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MS - CHRYSO Tapelastic Premia (Kalpitiya)

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Topic: Waterproofing of Overhead Water Tank

Application Contractor: Hi-Tech Concrete Solutions (Pvt) Ltd.
Location: Kalpitiya Date: 04th Dec. 2020

1.0 Proposed Materials

a) CHRYSO®Tapelastic Premia - Two Component High performance Acrylic Polymer Based
Elastomeric Waterproof Coating
b) CHRYSO®Excem PMC 60- Fibre Reinforced, Non-shrink, Polymer Modified ready to use
cemetitious Grout
c) CHRYSO®Latex – SBR based Emulsion, Bonding agent

2.0 Manufacturer
a) CHRYSO®Tapelastic Premia – CHRYSO india (Pvt) Ltd.
c) CHRYSO®Excem PMC 60– CHRYSO India (Pvt) Ltd.
d) CHRYSO®Latex – ABE Cjonstruction Chemicals – CHRYSO South Africa

3.0 Scope of Work – Application of Waterproofing Coating

3.1 Surface Preparation*
➢ All surfaces to be clean, dry, sound and free of all laitance, grease, oil or loose and fl aking
➢ All the construction joints should be properly treated.
➢ Honeycombs, pin holes and all other defects on concrete surface should be repaired prior to
application of waterproof layer. (Refer ’Clause 4.0 Scope of Work - Repairing of
Honeycombs, Voids, Pinholes and Rough Surfaces of Concrete Structure’) Allow the surface
to dry for at least 24 hours

3.2 Priming the Substrate

➢ NO Priming is Required.

3.3 Mixing
➢ Charge the liquid in the packaging into a clean mixing container.
➢ Add powder in the packaging gradually while mixing until a lump free consistency is
achieved. No additional water is required. It is recommended that mechanical mixing (400 -
500 rpm) be used for 2-3 minutes to ensure proper dispersion of the components.

3.4 Sealing around Pipe Protrusions /Gullies

➢ Seal around the pipe protrusions/gullies with CHRYSO®Grout SL GP

3.5 Preparetion of Groove and Angle fillets.

➢ Cut a 20X20 groove horizontal direction at the wall, height of 300mm from the bottom.

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➢ Apply a 45o Angle fillet between corners of masonery walls and slab.

3.6 Application of Waterproofing coating

➢ Apply the 1st coat of the prepared mix using a block brush or roller up to the tile finished
level for entire area.
➢ Allow application to dry for at least 3-4 hours. The drying time may vary depending on air
circulation, prevailing temperature and film thickness.
➢ Apply another coat of CHRYSO®Tapelastic Premia at the edges between wall-wall and wall-
floor and around pipe protusions/gullies.
➢ Lay CHRYSO®Ecofelt membrane at edges and around pipe protusions/gullies by keeping
150mm width on both sides along each edge and corners of the wall/front of the brick and
➢ Follow the same mixing method as above and apply 2nd coat at a right angle to the 1st coat
to ensure all pinholes are closed. (Application height of walls should be 1500mm at shower
areas and 300mm at other areas.)
➢ Seal the pre-prepared groove (Clause 3.5) with CHRYSO®Excem PMC 60.
➢ Leave application to cure overnight

4.0 Scope of Work – Repairing of Honeycombs, Voids, Pinholes and Rough

Surfaces of Concrete Structure
4.1 Surface Preparation
➢ All surfaces to be clean, dry, sound and free of all laitance, grease, oil or loose and flaking
➢ Chip out defective, poorly consolidated or delaminated concrete until sound concrete is
➢ Delineate the chipped area to as close to a simple square shape as is practical by saw cutting
to minimum 10 mm deep or as specified ; 15mm is preferred. If cutting to this depth will
damage the rebar then reduce the depth of the cut until rebar is not impacted.
➢ Remove the concrete within the designated repair area to the saw cut to create a straight
sided excavated area.
➢ Allow the concrete to absorb the water until it is in a “saturated, surface dry” condition.

4.2 Priming the Substrate

➢ Apply CHRYSO®Latex to the inside surface of the patch area.
➢ If the primer dries before the mortar is applied, the area shall be cleaned and re-primed.

4.3 Mixing Repair Mortar

➢ Use mechanical mortar mixers, preferably of the slow speed (250-350 rpm) paddle mixer.
Allow approx 5 minutes for mixing.
➢ Add CHRYSO®Excem PMC 60 slowly into recommended amount of clean water in a mixer.
For Trowelable Mix: 3.5 – 4kg of potable water to 25 kg of CHRYSO®Excem PMC 60.

4.4 Applying of Repair Mortar

➢ Immediately following mixing, Apply CHRYSO®Excem PMC 60mortar by using gloved hand or
trowel to the prepared and primed surface of the substrate paying particular attention to
packing behind and between the reinforcement and thorough compaction overall.
➢ If the void is deeper than 40 mm, it should be filled in layers (lifts) of not more than 40 mm.
For mechanical bond of the next layer, provide profile by scoring the surface of the installed
mortar with the tip of the trowel.

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5.0 Scope of Work – Sealing of flowing Water
➢ Always dovetail or cut square areas to be treated. Open hole or crack to a minimum depth
and width of 20 mm and clean away all loose material, dust and debris.
➢ Mix the ‘Rapid Setting Cementitious Repair Mortar’ with sufficient water to form a
mouldable material using a gloved hand. Hold the material until you feel it getting hot.
➢ Force it into the hole or into the top of the crack, hold it in place until it sets (approx. 70
➢ If filling a crack repeat until all the crack is filled

6.0 Testing of Waterproof Floors

➢ Waterproofing of bathroom floor shall be tested by ponding the surface with water
to a depth of 50 mm for 48 hours or longer. This test shall be carried out after 24
hours of application of 2nd layer.
➢ The test is found satisfactory if there is no leakage and there is no damp patches
observed on the surface of the floor. The waterproofing shall be considered
satisfactory if no leaks or damp patches show on the soffit.


Kasun Hewagama BSc. Eng (Hons), AMIE(SL)

Manager – Construction Systems

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