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Grade 8 Periodic Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Puerto Princesa City

Fourth Periodical Exam

Name:_____________________________________ Date:_________________

I. Directions: Read the following article carefully and answer the following questions. Encircle the letter that
corresponds to the correct answer.


A robot is a machine. But it is not just any machine. It is a special kind of machine. It is a machine that moves.
It follows instructions. The instructions come from a computer. Because it is a machine, it does not make mistakes. And
it does not get tired. And it never complains. Unless you tell it to!

Robots are all around us. Some robots are used to make things. For example, robots can help make cars. Some
robots are used to explore dangerous places. For example, robots can help explore volcanoes. Some robots are used to
clean things. These robots can help vacuum your house. Some robots can even recognize words. They can be used to
help answer telephone calls. Some robots look like humans. But most robots do not. Most robots just look like

Long ago, people imagined robots. Over 2,000 years ago, a famous poet imagined robots. The poet’s name was
Homer. His robots were made of gold. They cleaned things and they made things. But they were not real. They were
imaginary. Nobody was able to make a real robot. The first real robot was made in 1961. It was called Unimate. It was
used to help make cars. It looked like a giant arm.

In the future, we will have even more robots. They will do things that we can’t do. Or they will do things that
we don’t want to do. Or they will do things that are too dangerous for us. Robots will help us fight fires. They will help
us fight wars. They will help us fight sickness. They will help us discover things. They will help make life better.

1.What makes robot a special kind of machine?

a. it moves c. both a nd b
b. it follows instructions from a computer d. none of the above
2. According to the passage, when was the first real robot made?
a. 1961 c. 2003
b. 1900 d. 2000 years ago
3. Using the information in the passage as a guide, which of these gives the best use of a robot?
a. to help make a sandwich c. to help read a book
b. to help tie shoes d. to help explore mars
4. Which of these statements correctly summarizes how the author of this passage feels about robots?
a. robots are old. c. robots are helpful.
b. robots are confusing. d. robots are dangerous.
5.According to the author, robots may be used to
I. make cars
II. explore volcanoes
III. answer telephone calls
a. i only c. ii and iii only
b. i and ii only d. i, ii, and iii
6. What is the main purpose of paragraph 2?
a. to show how easy it is to make a robot
b. to tell what a robot is
c. to describe the things a robot can do
d. to explain the difference between a robot and a machine

II. VOCABULARY.Directions: Choose among the options the meaning of the underlined words. Encircle
the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

7. Some animals have remarkable longevity. For example, the giant land
tortoise can live several hundred years.
a. appearances. b. length of life. c. habits.
8. Some mentally ill people have bizarre ideas. For instance, they may think the TV is talking to them or that
others can steal their thoughts.
a. limited. b. ordinary. c. odd.
9. The Chinese government provides incentives for married couples to have only one child. For example,
couples with one child get financial help and free medical care.
a. warnings. b. penalties c. encouragements
10. Today was a day of turmoil at work. The phones were constantly ringing, people were running back and
forth, and several offices were being painted.
a. discussion. b. confusion. c. harmony
11. Many people have pointed out the harmful effects that a working mother may have on the family, yet there
are many salutary effects as well.
a. well-known. b. beneficial. c. hurtful.

III. TYPES OF SENTENCES. Identify whether the following sentences are simple, compound or complex. Write the
answer before the number.

_________________________12.I like bananas and I like grapes.

_________________________13.Maria can be rude at times but she is a nice girl.
_________________________14.I love roast potatoes, although my mum prefers them mashed.
_________________________15.The big dog barked whenever I knocked on the door.
_________________________16.The girl ran after the tiger.
_________________________17.Because the bridge wasn't properly maintained by the government, it fell down.
_________________________18.He'll be able to maintain a healthy weight because he keeps exercising.

IV.CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. Fill in the blanks with appropriate tense of the verb enclosed in the parentheses.

POSSIBLE 19.If you help me, I _______________(help) you.

POSSIBLE 20. If I study, I _________________ (pass) the exam.
UNLIKELY POSSIBLE 21. If I received the enough money, I ____________________ (go) to Japan.
UNLIKELY POSSIBLE 22. If it rained, you __________________________(get) wet.
IMPOSSIBLE 22. If the earth had been nearer to the sun, we ____________________(get) burn.
IMPOSSIBLE 23. If her mother had won the lottery, _______________________(buy) a car.

VI. PROPAGANDAA DEVICES. Answer the following questions . Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct

1. What type of propaganda makes you want to jump in and follow everyone else?
a.Emotional b.Bandwagon
c.Repitition d.Testimonial
2. What type of propaganda uses negative words or feelings against an idea, product or person?
a.Flavor c.Glittering Generality
b.Transfer d.Name-calling
3. A famous person used to endorse product or a candidate is known as?
a.black propaganda c.Transfer
b.Testimonial d.Emotional words
4. Using repeated messages,words or pictures to persuade others to buy a product is called_________________
5. An idea, product or person associated with everyday people and activities is known as__________________.
c.Feel good advertising
s.Plain-folks Appeal
6. Whenever words are used that give us a positive feeling about a product or person that is known as?
a.Emotional words
b.Feel good advertising
c.Canned response

VII. BUSINESS LETTER. Rewrite the letter in an appropriate format.

June 5,2016


This School

As President of the Book Lovers Club, I would like to request your approval regarding the book drive that we plan to
conduct this June-December 2016. The club would like to conduct a film showing, raffle draw and distribution
solicitation letters tin order to collect books that will be donated to the library.

Thank you very much and I am hoping you approve my request.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
City Division of Puerto Princesa
Puerto Princesa City

Respectfully yours,

Kendall Bautista

Dear Ma’am;

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