IR Seeker Simulator and IR Scene Generation To Evaluate IR Decoy Effectiveness
IR Seeker Simulator and IR Scene Generation To Evaluate IR Decoy Effectiveness
IR Seeker Simulator and IR Scene Generation To Evaluate IR Decoy Effectiveness
Wim de Jong∗, Frans A.M. Dam, Gerard J. Kunz, Ric. M.A. Schleijpen
TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory, P.O. Box 96864, 2509 JG, The Hague, The Netherlands
IR decoys can be an effective countermeasure against IR guided anti ship missiles. However, it’s not so easy to
determine how the decoys should be deployed to get maximum effectiveness. A limitation of trials is that results are
obtained for the specific trial condition only. Software tools have been developed to solve these problems. One solution
uses recorded IR imagery from a decoy deployment trial, while the other solution generates IR imagery and is thus
independent of trials. In the first solution, a combination of hardware and software is used that allows recording of a
scene with an infrared camera, and simulating a missile seeker. A pre-processing algorithm corrects the recorded images
before they are fed into the seeker algorithm of the simulated missile. To perform this correction the pre-processing uses
the speed, distance to the target and field of view of the IR camera as fixed parameters and the speed and starting
distance of the simulated missile as variable parameters. Modtran and the Navy Aerosol Model are used to calculate the
atmospheric transmission effects in the pre-processing. The second solution generates artificial IR images that are
subsequently fed into the seeker algorithm. This solution also allows variation of those parameters that are fixed when
recorded IR imagery is used. Examples are among others: the signature of the target ship, the orientation, size and speed
of the target ship, the type of decoy, the timing of the decoy sequence, atmospheric conditions etc. With these tools the
effectiveness of decoy deployment in various scenarios can be evaluated.
Keywords: Scene generation, Seeker Algorithms, Infrared decoys, Atmospheric effects, Decoy effectiveness
Infrared (IR) signatures of warships have been of interest for several decades. However, rather than the reduction of the
signature itself, the final goal is an increase in ship survivability1,2. The interest in IR signature reduction must be related
to the defence of ships against IR threats. Apart from signature reduction also other countermeasures (CM) as IR decoys
and jammers, are essential to give protection against IR threats. In some cases a combination of signature reduction and
other CM is required to counter a threat successfully.
Several factors are very important while deploying IR decoys. In case of the common used ‘Walk off’ technique of
deploying submunitions of IR decoys not only the moment when the first submunition is deployed but also the interval
between subsequent submunitions is important. For two reasons the decoys should not be fired too early. The first
reason is that the decoy should burn sufficiently long to avoid re-acquisition of the ship when the decoy burns out. The
safest option is to have the decoy still burning when the missile passes the ship. The second reason is that when the
decoy is fired too early (when the missile is still very far away) the radiance of the decoy will stay below the threshold
of the seeker due to atmospheric attenuation. The first point depends only on the remaining flight time of the missile
towards the target. The second depends also on the IR visibility.
Another important point is the launch direction. Most navy ships are equipped with decoy launchers in a fixed bearing
and elevation angle and a decision has to be taken which launcher is to be used to get a maximum miss distance between
the missile and the ship. The ship course and speed and the wind course and speed are important factors to choose the
optimum launcher. To automate the process of choosing the right launcher, course and speed, TNO-FEL has developed
the EWTDA: the Electronic Warfare Tactical Decision Aid3. Apart from giving advice about the optimal deployment of
softkill assets against radar and IR guided threats, the EWTDA also advises on course and speed, taking into account the
∗; phone +31 70 374 0438; fax +31 70 374 0654;
The effectiveness of countermeasures also depends on several factors that are not under control of the target. Against an
imaging seeker the decoy deployment is more critical than against a hot spot seeker. When the missile is also equipped
with an RF seeker also chaff should be launched and co-located with the IR decoy.
Atmospheric conditions influence the effectiveness in different ways. The wind influences the separation between ship
and decoy, while the lock-on distance, both on the target and on the decoy depends on the IR transmission through the
atmosphere. The lock-on distance on the ship also depends on the ship conditions like ship signature. Decoy parameters
like projected area, intensity and distance to the ship also influence the effectiveness.
The last option gives most freedom to change the different parameters as mentioned above and to study the effect of the
different factors. At TNO-FEL work is performed at the above mentioned options 1 and 3 and both options will be
discussed in this paper. In general ideal seeker conditions are used to test countermeasure effectiveness, since those
conditions are most stressing for the decoys. Low clutter and good transmission are assumed to be good conditions for
an IR seeker. In this paper the influence of less ideal transmission conditions will be shown and the consequences for
the timing of the IR decoy submunitions.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the different sources of IR imagery, namely recorded IR imagery,
basic artificial imagery and more advanced artificial imagery. Section 3 describes the hot spot and imaging seeker
algorithms. In principle both seekers can be used with the three mentioned sources of IR imagery. However not all
combinations will be shown in this paper. Section 4 shows examples of simulations results that have been obtained with
the combination recorded imagery / hot spot seeker, and the combination basic artificial imagery / imaging seeker. The
recorded imagery originated from a static camera ashore. The advantage of the static camera is that it was at the same
altitude above sea level as a sea skimming missile would fly. In a previous publication results from imagery recorded
with an airplane have been reported4. In this paper no seeker results with the advanced artificial imagery will be
reported. The final section gives conclusions and future work.
The speed of the airplane carrying the camera normally differs from the speed of the simulated missiles. Due to this
lower speed (or zero speed for a shore based camera) the travelled distance of the camera in the direction of the target
between two consecutive frames is smaller than the distance that the real missile would have travelled in the same
amount of time. To clarify this effect, Figure 1 shows schematically two different situations during a simulation run. At
t=0, the airplane has a certain distance to the target and the simulated missile has roughly the double distance to the
target. The figures 2a and 2b show schematically what is in the FOV of the camera and the missile, assuming that the
missile FOV is smaller than the camera FOV. Twenty seconds later, the airplane is closer to the target but the missile is
now much closer to the target since the missile speed is much higher. This effect is even stronger for a static camera.
The figures 2c and 2d show, again schematically, what is in the FOV of the camera and the missile.
Figure 1: Schematic situation during two different phases of the simulation, showing the effect of the speed difference between the
simulated missile and the airplane that carries the IR camera.
t = 0 sec.
(a) camera FOV (b) seeker FOV
t = 20 sec.
(c) camera FOV (d) seeker FOV
Figure 2: Indication of the IR images as seen by the camera (figure (a) and figure (c)) and the missile seeker (figure (b) and figure (d))
at the two different phases of the simulation that are schematically shown in figure 1. It is assumed that the missile FOV is smaller
than the camera FOV.
To convert the recorded images, the pixels of each frame have to be remapped, taking into account the differences
between the field of view (FOV) and instantaneous field of view (IFOV) of the camera and the missile, the distance
difference as described above and the altitude difference. Several steps are needed in this conversion. The first step is a
separation of each frame in a background (sea and sky) part and a target (ship and decoy) part. The background part and
Atmospheric correction
The second step in target processing is applying atmospheric effects to the target (ship and decoy) part. The distance
between the missile and the target can be much larger than the distance between the camera and the target. (See
Figure 1) The incoming IR radiation as recorded by the camera consists of radiation emitted and reflected by the target,
minus part of this radiation absorbed or scattered in the path between the target and the ship, plus the radiation from the
air in this path. For the extra path length, when the missile is further away than the camera, extra absorption of target
radiation and extra path radiance have to be taken into account.
When this correction is not carried out, the missile detects too much contrast between the target and the background, at a
distance where in reality the contrast would be very low. As a consequence, the missile would lock at the target at a
The final pre-processing step is combining the processed target and processed background part for each frame in the
sequence. At this point sharp edges between the target and the background should be avoided. This step has already
been performed in the images that are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
Figure 6: Visualisation of the platform under attack and the effects of firing decoys. The figure shows a snapshot of the deployment
of decoys from an arbitrary viewing angle in missile seeker resolution.
(a) (b)
Figure 9: Screenshots from a simulation with a hot spot seeker and recorded IR imagery. Figure (a) shows results with normal
visibility, figure (b) shows the result at the same time during the simulation with low visibility. In both cases the decoys were fired at
the same time. The images are taken at the end of the burning time of the decoys.
To study decoy effectiveness several simulation strategies exist. This paper discussed two of them, the first using
recorded IR imagery and the second using artificial imagery. Both strategies use simulated seekers, of which a hot spot
and an imaging seeker are available. Since a flying missile seeker with a variable speed and variable starting distance is
simulated, the recorded images, from a static camera or a camera moving at relatively low speed, are corrected before
they are fed into the seeker algorithm of the simulated missile. To perform this correction the pre-processing uses the
speed, distance to the target and field of view of the IR camera as fixed parameters and the speed and starting distance
of the simulated missile as variable parameters. MODTRAN and the Navy Aerosol Model are used to calculate the
atmospheric transmission effects in the pre-processing.
The development of the missile simulator is sponsored by the Royal Netherlands Navy through assignment A99KM615.
The authors acknowledge the support of A.M.J. van Eijk in MODTRAN and NAM calculations.
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