly for this purpose.
Note 7: The TFE 731-20/20AR/20BR/20R and-40BR engines are approved for use with the Nordam (formerly
Dee Howard Company) thrust reverser designated TR 5045.
The TFE 731-40R and -40AR engines are approved for use with the Nordam thrust reverser
designated TR 5040AS.
The TFE 731-40 engine is approved for use with the Dassault (formerly Alenia) thrust reverser
designated F50B-583-D3.
The TFE 731-60 engine is approved for use with the Dassault thrust reverser designated FGFB-583-
The TFE731-50R is approved for use with the Nordam thrust reverser designated TR5050.
Note 8: The software contained in the DEEC has been designed and developed in accordance with
RTCA/DO178B, criticality Level A.
Note 9: The normal 5-minute take off time may be extended to 10 minutes for engine-out contingencies.